The Legend of Vox Naruto

By Mars_Fallen

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Naruto having been brought to the world Of Exandria by kakashi's last ditch effort to save his student became... More

CH 2: We're Vox F**king Machina
Ch 3: The banquet
CH 4: Consequences and revelations
chapter 5: on the road again

CH 1: These guys are mercenaries?

2.2K 30 1
By Mars_Fallen

Naruto groaned as he sat up looking next to him to see a bluish grey skinned woman sleeping beside him. 'Seems I picked up a drow last night.' the blond thought to himself as he stood and stretched. He noticed he wasn't in his room at the inn so they must've gone to her home. He quietly put his clothes on making sure he had everything before sneaking out. As he walked back to the Inn he'd booked a room at for a few nights he thought about how he came to be in this strange but amazing world.


Naruto spit blood from his mouth as he stood back up grabbing his mother's sword and clenching the hilt in his hand. Across from him stood Satsuki Uchiha a manic grin on the black-haired woman's face as she stared into Naruto's eyes. His body was sparking with electricity from the attack she'd hit him with. A chunk of his arm was slowly healing itself from where she'd stabbed him with a chidori enhanced katana lunge. He was exhausted from sealing the remnents of the bijuu and the ten tails into his body along with Kaguya, fighting against his former friend was the last thing he wanted to do. "Come Naruto-kun, let's remake the world together my love!" she exclaimed as she licked her lips at him. Naruto scowled at her as he blocked one of her wild strikes with one hand, his other arm re-assembled finally as he created a rasengan in his left hand slamming it into her side. She screamed out in pain scowling at the man she called her beloved. Kakashi laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood knew the world was doomed. The damage that Madara and Kaguya had done to the landscape would never be repaired. Their world was destroyed beyond repair. Kakashi lifted his hand to his headband one last time and flashed his mangekyou sharingan, as he did so Naruto had activated his Sharinnegan and used the Shinra Tensei launching Satsuki back As Kakashi with his last breath said. "Kamui."

