Once Upon A Time In Colombia...

By Icemoor47

228 15 80

The cowardly but loyal Oscar Madrigal is a Bengal cat who lives with his extraordinary family, the Madrigals... More

About the Bengal
The Family Madrigal!
Pressure and Predictions
Why Can't We Talk About Bruno?
Of Self-Doubt and Apologies
The Catastrophic Collapse Of Casita and The Cowardly Cat
Forest Follies
Oscar And Tawney Against The World (Two-Part Chapter)
Una Reunión Muy Peluda

Opposed to All Foes

7 1 2
By Icemoor47

This chapter takes place one month after the previous one. The "All of You" song sequence is under way at this point.

New OCs introduced:

Gamberro: An imposing and territorial white-lipped peccary who is allied with Ignacio. His name means "thug" in Spanish. Voiced by Bobby Cannavale.

An unnamed green anaconda, also allied with Ignacio, voiced by Mark Hamill.

You're not gonna like what Ignacio plans on doing with our two forest dwellers...

Hopefully this chapter won't be terribly lazy. It's kinda short, but hopefully not lazy. I've been feeling unmotivated recently, though I shouldn't be, since I have people who are obviously enjoying this fanfiction!

Begins with a flashback sequence that you didn't see in the beginning of the story.

"Abre los ojos... Open your eyes."

The light of the candle reflects from the eyes of an eleven-month-old, now one-year-old Oscar Silvio Madrigal. The young kitten opens one eye, then the other, curiously gawking at it. "So this is where your magic comes from." He whispered. "Mm-hmm. This candle holds the miracle given to our family." Abuela said. Oscar folded an ear. "How did you get a miracle, Abuela?" He asked.

"Long ago, when my three babies had just been born, our Abuelo Pedro and I were forced to flee our home. And though many joined us, hoping to find a new home... we could not escape the dangers... and our Abuelo was lost. But in our darkest moment... we were given... a miracle. The candle became a magical flame that could never go out and it blessed us with a refuge in which to live a place of wonder..."

"An Encanto...?"

"An Encanto. The miracle grew... and our house, our Casita itself, came alive to shelter us. When my children came of age, the miracle blessed each with a magic gift to help us. And when their children came of age..."

"They got magic, too?"

"That's right. And together our family's gifts have made our new home a paradise. Tonight, this candle will give you your gift, mi vida. Strengthen our community, strengthen our home. Make your family proud."

The much younger Oscar felt a slight discomfort at the last few words. He knew that his prima Mirabel was told the same thing when she was supposed to get her gift. But did Oscar care if she had no gift? Of course not. In the life of the Madrigal family, it wasn't your gift that defined you. At least, that's what Oscar thought life should be. He took a deep breath as Casita knocked a clock in his direction, nudging that it was time to start the ceremony.

Oscar gulped, nervous. Terribly nervous. "What do you think my gift will be, Abuela?" He asked. Abuela bent down and carried the kitten in her arm, looking at him with love and pride. "You are a true wonder, Oscar Silvio Madrigal. Whatever gift awaits, will be just as special as you."

Too bad the gift that was given to him wasn't enhanced courage...


Oscar's crestfallen and tired sigh escaped his lips as he lapped up water from the nearby river. Last night was hard. Last night, he ran into the last person he wanted to see during his ongoing existential crisis; his father. Even though Tawney scared him off, he still can't get over the fact that Ignacio had MIRACULOUSLY found his cowardly son in the vast Colombian wilderness.

And on top of his nerves going off-the-rails crazy, he just made the worst decision of his life; run away from the best family a cat could ask for! Now he's afraid that if he goes back now, they'll hate him for leaving! Oscar had to hold back tears to continue drinking. Tawney observed him with a crestfallen look. "Listen, kid, if it makes you feel better, you're finally getting a break from the domestic life." He said, trying to liven the situation up.

But it instead maddened Oscar, who turned his head and hissed "I was never tired of the domestic life." through his teeth, then he dipped his head back down to the river. Tawney mentally facepalmed and shook his head, making his problem worse. "Fur-brain!"

Oscar laid down at the riverbank. "Y'know, Tawn, the wilderness isn't all that bad. I mean, I made a friend on my first day here, and one month later, we're inseparable." He muttered, not knowing that the mountain lion in question sat down next to him until he turned his head slightly. "But... It doesn't mean I wanna stay here."

Alright, let's try this again...

"I can reason with that. It's not Ignacio's decision to make. It's yours."

"It was also my decision whether or not to stay with the Madrigals when they needed me..."

