stolen away, zuko

By tatesbaee

71.9K 1.2K 151

| zuko {a:tla} 1 water & fire don't usually mix but maybe this time it does - in which the daughter of a wa... More

fire and water never mixes
but this time it does
book two
outfits <3


1.7K 34 6
By tatesbaee

— jet part 2.

"my name is jet, and these are my freedom fighters." the tree boy, well, jet informed.

"sneers, longshot, smellerbee, the duke, and pipsqueak." jet introduced his friends.

"pipsqueak." aang laughed, "that's a funny name."

aang had thought the little guy was named pipsqueak but he was wrong it was the much larger and taller man, "you think my name is funny?"

"it's hilarious!"

the man stared down at aang but then he bursted out laughing and so did aang. pipsqueak knocked aang over and they continued laughing.

"well im katara, this is my brother sokka and aang. call us team avatar."

senna wasn't shocked at all. katara didn't even mention her name and she gave away aangs identity. great job, katara.

katara smiled at jet but he was only focused on senna. "what's your name?" he asked.

senna grinned, "im senna, the lost princess of the northern watertribe."

katara mentally gagged at the way senna was speaking to jet. she was clearly flirting with him and it bugged her.

"lost princess? well maybe i can bring you back to your kingdom." he winked, wrapping his arm around senna.

senna blushed and the two walked away leaving katara furious and sokka jealous.

"of course she gets the guy. unbelievable!" katara stormed off and sokka sighed.

"maybe i'll get her someday."


the freedom fighters and team avatar decided to straighten up the camp of the old fire benders. sokka watched, he was still unsure about these guys.

he studied the way senna cleaned everything up. he was truly fascinated by it. aang was helping her too.

jet was leaning against a tree and katara walked up to him, "um, thanks for saving us, jet. we're lucky you were there."

"i should be thanking you. we were waiting to ambush those soldiers all morning. we just needed the right distraction. and then you guys stumbled in."

senna watched the two talk to each other and she in fact was jealous. so was sokka. they both were jealous.

senna rolled her eyes and walked away, sokka following behind.

"hey jet, these barrels are filled with blasting jelly." the duke informed his leader.

"that's a great score." jet said.

"and these boxes are filled with jellied candy." said pipsqueak.

"also good. let's not get those mixed up."

"we'll take this stuff back to the hideout." the duke and pipsqueak loaded up an empty wagon.

"you guys have an hideout?!" aang exclaimed.

"you want to see it?" jet asked team avatar.

"yes we want to see it!" katara smiled.

senna rolled her eyes and they followed after the freedom fighters.

"we're here."

senna looked around and they were surrounded by trees, nothing else.

she guesses sokka noticed the same thing, "where? there's nothing here."

"hold this." jet handed sokka a rope, "why? what's this do?"

suddenly sokka was pulled up into the air, screaming. he disappeared into the trees.

"aang?" jet offered the avatar a rope which he quickly declined, "i'll get up on my own."

aang being aang used his airbending and easily hopped from branch to branch to get to the top.

"grab hold of me, senna." jet placed out his free hand while his other hand was holding onto the rope.

senna grabbed it and was immediately pulled into jet. he looked down at her and grinned. she blushed and held onto jet as they slowly went up.

they finally made it and senna let go of jet. she was amazed. this place was beautiful. before she could say a thing, jet jumped back down.

"probably to grab bitch face." she cursed and ran after a laughing aang who was flying around.

"aang wait!" she laughed as the avatar landed beside her.

"cool place, huh?" he asked, momo resting ontop of his head.

"sure is."

the others met up with them. jet then explained how this was the perfect way to hide from the fire nation and how he was on the fire nations wanted list.

"that's so brave." katara blushed, making senna groan.

"yeah, nothings braver than a guy in a tree house." sokka remarked.

"don't pay any attention to my brother." katara told jet, "no problem. he probably had a rough day."

sokka joined back up with senna who was just as annoyed as she was.

he stopped her from walking as the others walked away. she looked at him worried, "what's wrong?"

"do you trust him? any of them?"

senna shrugged, "they saved us, sokka. but im with you on this one, i don't really trust them."


it was getting later and later. the freedom fighters offered team avatar some food. both aang and katara were having a joyous time while sokka and the lost princess sat next to each other, miserable.

"today, we stuck another blow against the fire nation swine." jet said, standing up on the wooden table.

everyone cheered beside the non-bender boy and the water bender girl. to be honest, senna kinda felt guilty.

was it a good idea leaving zuko? was it a good idea joining the enemy?

"i got a special joy from the look on one soldiers face, when the duke dropped down on his helmet and rode him like a wild hog-monkey!"

the duke jumped up onto the table and again, everyone cheered.

"the fire nation thinks they don't have to worry about a couple of kids hiding in the trees. maybe they're right."


senna sighed and rested her head on sokkas shoulder. sokka was shocked but he smiled at the girl and relaxed his shoulder, "you okay?"

she nodded, "i just don't trust him."

he was happy that she agreed with him. the girl he saved, the girl he believed wasn't evil.

"same, we need to figure that out."

jet said some more shit. senna was completely zoned out, she didn't even hear the rest of his speech.

"hey, jet, nice speech." katara smiled at the boy, who took a seat in-between her and senna.

"thanks. by the way, i was really impressed with you and aang." senna rolled her eyes, katara sucks! what about me.

"but mostly importantly you senna." he turned to the girl who was resting her head against sokka. she smiled, "thank you, jet."

"that was some great bending i saw out there today."

"well, he's great. he's the avatar. i could use some more training." katara blushed.

senna snorted, "no kidding."

katara sent the girl a hard glare which senna just ignored.

"avatar, huh? very nice."

"thanks, jet." aang smiled.

"well, i might know a way that you and aang can help in our struggle." jet began but was stopped by sokka who stood up.

"unfortunately, we have to leave tonight."

senna zoned out once more and she suddenly felt very ill. she stood up without the others noticing and walked away.

she began to sweat and grow very weak. she stopped walking and rested against a tree. she then noticed a lake in the distance, "maybe im just hot?"

she climbed down from the freedom fighters base and made her way to the small lake. she took off her shoes and placed her feet in the water.

the coldness of the water immediately made her feel 100% better.

"i've been looking for you." a voice spoke from behind her.

senna froze. a part of her was terrified that he found her but another part was happy he did.

"zuko...." a soft smile appeared on the fire princes lips as the girl wrapped her arms around him.

she's okay.
thank god she's okay.

he had been searching for her for days, getting many leads on her where abouts. that stupid boy stole her away from him.

"did they hurt you?" zuko asked, his eyes scanning her entire body.

she laughed, shaking her head, "no they didn't. im okay." she assured him.

"time to go, prince zuko." iroh said, sending a small smile to senna.

zuko nodded and the two interlocked hands. zuko lead the girl away and onto the ship, having no idea the avatar and his friends were here.

im sorry sokka.....

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