Flasback End

That was six years ago, Naruto had ended up in the kingdom of Tal'dorei in Exandria, he was found by a people called the Ashari. They helped heal his injuries and he'd become friends with the leader's daughter Keyleth. She had left a few months after he'd arrived for her Aramente which was a rite of passage she had to go through to become the leader of her people. After Naruto had learned all of the information that he could from the Ashari he left and began to go town to town heading to libraries or anywhere he could to learn everything he could. After a few weeks he'd become a mercenary, fighting monsters bandits and evil for coin. It was basically like being a shinobi. Protect the client on their way from point A to point B, retrieve something for a client, Deliver an item for a client. There wasn't much he hadn't done in his mercenary career. He had even found a few very powerful magic items he felt should be kept from those who would use them for evil purposes. Sealed in scrolls only someone from his world could open they'd never see the light of day unless he took them out. He yawned as he walked towards the inn to get his gear before heading to the palace for his meeting with the sovereign Uriel. Naruto entered the inn and as he got to his room a royal guard was knocking on his door, Naruto tapped a seal on his wrist and out popped a burnt orange fox mask he put over his face. "Yes, can I help you?" Naruto said as the guard turned surprised. "Ah Kitsune sir. I apologize on behalf of the Sovereign but he will not be able to see you until tomorrow morning. He has an emergency meeting with the council today and sincerely apologizes for making you wait." Naruto nodded and said softly as he unlocked the door to his room. "It's fine I have some other things I need to do today. Thank you very much for informing me." he handed a small bag of coins to the man before closing his door taking off his mask. As he turned, he heard a sad sigh. He turned his head to see the tavern keeper's daughter, a cute little thing with bubblegum pink skin and pointed ears. But he wouldn't try anything. Try as the girl might, Naruto knew never to screw the daughter of a tavern keeper in their own business. "I was asked to bring you breakfast Naruto." the girl said as Naruto took the tray she was holding and smiled warmly. "Thank you my dear, I appreciate it. Please tell your father I'll be staying another night." she nodded her head as she headed back downstairs. Naruto headed into his room setting the tray on the table as he looked in the mirror. Six years changed him slightly, now over six feet tall Naruto was no longer the shrimp he was as a child. The fusion of the different tailed beasts and Kaguya sealed inside of him changed his hair. His short blond hair before was spikey and shoulder length now with red along the sides. His whisker marks deepened over the years becoming more pronounced. His old blue eyes were a pale blue now. His sharinnegan was evolved now due to the juubi's remnants and Kaguya. He could now absorb most types of magic in this world due to whatever happened to him going through the portal. The other thing was.... he held his hands in a release seal and out popped ten fox tails and his human ears were replaced with fox ears. The reason he was really called kitsune. When he felt it was the only way to defeat a monster he'd go all out. Learning the magic of the kitsune of this world wasn't easy but he mastered it to a degree. He finished eating and made his tails and ears disappear before leaving his room to go talk to one of his informants about an issue he'd heard about in passing. Aside from that he had something for his informant as well, seeing as was the best with purveyor of goods in all of Emon maybe even Taldorei. Naruto walked into the building and heard his friend's sultry voice. "You have entered a realm of mystery, of magic, of marvel. Welcome to Gilmore's glorious goods! Oh, Naruto my handsome fox, what brings you to my shop today?" The whiskered mercenary smiled at the man's flirting and said. "A few reasons Gilmore. You're looking glorious as always." He walked up to the counter and set a scroll on the top and opened it unsealing a few items. One was a deck of cards. It looked just like any deck of cards but these were far more dangerous. Gilmore's eyes lit up. "My gods! You must love me to bring me this. The deck of many things! Do