A Little Kindness

By melvintrey95

153K 4K 711

5 year old Naruto, was running from a mob of angry villagers. For what felt like the fifteenth time that week... More

Author's Note
A Friend for Life
Timeskip and Recap
Timeskip and Recap Part 2
Enter Sasuke
First Fight
First Fight Part 2
Team Placements
The Bell Test
The First Mission
Sharingan Revelations
Advanced Training
Inari's Turmoil
Battle on the bridge 1
Battle on the bridge 2
Battle on the Bridge 3
Battle on the Bridge Finale
A new foe appears?!
That Time Already
The First Exam
The Second Stage
The Vipers Venom
Sasuke's Final Stand
The Cherry Blossom Wilts
The Sound of Silence
The Third Stage is.....Postponed?!?
A Family Reunion
Neji versus Shikamaru: The Third Stage is finally here.
Sakura versus Tenten
The Hyuga Clan's Dark Secret
Sasuke vs. Hinata: Sharingan vs. Byakugan
Naruto versus Shino
Ino versus Kankuro and Operation Uproot
Konoha Crush Begin!!
One Man Army Kakashi
The Might of Might Gai

A History Lesson

1K 38 1
By melvintrey95

   "So it appears as though I was correct in my guess." Sasuke thought to himself as he continued to look at the still in disbelief Hyuga. "To be honest with you I have no idea myself, I'm a full blooded Uchiha. I know for a fact that my Father and Mother both had the Sharingan. So why I have the Byakugan is puzzling to me, I was hoping that you might have some idea." "I see, well this is the first time I've ever heard of someone having both the sharingan and byakugan." Neji responded as he tried to figure put the mystery. "Perhaps my uncle might know something. As much as I dislike talking to him, I do owe you a favor and I always repay my debts." Neji continued with a look of disdain as he mentioned his uncle. "Its probably our best bet, it's not like we can ask anyone from my family." Sasuke said with a half shrug as he started on his way to the Hyuga compound.

   After a few minutes of walking in almost complete silence, only being disturbed by the occasional song bird, the two finally arrived at the hyuga compound, and quickly entered into a meeting with the hyuga clan head. "So Neji what brings you and the young Uchiha to me this afternoon. I figured you would both be training right now." The clan head asked the young shinobi. "We're here because of training actually, you see me and Sasuke have noticed an oddity in his eyes." Neji responded as he got straight to the point. "And that would be?" Hiashi asked curiously as he stared quizzically at the Uchiha. Sasike took this as his que, and activated his byakugan, which startled Hiashi to say the least. "That is an oddity to say the least." Hiashi said after he took a few minutes to recover. "But allow me to test a few things." He said as he got up and walked behind the Uchiha and did a hand seal. "What hand seal is this?" He asked once he was behind Sasuke. "Tiger", Sasuke simply responded. " and how about this?" Hiashi asked again as he made another hand sign. "Monkey", Sasuke again answered simply. "And how about this?" Hiashi asked as he threw a shuriken, that he had pulled from his robe, straight at Sasuke, who merely moved his head slightly to the left as the shuriken passed harmlessly by.

   "Well it seems like the real deal to me." Hiashi confirmed as he returned to his spot in front of the two. "But how can he have both?!" Neji asked loudly in disbelief. "This has happened before." Hiashi responded as he stunned the two young Shinobi. "Really, when?" Neji asked, not quite believing what he was just told. "Four times actually, five if you count this one." Hiashi calmly stated as if he hadn't just dropped a bombshell that the author totally didn't just make up for the sake of making things more interesting and also harder on himself in the future. Seeing the look of shock and disbelief on the two Genin's faces, Hiashi decided it was time for a history lesson. Well the first is quite well known, The Sage of the Six Paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki. It is well documented that he was the first proprietor of Chakra based ninjutsu, and that he had both the sharingan and the byakugan. The second case is also pretty well known. That being Hamura Otsutsuki, the younger brother of Hagoromo. He also had both the sharingan and byakugan. But aside from those two, the other two aren't as well known. One of them is one of your ancestors Sasuke. Your great grandfather, Fuma Uchiha, also had both the sharingan and the byakugan. He was mostly known for creating the Fuma shurikens that we use today. He died during the second great ninja war. And not many people knew of his hidden abilities.

