The Mediator 2 (GOT7 MARK fea...

By -eatseokjins

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A sequel to The Mediator. Wendy has now ended her Year One as a Physiotherapy student and once again, she's... More

Chapter 1: Seoul I'm back!
Chapter 2: Reunion
Chapter 3: JYP Family
Chapter 4: The Fair Game
Chapter 5: Together forever?
Chapter 6: The Fair Game 2
Chapter 7: Mixed feelings
Chapter 8: Eodiga?
Chapter 10: The Tuan Family
Chapter 11: Lost
Chapter 12: What's the truth?
Chapter 13: Let the game begin
Chapter 14: The Climb
Chapter 15: Denial & Mind blown
Chapter 16: Hide and seek
Chapter 17: The Date
Chapter 18: Goodbye
Chapter 19: Healing
Chapter 20: Fly with Peter Pan
Chapter 21: Homeshare
Chapter 22: Status Quo
Chapter 23: Too good to be true
Chapter 24: Runaway Groom
Chapter 26: Save my friend
Chapter 27: Back to square one
Chapter 28: On hiatus
Chapter 29: We are One
Chapter 30: Jane
Author's note
New story: Seoulmate

Chapter 25: Unraveling the truth

1.7K 81 39
By -eatseokjins


With a throbbing head and the foul stench of rotting dead rats working my mouth, I took in my surroundings.

I am lying on the ground. That, I could tell by my proximity to the concrete. Above me was the bright fluorescent light shining into my eyes, forcing me to squint in the process, and to my left, I made out that there were twin beds situated there.

I pounded on my head as I tried to recall some events.

"To XX hotel please."

The last thing I could remember was this female's voice ringing in my head.


I shot up from my supine position and looked down at myself reflexively to checked if I'm properly dressed.

Fortunately, my clothes, pants and everything were still intact.

Dahaenghida, I heaved a sigh of relief. Jessica didn't do anything out of her mind.

As I stood up from the ground, I tried calling out her name for a few times but there was no answer.

Did she left already?

My eyes then continued to scan around the room and when it soon fell onto the clock that was lying on the table, my face hardened.

9:30 pm. It was stated clearly on the screen.

And what the hell am I still doing here?! I'm suppose to be there at the studio for our wedding photoshoot but I'm already one and a half hour late!

Grabbing my belongings in a hurry, I scooted off but just as I opened the door, someone stopped me.

Holding his hand up, he flashed me his ID and looked at me sternly.

"Mark Tuan, someone had reported you to be involved in drug abuse, so you are now under arrest."

"What?", my mind was still blank as I tried to make out what the police officer was trying to say. But when I finally did, all I could say was,

"Sorry sir, I think you've gotten the wrong information. I don't do drugs."

"Then what is that?", he jerked his head towards the direction of the table and summoned his staff to get it for him.

Some white powder was poured over the table to my horror. But I can swear that I didn't even pay any attention to that once I gained consciousness.

I watched his subordinate swept his finger across it and eventually bringing up the small ziplock bag containing some white powder, studying it carefully.

Then, nodding his head briefly, he confirmed with his leader,

"Team jang, it's cocaine."




"In just half an hour ago, the police have raided a room at XX hotel and it was revealed that they have arrested a male by the initial of 'M', who was found to be involved in drug abuse. 'M', who is believed to be from a rookie Kpop group is currently undergoing investigation now. From the scene, our reporters have managed to capture this footages and we found out that this person showed some resemblance to Mark Tuan from GOT7. Mark Tuan is currently involved in the "We Got Married" filming with his real life girlfriend, Wendy and we have known that he is always open about his relationship with her. However, following this incident, we wonder how are some of his fans going to react and what will JYP have to say about this. For now, SBC NEWS is still looking out for more information, so stay tuned to find out more."

The bouquet of flowers slipped off from my hands and scattered onto the ground as I absorbed the news.

On the screen, I could see a male dressed in T-shirt and jeans, with a cap and mask shielding his face carefully, lowering his head as he was being escorted by the police. But what caught my eye was the T-shirt that he was wearing.

