𝕀 𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙

By DeezNatzzz

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ᵇⁱᵗᶜʰ /ᵇⁱᶜᴴ/ ⁿᵒᵘⁿ ¹. ᵃ ᶠᵉᵐᵃˡᵉ ᵈᵒᵍ, ʷᵒˡᶠ, ᶠᵒˣ, ᵒʳ ᵒᵗᵗᵉʳ. ᵛᵉʳᵇᴵᴺᶠᴼᴿᴹᴬᴸ ᵉˣᵖʳᵉˢˢ ᵈⁱˢᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵘʳᵉ; ᵍʳᵘᵐᵇˡᵉ. "ᵗʰᵉʸ ᵇⁱᵗᶜ... More

🚩 Warning 🚩
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Not a chapter BUT
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
forgot to add

Chapter Eleven

806 31 90
By DeezNatzzz

The bell rang indicating that our lesson has finally ended. We pack our things while the teacher dismiss us since its also lunch time already.

"Wanna eat lunch with me Phil?" Bella asked taking out her wallet. Theres a cafeteria, but I rather eat my homemade foods not because I dont have money but because I dont think they would be willing to serve poisons to their students.

I nodded towards her as that seems to brighten her mood up. Im planning to just eat in my desk but I guess eating at the cafeteria wouldnt be that bad.

"Woah youre planning to go with someone else instead of me...? Im wounded Phil I thought you were different..!" I can hear Mal's dramatic voice as he also pose dramaticaly. He looked at me with teary eyes as if I just betrayed him.

"You can come...." I looked at him blankly as he immedietly smile and leap at me once again almost making me drop my lunch.

I can somewhat see Bella and she seems to have a weird frowning expression. She caught me staring at her and her face quickly changes as she just smiled brightly at me.


Our walk or- rather run towards the cafeteria was quick since Mal was prctically dragging me and Indonesia by the arm. How can Bella even keep up with him?

I finally manage to get some rest after sitting ourselves to a long table, its like two tables conbine. They seems to be fighting on who will buy theyre lunches so it would be faster as soon as we sat down. And they settle on playing rock, paper, scissors. Malaysia lose

I open up my lunch box for it to reveal my mouth watering food. Seriously I almost drool since Im very hungry right now. Im craving the taste of poisons!

I did the sign of a cross and quickly dig in. Not much later Mal came back with foods and then we all eat peacefuly. And maybe a playful banter here and then from me and Mal

Not until the doors slams open and there stood New York, America and Spain. Woahhh she's expanding her so called harem faster than I thought it would now that I think about it.

America then practically carried New York over to the counter yelling and demanding to give her food as she is very hungry. What is she? A beggar? Hadnt eaten anything in days?

And now that I notice it her legs are now covered in bandages because of the incident yesterday. Yaaan pakeelam pa moreee bobo ka kasi eh

I can now hear some student whispering to each other.

"Who's that?"

"Hey..! Thats the girl that Im talking about yesterday!"

"Woaaah so someone new is actually hanging out with Country Master America?"

"Hey what do you think Philippines would act once they see them? Hehe"

"I bet 50 bucks that she will go ape shit"

"Not fair! Im suppose to bet on that!"

I just ignored them and continue to eat my lunch. Afterall to interact with New York I dont need to approach her at all! Afterall-

"Can we sit here...? There just no extra sits you see...." New York in the flesh! I know that she would sit with us since I can see that she had taken an interest to both Mal and Indo yeasterday. My companions are clearly about to decline when America sat her and himself in the vacant seat already.

"You shouldnt walk yet! Your legs are injured!" He exclaimed now holding her shoulders.

"Ame~ Im fine I can walk normally now! And its because of the doctor you hired just for ME" At those words she quickly threw a glance at me smirking as she hide her face in America's chest. Wow proud ka na nyan?

Plus I can see that my friends seems displease that they just sat themselves without permission. I mean thats just so rude.

Spain also sat down next to her, tray of foods in his hands. He then began feeding her himself like she's a baby. Yuckyy

"Woah even Spain is with her..."

"Wait whose that with a blue hair? She seems familiar"

"Wait- HOLY SHIT! Its Philippines!"

"No shit.?!"

Hell yeah its me bitch! At the commotion the two bastards finally aknowledge us. Spains eyes widen and stretch a protective arm over New York and so does America.

I only raise an eye brow to the two of them. What are you thinking that I might do to her?

"Phil wanna hang out with me later? I heard that restaurants near the school serve such delicious foods!" My thoughts was unterrupted by Bella asking me.

"Your going to a date without me?! Mal exclaimed seeming offended.

"Cause thats how dates are suppose to be dumbass" Bella's face somewhat began heating up from my words. While Malaysia only gasp putting a hand over his chest.

"I thought you change! But no! Youre still a hoe-!" I smack the back of his head earning some more attention from other people.

"Dont you dare use such a foul lungguage infront of foods!" And with that we began arguing again.