you know how much I can get for this?" The shop keeper was giddy with excitement before looking to the next item. The second item was a horn and Gilmore gawked. "This is a horn of Valhalla! Where did you find this!?" Naruto just smiled and said. "You know I find powerful objects and keep them out of the hands of those that might misuse it. I don't think either are too dangerous. I used a few cards from the deck. Must be my devil's luck because I was attacked by a red dragon and carried to its lair. I killed it and found three missing noble daughters that local kingdoms had been looking for and an entire horde full of interesting things including a vorpal blade." Gilmore's eyes sparkled and he grinned devilishly. "Oh, darling boy you do have the best luck. Now onto serious business. Our informants have finally gotten word from Whitestone." The two spoke in hushed whispers and Naruto smiled as they finished their meeting. "Okay once I get a chance, I'll head that way. Try to get word of my coming to the rebels. I don't like this feeling I'm having about Whitestone." Gilmore nodded his head before smiling. "Of course my sweet fox. Do come by again, I cherish your visits." With a bit of coin in his pocket from selling the items to Gilmore Naruto headed back to the tavern as he saw night had fallen. 'When Gilmore gets talking talking time seems to pass quickly.' He thought as he walked inside to see a few mercenary groups he recognized drinking and having a good time. He looked to the corner near the stairs and noticed a group of six, they were having a drinking contest and it looked like the Goliath was winning. That's when he noticed a familiar face among the unfamiliar group. "Keyleth?" He said softly his eyes widened in surprise under his mask at the sight of his old friend. He was going to go and say hello to her but decided not to. He went to his room noting that the owner's daughter hadn't come to ask him if he needed anything. He took his mask off and washed his face before heading downstairs for a drink and maybe a bite to eat. He saw the group Keyleth was with had gathered a crowd chanting them on. Naruto sat down near the bar and waved hello to the owner who was glaring at the group. "They're drinking me dry... Sake Naruto?" The red and blond haired merc nodded his head as he was given his drink before heading down to the basement to get more ale. Naruto heard cheers then heard. "Oh fuck me, why do we always play drinking games with a guy twice our size?" he turned and saw two half elves twins obviously sitting with Keyleth along with the goliath and a white-haired gnome with a white-haired human with glasses standing behind their table sipping a glass of wine. "Because it's the fastest way to get drunk, obviously." the sister said to which Keyleth responded slurring her words. "sss Who's drunk? Not me, I'm great I think we should go to another ba another barrrrf" the young Ashari then proceeded to vomit onto the floor. The gnome responded. "Didn't you only have one ale? Oh, it's so chunky." an ogre Naruto knew as Aegar stepped in the vomit. "Oi watch it bitch!" This made the goliath stand and shout before the gnome calmed him. Naruto chuckled at the comment she made. From his experience Aegar was a talking asshole along with his group. But Aegar did provide him with good information from time to time. The female twin stood shouted to the tavern keep. "Oi tavern keep! Another round for Vox Machina the greatest band of mercenaries in all the realm." This made Aegar chuckle. "The greatest? I heard you couldn't even rescue a cow from a burning barn. Vox Machina, what a fucking joke!" while they laughed at vox machina's expense Naruto noticed the looked the group was sharing and smiled. "This will be entertaining." he said as he sipped his drink. The male twin walked over spinning a dagger as he stabbed it into the table. "Let's keep things civil friend, we're not looking for trouble." Aegar stood and grabbing the elf he said. "Oh, I bet you ain't. Everyone knows you're a bunch of pathetic losers who can't get a fucking job. Look at your scrawny arse, too weak to tickle your own pickle." The Elf smiled and said flirtatiously. "Are you offering to help?" Blushing Aegar said. "Yeah." realizing what he said he blushed in embarrassment and said. "UH wait no I uh FUCK YOU!" The elf pout a bit and smiled as he said. "Aw I'm only asking you to give me a hand!" With that he grabbed Aegar by the hand as the goliath swung his axe chopping off Aegar's left hand. "Ya know Vax I think he's willing. Oh, can I keep this?" The goliath Grog said. Thus a fight broke out and Naruto began dodging chairs magic and arrows as he drank punching anyone that tried to attack him into the wall. He finished his sake and grabbed the asshole that smashed a glass over his head. He twitched and growled before throwing the drunk idiot out the hole in the window KEyleth had created after barfing in the beast man's mouth. 