Once In A Lifetime

By menarhodes

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This is a sequel story to Crazy Butte. It can be read as a stand alone, but you'll have a little trouble if... More



757 56 17
By menarhodes

  "Thank you, Kay May! Is this why I was invited to lunch?" Jamey asks as he eats his burger and fries.

  "Actually no, it wasn't. But you're welcome anyway. The opportunity presented itself and I ran with it." I smiled at him.

  "You two are a perfect match! You're both nosey!" Jamey replied.

  "I can go tell Shawna to forget about your date if you think that I'm that bad."

  "Hell no! I didn't say that you were bad nosey. Just nosey, but in a good way." He says after finishing his meal. "But I do have to get back to work. I love you, Kay May!" He stands and kisses my head. "Be safe baby sister."

  "I love you too, my Jamey! Be safe!"

   I watch as he stops by Shawna and hands her some money. They hug then he leaves with a huge smile.

  "I have to hand it to you, sweetheart. You handled that situation with ease and charm. A dream come true!"

  "Thank you, honey!" I kiss my handsome man.

  "Why don't we go to my place? I want to show you how much I love you."

  "I'll follow you there!" I reply as I stand.

  We both laugh as we approach Shawna. "Kaylee! You are freaking awesome! Thank you so much!"

  "You're welcome, Shawna. I'm happy to help." We hug.

  "Your lunch is on Michael. Since he tried to sabotage me."

  I saw Michael walking up. "Shame on you Michael." I tell him as he stops beside his sister.

  "You know that I almost got away with it. No other guys have found out."

  "Well you can continue telling guys that I'm lesbian. Just not Jamey."

  "Well we are heading out. See you later." I say then I follow to his apartment.

  As soon as we stepped inside his door, he locked it and I was pinned against the wall and his mouth made love to mine as we strip each other. There was no foreplay. None was needed! I need to feel every inch of him, ramming into me. Logan doesn't disappoint me. He sets a fast and hard pace. One that has us both reaching our peak within minutes. Logan's legs are shaky as we sink to the floor. After a few minutes, our breathing is slowing to normal.

  "Can I come out yet?" We hear a male voice from the kitchen area.

  We both jump and tense. I stand with Logan helping me. He stands as I'm pulling my pants up. Logan does the same.

  He starts to go into the kitchen.  "I'm just going home and hang my head in shame." I tell him.

  He turns to look at me. "No. There's nothing to be ashamed of. Alex is the one who invaded our privacy." He kissed me quickly then went to the kitchen. I still heard him though. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

  "You said that you were going to eat lunch. I thought to join you. Except you didn't come home to eat."

  "Why didn't you tell us that you were here? You've embarrassed Kaylee!"

  "Well it isn't as if you gave a person any time to speak! You came in and immediately attacked her. Not a single word was muttered or heard." I can hear the smirk in his voice. "Except for 'yes!' And 'fuck yeah!' " Alex replied

   "Well I didn't expect anyone to be here. But what I do with Kaylee is my business. You owe her an apology."

  "I do. But she has my admiration in how she handled you." Then he turns serious. "I have news of the situation that we are working on."

  "Thank you. Although I didn't want an audience." I say as I enter the kitchen. I grab a bottle of juice and pour a glass. I sit at the table.

  "I apologize for interrupting your afternoon, Kaylee. It was just a misunderstanding on my part when Logan said he was going to lunch. I just assumed he was coming here. I was going to eat on his dime." His face was red!

  "Its alright, Alex. Just don't get into the habit of listening to us." I drank my juice then stood to rinse my glass. "Logan, I'm going home. It's been a long day already."

  "Ok, sweetheart. I'll be there as soon as I can. We will talk about what went on at your office and figure things out together."

  "No worries. Don't worry about me. I've been screwed over before and came out on top. After all, I'm a Tucker. I love you. See you soon." I reached for a kiss. "Later, Alex. You guys be careful."

  "You too, Kaylee!" Alex replied.

