The Return Of The Crow (Touka...

By someR6weeb

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(Sequel To "New In Town") It's been three years since our last encounter with Touka and Y/N. The last time w... More

Chapter One:Finally You Idiot
Chapter Two:Renovations
Chapter Four:Memories & Emotions
Authors Note
Chapter Five:Home
Chapter Six:Steam
Chapter Seven:Big Day
Chapter Eight:Hand In Hand

Chapter Three:Return

504 14 1
By someR6weeb

February 10, 2021
Tokyo, Japan
(Third Person)
The bedroom was silent. The only noises that could be heard was the rain smacking against the bedroom window and Y/N's breathing. His now cold empty eyes stared blankly out the window. There was no emotion present on his face. A few knocks on the bedroom door caught his attention. In came a worried Touka."Hey I brought you some food and coffee." She said as she now sat herself next to him.

He didn't respond."Y/N I'm worried about you. You haven't left the house in weeks. You're barely even eating or sleeping. If you keep this up you're gonna get sick. Please." Touka exclaimed as she sat the food and drink aside. The loss of his mother still had a heavy impact on him. He wanted to vent to his fiancé on how he felt but he just couldn't."Y/N I'm here for you. You can talk to me. I'm here for you."

Slowly the man broke down into tears. Touka pulled his head into her chest and rubbed in circles on his back."I-I just miss her so much. If o-only I h-had been quicker or-" She shushed his lips with a gentle and passionate kiss."Look at me." She said whilst cupping his cheeks."It's not your fault. So quit blaming yourself." He wrapped his arms around her and cried harder into her chest.

It hurt Touka seeing him like this but it also made her feel better seeing him be open about his feelings. After a few minutes he stopped crying and laid on his side."I'm gonna kill each and every last one of them." Hearing that had her worried."Do you remember the promise we made? We wouldn't kill anyone because it'd attract attention to this ward." She reminded him.

"I can't go on knowing they're still out there living their lives unpunished. Touka I know what I promised, but I can't keep my word on it. I won't be able to rest until they're all dead." This seemed to worry the woman even more."Please. Revenge isn't healthy. These feelings won't go away if you kill those men." Y/N clenched his fists into balls."I don't care. This isn't about me. It's about avenging my mother."

There was a moment of silence."I want to be alone. Please." He said in a tired tone."Okay. Im sorry." Touka placed a kiss on his head before leaving the room feeling stressed. What will he do? Will he get himself injured. Even worse killed? Those thoughts raced through her mind. She couldn't let him do any of this. She decided she'd keep a close watch on him.

The woman knew he wanted revenge and she wanted it as well but it was too risky. As she went downstairs Y/N had flashbacks. It was a good one although extremely graphic. It was when he had caught a dove that been friends with the dove that killed his girlfriend. He decided to send a bit of a message to the rest of the investigators of his hometown. He took the man up to an overpass before gutting him.

Once morning came many people witnessed a gruesome scene. The investigator was hung off the side of the overpass by his own large intestine. Next to him drawn in his own blood was the image of a crow. Y/N's signature mark after every murder. His killings grew rather well known across the US. Many humans feared him. As for ghouls many looked up to him.

Y/N would also be known for his gruesome displays of his kills. Back to him now he still laid in bed. He sat up and on the edge of the bed. He looked down at his hands. Gently he ran his thumb along his rough and blistered palms."Do I really want to go back into that life?" That type of life he used to live was grueling and dangerous. He wanted nothing but revenge but also he didn't want to drag Touka into everything.

So after some thought he came up with an idea."Maybe I don't have to drag her into this." The thought of going out on his own crossed his mind."I'd have to leave for awhile. I can't have them tracking me back here and hurting Touka. Or worse." Y/N was starting to like this idea. He just didn't know when he'd act on it. He rubbed his exhausted face before getting up to go to the restroom.

Looking in the mirror the man examined himself. His once short hair was now long and grown out. About down to the ends of his ears. He kinda liked this look. The only thing he didn't like was the facial hair on his face. After applying shaving cream he grabbed a razor. Once done he washed his face before admiring the finished look. Y/N looked clean. He then proceeded to leave the bathroom and dig through his closet.

