Pasio University: Sophomore a...

By Engish

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4 Months after the ending of Pasio University, the students return from Summer break and are ready to get bac... More

Chapter 1- Summer Break
Chapter 2- Signed, Sealed, To be Delivered
Chapter 3- Sophomore Style
Chapter 4- Runway in Mistralton
Chapter 5- The Mountain's Top
Chapter 7- Title Defense
Chapter 8- Blessings
Chapter 9- Blessings Part 2
Chapter 10- Year 2
Chapter 11- Retribution
Chapter 12- Premonitions
Chapter 13- The Sophomore Harvest Festival
Chapter 14- No Rest for the Weary
Chapter 15- History in the Making
Chapter 16- Cold Hearts In Cold Days
Chapter 17- Untouchable
Chapter 18- Mending Hearts
Chapter 19- Forever
Chapter 20- Emotion
Chapter 21- Christmas Day
Chapter 22- Unfinished Business
Chapter 23- A Slippery Slope
Chapter 24- A New Era
Chapter 25- The Road Back
Chapter 26- Will of the Captain
Chapter 27- Mettle Detector
Chapter 28- Accord
Chapter 29- The Path to Greatness
Chapter 30- Playoff Time in Pasio
Chapter 31- Grudge Match
Chapter 32- A Common Enemy
Chapter 33- Spring is In the Air
Chapter 34- Top of the World
Chapter 35- Conquest
Chapter 36- Judgement Day
Chapter 37- A Fatal Blow
Chapter 38- Broken
Chapter 39- Ways to Go
Chapter 40- A Hidden Talent
Chapter 41- Rest and Regroup
Chapter 42- Junior Year
Chapter 43- Season 2
Chapter 44- A hostile departure
Chapter 45- Resurfacing
Chapter 47- The next era of Mistralton
Chapter 46- Back to Work
Chapter 48- Trials and Tribulations
Chapter 49- Change of Heart
Chapter 50- A Bountiful Harvest
Chapter 51- Truth and Reconciliation
Chapter 52- Solar Flare
Chapter 53- Jubilee
Chapter 54- Parlay
Chapter 55- The Long Way Home
Chapter 56- Giant Slayers
Chapter 57- Ascension
Chapter 58- Fly High Aviators
Chapter 59- Finals Week in Pasio
Chapter 60- Kalosians in Alola
Chapter 61- Ring the Bells
Chapter 62- Christmas Break
Chapter 63- New Year's Scare
Chapter 64- The Golden Child
Chapter 65- Airborne
Chapter 66- A Snowy Showdown
Chapter 67- Soul Searching
Chapter 68- Calem's Charge
Chapter 69- Do you believe in miracles?
Chapter 70- Mauville University
Chapter 71- Separate Ways
Chapter 72- 3 is Company
Chapter 73- Trust the Process
Chapter 74- The Road to Redemption
Chapter 75- The Eye of the Storm
Chapter 76- A Welcome Surprise
Chapter 77- Momentum
Chapter 78- Shock and Awe
Chapter 79- Mistralton's Dreams
Chapter 80- Understanding the Assignment
Chapter 81- The Next Step
Chapter 82- Reclaimers
Chapter 83- Electric
Chapter 84- What Goes Around
Chapter 85- New Challenges
Chapter 86- Everything to Prove
Chapter 87- All on the Field
Chapter 88- Drama on the big stage
Chapter 89- Moving Forward
Chapter 90- Where Dreams Come To Die
Chapter 91- The Final Battle Part 1
Chapter 92- The Final Battle Part 2
Chapter 93- The End

Chapter 6- Outcast

38 0 0
By Engish

Calem POV

I was jolted awake by the sound of my alarm. I'm not looking forward to today. First team practice. Skyla will be there at least, so she might help me get a reign on things. Besides that though I think I'll be in for a long day. I texted a short and sweet message to Serena to let her know I was thinking of her, I hadn't heard from her in a while. I frowned, hope she's ok.

I rolled out of bed and got dressed, throwing on my jersey for the first time. Figured it would be nice to wear it for our first practice. I walked out of the dorm room and turned down to the practice facility. I was the first one there as intended. I sat on the bleachers and released Meowstic to sit on my lap. He was much more relaxed than I am right now. Minutes later Skyla walked in, she smiled and looked to me, "Mornin' Captain!" I gave a joking salute back and bounced off the bleachers and down to the field. "So, you think the rest will finally accept me today?" Skyla sighed, "All I can say is I hope so... Sorry for the rough start." I shook my head, "Can't tell you with a straight face that I thought it'd be easy." Skyla nodded, "Well yeah, but it should be the competition that's difficult, not a bunch of whiney vets." I raised an eyebrow, "You don't seem too thrilled with them." She shrugged, "With how much losing this team has done, you'd think they'd be more open to expirament with rookies and winning. But all of a sudden we're stubborn now." I nodded, "I suppose you're right about that." Skyla kicked her feet, "Doesn't help either with what's going around on social media right now..." I raised an eyebrow, "Haven't caught wind of it." Skyla covered her mouth, "Me and my big mouth... Sorry. It would've probably been better if you hadn't heard. Your dad is not very happy with-" I chuckled, "Tell me something I don't know." Skyla paused, " mean to tell me he really is that against you?" I nodded, "Yeah. He always has been ever since I took my own direction instead of just being the little successor to his empire."