  "I love you too, Kaylee! Be safe and call or text when you get home."

  I nod and walk to the door. I get in my truck and see Logan standing there watching me. He blows me a kiss and waves. I return with my own as I drive away.

  My phone rings as I'm unloading the few groceries that I picked up, from my truck. I answer Jamey's call. "Hey! What's up? We just saw each other."

  "Just wanted to ask your opinion." He says nervously.

  I grin at how uncertain he is. I have a feeling that it is about his date. I kick my front door closed as I carry my load to the kitchen.

  "What do you need help with, big brother?" I ask.

  "Should I take Shawna to Del Rio? Or Momma Tia's Casa?"

  "I would choose Del Rio. Shawna said that she likes Mexican food first. So that may mean that she likes it the best. But you should call for a reservation quickly. You know they tend to fill up fast on the weekends." I reply easily.

  I feel odd. Something just feels off. Like I'm not alone. I look around my kitchen and dining room. I see nothing out of place.

  Jamey thanks me and hangs up.

  I look on my phone as it starts flashing. I tap the screen and see a woman in my livingroom. She closes the door and takes her hand out of her pocket. She's carrying a pistol! I recognize her. It is Sara!

  I quickly flip the emergency switch and grab my own pistol from my purse. Within moments, I get notifications from Logan, Griffin, poppa, and Jamey. They are all on the way.

  Sara is looking around. Either looking for a place to hide, or for me. I don't know which.

  I take my purse and put it under my sink. Then I take my phone and gun then go into my pantry. I can see that she is going from my hallway into my bedroom. After seeing that I'm not in there, she starts for the kitchen.

  I take a deep breath. I can do this! I'm a Tucker!

   I wait until she passes the pantry on her way to the dining room. I step out of my hiding place and aim my 9mm at her head. "What the fuck are you doing sneaking around my house?" I ask her.

  She stops and turns to face me. She has a sick grin on her face. "So we finally meet. Face to face. I told you that you won't live to see yourself married to Logan. Today is the day that you die." She snarls.

  "You don't seem to understand the situation, Sara. You are violating my house. You may have a 22 pointed at me, but I have a 9 pointed at your dumbass head. You'll die before I do. Also, my family is on their way here now. They can see everything that happens on their phones. It is called a badass security system." I tell her with a smirk of my own.

  "I'm calling bullshit!" She yells as she tries to find a camera.

  "The cameras are hidden." I volunteered.

  I saw her eyes tense and her finger start to squeeze the trigger.

  I pulled my trigger. I hear both shots. I feel the bullet graze my shoulder. The sight of Sara, laying on my kitchen floor, with a bullet in between her eyes, made me weak in the knees.

  I see the guys enter the kitchen with their guns drawn. Logan reaches me first. A good thing too. My knees gave out on me. Logan catches me.

  I see everyone talking, but I can't hear. I look at Logan when he turns my head to face him. He is saying something.

  "I can't hear you." I tell him.

  Everyone stops what they are doing and look at me. Logan picks me up and carries me to the den. He sits with me in his lap. I lay my head on his shoulder. His fingers are running through my hair. Soothing me.

  I see poppa drop to his knees in front of me. He is talking to Logan while holding my hands.

  Griffin puts a bottle of water in my hands and guides it to my mouth. I take a sip. Then another. My hearing starts to return. I hear Griffin say that homicide will be here in a few minutes.

  Poppa tells him to take care of the scene. Griffin is torn between staying with me and doing his job.

  "I'm ok, Griff." I look up at my big brother, my hero. "I'm ok. Logan and poppa will take care of me. Make sure nobody screws up the scene. Please, brother!"

  "Alright, Kaylee. I love you. You did the right thing, little sister." He leans down and kisses my head before returning to the kitchen.

  "Here, sweetheart, take another drink." He offers the water bottle. I drink.

  "Thank you, my heart." I lay my head back on his shoulder. "Poppa, Logan, I'm ok. I promise." I feel tears rolling down my face.

