His Replaced Bride

Por RPlovesblack

75.6K 3.4K 304

"I was invisible to him then and I will be forever" ~Nina Suresh "She's mine yet....she's not." ~Arjun Kapo... Más

CHAPTER 1- How have you been?
CHAPTER 2-Still the same I see
CHAPTER 3- We shall m'lady
CHAPTER 4- Don't lose hope
CHAPTER 5- Started the date without me
CHAPTER 6- Too close, too close!!
CHAPTER 7- Fucking hell
CHAPTER 8- All's well that end's well
CHAPTER 10- I fell for the right guy
CHAPTER 11- Keep quiet!
CHAPTER 12- Lucky pen
CHAPTER 13- Do NOT kill anyone
CHAPTER 14- freaking library!
CHAPTER 15- Happy tears
CHAPTER 16- I think I'll live here
CHAPTER 18- Why? why is it always me?
CHAPTER 19- I'll be fine
CHAPTER 20- Welcome to Paris
CHAPTER 21- He's Furious. Period.
CHAPTER 22-Aanya Kapoor, I curse you!!!
CHAPTER 23- Not again!
CHAPTER 24- Chocolate sauce
CHAPTER 25- yesterday mornings....events
CHAPTER 26- That obvious?
CHAPTER 27- This is NOT Arjun!
CHAPTER 28- I'm so sorry
CHATER 29- I like you
CHAPTER 30- Yeah, its not the time
CHAPTER 32- We are here
CHAPTER 33- I know I look hot
CHAPTER 34- Well, isn't that concerning
CHAPTER 35- Every. Fucking. Time
CHAPTER 36- I'm a fucking genius
CHAPTER 37- Hey, I'm not stubborn!
I'm so sorry
CHAPTER 38- Home sweet home
CHAPTER 39- I quit my job
CHAPTER 40- I. Freaking. Hate. Mondays. Period.
CHAPTER 41- Please Kajol, please fight.
CHAPTER 42- the best and worst day of my life.
CHAPTER 43- Get used to it
CHAPTER 44- Oh my God
CHAPTER 45- Good luck
CHAPTER 46- Where are we going?
CHAPTER 47- What the hell is all this?
CHAPTER 48- What the actual fuck is going on?
CHAPTER 50- Please don't be...
CHAPTER 51- I love you to infinity
CHAPTER 52- what'd you say?
CHAPTER 53- Do. Not. Move
CHAPTER 54- Close your eyes
CHAPTER 55- Because you're mine!
CHAPTER 56- Let's cut the cake!
CHAPTER 57- My family, My life.
CHAPTER 58- My sister or brother!
CHAPTER 59- The strawberry one!
CHAPTER 60- Keya Aanya Kapoor

CHAPTER 49- Where has life taken me?

584 43 6
Por RPlovesblack

 "A true love story never ends." — Unknown


I race out of the hospital and get into my car nearly breaking the door in the process.

Taking deep breaths in attempts of controlling my tears I closed my eyes trying to figure out as to what the fuck just happened.

I sighed the papers like an idiot. Why the fuck did I do that?

Something on her face just yelling 'TRUST ME' and I did, although I don't know why.

I don't have a good feeling about this....at all.

AHHH FUCK! I'm losing my mind!!

Gripping my hair I rest my head on the steering wheel and count to ten.

Just as I was slightly calm it got ruined by Veer opening the car door and panting.

I just glared at him for which he sighed.

"Move, I'm driving." he stated but I stayed put.

"Arjun move and I'll explain everything." he shot me a desperate look.

Without saying anything I got out and settled back into the passenger seat while Veer took the wheel and sighed.

"Just....just stay put for some more time. We need to get out of here and I promise I'll explain it all to you. I promise." he raised his brows waiting for an answer.

I just sighed and shook my head. 

"Thank you," he breathed out.

The ignition soon started and we were out of there.