Skyla frowned, "Well that's awful. He said he doesn't believe you'll succeed. He thinks you'll come crawling back to him eventually." I shrugged, "Yeah. He though that last time too. Goodness he makes my blood boil. Usually Serena's around to help calm me down-" Skyla giggled, "Oh? You've never mentioned a Serena before." I chuckled, "Girlfriend, long story, but she changed my life." Skyla smiled, "How sweet!" I peered over her shoulder and saw the rest of the team approach the practice field, I checked my watch, "Oh. Right on time." I walked over and went to address the team, but they all went their separate ways and began scrimmaging or using various training machines. I looked over to Skyla, "I'm not surprised, but what can I do about this?" Skyla was fuming, albeit silently. She then spoke, "Alright! You guys gather around and listen to the Captain's address before practice as custom!" A team member spoke up, she had blonde hair and seemed to have a Jolteon as her partner, "Oh yes, we did forget didn't we? Austin, what's the plan for today?" Skyla visibly got much angrier. "KAYLA! I'm so sick of you guys acting like children! Just accept the fact that Calem's here to help! It doesn't make him better than you!" Austin laughed, "Again, heard that one before. Look, this rookie doesn't know the first thing about battling professionally, I do, Kayla does. We don't need him." Skyla spoke frustratedly, "OH. Really? So that's why we've been winning so many championships recently isn't it? OH WAIT. We haven't won a thing! Spare a few games! Just trust me for one minute wouldn't you!?" Austin chuckled, "So, will this little 'Captain' of yours step up to the plate and beat me in a 1 on 1 to prove his worth then. She looked to me, I looked directly at Austin. "No." He reeled for a half second, then raised his voice, "NO!? How can you lead us if you can't take a simple 1 on-" I cut him off, "Because a good leader would never promote a fight for pride inside his own team. We're a team. We don't have a thing to prove to each other." Austin groaned, "Right, right. Of course. That's why if you're a colossal failure, you'll be back here next season right? Oh wait, that's called being a bust. Don't get caught up in your own rhetoric, you have to prove everything."

You could hear a pin drop as Austin and I stood staring at each other, we're about the same height, so it was a straight shot right in to each other's eyes. I huffed, "You don't want to trust me? Fine. You don't have to. All I ask is that you back me up out there." He smirked, "This goes for all of us, when you're on the field, we'll support our teammate, because obviously this capable captain can handle it by himself." Skyla stepped forward, likely to yell at Austin but I stopped her, "Skyla. It's fine. They chose their path. If they need me to prove myself out there, then so be it." Skyla glared at me, "Don't tell me you're just going to back down and let them win, just like that!?" I shook my head, "I'm not backing down. This is a trial by fire. They try their idea first, they'll see it doesn't work, then they'll have no choice but to follow mine." Austin scoffed, "That's rich. Youre such an egotist. We'll show you what it means to be a professional." I turned away and walked to my own section of the practice field, "Looking forward to it."

I practiced by myself for the rest of the day, and the time came for the end of practice and I stood at the door to dismiss the team one by one. I stood and said many good jobs and let's get back at it tomorrows, but no one so much as looked at me besides the last guy, he was a brown haired guy with a spiritomb. Huh. Maybe that could be the guy that gets me my foot in the door here. In time.

I walked outside and was mobbed by a bunch of reporters and phones in my face, I reeled initially before realizing this might be a normal thing for professionals. Then I began to listen to the cluttered questions, which I paused and answered the most prominent one, "Calem, what do you make of your dad's comments." I chuckled, "Don't expect a Christmas card. You're cool though Mom." The reporter followed up, "Really? That's how you feel about your father, even after his success?" I raised an eyebrow, "I don't know who put the opposite on your head, but all the money in the world means nothing if there's no love there." He backed off and then another reporter began, "Calem...!" I saw him get pushed to the side, Skyla was there, grabbed my shoulder and whisked me away, cutting through the crowd of people.

We arrived at the entrance to my dormitory and I unlocked the door and let myself in, Skyla following with the paparazzi still outside. She looked at me after I closed the door, "Right. Forgot to tell you. Answer one question, maybe two, but don't feel forced to stay, they might not look like it, but they'll move if you keep walking." I shook my head, "This is all so crazy. Do you ever get used to it?" Skyla smiled, "Maybe. Depends on the person. I think you will. Which I need because we haven't had a marketable player who is also really good in Arceus knows how long." She opened the door, "Hey, get some shut-eye, practice tomorrow should be interesting, we're going over the gameplan for our first game against Aspertia in a few days." I nodded, that came up fast.

I laid down in my bed. Tough day. I put on my bravest face, but I can start to feel my antisocial tendencies creeping back up in me. Not that those are bad sometimes, but in this position I need Whatever bit of outgoing I can muster. I called Serena, it's been a long while since I've talked to her, I heard her answer weakly, "Calem..." My thoughts became hyperactive, she's not usually like this, unless she's taking a nap, "Serena? Are you ok?" She replied slowly, "I've been better... I'm feeling really sick still." I shook my head, "I'm so sorry love... It's been an awful start to this semester for you huh?" She responded affirmative, "Yep. Can't imagine your time there is getting much better." I sighed, "Don't worry about me. Just know I love and care for you, and I want nothing more than to go see you soon, alright?" She responded tiredly, "Please do... Take care of yourself..." I smiled to myself, "I'll try. I love you." She returned, then I hung up.

I stared at the ceiling, is this it? This is professional battling? I don't want it that much... Lots of hate, competition in house, stress... And we haven't even gotten to a game yet... I don't think I'll be long for this world, might have to look in to re applying to Pasio after all...

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