'Bet he enjoyed that. Seeing as dog's eat vomit.' Naruto thought with a chuckle as he grabbed a dwarf woman that was trying to attack the elven archer of Vox Machina. Then the female ogre of Aegar's group attacked her as she dodged and the elf summoned a bear from outside. A fucking bear! "Okay I have more respect for her now." the fighting grew worse as Grog was fighting the one-handed Aegar. The one called Percy was trying to aim his weapon that Naruto thought looked like a design his mother had made blueprints of. The one called Vax shouted. "Where the hell is Scanlan!" A blonde woman grabbed Percy and threw him through a door. "For goodness sakes! The hell man, Percy if you wanna join in ya gotta ask first!" Percy sighed as he stared up at the gnome bard's nude form. "Scanlan I should've known, could you put on some pants and help us?" Naruto let out a laugh as he noticed Scanlan's bed partner was the owner's daughter. Percy left the room to continue the fight but Naruto could hear moans coming from the room as he threw a kunai killing an attacker. He saw the trap door open and the owner come up confusion then fury on his face. He then transformed into a large minotaur and shouted. "STOP!!!" he then went on a rant about the group drinking him dry and destroying his tavern and was pissed to see his daughter being eaten out by the pervy bard. "Who's paying for all this?" Naruto was going to step forward and pay but the female twin stepped forward and said that vox machina would find the ones responsible. The owner wasn't buying it and held out his hand for money. Naruto saw that the twins had stolen a large bag of coins earlier during the fight Vax having handed it off his sister. The bag now smaller the sister had behind her back and Vax took it. She then said. "Well, you see we don't exactly have any money us per say, but if you give me five..." Then the entire band of mercenaries including a nude Scanlan were thrown out. Naruto approached the man and put a hand on his shoulder. "You know I'll pay for the damages most of it is my fault for letting it happen. The owner sighed and said. "You know you don't have to." Naruto laughed and said. "I know but I want to. Here let me help." he made shadow clones that cleaned the mess and he healed the wounds of the people. He left Aegar unconscious along with his friends and using Yin yang release created new furniture. "There all better. Now I am tired so I will see you in the morning." Naruto went up to his room which had been untouched by the fight and went to sleep. When he awoke in the morning, he ate a small breakfast washed up and headed to the palace as quick as he could. He arrived and was escorted inside. The council along with the sovereign were waiting for him. "Good morning old friend. I apologize for canceling on you yesterday. Thank you for a job well done, I've heard word of your deeds throughout the kingdom. Sadly, we may need your services again." Naruto smiled as he walked forward removing his mask in respect. "Sovereign Uriel, always a pleasure. Members of the council good to see you." He winked at Kima who rolled her eyes at him. The sovereign informed him of what was happening and let Naruto stand in on the meeting. They spoke of Whitestone which Naruto took to heart. Then a loud belch was heard. Naruto put his mask on as he turned his head to see Vox MAchina had arrived to take the job URiel was going to ask him to do. Sir Fince wasn't impressed with the group neither was the rest of the council. General Krieg told the group that more seasoned fighters were needed as Fince called them buffoons and ordered the guards to escort them out.Scanlan then said. "Buffoons? Clearly, you've never heard the legend of vox machina. Allow me to give you a proper introduction." He took a lute from the bag of holding Grog had on his belt as Vax muttered. "Oh gods here we go."