It was the first couple tee which he had bought for us.

Mark... I know that he will live up to his promise. But this, it couldn't be him...

I stumbled to the nearby chair for support and Jin, the one who shared the news with us, immediately came to my side. I shook my head in disbelief and looked around at others. Everyone was as equally shocked as I am and GOT7 just stood there rooted to the ground.

"I have to look for him!", it was then I stood up abruptly and left the studio, holding on tight to my gown as I ran along the pavement.

It was already pouring outside and the rain hit my skin like it would go right through and the water washed the street like a river would rise.

Beneath the sound of the city traffic, I couldn't hear my own footfalls. I was so completely wet and numb that I didn't even feel the splashing of the vehicles or the wind that blew so hard that the litter swirled into the air like the poor relations of autumn leaves.

The streets passed in a frigid blur, but I wasn't heading for home, but for the place which he will be at. He needs me now and it is the only place that I will need to go.

Jin has been chasing after me right after I left the studio and when he finally caught up, he grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

"OPPA! PLEASE LET GO OF ME! I HAVE TO FIND MARK NOW! I HAVE TO BE WITH HIM! HE NEEDS ME NOW", I screamed with sadness and tried to release his grip on me.

However, Jin forced me into his embrace.

"WENDY-SSI, CALM DOWN", he shouted at me and I gasped for air through the sobs.

"This is not a situation which you can handle. If you really want to see him, you will have to let me come along with you", he said again, but this time, in a more gentle tone.

After caressing my hair, he held onto my hand tightly and hailed for a cab.

Before we headed to our destination, he stared into my eyes and warned me,

"Let me repeat myself again. This is NOT a situation which you can handle. You are just there to see Mark. So, whatever questions the reporter might throw you later, you've got to remain silent."



"So, young man. Care to tell us why and how you got involved in this? Who's the drug dealer? You know, we can lessen your sentence if you are willing to share with us the details", the police officer narrowed his eyes at me and asked.

He had been asking me this question for the Nth time since half an hour ago when they brought me here, and I couldn't understand why he kept repeating it again and again.

"I TOLD YOU THAT I DONT'T DO DRUGS! SOMEONE SET ME UP!", and so, I repeated my answer to him as well.

Slamming his hand hard onto the table, he stood up angrily and looked at me with his blazing eyes.

"MARK TUAN! You do understand your situation here don't you? If you won't cooperate with us, then we can't do anything to help you!", he raised his voice at me.

Then, rolling his eyes, he continued on with his words,

"And you kept claiming that someone had set you up, but who is it? Do you know the person?!", he took a sip of coffee and studied me under his watchful eyes.

Yes, I wanted to tell him so, but I can't. She's my friend. I can't ruin her future although she had ruined mine.
I knew that it was her. I knew that it was Jessica who did it.

I slumped back onto my chair dejectedly and closed my eyes.

Taking in a deep breath, I replied the officer.

"No, I don't."

He gritted his teeth at my reply and just as he was about to say something, another officer came into the room.

"Team jang, Mr Park Jinyoung has arrived and he request to bail him out."



When the cab pulled up in front of the police station, I could already see a lot of reporters gathered there.

Unbuckling my seatbelt in no time, I opened the door and let myself out quickly. Jin followed behind my steps and both us of tried to make our way through them but to no avail.

The reporters all started swarming up to me when they recognized my face.

"Oh, look what we have here? Isn't this Wendy? Mark Tuan's girlfriend? What is she doing here? And holy cow! She's still in a wedding gown too!", the reporters began making all sorts of comments and very soon, all cameras and voice recorders were placed in front of me.

"Is Mark really a drug addict?"

"Did you know about this before that?"

"How do feel now after finding this out? Will you break up with him?"

They were all forcing and throwing me with questions and it made my head spin.

Tears were forming at my eyebrim and I gradually got dizzy from their incessant talking that I lost balance and fell backwards.


Fortunately, Jin caught onto me just in time.

"Sorry, but we won't be answering any questions of yours", he told them and he held onto me as he pushed his way through the reporters.