Sighing, I filled two glasses of water and put one in front of a very shook, heartbroken and unhappy Arjun and took a seat facing him.

He looked so lost in his thought that I had to wave and call his name four times to get his attention.

Finally he looked up and the minute his eyes met mine they welled with tears.

"Arjun, don't cry she had a reason for it. I promise its a good one too." I tried consoling him.

He just kept his head down and shook it while fisting his hands.

Quickly getting on my feet I go by his side and hug him. We stayed like that till he clamed down with me rubbing his back trying to comfort him.

"Arjun Kapoor pull your fucking self together because this is the time Ninu needs you the most and breaking down like this is not gonna work. Get your shit together and listen to me carefully without interrupting." I said in a hard tone.

I know I'm being harsh especially since he just sighed a divorce with the women he's been in love with half his life but I can't help it.

He needs to be strong...for her.

"What are you talking about?" he whispered after a long time.

I sighed and sat down next to him, facing him.

"It all began when Ninu called me today morning...." I trail off as I recall every fucked up thing that has happened since she called me.

A FEW HOURS AGO (3rd person POV)

"I'm in deep trouble and have no clue as to what to do...help me," Nina spoke in a desperate tone from one line of the phone.

With a confused, tense and uneasy feeling Veer spoke "I'm on my way." 

Veer hurried out of his house with his mind swamped with thoughts as to what could possibly go wrong that Nina called him and not Arjun, meanwhile Nina paced around her cabin freaking out.

Veer raced out of his car and speed walked towards Nina's cabin when he was stopped by a receptionist. Getting his approval, Veer ran into Nina's cabin to find her on the ground looking weak.

Tensing immediately he was by her side with a anxious feeling.

"Ninu what happened?" he questioned helping her on her feet.

"I need your help." she finally spoke and handed him the paper and photographs in her hand.

Taking them, he let go of Ninu carefully and examined them.

The confusion from his face faded and was soon replaced with anger and rage.

"What the fuck is this?" he questioned in an angry tone.

"I don't know, and this too." she handed him another set of papers which happened to be the divorce papers.

His expression soon took shape of pure shock.

"What the-?" he looked at her for more information.

"I've been getting threats like this for a while now but I ignored them although I don't think I can anymore." she explained briefly still feeling anxious like she was being watched.

Hugging herself she gazed around in hopes of finding the hidden camera or something.

"Where are the others?" he asked pointing to the threat paper.

She handed him the rest including the one on her phone.

"The person has your number?" he spat angrily. However his anger was directed to the one doing all this not Nina.

She just nodded in response.

"Why didn't you say anything?" he interrogated, with a softer tone.

"I didn't take it seriously but now I'm scared." she stated sighing and biting her bottom lip nervously.

"I'm calling Arjun." he took out his phone only to be snatched by Nina.

"No no no no. We can't him....at all. Please." her pleading voice made him more puzzled and concerned.

"Why not? Arjun is the only one who can help us with this!" he argued back.

"Did you not read what they say?" she fired back trying her level best to keep her voice down.

"I did but its not like he or she will  actually do it!"  Nina's look troubled him.

"What are you not telling me?" he asked worried as to what she has to say.

She told him....she told him all about finding the note on the day of Kajol's accident and that it was caused by that person.

A surprised and dumbfound expression took over his face as he digested everything she just told him.

The silence in the room was soon broken my Nina's phone ringing catching them both off guard causing them both to flinch.

He sighed and handed her her phone.

"Thanks," she muttered as she received the call.

"You bitch, I warned you to not open your mouth and that's exactly what you do." a unfamiliar and hoax sounding voice spoke from the other line sending Nina into an official state of shock.

Her body froze as her mind raced with thoughts going from 'how can they know?' to 'can they see me?' to 'can they hear us?'.

"What's wrong?" Veer questioned on seeing her like this.

He took the phone from her and put it against his ear.

"Hello?" he spoke.

A chuckle was heard which was followed by the person speaking.