"Your excellence tried the best fighters

Who've adventured far and wide

But I promise that you've never

Met a troupe so qualified

There's Grog our mighty giant, he's a simple-minded hulk

And Percy's pepperbox can blow apart your fucking skull

Nature hath no fury quite like Keyleth the Ashari

Controlling plants and animals, she's a magical safari

The twins Vex and Vax, she shoots, he hides in the pitch

They're stealthy and quite deadly, but I forget which one is which

He's Vax (She's Vex)

Pike's divinity is pure, her hands can always heal

Oh, and did I mention we have a bear? Trinket, no big deal

And as for myself?

My name is Scanlan, the man with the fat purple hand

My music's the jam, goin' HAM, ya can't stand it

Get some water, hide your daughters- (Ahem)

Oh, uh, sorry

Brave warriors are we and far more clever than a fox

They'll tell tale of our exploits in the Legend of Vox


As he played images of the group being extraordinary appeared showing how awesome they were. Naruto was impressed by the bard's skill. Uriel seemed happy about the mention of a bear. Naruto knew that Uriel loved bears, so he was sure that the sovereign would hire the group. The council however wasn't very impressed. Sir Fince his voice dripping with malcontent said. "You can't be seriously considering them for such a crucial task." Lady Allura chimed in. "Sovereign Uriel their reputation is less... than stellar." Uriel spoke softly. "Well, they do have a bear, it looked quite ferocious and the song was entertaining." General Krieg spoke up and said. "Why not give them a chance? Perhaps there's more than meets the eye with these warriors." Lady Kima snorted and said. "I doubt it. Let's just call in Aegar's assassins again." A guard stated. "Apparently Aegar had his hand chopped off in a barroom brawl last night." Scanlan muttered under his breath. "Oh shit." Uriel then said to Naruto. "Kitsune, would you mind going with Vox Machina? You'll be paid your normal fee of course." Naruto nodded his head. "Of course I will. Anything for you my friend." he said putting his fist to his chest in a salute. As they spoke Vex the female twin started getting a ringing in her ears. Naruto winced himself as for some reason he could feel a large amount of malice in the room that he was having a hard time placing. "Very well, you're hired Vox Machina. Mainly because I like the bear. But my trusted friend Kitsune will be going along with you to help. This is non-negational. Lady Allura will accompany you to the shale steps. The village closest to the last attack." Vax and Vex grinned as the male elf said. "So, what exactly are we killing, and how much are we making?" General Krieg stated. "We don't know what you're killing, but once you kill it, all this is yours." he put his hand on a large gold chest a guardsman was holding. This got surprised looks from Grog, Pike and Keyleth while Vex, Vax and Percy had grins. Scanlan had a megawatt smile at the thought of that chest full of treasure. Scanlan then said. "Uh, one more question. Yeah, how are we supposed to get there?" Naruto snorted and said. "You'll see. Go grab whatever supplies you'll need, we don't know how long it'll take." As he walked by them, he slipped a sack of gold into the hand of Vex as he passed her. "Lady Allura, I will show them where to meet you." He then walked out of the palace and was passing by Trinket the group's bear when he heard. "Wait." Vex with the band of mercenaries behind him said with the bag hed given her in her hand. "Why give us this? We're not a charity case." The elven archer said a bit miffed. "I didn't give it to you for charity. I need you to be at your best, so use the money to make sure you are. I don't want to lose anybody bescause they were ill prepared." Naruto stated as he turned around. "Oh and as you know from Lord Uriel I'm Kitsune. But you can call me by my real name." at this Naruto grabbed his mask and removed it to reveal his face. "It's Nice to meet all of you. My name is Na-" He was cut off as a redheaded blured launched at him and hugged him as they lay on the ground. "NARUTO!" Keyleth shouted happy to see her friend. Naruto stood and helped Keyleth up and hugged her. "Hey there Ivy, its so nice to see you again." The red-head was so happy to see her friend before she gasped. "Wait you're Kitsune! I should've realized that what with you-" Naruto covered her mouth and said. "Introduce me to your friends Ivy." She had almost told the rest of vox machina he was a kitsune, the species were looked down upon by others for their trickster nature, which is why naruto wanted to keep his species hush hush. Keyleth nodded her head and said to her surprised friends. "Guys this is Naruto, He fell into our village when I was young. He and I became good friends. I havent seen him since I left for my Aramente." Vex noticed the way Keyleth said fell. "What do you mean by fell?" Naruto stepped next to the Ashari girl and said. "Well, it means I fell from a portal in the sky. I'm not of this world. I come from a world called the elemental nations. During a battle against a woman who was like a sister to me she tried to kill me after she almost decimated our planet, my teacher used a space time technique to send me here because he knew there was no future for our world. Im glad I came here though. I met Keyleth and her people who helped me greatly. I had saved Uriel a few years ago and made friends with him as well. I took up the moniker of kitsune due to my affinity for foxes." This floored the group, the greatest warrior and mercenary in all of Exandria wasn't even from their world. Grog got over it and said. "The people from your world strong? Also what do they drink?" Naruto smiled at the Goliath and said. "Well we used a power called chakra to use jutsu to throw around the elements hide ourselves and many other things. Well there were lots of drinks similar to this world. My favorite though is Sake. Especially the kind made by the Toads of Mount Myoboku. The toads were my summons and made great sake and Oil I loved to mix to make explosives." this got the attention of Vax and Grog. "ya got any of that Sake on ya? Also how do Toads make liquor?" Grog asked as Naruto tapped a seal inside his coat and tossed the Barbarian a ceramic bottle. "These were summon animals. They were highly intelligent. We can talk more about my world later. I'm going to grab my things and I'll meet you all in front of the palace. Make sure you have everything you need." The group nodded and headed off Grog though followed the blonde Gulping his drink. Naruto had put his mask back on and said to his companion. "Don't you need to be with the others?" Grog shrugged and said. "Nah, I gave Pike the bag of holding so they could put the stuff away. I like ya. I got a question. Why do ya wear that mask if the Sovereign knows what you look like?" Naruto stopped walking for a moment surprised by what the man said. "Well Id have a lot of people after me if I didn't use my mask. I've killed a lot of people, and you know revenge is commonplace. I normally wear a hood on jobs as well. But if you think I should keep it off I will." Grog shrugged and waited as Naruto grabbed a large scroll and carried it outside before storing it in a seal in his coat. "So how do ya fight? Me I got my great axe. I love chopping things to bits." The goliath said with a grin as he finished the sake and smashed the bottle on the ground. "As I said Grog I have what's called chakra. I can use magic as well but I love using chakra techniques. I have a collection of weapons too." Naruto stated as they saw the rest of the group heading to them. "Come we must meet lady Allura." He said as they walked to were Allura was waiting by a flying ship.

