Lost and Found | Severus Snap...

mikeymorphine92 tarafından

416K 14.2K 5.3K

Soon after the death of her twin brother, Olivia and her older brother, Liam Wilson are sent to Hogwarts to f... Daha Fazla

Prologue | The Funeral
One | Home Sweet Home
Two | The Dinner Party
Three | New Enemies Arise
Four | Gwenyth Wales
Five | Potions Class
Six | Recognition in Detention
Seven | Trouble in the Forest
Eight | Class Disturbance
Nine | Hogsmeade
Ten | Occlumency
Eleven | Reopening the Wounds
Twelve | Nightmares
Thirteen | Hot and Cold
Fourteen | Regrets
Fifteen | Knockturn Alley
Sixteen | Christmas Ball
Seventeen | The Incident
Eighteen | Eavesdropping
Twenty | Tricked
Twenty One | Mystery in the Room of Requirement
Twenty Two | Friendly Get Together
Twenty Three | Bullied
Twenty Four | Seven Seconds in Heaven
Twenty Five | Trapped
Twenty Six | Rescued
Tweny Seven | More Nightmares
Twenty Eight | Legilimency
Twenty Nine | Another Lost
Thirty | Violence isn't the Answer
Thirty One | The Investigation
Thirty Two | Breakfast
Thirty Three | Interrogation
Thirty Four | The Lost Truth Found
Thirty Five | Mind Reader
Thirty Six | Draco Cursed
Thirty Seven | Hide and Seek
Thirty Eight | End of the School Year
Thirty Nine | Taken
Author's Blah Blah Blah
Im Back?

Nineteen | Hysteria

9.2K 321 217
mikeymorphine92 tarafından

It was the first day of school back from vacation. I got up with a start, before anyone else in the form, taking a hot relaxing bath. I was still thinking over why Snape would be part- or trying to be- of Draco's secret plans and it gave me a worry. Draco's parents and his own lives depended on it. And to think, his father was incarcerated to Azkaban for being a Death Eater...

I dunk my head in the hot steaming water and emerging, wiping off any grogginess I had left from my slumber. I finished my bath and dried myself off, throwing on my uniform and fixing my hair and make up in the bathroom. I walked out, watching Gwen stretching on her bedside.

"You're awake?" She said shocked, unbraiding her long thick hair and fluffing it up.

"Is it that obvious?" I questioned sarcastically, walking to my bed And grabbing my shoes.

"Of course... It's just not like you to be up before everyone else. It's more like I wake you up after everyone's awake!" Gwen giggled, "Why so early?"

To be honest, I couldn't sleep very well. The thought of Snape teaching me my first lesson of Legilimency tonight overwhelmed me, I couldn't manage to sleep through the night. I ignored her question and threw my bookbag over my shoulder. "Well, I'll wait for you in the common room. Okay?"

I walked into the common room, noticing small crowds of fellow students surrounding the fireplace and chess area. I wanted a morning cigarette in, sneak into the corner corridor I smoke at, but Snape took my case. I had no more real cigarettes because I thought the case was enough. How am I going to get them back?

My trail of thoughts were soon interrupted by someone throwing their arm over my shoulder. I looked up startled to notice Blaise Zabini close beside me with a toothy smile. "Day dreaming, I see?" He said, pulling me closer to him. "Don't try to get friendly just yet," I teased, grabbing two of his fingers and lifting his hand off my shoulder, "I'm still expecting that date."

"And, you'll get it, I promise." Blaise said as he pocketed his hands, "Want to walk to breakfast with me?"

"Oh, I was sort of waiting for Gwen-" I said, looking back at the dorms eagerly. "She'll be fine without you. Come on," Blaise held out his hand and beckoned me to follow. I cliked my tongue in slight protest, but followed him none the less. "Have you seen Summers lately? She got a pretty nasty trick pulled on her. It's taken her days to remove all those bloody blisters... Had your revenge yet fulfilled, Olivia?" Blaise said as he raised an eyebrow to me. I gaped at him for a second until I cleared my throat.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Me?" I stammered, stifling a laugh.

"No one would pull that prank on Summers, Olivia, no one would have the balls-"

"Hm. Then I must have some pretty big balls, then?" I laughed.

"She knows, though." Blaise's tone lowered and strained, "You got to watch your back. A girl like that, she's dangerous."

"I'm not scared of Summers," I scoffed, folding my arms, but to think I did run from her yesterday. Blaise smirked at my bravery and said, "Not a lot of people are, until they cross paths with her."

I rolled my eyes at his remark. What ever I did with Summers, she deserved and that was that. Blaise and I ended up at the Great Hall, sitting in the middle of the Slytherin table, piling our plates with our hearty breakfast. Suddenly, I felt a thud against my head and I groaned as I rubbed the sore spot. "Thanks for waiting up for me," growled Gwen, holding a small stack of school books in her hands, taking a seat beside me. "What can I say?" Blaise butted in, "I'm pretty irresistible." He gave a wide smirk and Gwen raised her eyebrows at him.