Just as he had hoped he found a box. Upon opening he found his old clothes. The clothes he'd wear when he went out as "The Crow". His outfit consisted of a black leather trench coat, black combat boots, black jeans and a black long sleeve. He sighed as a wave of nostalgia hit him. Y/N put it all on before looking in the mirror at himself. A smirk spread across his lips at the thought of what he'd do to the men who took away his mother.

His fiancé then crossed his mind. He needed to apologize to her. He hadn't spoken to her much in the past couple weeks. Y/N took off the clothing and got into some pjs. Once done the man went downstairs. Touka was sat in the living room on the couch with her face in her hands. The sound of his footsteps coming down the stairs caught her attention."Oh hey. What're you up to?" She asked with a worried smile.

"I just wanted to apologize. I haven't really been talking to you these past few weeks. I know I'm going through some things and feel like shit but that's no excuse to treat you like crap. So really I'm sorry Touka." Her eyes widened at this sudden apology."Y/N you have every right to want to be alone. After what you went through of course you're gonna want to be alone for some time. I get it."

"I'm just worried about you. Come here." She said whilst patting the open space next to her on the couch. Y/N sat down with his fiancé before she leaned her head on his shoulder."Can you promise me one thing?" She asked whilst holding his hand."Promise me that you'll let me come with you with whatever you decide to do." The man sighed."Touka I can't. It's too dangerous."

This seemed to irritate Touka."What do you just plan on leaving me?" Her fiancé didn't want to argue. After sighing he said,"Touka I can't and I don't want to drag you into what I'm gonna be doing. It's best if you stay behind. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you got hurt because of me or worse." Even more irritated she moved off him."And you don't think I'm gonna worry about you? What happens if you get killed? Am I just gonna be here alone all my life?"

Y/N then said,"You can probably find someone else. You'll be fine." As soon as he finished that sentence he received a slap across his face. Looking at his fiancé, tears streamed down her face."Don't talk to me right now." Touka said before getting up and going up to their bedroom crying the whole way. The male ghoul immediately regretted what he said."You're such an idiot." He told himself.

"I need to apologize." He thought before making his way up to the bedroom. He first tried turning the knob. It was locked."Touka, open the door." Y/N pleaded. She stayed silent. All he could hear were a few cries and sniffles."Touka please. I'm sorry. I know I'm an idiot for what I said and it was really stupid to even think like that. But please just open the door, I wanna talk."

It took a moment but eventually soft footsteps were heard walking towards the door. The door opened to reveal Touka wrapped up in a blanket like a burrito. Only her face stuck out which from Y/N could see was full of tears."I'm sorry." He pulled her into a warm and gentle hug. Her crying slowly stopped. He then guided the woman to their bed and sat down."Touka you already know I'm gonna go."

She nodded whilst looking at the floor."You also know you can't come with me." She also nodded at that."But I do promise to you that I will make it back to you. Whatever it takes. I promise I won't leave you alone. Maybe once we get back we can plan out our wedding." Thinking about the wedding seemed to brighten her mood a little."I'd be a dick if I were to die and leave you alone."

"Plus I plan on growing into a crusty old fart with you." He said making her laugh a little."Maybe we could have a few kids running around too in a couple years." The thought of them as parents made her blush a little. She had always loved kids. But having and caring for one with Y/N? That made her almost want one sooner. Even if carrying a baby for nine months in her words is "A pain in the ass".

"Just please come back to me alive and in one piece. That's all I ask." Y/N placed a long kiss on her lips before scooping her up."How about we go cuddle on the couch and watch movies?" The man questioned."Can we watch a horror movie?" Touka asked as she snuggled into her fiancé's chest."Sure why not? Does The Shining sound good to you?" The woman nodded as they made their way to the couch downstairs.

The couple laid tangled in each others limbs under a blanket as they watched the movie. Ever so slowly Touka fell asleep on the man's chest. Carefully he scooped the woman up and carried her upstairs. Once there he laid her in bed under the covers. Y/N stared at the woman and examined her face. He admired her beautiful pink lips to her long eyelashes. With a smile he kissed her forehead.