Later the group was on the ship Grog, Pike and Keyleth running along the deck to the bow where Pike jumps on Grog's back. Naruto was leaning against the rail to the left of the group listening to what Vex and Vax were saying before Scanlan interrupted them. Naruto wanted to speak with her and confirm she wasn't alone, that he had felt waves of malice in the throne room. "Isn't this ship amazing? There's two bathrooms downstairs. Hey, by the way, why are you both whispering like we can't hear you?" Vex glared at the bard and said. "Can you mind your business for once, gnome?" Scanlan turned his head and muttered mockingly. "Meh meh meh meh meh." Allurah smiled at Naruto as she stepped forward her expression turning sour as she looked at Vox Machina. "As you can see the creature has already razed three villages and miles of farmland. If this evil persists, the kingdom will starve to death." Keyleth looking down at the burned and razed ground said nervously with a chuckle. "This mission sounds kind of deadly. Do we really wanna do this?" Allura said softly. "Yes this task is dangerous, which is why only the most noble, heroic and true of-" as she spoke she was looking at Naruto. Vex interrupted her. "Yeah, yeah, nobility and heroism is fine and all, but we're in this for the money." Allura sighed and said. "I see. So it's coin over Character. Not surprising. I hope you can be of some help to them Kitsune." the ship landed and the group disembarked. "The shale steps are beyond that hill. Good luck. Please don't, oh, fuck this up, as they say." She gave Naruto one last smile as Scanlan said. "Thanks for the sweet ride. You'll be back to pick us up later, right?" Allura said nothing as the ship ascended and took off. "Yeah, she'll be back." he said with a waved. As they walked Naruto made some observations. He noticed the crest on the buttons of Percy's jacket. 'That's the Derollo family crest. This must be Percival Derollo the lost Heir of the family.' he then stepped back and said. "Can I speak with you two for a moment?" he looked to the twins who nodded and slowed a bit. "What do you need?" Vex asked a bit of anger in her voice. Who was the sovereign to think they needed a babysitter? Naruto responded softly making sure only the twins could hear him. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop like Scanlan said you weren't whispering low enough, but you weren't the only one to notice something in the throne room." at this Vex and Vax both had wide eyes. They looked at each other as Vax said. "What did you notice then?" Naruto adjusted his mask and said. "One of the abilities of my clan back in my world is the ability to sense the intentions of others. I can sense emotions to a point. I felt a lot of malice in the throne room the same time I saw you hold your head. It was such a large volume I couldn't place who was giving it off. I don't think this task will be as easy as I'd hoped." The twins sighed as Vex said. "Thank you for sharing, I'm sorry if we seem apprehensive but we had hoped that the sovereign would trust us to complete our job without a babysitter. No offense." Naruto chuckled and said as he patted trinket on the head. "None taken. After watching your fight in the tavern last night I know you can take care of yourself. You guys just need to work as a team more." Vex nodded and said. "Thank you for the money, we did need supplies." With the bag of gold Naruto had given them Vex was able to triple her supply of magic arrows, Keyleth was able to get more ingredients for her magic and Pike and Percy had stocked up on anything else they had needed. "No worries. I'm not hurting for gold after my last adventure." He told the twins and the others heard and listened as he told them the story of how he got kidnapped by a green dragon just by using a card from the deck of many things and saved the daughters of noble families and got an entire horde of dragon treasure. As they got close to the village Naruto sealed his coat into a seal on his belt. He tapped a seal on his arm and out popped a bundle with a hilt was a long bandaged wrapped thing with a two-handed hilt. The hilt had a skull on the end. "What's that?" Scanlan asked. "One of my swords. It's called Samehada. In