"Oh, please," I scoffed.

"Yeah, you are not as cute as me, remember that," Gwen said, pointing at him teasingly. We conversed, keeping ourselves busy and well fed. I glanced up at the staff table, couldn't help for my eyes to wander where Snape would sit. And, he was there, keeping a small quiet conversation with Professor Flitwick, but looked little amused. It was another school year, another day for classes, and with him, nonetheless. But, now there was more temptation than ever. That's when I caught his eye and our eyes locked for a second, until I felt Blaise's arm wrap around my waist and pulled me in playfully, maybe caused by a conversation him and Gwen were having that I wasn't paying attention to. Snape rolled his eyes and went back to Flitwick and I gasped, pushing Blaise off me in sudden reflex.

"Woah!" Blaise said, lifting his hands in defeat, "Blimey, I didn't mean to offend you."

"Oh," I blushed and looked down to my plate muttering, "No, it's alright... You didn't."

Gwen cocked an eyebrow and the rest of breakfast, we stayed in an awkward silence with little talk. We got up from our table and trotted off, but Gwen grasped my arm and pulled me from Blaise, hissing, "So, you're not bull shitting me?"

"About what?" I whispered back, looking back at Blaise as he waited against the wall before the stairs to the Grand Staircase.

"You and Snape? I saw you." She replied with a sly smile. "Why would I lie to you?" I retorted, furrowing my eyebrows. She tilted her head and frowned.

"It's not like that. I don't know, it seemed a bit surreal." She murmured.

"Well, it is. Really... I'll see you after school, alright? Study hard." I smirked and poked her forehead with my finger.

"Don't jinx me," she smirked back, indicating the OWLs studies.

I walked back to Blaise and headed to Herbology. For the first day of school, it was really just a drag. I kept quiet in most of my classes, pondering about tonight's lesson with Snape. My first lesson of Legilimency. I wondered how it would play out, how he would teach me. Alone. With Snape. It gave me goosebumps just thinking of it. And yes, it was surreal. What was our current relationship, it was beyond a regular student/teacher, but was this all a game? Do I truly have feelings for him or is this some hormonal stage?

I walked with an uneasy mind to Potions with Blaise, keeping my mouth shut the whole time.

"Are you alright?" Blaise asked, walking side by side to the dungeons.

"Why would you ask that?" I questioned, clutching my book bag.

"You've been quiet all day? Not glad you came back from break, are you?"

"No, I am. I just-- it's school! Just thinking of passing with good grades!" I lied with a fake laugh.

"Scared of Summers?" He asked with half a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"No, I told you, she's nothing." I said, giving him a dangerous look. And just as we approached the classroom door, my amulet hummed and I knew it was because of Viola Summers, giving me a death glare a few feet away. Her face was clearer now with little sores under her neck. I looked away from her and kept my attention to Blaise.

Suddenly, the door swung open and a very agitated Snape stood by the door, giving all the students a harsh glare. "Inside. Now," he said quietly, yet deadly. The students rushed in, avoiding his glare and some ran in as though they were afraid he'd hit them. I walked in casually, avoiding him as well, but felt his glare more heavily towards me.

The humming would not stop and I knew it would agitate me this whole class.l, I pocketed the necklace into my robes. As I took my seat beside Blaise, Snape slammed the door and headed to the front of the class, flipping over the chalk board, revealing a complex potion.

"I don't want any lolly gagging in my classroom. Vacation is long gone and with any dawdling around will cause you fifty points!" Snape said to the classroom strictly, "The Alihotsy Draught. What are the affects of this potion?"

I raised my hand, but he kept his gaze to the other side of the classroom and pointed out a Ravenclaw boy from the far end. "The Alihotsy Draught induces hysteria to any drinker. It may lead up to three hours until the affect wears off, sir." He said and Snape nodded once.

Ravenclaw? I thought, What happened to babying Slytherin, you crood.

"In your books, turn to page two hundred and eighteen. The Alihotsy plant comes from what region?"

I raised my hand up, much higher this time, but he lazed his attention away and said, "Miss Summers?"

"The Alihotsy is also known as the Hyena Tree and it was widely grown in China, sir. It's also used lightly for good humor." Summers said. I folded in my arms and glared at Snape, which of course he didn't notice. He didn't even glance my way.

"You have one hour to perfect an Alihotsy Draught. If you do not get at least ninety percent on this assignment, you will fail. Begin." Snape said and walked to his desk. Students jumped out of their chairs and eagerly ran to get their supplies, the class in its own hysteria to not fail this class.

I stood up slowly and walked my way to the cupboards, giving Snape glances lazily. "Do you have a question, Wilson? Or a staring problem?" Barked Snape behind his book as he glared towards me.

"No, sir. Neither." I said whipping my head away from him, "Not. At. All."

