By dearsana11

556 31 5

It's one of the heartfelt stories I've ever written and which I really DIDNT enjoy writing coz it emptied 3 b... More

How I wish...


313 16 3
By dearsana11

She didn't know that it is going to be the last time they see each other. He hugged her as if he never want to let her go. She looked up at him and searched for the words she wanted to hear in his sapphire eyes, but he was always successful in hiding it, damaging her very soul once again. A tear rolled down her cheek and he turned away. Touched by raw emotions once again he hugged her and she wept burying her face into his chest.


MARCH 18, 2013.

It would have been a normal evening if she haven't received that message in Facebook.

"Hi. Thanks for the add. May I know who this is?"

She knew that it is inappropriate but she couldn't resist an urgent release of butterflies into her intestine because he is the only person who stole her heart in one split second.

"Hi. You may know me if you remember your visit to your native place last year." She sent her carefully edited and million times reconsidered reply.

There came another message quite immediately surprising her.

"Okay. Yeah... I do. Wait... lemme check if my guess is correct. Accept my skype request."

She couldn't hide her goofy grin right in middle of that class and got a "get out" from that stern professor.

But to her disappointment, he didn't call. After referring some books in the library for the upcoming test and constantly checking her iPad for any missed calls, she left to her room.

Finally the much awaited ringtone disturbed her sleep and she lost her sleep for a lifetime after that call.

His guess was right and her happiness knew no bounds. That friendship was something which both of them knew,right from the beginning, that it was not meant to be just friendship even though they also knew that it's dangerous to go beyond that limit.

Every night at 10 pm, he calls to tell her about his day. They became two people who knew each other like knowing themselves. He knew she likes the sound of the rain against the window and she knew he loves driving the highway late at night, wind gently ruffling his hair. He knew that she is allergic to dust and she knew that he is haemophobic. He knew she loves pasta and she knew that he hates biryani. He knew she never wears make up and she knew that he likes it that way. There was no topic left untouched except love, which was always there right from the beginning.

After 3 months of so much longing and teasing, after many more sleep deprived nights which continued into morning with both of them on phone, he proposed. And she felt the heavens float under her feet.

The casual calls became intimate and the flirty texts became feelings.

He changed her every boring day into something electrifying just with a text and she made his every hectic day into something meaningful and lively with just a 'hello'.

They became two inseparable souls separated only by distance. But even the 2385 km failed to disturb their love even in the most insignificant way.

AUGUST 9, 2013.

He came all the way to meet her.

She, in his favorite blue denim and pink t-shirt and he, who prefers t-shirt, in shirt just for her. In a busy mall, they met for the first time after 8 years and time made no sense anymore.

They had breakfast in McD and for the first time she found herself at loss of words with him. He understood and kept talking to make her feel comfortable. In the escalator he held her hand for the first time in pretext of helping her. They shopped like man and his lady; she choosing his shirts and he waited holding her handbag when she went to the ladies room. There was no awkward moments and unwanted silence. It was like they were never apart and lived their life together so far. She thought maybe that's how soulmates feel with each other. He was that missing part she kept searching for,in the puzzle called life.

In the secluded corner seats at the movie happened their first kiss and she tasted his soul in it. After the movie, sitting outside,she gifted him a couple's ring which they thought would speak a life time promise to each other. The rings had the word 'love' carved into it but both the rings had only half the word and made sense only when kept together.

That perfect day came to an end and he left with a promise to come soon.

And he did come again for her. They watched movies together and he let her rest her head on his shoulders whenever she felt sleepy and she felt sleepy all the time. They made the best use of multiplayer games and he always made sure she wins even though he pretended to be annoyed at that. She loves when he sleeps with his head on her lap and he loves the sensation her fingers give when they run through his hair. Every morning they woke up to each other and she wished that this vacation would never come to an end.

At the airport, she knew it's becoming something which she can't let go anymore and looked at him with so many questions. He was busy getting his boarding pass and checking his luggage. She stood behind the restricted limits and waited for him to come and say a final good bye. He came after completing all the procedures and hugged her tightly, allowing no space for even oxygen. She tried hard to restrain the tears and inhaled his scent deeply. He walked away and with a sudden impulse returned and hugged her once again which made her cry even more. They held hands for one last time and the only thing to which her eyes stayed fixed was on his wedding ring which always made her realize that its not their fairy tale but a romantic tragedy. She knew it will hurt her very badly when he chooses his family over her but she never knew it will feel like a tang of death.


Daily life took its toll and he became busy and she became lonely. The intimate calls became 'just to catch up' and feelings turned into hurt. But they knew it's just a phase and their love is stronger to overcome anything, but reality struck only when she talked about future with him for the first time. He said he need time and she perfectly understood what he meant by that.

After that, she didn't even dared to ask him anything about it because she knew very well that his answer possess the power to break that brittle soul within her. He didn't even dared to mention it ever again because he knew he can't promise her anything and the truth will take her away from him.

Their fairy tale turned into a fantasy and 'the happily ever after' became a long lost dream. She knew her time in that wonderland is limited and he knew he is about to lose that very thing which he never dreamed of losing and the only thing which he experienced close to life. That killed them like Dimethyl mercury, a slow poison where symptoms start showing after months which is definitely too late for any kind of treatment, your mind is wide awake but your body doesn't respond, and you feel your life slipping by but can't do anything to grasp it. You know what's next and that moment you wish you were dead.

The days passed without either of them attempting to think or discuss the seriousness of their situation as if avoiding the truth will make it untrue. The 'just to catch up' calls became painful and hurt became a part of daily life.

The fateful day finally came.

APRIL 2, 2015.

He called and she knew that something is wrong even before answering the call because he never call that late at night. He said it's not going to happen and he wants her to find the love that she truly deserves. But he didn't knew that all that she ever wanted and everything she wished upon every shooting star and every fallen eyelashes is 'him'. She silently cried and he breathed in between sobs at the other side of the line.

"I miss you" he said and her cries became even more audible.

"I love you" she said with a tiny expectation to hear his reply.

"Bye" came the reply shredding her into pieces.

Which started with a 'hello' ended after too long with a 'goodbye'.


She lie in her bed in complete darkness, with lights turned off and acknowledge her tears only after tasting the saltiness on her lips. He don't call her anymore and she don't check her phone even at midnight 3 am for his messages anymore. The disappointment in not getting even a single message and the yearning to hear his voice at least once subsided after so many tear soaked pillows and countless meeting with the counsellor.

They returned back to blankness called life and he let her get consumed by it just like dust by vacuum. He know that there will a situation where they have to see each other once again but have to pass by as strangers, too busy to notice each other. They went their separate ways. But still, every night their souls return to each other to mourn over their love and loss.



While looking at the photographs taken at a distant relatives wedding, he spots her once again. After all these years he never thought just an image of her can erupt such emotions within him. The wedding band on her ring finger was the one to catch his attention first. Then the smile which didn't even reached her eyes and then those eyes which stares at him with a plea killing him all over once again.

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