"Oscar, don't be so hard on yourself." Tawney huffed. "None of what happened to Casita was your fault."

"Literally the opposite of the truth."

As much as Tawney wanted to roar out in frustration, he refrained from doing so, knowing that it's make Oscar feel even worse. Instead of roaring, he took a deep breath through his nose. "Mind if I let you in on a little secret?"

"Of course."

The cougar cleared his throat. "Feeling like you've never belonged anywhere... I've been there before."

"You have?"

"Yes." Tawney said with a nod. "After your father told me to stay away from you, I tried to find some other human civilization. It gets lonely, and boring out here in the wild. It took me weeks... but I finally found one, and by God, I was gonna see if anyone wanted to have a cougar as a pet. I was so proud..."

He paused for a moment. Oscar, curious, leaned forward, eager to hear what happened next, yet also fearing that he knew what was gonna happen next.

"But... it didn't end well. Some people ran away from me on sight. Others ran towards me with spears and other weapons..." The scene replayed through Tawney's mind like a broken record; the men that were clearly stronger than him, with sticks, guns, torches... chaos, to sum it up in one word.

"I learned an important lesson that day." He finally said after several prolonged minutes of silence. "Which was...?" Oscar asked.

"If the world's only gonna see a mountain lion as a bloodthirsty predator, then there's no point in trying to be anything else."

The Bengal's heart broke instantly. But, in all fairness, Oscar felt a similar feeling; if Abuela [in particular] was gonna see him only as a scaredy cat who's afraid of trying new things, then there isn't a point in trying to be brave. However, if being out here in the jungle for a month and a half taught him anything, it's that you can't just run away from your problems.

"Tawney, you are so much more than that." Oscar soothed, putting a paw on Tawney's larger ones. The bigger cat sighed and rubbed his head against Oscar's as a nonverbal thank you for his sympathy. "I've actually been meaning to see if the amazing Madrigals would bring me in... but I was so scared to try... I never bothered to."

"So you face similar problems with me!"

"It would appear so."

"Tawney, I swear on my whiskers, when I'm ready to go back, I'll make sure they take you in. No friend of mine should have to go through what I'm going through. Besides, they're the amazing Madrigals! Fantastical and magical! I'm almost 100% positive that they'll accept you into the family."

Having hope for the first time in ages, Tawney grinned. "Gracias, Oscar. You're a true friend, willing to helping me like that."

A loud snort frightened both cats. Then, from the bushes on the other side of the river, emerged a strange-looking creature. It has a pig-like snout, a large head and shoulders, and small legs with hoofed feet. It has grizzled, black, bristly fur. Tawney took steps backwards, scared. "Oh no... Not you again."

"What is that thing?"

"Excuse me, CAT, I am not a thing!" The strange creature hollered, effortlessly walking across the stream.

"That's Gamberro. He's a pecarí de labios blancos (white-lipped peccary). He's very territorial." Tawney whispered in Oscar's ear, not breaking eye contact with the small pig-like animal in front of them. "I keep forgetting that this river, and I quote, 'belongs to him.'"

"And you're trespassing! Again!" Gamberro hollered, his teeth showing. Oscar gulped and took a step backwards. "We're just passing through. We don't want any trouble." He said, his ears partway down. "Yeah, that's right!" Tawney added. "Oh, don't be ridiculous. After all, Ignacio hasn't had his breakfast yet. And it appears as though I just found it." Gamberro growled, now on the same side as the two felines. Oscar flinched. Almost as if this peccary just implied a death threat... He wasn't sure.

"Leave Oscar alone. He's with me." Tawney stood in front of the young Bengal in case Gamberro tried anything. But he stopped in his tracks, slightly in shock. "I thought you were with the Madrigals after you dad abandoned you. Now you're back?!"

"It's none of your business why I'm here now."

"You're right, it's not. But since you're trespassing..." Gamberro scraped a foot on the ground. "I guess I need to make an example of you."

And with that, he charged forward.

Scared, Oscar hopped up on Tawney's back. He was more than twice Gamberro's size and strength. All it took for him to stop was a good bat to the side. Gamberro rolled on the ground, stopping upright in his feet. This time, he charged forward with his mouth open. Oscar screamed. "Get outta here!" Tawney pushed Oscar aside to deal with the ferocious mammal in front of him. But Oscar wasn't having any of it. Instead of going behind Tawney, he stood in front of him, reared up on his back legs, and scratched Gamberro right in between his eyes.