I grabbed my ingredients and started working. It must've been a complex potion, but I managed. Blaise kept with the cutting and measuring and I timed and stirred the cauldron. I watched in anxiety as Blaise cleaned the Alihotsy plant with his knife.

"Here, let me." I laughed and grabbed the knife to scrape the leaves and roots smooth.

"I see Mr. Zabini can't manage to clean a simple root. How... Disappointing." Snape sneered as he walked from behind me, examining each table as he went by. Blaise gave a scowled look as he took the knife from my hands and tried to attempt once more. The leaf's corner ripped and Snape smirked. "I believe you should take the knife, Wilson, before your boyfriend gets you both a failed assignment." And he walked away to the Ravenclaw tables. My eyes widened as I looked up in shock at his remark.

Boyfriend? He's not my boyfriend.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes wearily. We both stayed quiet as we continued our potion. The class ended in many fails, only a quarter of the class passed the testing of the draughts and luckily, Blaise and I barely passed. I folded in my arms and leaned into my chair, giving a confident smirk to Snape. Snape gave me a grimaced look and announced to the class, "I want a four page essay on this Alihotsy Draught by morning!"

The class groaned and Blaise whispered to me, "A four page essay? What is there even to write about this damned draught, anyway?"

Class ended miserably and we rushed out as soon as we can. It gave quite a nerve for Snape to be such an asshole. But, was it because of me? Well, I hope not.

After classes, I met with Gwen in the Great Hall. I sat in the middle of the Slytherin table, noticing Gwen dragging herself towards me, throwing her book bag on the bench and lazily sat down beside me. "Long day?" I asked, grabbing a dinner roll and smearing butter heavily on it.

"I have double work from Herbology and Potions! I have to do extra credit for Professor Sprout and Professor Snape was just an arse hole!" She moaned, pouring pumpkin juice for us both in goblets.

"Yeah, he's been like that all day." I replied, taking a sip of juice.

Suddenly, a hand smacked into the table beside me and I jumped startled. It was Viola, leaning herself into the table between Gwen and I with a smirk. How did she sneak up on me? Then, I remembered the necklace was in my robes. Pansy appeared behind me and I looked at them in surprise, but quickly gave a tight lip and folded in my arms and said, "What do you want, Summers?"

She gave a wide grin and raised her eyebrows. "Just wanted to see how you're vacation was. Mine was brilliant. Spent it at the Zabini manor for Christmas." I cocked an eyebrow and narrowed my eyes.

"And why should I care?" I shrugged.

"Because, before you start trying to start pranks and steal boyfriends, think about who you're messing with." Viola glowered and I scoffed and stifled a laugh.

"He isn't your boyfriend," I laughed, "And I have no idea what pranks you're talking about." I gave her a fake grin and she gave me a disgusted look. She lifted herself and walked away, Pansy flicking my goblet of pumpkin juice and before it tilted, I grasped it with both my hands.

"Oh..." Gwen gasped, "Are you okay, Olly?"

"Yeah," I said sipping my pumpkin juice, "Summers is just as delusional as ever."

Gwen started piling her plate with salad and said, "Let's just keep our distance from her, yeah?"

"Not much of an argue there--" I said, but coughed heavily. I put down my goblet and covered my mouth as I sputtered. "Drink some juice!" Gwen exclaimed, holding up my goblet. I nodded and took a large gulp. I coughed harder, taking a napkin to my lips. "What's wrong?" Gwen asked worriedly and I shook my head uncontrollably.

"I-- I don't know--" I sputtered, "I can't-- no-- the sky is pink... Twinkle twinkle--" I bursted out in laughter and Gwen leaned away from me with a confused look.

"Olly--?" Gwen asked cautiously and the students around us stopped what they were doing to look at me.

"Olly Wolly, full of folly!" I giggled and stood up from the bench, "OLLY WOLLY, FULL OF FOLLY!" I grabbed my dinner roll and threw it in the air, aiming for a floating candle.

"Are you insane?" Gwen shouted and everyone stared in are and laughed about, watching, "Stop! You'd get expelled!"

"Gwennie the weenie, Gwennie the weenie!" I laughed and dove into the table, grabbing any food I can. I aimed at other tables and threw chicken wings and mashed potatoes. The students I aimed for screamed and jumped out of the way. I laughed hysterically, holding my stomach. Suddenly, large arms swooped under me and picked me up, restraining my arms behind my back.

I struggled and yelled, "Get off me, you big oaf!" Hagrid grunted in protest and dragged me out of the Great Hall with Madam Pomfrey, McGonagoll, and Snape running along with us.

"It's a party! I love parties!" I screamed, "Where's the rum? Why is all the rum gone? Why?!"

Snape walked over to me and I smiled wide. "Why, hello, handsome!" I giggled, "Any more of those private less--"

He pointed his wand immediately and my eyes fell heavy and I fell into a deep sleep.

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