"I see she told you everything. Now listen to me very carefully, if anyone else finds out I will not spare you and anyone you love and I will start with precious little Annie and slowly end it with what's her name? Ah right Nanna. I promise you that. You my bun will make sure this bitch and Arjun sigh the divorce paper. I will be sending a location and time on this number where I need Nina to come and hand me the papers herself. Call the police and I will end her. I promise you that. Don't act smart with me, I have my eyes on you." with that the call ended.

What the fuck? was Veer's first thought.

"Is there a camera in here?" he muttered to himself and scanned around.


"And so we for-" he was cut off by a knock on the door.

I frowned but stayed put. Veer quickly got to his feet and ran to the door.

The unlocking and locking back of the door was heard followed by many sounds of footsteps.

I tilt my head around to find Veer, Kajol and... Ninu standing there. 

All with anxious and disturbed expression.

I jumped to my feet, keeping my eyes fixed on Ninu. Her eyes stayed fixed on the ground.

The tense atmosphere with the three of them fidgeting made it all a hundred times worse.

Just as I opened my mouth to speak, Ninu's phone dinged.

She jumped in her place, then a nervous look took over her as her shivering hands unlocked her phone.

She inhaled sharply and handed her phone to Kajol and bolted towards the stairs.

I was about to run behind her but Kajol stopped me.

"Wait, read this." she gave me Ninu's phone.

It had an address of a warehouse which has not been in use for nearly five years. It also had 11pm on the text.

"Like I was saying, we formulated a plan to get you to sigh the paper and meet you here so you could help her. I will call one of my friends, he work's in the police agency. He can help and this is the only place where we can do this since she's being followed by someone. So she needs to leave as soon as possible." Veer spoke at the speed of light.

"Ok," I nod and run upstairs.


"What the actual fuck is going on?" Kajol questioned and I broken into tears the minute I saw her face.

What the hell is going on? I'm going insane.

"Wha-" Kajol started as she helped me on my feet.

"Not the time. I promise Veer will explain everything, but for now please take me home I need to get my things out as quickly as possible" I lied as tears rolled down non stop.

I needed an excuse to get into the house to clarify everything with Arjun.

With a worried and hesitant expression she agreed and led me out. I hid my face to the best of my abilities as we made out without being spotted by anyone.

Soon, we got into my car and sped off without wasting a second.

I was anxious with so many thouhgts.

He saw my scars. 
He saw everything.
I made him sign the freaking divorce papers.
How is he?
Who is doing all this?
Why is the person doing all this?

And many more kept swamping my head.

Before I knew it I was already walking out of the car towards the elevator to get to him quickly.

Kajol firmly knocked the door while I fidgeted in my place constantly gulping as my anxiety went beyond the sky.

Veer answered the door with the same look as before. He sighed before opening it completely to let us in.

Me and Kajol glanced at each other, I glanced behind me nervously in hopes of finding the person whose been tailing us for a while now. 


Just as Arjun was about to speak my phone dinged scaring the life out of me.

With shaky hands, I unlocked the phone and my breath got caught in my throat.

The address with the time were written on the message.

Shoving the phone in Kajol's hands I ran from there to our room.

Breathing heavily, I paced around as my mind went complete blank as to what I should do.

The door suddenly opened and Arjun walked in.

Before I could even speak he embraced me in his arms.

The warmth and protection urged me to hug him back. It felt so good to be in his arms. They felt secure like nothing could ever hurt me. It felt good to be in his arms again.

Unknowingly tears welled in my eyes and they dropped little by little. 

His hold tighter around me as I cried on his shoulder.

After a very long time, I slowly pulled away from him but didn't have the strength and confidence to look at his face.

"Hey..." he whispered softly.

"Look at me," he caressed my cheek lightly, I leaned more into his touch without realizing it.

"Angel, look at me," he repeated again softly but I didn't respond and just kept my head down.

He lifted my head by placing his index finger below my chin and raising it.