"Huh?! You can say dumbass but I cant say hoe-!!?" I slap him in the back of his head once again.

"What did I just say?!" Malaysia was about to retort back when Indonesia put a hand on his mouth muffling any words or sounds that came out from him.

" Sigh Stop already and cant you see that theres other people with us?" He glance towards the 'other people' sitting with us. I can see some disaproving in his eyes at their bad manners. I can even hear him mumble something about 'westerners' earlier.

From Mal struggling he finally got free from Indonesia's hands.

" Why would I care-"

"Stop!" Someone interrupted Malaysia as we all whipped our head towards New York who has teary eyes...

"P-please dont fight..! D-d-dont let her ruin your friendship!" She points at me sobbing.

Silence befall the whole entire room.


Is she joking?

She must be joking-

"PffFft- " I cant hold my laughter anymore and so did Malaysia.



We both burst into hysterical laughter and I can also see a lot of people in the room struggling to not laugh out loud especialy the ones who understood what I said.

"Hahahhahahahaha- ack! Cough! Cough! Y/N be like..!" Mal almost choke as he pointed towards New York.

We both burst into another hysterical laughter. And some people finally cant hold it in and laugh or burst into fits of giggles and snickers.

I can see New Yorks face heating up in embarrasment as almost all of the people in the room laughs at her except America and Spain.

I finally calm myself down and took out the bags of cookies Antonio baked for me earlier. I can see that Mal also managed to calm down, just a few giggles here and then.

He saw my cookies and about to get one when I slapped his hand away. He pouted while rubbing his hand.

Im about to take a bite when someone suddenly snatched my bag of cookies away.

I instanly whipped my head towards America who glares at me. As he hands them at New York.

"Thats a thing you can do to apologies to Yorkie" He stated with coldness in his voice.

"Excuse me?! And why should I apologize to that bitch! What did I do huh?! You bastard thats mine!" I snapped at him afterall Antonio gives his all into baking those!

I can see that other people actualy agreed to me.

"Why should she apologise?"

"Right! Its not her fault that his bitch feels like a main character"

"Yeah those are the same cringey type of people that I had seen in videos!"

Hes about to shout at me back when we heard someone choking.

Spain is now holding a pale New York bubbles coming out of her mouth. America quickly comes to her aid ones again. I glance at the cookies and luckily its still in the table and she didnt drop it.

"New York?! Can you hear me?! Hey!" Panic now ensue the room as Spain quickly dialed 911. I grabbed the bag of cookies and took one and ate it but Malaysia quickly snatched before I could eat another.

"Are you crazy?! Look at her! Its clearly poison!" As he said those words Bella and Indonesia quickly goes beside me asking me if I felt anything. Now the whole room goes into panic.

"Kalma- Kalmahan mo lng"

"Calm?! You literaly just ate poison!" I sigh not knowing how to explain and just take my things and drag the three of them out of the room and to the doorway.

"Im immune to poisons." I stated as a matter of fact I actually enjoyed the taste of it.

That seems to calm them down a little bit but still insisted that I should go to a hospital or atleast the clinic. I was about to decline when suddenly someone called me.

"YOU!! YOU DID THIS DIDNT YOU!!?!" Spain pointed at me eyes fulled of anger his voice full of venom. I can feel my blood pressure rising on how stupid hes being right now.

"WHAT. THE. FUCK. ARE YOU ON YOU BASTARD?! AM I THE ONE WHO GAVE THOSE TO HER?! NO RIGHT?! PAG SA SUSUNOD KASI WAG KAYONG MANGEELAM NG HINDI NAMAN SA INYO! PUTANGINA!" I snapped afterall I hate stupid people. I began walking away and the three followed me.

Just around the corner Im sudenly lifted up to someones shoulder cauding me to let out a squeel. Its Malaysia

"Your coming to the hospital whether you want it or not" I look towards Bella and Indo as they do nothing to help me and only frown at my struggling.

"We need you to be check! What if you die or suddenly pass out later?!" Bella spout clearly in panic.

"Immune or not we dont know if you can last that poison Phil" Indonesia said firmly. And with that I slumped in dedeat as I let Malaysia carry me out of the school to his car and drove me to the nearest hospital.


Percentage :

Malaysia 61℅
He hates it when Phil doesnt really care about her health >:[

Indonesia 62℅
He likes when hanging out with Phil but please take care of your health Phil. Youre going to gave him a heart attack

Belarus 70℅
She almost misunderstand that Phil consider their hangout as a date and it make her sad that thats probably not it and its just Phil arguing with Malaysia. Shes also very worried for Phil now :(

Spain 0℅
He suspects Phil that she purposely put poison in her food for New York but consider that it is rather a stupid idea since he saw Phil eat one of the poison cookies

New York Unavailable℅
She unconcious she cant think but I dont think it would make a difference even if shes awake

America 72℅
Why are you getting higher...

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