this language Shark skin." Pike looked at it and held her signet. "That thing is sentient!" Naruto smiled. "Yes, she is. She was created by a master sword smith decades before I was born. There were six other swords created as well that had unique abilities." the group looked at the blade curiously. Grog wanted to hold it so bad. They reached the village and Grog looked down at Pike and asked. "What we doing here again?" Pike answered. "The last attack was south of here. We're going to ask around, see if anyone knows anything." Grog nodded and putting his hand to his chin said. "Ask around." Naruto and Keyleth were by a pine tree. Naruto sat at the base of the tree meditating while the red head said. "Excuse me green friends. Have you seen any evil wizards or giant monsters passing through here. Grog and Pike were confused as to why she was talking to a tree, "Whatcha think Naruto is doing?" Grog asked. Pike shrugged and said. "Maybe he's trying to sense any foreign energy? He did say he could sense stuff." Naruto's eyes opened and Keyleth looked at his pupils curiously. Naruto looked around and said. "I can feel the magic of whatever came through here. Come on let's go tell the others. Vax saw them approaching and said. "Come on we have a lead." Naruto smiled and said. "I do too. Whatever came through here went and destroyed the tree on the hill. Let me leave a few clones here to collect more chakra. Just in case." "Is this a chakra thing?" Scanlan asked. Naruto held his hands in a cross pattern and twenty Narutos appeared before disappearing to gather nature chakra. "You gotta teach me that! I'd be a one man gang bang!" Naruto smacked the Bard and rolled his eyes. "You're a perv." Naruto said as he walked up the side of the cliff using chakra. He tied a rope around his waist and said. "Anybody wants to climb up this way grab on. Sorry but I don't think I could hold your weight Grog." Vex grinned and said. "Vax, Percy, Grog go around with Trinket. We'll go up with Naruto." Pike climbed onto Naruto's back as the Ashari and Archer tied themselves onto the rope. Naruto began walking up the side of the cliff holding the Cleric with one arm as he whistled a tune. "So, your Chakra is pretty versatile. Do you think we could learn to use it?" Pike asked as she held her hands in his hair which she resisted running her fingers through despite how soft it was. Naruto nodded his head and said. "Well yeah, all people have chakra in their bodies. Most only enough to survive. I taught the Ashari how to access their chakra. Keyleth still has trouble with the tree/wall walking exercise. Her father is quite adept at water manipulation. Keyleth is an earth nature. She's quite good at the earth wall and swamp of the underworld." Keyleth blushed at the praise while Vex had a thought. "So could we all learn how to use chakra?" Naruto shook his head. "Grog may have a hard time, Vex and Scanlan will be fine with it though I'm sure Scanlan's reserves won't be very large due to his use of magic. Percy can't learn to use chakra. There's an energy in him I sensed that would keep him from harnessing his chakra coils." They reached the top and Vex figured she'd speak with Naruto and Percy about what the blond/redhead said. Vex and trinket were looking near the tree while Naruto searched for the energy he felt. "Trinket's found something." Naruto opened his eyes and took his mask off. He stretched and said. "I smell a fight coming soon." Grog smiled and smacked his new friend on the back. "Good. I'm itchin to kill something." The group were in fog now and Vex held her head as Naruto winced. Grog pulled his Axe off his back as everyone got ready. Out of the bushes came.... a lamb. Grog started laughing. "Aw vex scared of a little lamb?" The lamb cutely hopped away and a shadow formed above it as a giant foot crushed it revealing a blue dragon that roared. Vex held her head and Naruto growled angrily. The group ducked and dodged behind trees as the dragon snapped trying to eat Scanlan. After they got back up Naruto was gritting his teeth. He grabbed Samehada and held it aloft in his hands as the cloth fell off the sword wrapping around his wrists. "One thing you should know about Samehada. She doesn't cut....." He