"I'll see you soon. I love you." He whispered before getting into the clothing he had pulled from the closet. When he finished dressing himself he grabbed a sticky note. He wrote something down before opening the bedroom window. He looked back at Touka one last time before hopping out. He scaled their house swiftly and sat upon the rooftop. Up there he remembered a conversation he heard.

It was from back at the hospital when he was injured. It was between two police officers."Who would even do such a thing like this. You'd have to be really sick in the head." One said as they examined Y/N's mother as she laid in a body bag."Yeah and that poor boy next door had to witness everything." There was a moment of silence."You know this work looks really similar to the Kuma Gang."

One officer cocked his head and asked,"What makes you think that?" "The way they were murdered matches others carried out by the Kuma Gang. All of them are a bunch of psycho nut jobs. One of them specifically, he calls himself Tin Tin. His choice of weaponry is knives and boy is he skilled with one. He lives in that old Dragon Motel. Sadly we don't have anything to make a move on him."

Back to Y/N who now knows where the man known as Tin Tin lives. Swiftly he hopped from rooftop to rooftop in the night city. His kakuja mask now covered his face. The Crow had now returned. The night streets were now empty. As the ghoul made his way to the motel the man known as Tin Tin smoked a cigarette. Needing some fresh air he left his room and went behind the motel into an alleyway.

Once there he lit a fire in a barrel. A good minute would pass before Y/N would arrive. The man watched from above observing the murderer below. Tin Tin fiddled with his knife as he stared into the flames in front of him. A rather menacing cackle from the dark end of the alleyway caught his attention. Out stepped the ghoul from the shadows."The fuck do you want crackhead?!"

Y/N cackle echoed throughout the alleyway and grew louder as he got closer. Tin Tin examined the man's face and noticed he had a mask on. It resembled a bird."What's with the mask?" The man asked as he pulled out a knife."Too scared to show your face?" Without another second to spare the murderer threw the knife at the approaching ghoul. To his surprise Y/N dodged the knife.

Quickly Tin Tin grabbed another from his coat pocket and threw it. This time Y/N caught it between his pointer and middle finger. The ghoul then proceeded to throw it back at the man with ten times the force and speed. With a loud yell the man slumped over against the alleyway wall as the knife imbedded itself in his shoulder."Let me ask you something." The ghoul said as he crouched in front of the man.

"Do you remember a mother and son? A broken down car, a dark dirt road?" Y/N questioned as his kakuja mask slowly dissolved. Tin Tin watched feeling really shook up but pissed."O-Oh yeah I shot that little bitch. Yeah we messed with her dead body a little to hehe. W-Wait are you the guy I shot. No you can't be." The ghoul released his kagune.

The blade-like kagune sprouted form under his wrist. Y/N rested it against Tin Tin's throat before saying,"You see my mother was married. She had a beautiful diamond ring on her finger. From what I know it was missing when she was found. If you tell me where it went I'll think about letting you live." The murderer cringed as the kagune was placed against his neck.

"I took it down to a d-damn pawn shop. It's called K-Kakashi's Pawn." Y/N smiled menacingly before retracting his kagune."See it wasn't that hard now was it?" Without another moment to spare the ghoul grabbed one of Tin Tin's knives and shoved it in the man's chest. He grabbed another and did it again and again until all seven of the man's knives were in his chest.

With the pool of blood that laid next to Tin Tin, Y/N used it to draw his iconic symbol on the alley wall. A crow. Not waisting another second he scaled back up to the rooftops and swiftly made his way to the pawnshop. Inside sat the owner. He was behind the counter at the register counting the money he had made. A knock on the front entrance caught his attention.

He looked up to see the faint outline of a man through the glass. The owner couldn't see any details on him due to the darkness outside."Can't you see the damn sign?! We're closed ya damn idiot!" Another knock was heard except this time it was ten times louder."I swear these damn crackheads are getting crazier by the day." The man said as he approached the door with a loaded revolver.