The hostile peccary squealed in pain and recoiled. Oscar's back was arched, fur erect like a squirrel's tail as he let out a feral growl you'd might expect from a jaguar, but not a domestic cat. Tawney's eyes widened at his friend's growl. It made even Gamberro send shivers down his spine. "Leave. My friend. Alone." Oscar spat, his teeth bared. The wild hog-like animal took a step backwards, both frightened and intrigued. "Huh. I'm truly impressed. The cowardly son of Ignacio standing up to me with the ferocity of a tiger. They really do grow up fast."

"Don't remind me." Oscar said, calming down a little bit. "So, are you gonna leave us alone? Or do I need to take out an eye?"

At that threat, Tawney's eyes widened even more. Who is this menace, and what has he done with pacifist Oscar Madrigal?

"Well, when you put it like that, I can't instigate this any further. But know this; next time you trespass into my territory, it'll be your last. You have been warned." Gamberro said ominously before crossing the river again, leaving the two cats alone again. It wasn't until he was completely out of sight that Oscar's defensive posture diminished. He snorted through his nose, happy that he was gone. "Think twice before messing with cats."

"Hey, Oscar." Tawney called, startling the Bengal slightly. "First of all, thanks for saving my hide."

"De nada (You're welcome)."

"Second, if that's not the bravest thing I've ever seen from you, I don't know what is." Tawney playfully shoved the domestic feline, who chuckled and lightly blushed. "It was nothing, really."

"Oh no, it was more than nothing." The mountain lion shook his head. "In case you forgot, you stood in between me and an aggressive pig, and threatened to take out one of his eyes! Don't you see? Mirabel was right about you; you've always had that bravery in you. You just needed some inspiration."

Oscar exhaled, shaking his head, then threw his arms around Tawney's neck. He purred. "You're just like her; never giving up on me."

"And I know you'll never give up on me. Because that's what friends are supposed to do."


"But boss, that puma is bigger than me! And stronger, too!"

"You only have yourself to blame. To think you were scared of a loud booming sound in the distance." Ignacio told a green anaconda. "But Ignacio, I don't know where it came from, but it was-" He whimper-laughed. "Super loud. And- and in the distance! Was a cloud of gray smoke!"

"Oh, so you're afraid of clouds, too?" Ignacio asked the snake, who felt shame and embarrassment. Then a large peccary entered, walking across the log over the river. "Silence, snake-eyes. Our star brute has returned." Ignacio said, strictly leering at his second-in-command. "Gamberro! You've returned at last. Find any trespassers?"

"Well actually, I-" Gamberro was cut off.

"Forget about it, then. That presumptuous puma Tawney allowed him to escape my clutches. AGAIN." The serval said. The anaconda hissed, though the imposing mammal didn't appreciate it very much. Gamberro sighed, shaking his head, "You don't have a clue, do you?"

"A clue about what?" Ignacio hissed, not appreciating his deputy leaving him in suspense. "Tawney is holding your son hostage, claiming that he's a better guardian." Gamberro reported. "Oscar? But, that's impossible! He's supposed to be in that Encanto now with... Unless..."


"That candle. Of course!"

"Of course what?" Gamberro asked. "Don't you remember?! The origin behind the Encanto's magic? It provided those people with refuge, gave the Abuela's children special gifts to help that community, and THEIR children got their special gifts. Or at least it did..." Ignacio began to laugh. "Until Oscar and that giftless Mirabel were in that one Bruno vision!" Then Ignacio burst into a fit of laughter, as did the snake. But not Gamberro. "What? The gifted and the giftless destroyed their family miracle?" Gamberro asked in disbelief.

"Or so I've heard."

"Ha-ha-Hilarious!" The anaconda said. "That Madrigal kitty ain't too bright!" Ignacio ended the laughter with a growl, "Silence! Oscar with Tawney could mean very bad news for us."

"I heard every whisper I could from Tawney." Gamberro grumbled. "Yeah... I abandoned him a while back so he could finally see the world for himself, and this is how he chooses to play games with me. And with my son pairing up with my ex-friend... It could mean the end of the great race of wild felines as we know it!"

"What're we to do?" The anaconda asked. "Ooh! We could just stay here and hope they don't trespass again!"

"We're doing NETHER. We'll strike when, and only when we see them again, and do what I should've done a long time ago; deter them as much as we can." Ignacio said. "Hmm, I like the sound of that." Gamberro agreed. "Murder them if we have to!" Ignacio added. The large snake hissed in approval.

"Prepare yourself, my friends, for Tawney and Oscar's next visit shall be their last! So see to it that from this day forward, our territory will be patrolled daily! You see Oscar or Tawney, you'll bring them straight here for a battle! Those cats will never know what bit them."

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