   "The fourth one is probably the least known to everyone but those of the Hyuga clan. He was my great uncle, his name was Enyu Hyuga. He is most known for developing the eight trigrams rotation defense that the Hyuga clan uses. He was assassinated a by a hidden cloud ninja for his byagukan." Hiashi finished as he took a moment to recollect his thoughts. "I still dont understand how it's lossible though." This time it was Sasuke who spoke up. "I dont fully understand it either, but I've been working on a theory. Tell me how much do you know about the history of our clans? Hiashi asked the two in front of him. "Only what you've told me uncle." Neji replied quickly. "My father didn't really teach me much, I learned most of what I know through the academy." Sasuke answered secondly. "I see so more history is needed then." Hiashi stated as he prepared for some more teaching.

   "As you both know Hagoromo and Hamura together were successful in stopping and sealing the 10 tails. After this the two brothers went their seperate ways and started their own families. The offspring of Hagoromo who favored using the sharingan would later become the Uchija clan. And the offspring of Hamura who favored using the byakugan would later become the Hyuga clan. Since both of our clans have a seemingly common ancestor, as both of our clans came from someone who possessed both of the ocular jutsu. I dont think it's too far of a stretch too beleive that Sasuke here has inherited the abilities of Hogoromo, in that he can use both the Sharingan and the byakugan. The two of them are rather similar as well. The sharingan can see and even detect chakra. Whereas the byakugan can see chakra and entire chakra networks. The sharingan can see and predict am enemies movements. While the byakugan can see the whole anatomy of a person, their muscles, nerves, ligaments everything. And by watching these we can also somewhat predict what an opponent is going to do based on how their bodies move. The sharingan allows you to memorize and copy anything that you see. While the byakugan allows us to see 360 degrees around us and in any particular direction for several kilometers depending on the strength of the byakugan weilder. So in many ways they are similar, but also in many ways they differ. I think that it is entirely possible for someone to develop both the sharingan and byakugan, if and only if they have a strong influx of Otsutsuki chakra in them." Hiashi finished as he studied the two flabbergasted young ninja in front of him.

   After a few minutes of silence, Sasuke spoke. But only after bowing in front of Hiashi. "Lord Hiashi, will you please train me to use my Byakugan?" Sasuke asked in a polite manner, which caught Sasuke off gaurd. "I'm sorry but I do not train those that are not of the Hyuga clan." Hiashi replied which made Sasuke deflate. "It's alright I underst-.." Sasuke attempted to say, but he was cut off by Hiashi. "However Neji does owe you favor as he mentioned before. So Neji I want you to train Sasuke on how to use his Byakugan. But only for one week, you have your own training to do afterall." Hiashi finished after he cut Sasike off, which elated Sasuke as his eyes lit up in joy, that Hiashi hadn't seen since the boy was training woth his brother. "Will a week really be enough time to properly teach him how to use the byakugan and our signature style uncle?" Neji asked curiously. "I'm confident that one week will be more than enough time. Sasuke has the sharingan that will allow him to instantly memorize anything you show him, and besides he doesn't have to master it, he just has to know enough that he doesn't make a mockery of our clan and our techniques. Now emough wasting time get to training." Hiashi declared as he finished, and Neji and Sasuke quickly left to get started on their training.

   'Itachi consider us even for what you did for our clan. I might not fully understand why you did what you did. But I'll never be able to thank you enough for the part you played in helping me get my daughter back from that Hidden Cloud Shinobi. If you hadn't have notified me when you did, I wouldn't have been able to save her. Hopefully this can help make up for that.' Hiashi thought to himself as he got ready to train his daughter for her fight in the third round.

   Someone outside of the Hyuga compound, stands a tall figure in a cloak with a mini telescope held up to his right eye. This is indeed the same figure we saw at the great Naruto Bridge after Team 7's battle with Zabuza and Haku. "To think that little Sasuke would end up having the power of the sharingan and byakugan, well this is certainly an interesting development. It seems as though my cousin just keeps surprising me, he might grow stronger than Itachi yet. But he still has a long way to go. Before long I'll have to make my presence known." The figure says outloud to themselves, as they reseal their telescope. As he is prepared to leave, another gust of wind blows and reveals more of the figures face as the hood to his cloak is blown off. The figure has gotten a haircut since last time, and now has medium length curly black hair, underneath a leaf village headband. But what stands out the most was the spinning black and red sharingan, that faded almost as fast as it appeared, and was replaced by a pair of onyx colored eyes. Then the figure was gone, only replaced by a murder of crows, that seperated and flew off into the distance.

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