  "We know, babygirl. We just want you close." Poppa answers me.

  "Sweetheart, can you hear us now?" I nod my head. "Good!"
Logan's pov ***

  I can't believe this shit! I want to make love to Kaylee in my apartment. We have never done that.

  After I basically attack my woman against the door, she didn't complain, Alex speaks up from the kitchen! I mean..... what the fuck, man!

  After Kaylee leaves, I turn to Alex. "Alright, what's up?"

   "Sara has totally disappeared. When she got out of jail, she packed a couple bags and paid her rent for another month. Then left. We saw her stop for gas and then went to county lock-up. She talked to Chance on Wednesday then again this morning. Her car was found at a used car dealership an hour ago. There has been no sign of her since."

  "Damnit! Why can't we catch a break?!" I exploded. I go to my home office and start checking some surveillance cameras around town. Alex is doing the same on his laptop.

  My phone goes crazy with a notice from Kaylee's security system.

  "Sara is in Kaylee's house!" I run out of my house and jump into my truck. Alex is right with me. He is watching the phone and relating what is happening as I drive like my ass is on fire.

  "If anything happens to Kaylee, I can never forgive myself!" I say to myself mostly.

  "They are at a standoff. Kaylee is aiming at Sara's head."

  We are a block away. I see Griffin and Jamey at the same time that I slam on my brakes to stop from hitting Kaylee's truck in the drive.

  We all run up to the front door. I open the door with my gun drawn. We are joined by Victor. We hear two shots and my heart freezes. We split up and Griffin, Jamey, and Victor go to the dining room. Alex and I go to the kitchen. We are all ready to kill Sara. The sight of Sara on the floor as Kaylee just stands there is a welcome sight. I put away my weapon and grab Kaylee's hand and gun as I pull her body to me. She doesn't react. I start talking soothingly to her. As I watch Griffin and Jamey start checking to make sure that the pistols are secure. We don't worry about checking for a pulse. She has a bullet between the eyes.

  I turn Kaylee's face to me. She is just looking around. As if she doesn't understand what is happening around her. She's in shock.

  "Kaylee, sweetheart. Come with me. You need to sit down. Let's go to the den." I tell her.

  "I can't hear you!" She shouts at me. I pick her up as her knees buckle. I look around and see everyone looking at Kaylee worried.

   "I'm taking her to the den. She's in shock." I turn for the door.

  I hold her close as I sit on the sofa. I run my fingers through her hair and cover her with a fuzzy lap blanket that she loves. "I'm so sorry that I wasn't here to protect you, sweetheart! I love you so damn much!" I keep whispering to her as I rock from side to side. I see Vic come to the doorway.

  He looks so upset to see his little girl like this. He kneels at our feet. Taking her hands. "Can you hear me, babygirl?"

   She looks at him. Eventually, she starts talking and drinking the water that Griff brought her.

  After a few minutes more, she moves her arm and hisses in pain.

  I look at her arm as the police enter the kitchen. I see that she has a bleeding wound on her shoulder. "Oh, shit! I'm so sorry that I'm not taking very good care of you, sweetheart! Do you have a first aid kit?" I ask as I check on the graze.

  "In the bathroom and kitchen. Both under the sinks. My purse is under the kitchen sink." She answers a little stronger than she had previously talked.

  I looked at Alex, who had been listening to us. He nods and goes to the bathroom to retrieve the kit.

  He sits down at our feet and starts getting me what I need as I ask for it. We get her put back together as the police want to interview Kaylee.

  She tells them everything as her family listens to her. She answers all of their questions easily and honestly. "Is there anything that you can think of that we haven't discussed?" Captain Adams asked her.

  "There is video footage of everything. Griff, can you show them?"

  "I can do that, sweetheart." I tell her.

  She shook her head. "I want you to hold me, Logan. Please!"