Just as the pawnshop owner reached to unlock the door the glass door shattered sending the store owner to the floor. With that a menacing man dressed in all black stepped into the shop."Suddenly, I heard a tapping as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door." The man spoke confusing and scaring the store owner."What the fuck are you t-talking about man?" The intruder stepped forward into the light to reveal it was Y/N.

"You heard me rapping right?" The ghoul questioned taking another step forward."Y-You're trespassing. And you owe me a fucking new door!" The owner barked. Y/N nonchalantly looked at the broken glass door. Swiftly the store owner grabbed his revolver and hid it behind him."I'm looking for a stolen wedding ring. I've heard I could find it here."

"You're looking for a new coffin shit for brains!" With that the store owner shot the man in front of him in the gut. To his horror it had no effect."Oh shit. Oh fuck!" The man cursed as he realized what was about to happen. Y/N swiftly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and threw him behind the counter. The man struck a wall knocking the air out of him.

Quickly he got back up and quickly scanned the shop to see the man was no longer there."Sir you're not paying attention." Y/N said appearing next to him hanging upside down from the ceiling light. The store owner swung with a baseball bat he had picked up but missed. The ghoul swiftly snatched it from him and smacked the back of his head with it. The man fell onto the glass counter where knives were displayed.

Y/N hopped down, smashed the glass, grabbed a knife, before stabbing the man's hand keeping it pinned to the table."I'm gonna only ask you once more. I'm looking for a stolen wedding ring, where can I find it?" The man screamed in agony. Through his groans of pain his managed to get out,"I-It's in a metal box! It's on top of the TV in the back!" So the ghoul walked into the back of the store.

There his eyes immediately landed on a shiny silver box. He grabbed it and opened it to see a number of wedding rings. He began to then sort through them,"No, no, no, not that one either." Y/N spoke as he tossed the ones that weren't his mother's. Finally he found it. His mother's wedding ring. He held it tightly in his hand as a single tear flowed down his cheek. After composing himself he looked around the back to see a wall of illegal firearms.

"Those look fun." He said before grabbing a number of them and stuffing them into a duffel bag along with ammunition. With that Y/N walked to the front of the store with two cans of lighter fluid. He dumped the two cans around the store before going back to the owner who still had his hand pinned to the counter."You have one chance to live." The ghoul spoke as he pointed a sawed-off M870 at the man's head.

"O-Okay just take what you want." The man said whimpering."Why thank you." Y/N proceeded pull the knife out of the man's hand causing him to scream before tossing it in his duffel bag."Before I go I have one more question to ask. Do you perhaps know a man by the name Tin Tin?" The store owner nodded yes rapidly."Y-Yeah he's a common customer here. W-Why?"

"I want you to tell me where the rest of his gang hides out." Y/N said as he grabbed the box that contained the rings and poured them down the barrel of the shotgun."Him and his crew h-hangout at this c-club called the pit. One l-lives there he's c-called Fun Boy." The ghoul smiled before pointing the barrel of his gun at the man's forehead. He picked up a few rings that had fell onto the counter.

"Each of these rings, are a life you helped destroy." Y/N said now moving his finger to the trigger."I-I'm begging you. Don't kill me, please." The man was now on his knees."I'm not gonna kill you. Your job will be to tell the rest of Tin Tin's friends that death is coming for them. Tell them the Crow sends his regards." With that he began to walk towards the broken front door.

"If you walk outta here they're gonna erase your sorry ass!" The owner yelled. Y/N stopped at the front door before turning his head to look back at the man."Is that gasoline I smell?" The store owner's face went pale."No, no, no!" Quickly the store owner raced to the back door as the ghoul proceeded to walk out of the building. He stopped a good twenty feet away before aiming the shotgun at the front entrance.

He proceeded to pull the trigger sending the mixture of metal BBs and rings into the shop with tons of sparks. In an instant the shop exploded into a ball of flames. Just as it did so the owner made it to the back door. The blast of the explosion sent him flying through it and smacking against an alley wall. Y/N watched as his plot for revenge was slowly unfolding. He liked the way this was going. He was having fun.
(Author's Note)
Sorry for updating the story so late!! I've been super busy with school so it's been hard to find time to write! Well I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one! ✌️

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