At that moment, I saw Mark leaving together with Jinyoung hyung from the front. His eyes met mine right before the reporters swarmed up to him, surrounding him from all corners.

Those eyes. I've never seen him with those eyes before. They were filled with sorrow. Everything seems to be surreal and I wanted all this to end. I wanted all of us to wake up from this nightmare but I realised that it's the reality. The cruel truth.

"Mark-ssi, what do you have to say about this matter now? Are you really involved in this?"

"Why were you at XX hotel? Was it because you wanted to take those drugs secretly so you chose such a spot?"

I could see from my eyes that Mark's body was trembling with fear from all those questions. The reporters were all really harsh on him and it pained me just by watching. He looked so helpless until Jinyoung hyung and manager-nim stepped in to push away those questions and to lead Mark safely into the car.

Before he got in, he turned to face me.


That was what he was trying to tell me. I pulled away from Jin's grip and tried to run after him, but his car soon left in a jiffy.

"MARK!", I shouted after him but all I could see was the car disappearing further and further down the road, away from me.

Tears were ruining my mascara and my hair was all tangled up in a mess. My gown was all wet and dirty from the rain just now and I looked horrendous.

However, all my mind cared about was him. I squatted down in the middle of the road and held my knee close to myself.

"Mark, I'm here. Everything will be alright."

That was what I had wanted to tell him at least, before he left in the car.


As soon as Jin brought me back to JYPE, I headed to GOT7's dorm right away.

"Where's Mark oppa?", I asked Yugyeom after he came to answer door and he pointed sadly at MarkSon's room.

"He wouldn't come out. Not even for dinner", Jackson told me in a sad manner.

GOT7 were all looking depressed by the news as this will affect their group's status as a whole, so I told them to get some rest first while I talk to Mark.

"Oppa. Mark. Open up", I told him as I knocked on his door but there was no reply.

"It's Wendy here."

Still no reply.

Disheartened, I slumped my shoulders and slid down behind his door.

"I know that it's hard on you to be undergoing all these now, but Mark, I hope that you know that you are not alone. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here."

"I'll stay here until you open up."



Now, red, tear-rimmed eyes stared back at me, with watery streaks falling down my face.

I smoothed my now chaotic hair and wiped the tears from my cheeks which were now blotchy and mottled. My whole face was now washed with a dull red, including the very end of my nose.

I wanted to. I wanted to open up to her, but I'm afraid that she will put the blame on herself once again. I can't let her know that Jessica was the one who set me up.

So, I waited till the middle of the night, that I slowly opened my door. Indeed, Wendy was still leaning against it, and I managed to catch her before she fall onto the ground.

Scooping her up, I carried her to the sofa in the living room and placed her down. Then, I got a blanket from my room and covered her with it.

Wendy, she's even frowning in her sleep. My fingers traced to her forehead, nose and then to her lips.

Giving her a gentle kiss on the lips in order not to wake her up, I whispered softly into her ears.

"Sorry, but I can't bring you into this mess."

I kissed her on her forehead again before I left the dorm.



"MARK! MARK!", I suddenly shot up from my position, only to realize that it was a dream.

"Noona, gwaenchahnayo?", Bambam immediately came over to my side and handed me a glass of warm milk.

I have dreamt about Mark leaving me, so that's why I was reacting so.

It is already morning.

I looked around the dorm, only to find myself seated on the sofa now.

"Where's Mark?", I noticed that his room is now empty.

"He's currently in a meeting with Jinyoung hyung now", Jr said to me from the kitchen.

"And I wonder how is it going...", JB trailed as he played around with his ramyun.

"I hope that it will not affect his future career and that the police will find out the truth soon...", Jackson added.

I nodded my head in approval with their words.

I sure hope that everything is going to be alright with Mark.

Just then, Youngjae barged into the dorm.

Looking at us with bulging eyes, he then announced to us.

"Kkeutnassda! (ended) The police just came by and they said that they have found the drug dealers!", we gasped at his words.

"They have revealed a lists of celebrities who had bought drugs from them! And", he paused to breathe,

"Jessica noona was one of them!"

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