  "Alright. I will hold you as long as you want." She snuggled closer to my chest. Almost as if she is trying to crawl inside me. I have no problem with that. "Alex, can you go lock up my apartment? We left so fast that I didn't even think about it."

  "I'm on it! You ok, Kaylee?" She nodded. "Call if you need me." He said before leaving.

  The police leave and we are suddenly surrounded by Tucker women. All of them trying to run Kaylee where she doesn't want to go. To the bedroom without me.

  "I'm fine mom and Tara. Really! I just need to stay where I'm at. I don't want to accidentally see the blood in the kitchen. I can't handle that yet. Please understand stand. I need to stay with Logan. He said that it is alright." She told them.

  "Baby, the blood is cleaned up. Griffin made sure that they did a better job of it than with Asher." Tara tells her sister.

  "Kaylee, sweetie, you need a shower, baby. Come on. I will help you like I did when you were little." Gina tried.

  "A hot shower would make you feel better, little sister." Lana added.

  Kaylee was thinking about it now.

  "Kaylee, what if I take a shower with you? Will you do that?" I ask gently.

  Instead of answering, she stood and grabbed my hand as she made her way into the bedroom.

  We stopped to get clean clothes. After several minutes of soaking in the heat of the shower, I wash her up. She returns the favor.

  We get out and get dressed. "Talk to me on the bed?" She asks as she sits down. I sit beside her. Kaylee pours her heart out about how she felt throughout the ordeal. "All I could think about was you and my family. I knew that you would be here soon. I didn't want you walking into an ambush. I knew that you would sacrifice yourself for me. I couldn't let that happen. So I did what Griffin told me. I didn't pay attention to what she was saying I watched her eyes and trigger finger. Her eyes widened. I saw her finger tense. So I shot. I killed her. I killed to protect my man and family. Do you think that mom and poppa will forgive me?"

  "Sweetheart! Why would you need their forgiveness? Help me understand."

  "Because I forgot to make sure that I locked the door when I came in. They have always made me promise to lock the door if I'm alone."

  "I see what you are saying. But I don't think that they are mad at you for that tiny mistake. This is not your fault! None of it! This lays solely at Sara's feet. She is now answering for her sins. You are the innocent one here. It is more my fault than yours. I'm the one who went out with her."

  "It isn't your fault. Who can resist you? You are my fantasy come true. She was just a psychotic idiot. But still smart enough to want you for herself."

  I smiled at Kaylee. "I love the way that you think!" Kaylee cracked a smile for me. "Feel better, sweetheart?"

  "I do. Thank you for always being strong for me." I kissed her forehead. "I'm ready to face the family now."

  "Awesome! Let's go!" We went to the door and opened it up to see the last two Tuckers disappear around the corner of the den.

  We enter the den to see everyone trying to act normal. They were chatting. Kaylee starts to laugh at them. "You guys are all so hilarious! Acting as if you weren't eavesdropping on our conversation!"

  "We were worried about you, babygirl. We all love you!"

  "And I love all of you too! Where are we going to eat tonight? Because I am definitely not going to that kitchen tonight."

  "Our house. You are more than welcome to stay the night with us too." Tara answers her sister with a hug.

  "You can stay at any of our houses." Gina tells her daughter.

  I went to get Kaylee's purse and phone from the kitchen. The kitchen was cleaned up pretty good. Except they didn't check around the edges of drawers and cabinet doors. I will clean them tomorrow.

  We go into the bedroom and pack a bag for her.

  After dinner was cooked and eaten, and cleaned, Kaylee looks at me. "I want to spend the night at your apartment."

  "Sounds good to me!"

  We tell the family good night. "Take care of our girl. Or answer to me!" Victor tells me seriously.

  "With my life, sir!" I reply honestly. He nods and then hugs Kaylee. We go to my apartment. I hold her as we watch a movie and cuddle on my sofa. Kaylee does not fall asleep this time.

  We go to bed about two in the morning and I hold her until we both fall asleep.

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