Even though my head was raised, I still kept my eyes closed.

"Angel, we can't waste time like this. Open your eyes and look at me. Explain as to what is going on." he told keeping his voice low and gentle.

Finally opening my eyes, I met his and the tears I managed to keep at bay came rolling down without a warning.

"I'm sorry," I chocked out.

"Don't be. Just tell me as to what is going on and how we can help you. How I can help you. Ya?" he asked raising his brows at me for my approval.

I nodded lightly for which he smiled warmly and led me to the couch.

He settled down and pulled me closer and rubbed my back calming me slightly.

I took a deep breath before explaining it all to him.


He was pissed and angry and upset and well mostly angry.

"I'm gonna kill that person." he stated with a murderous look.

"As much as I want the same, I'd say we leave that to the police if we're calling them." I gave him an unsure look.

He looked deep in though when suddenly jumped to his feet pulling me with him.

"What happened?" I questioned confused when be began dragging me out.

"Hold on," he replied and took his phone out.

Dialing a number he put the phone against his ear. I could hear the dial.

He muttered something incoherent and dialed again.

This time a familar voice answered.

"Arjun?" Kajol spoke from the other line.

"My office now, bring Veer as well and ask him to keep his phone on him." he spoke quickly.

"Sure thing," she replied and hung up.

By now we were already in his office with me standing in a corner while he rummaged around the drawers.

"What's going on?" Veer's sudden voice scared the living hell out of me while Arjun was unaffected...like always.

Kajol immediately came next to me gave me a questioning look. I nodded.

She smiled and wrapped her arms around my shoulder and held me close like she does every time I feel down or upset. I smiled.

"Do you remember Sameer?" he questioned still rummaging around and glancing briefly at Veer.

Why do I know that name?

"Ya...why?" Veer frowned in confusion which was soon replaced with a look that screamed 'Oh-I-know-why!'.

"Wait Sameer as in Sameer Mishra from 10th?" Kajol voiced my doubt.

"Yep," Veer replied.

Oh wow! Of course it had to be him...out of everyone.

"You guys still keep in touch?" she asked again with her brows quirked up and a small smirk directed towards me.

"Indeed, we meet up every now and then." Veer shrugged then turned his attention back to Arjun who was now...no where to be seen.

"Where'd he go?" Veer muttered when suddenly a loud thud was heard.

Our heads whipped in the direction of the sound to find Arjun getting up from behind the desk rubbing the back of his head with a scrunched nose.


"Are you fine?" I asked for which he nodded.

"You remember what he does?" he now directed his question to Veer.

"Fuck I completely forgot about him. I'm gonna go call him." without waiting for a response he was already dialing a number.

"What does he do?" I found myself asking.

I could feel Kajol smirking.

STOP...I mouthed to her for which she denied and continued.

"He works with the police force." Arjun replied coming to us.

My heart rate picked up because of Kajol's smirk which just got bigger.

"Why are you smirking?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"Ah just the fact that my bestie here used to have a very huge crush on a certain Sameer for about 2 years and now she gets to meet him. Just happy for her I guess." Kajol shrugged nonchalant while my eyes and mouth went wide open as to why she would say that...to Arjun out of everyone!

He just scoffed and gave a look with squinted eyes and pursed lips.

Before I knew it, Kajol was out of the door while I was left along with a very scary looking Arjun.

"In my defense, I was way before I starting liking you," I spoke fast but didn't look like if did much.

He took a step forward and I as a reflex took one back and this continued until I had no where to move more back.

"You used to like him?" he asked in a low and not so gentle voice.

"Oh and she not only had a crush but she was also in love with him!" Kajol yelled from out making my already wide eyes go even wider while he just...well looked calm.

Calm before the rainstorm?

Please help me!

"Look, it was long ago and I don't love him anymore. I mean I stopped loving him about 11 years ago so..." I just smiled nervously while he sighed and shook his head.

"What makes you so sure that you don't love him anymore?" he questioned coming more close making my breath hitched.

"Because I only love you and do I look like I'm lying?" I asked honestly.

His eyes immediately went down to see my hands if my fingers were playing with my rings which I do every time I lie.

"You better do," he said and pecked my lips before moving away with a smirk.

"Oh and he used to like you as well." he winked and walked out leaving me completely dazed.

Sameer liked me as well?

I stood in shock about that fact when I suddenly felt a smaller pain or arms around my shoulder.

"What'd he say?" Kajol questioned.

"That Sameer liked me too," I voiced my thoughts out loud.

"See I knew it!" she smacked my arm making me hiss in pain.

"I told you he liked you, but no you wouldn't believe me." she playfully glared at me.

"I'm glad I didn't." I smiled.


Arjun and Veer soon walked in with another well built guy.

Geez he's gotten hot and freaking handsome but not as handsome as Arjun though.

Did you just compare your ex crush to your current one?

I'm actually losing my head.

"Well look at this!" Sameer's deep voice filled the air yanking me out of my thoughts.

I smiled at him.

"Hi," Kajol replied and shook his hands.

"How have you been?" he asked taking her hand.

"Very well as you can see." she replied.

He soon turned to me.

"Hey," he smiled.

"Hi," I smiled back.

"Ok! Now lets to point." Arjun spoke loudly making me smile inwardly.


"Ok why am I here at this time?" Sameer asked turning his attention to Arjun and Veer.

"A person tried to kill Kajol and now that person has been blackmailing Ninu for a while but now has threatened to meet her with divorce papers. Oh and the person...who I'm assuming is a women is obsessed with Arjun." Veer summarized it all in 3 lines.

Sameer was officially sent into a state of shock.

"This guy can't do anything properly." Kajol muttered and hit the back of Veer's head.

"As far I remember you were the outgoing one among you two...right?" he asked even more confused.

I laughed lightly "Time has changed." 

I smiled looking at Kajol who grinned back.

"Hold on someone tired to kill you?!" he questioned Kajol.

"That's what I'm told," she shrugged.

"I'm beyond confused right now." he stated and looked at me and Arjun for help.

"Let me do the honors," I sighed and began explaining everything from the beginning for the third time today.


"So can you help us or not?" Kajol questioned the minute I stopped talking.

"Of course what kind of a question is that? Nina do you have those threat messages?" he asked turning to me.

"With Veer" I pointed at Veer who handed them to Sameer in no time.

He sighed reading them.

"Someone is definitely obsessed with your husband," he muttered giving me a sad look for which I just sighed silently.

Arjun rubbed my back soothingly.

"Ok we need a plan, fast because its already been 30 minutes since she's been here and she needs to leave as soon as possible." Veer spoke.

"I have something," Arjun said and took out a small button like thing from his pocket.

"I didn't know you had all this," Sameer said smirking and taking it from him.

Arjun just shrugged.

"What is it?" Kajol asked leaning forward to take a closer look.

"A camera used in these kind of situations by the victims." he stated shrugging.

"Put it on," he dropped it into my hand while I just stared at it.

"Come with me," Arjun pulled me out of there with him.

"Come closer," he said pulling me close and examining whatever it was before putting it on my shirt.

"Great it looks like a button from your shirt itself." he smiled and led me back.

"Now the plan..." Veer started while I fiddled with my fingers nervously.

Where has life taken me?


Wow I'm updating after sooooo long! I'm really sorry about that. 
Hope you understand and I really hope you like the chapter.

Please do vote and comment!
Thank you all for reading and supporting my book! It means a lot to me!!!!!

Well, now here's the thing, this update was out of the blue. I am supposed to be studying but here I am writing this chapter which I really hope is not a mess. Anyways, next update will be hopefully by next Friday.

Till then...
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay happy and Keep Smiling:)))😃😃🤗🤗🥰🥰

I love you all!!<333❤❤❤

Word count- 3652


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