launched forward and slammed the blade into the neck of the dragon leaving a huge rip in its scales. "SHE SHREDS!" A gurgle emanated from the blade and Naruto smirked. "Good, glad you like the meal. How about some more girl!?" Vox machina didn't stand still watching as Grog ran forward. Percy shouted that they should run but grog shouted. "No if Naruto fights, we fight!" he launched himself into the air stabbing at the creature before being slammed back by a claw. "Grog's down already!?" Scanlan shouted as he shredded on his lute and a magic hand shot out hitting the dragon. Vex shot several magic arrows as Percy stood beside her firing off rounds from his pepperbox. Pike stood beside them using her magic to block off the lightning strikes so vex and Percy could keep shooting. "Hey Naruto throw me." Vax said as Naruto held samehada down launching the half elf with his sword as Vax stepped onto the top of the blade. The Rogue slammed his daggers into the rip Naruto had made before he was thrown off. The dragon roared sending them all back. The group was huddled together as it roared. Naruto saw Keyleth just staring at the downed burning trees. "Keyleth magic!" Vex shouted. Naruto grabbed her shoulder and said. "We can help the trees after we kill this thing." the dragon kept up its onslaught as keyleth gathered her magic and thunder rumbled as a huge surge of lightning struck the dragon. "Did I just make it worse!?" The dragon roared as light shined through its mouth. Pike created a magic barrier to block the attack but the dragon looked up and shot the lightning at the cliff face above them instead. Boulders and large debris started falling onto them. Keyleth made a barrier of vines around them not noticing Naruto wasn't there. Naruto finished the hand signs and whispered. "Mokuton: four pillar house jutsu." a large wooden structure grew around the band of mercenaries as the rocks fell blocking everything from view. Naruto screamed in pain before blacking out. The dragon sniffed the area before roaring once more and taking off into the sky. "Get me out, get me out. I'm trapped under Grog's ass!" a muffled shout came out as the rocks were blasted away by Pike. Grog stood revealing Scanlan under his ass. They looked around eyes wide as they saw a wooden house covering their vine cave. "Naruto protected us just in case...." Vex said softly as Vax and Pike helped Keyleth up encouraging her that she did well. "Where is he?" Scanlan said looking around hopping over rocks to find their new ally. Keyleth noticed Grog was hurt. "Grog you're hurt." Grog held his side and said. "Nah it's just a flesh wound. No big. Question, is this normal?" He took his hand off his side to show that muscle and bones were showing and he was bleeding profusely. "Oh no." "Holy shit." "I'm gonna throw up." were the words of the group as Pike rushed to her old friend and began to heal him. "Hold still old friend, I've got you." she healed him with the ever light and grog sighed in relief. "Oh, I feel better already. Thanks, Pike you're the best." Scanlan then shouted. "Umm guys get over here." Scanlan was trying to push a boulder and grog stepped up and lifted it throwing it off the cliffside. Naruto was breathing heavily as he lay on the ground half his body crushed by the boulder. "Shit Naruto!" Keyleth shouted as she searched through her herb bag to find something to help her friend. Vex looked through her satchel to find an Elixer and pike fell to her knees, healing Grog took too much out of her and she wouldn't be able to save their new friend. Grog was tearing up as he knelt down by him. "Please tell me you ain't dying. We still got Sake to drink and monsters to kill." the goliath said as Naruto looked at him then the others. "There's something I haven't told you. When I told you I changed when I went through the rift I forgot to mention that I had ten demons and a goddess sealed inside me." his body began to slowly heal as his genjutsu faded. His rounded human ears disappeared as fox ears grew on his head and ten orange fox tails were fanned around his body. "The rift took energy from the tailed beast, the demons in me and granted me their powers merging their energy with me. It turned me into a kitsune. I know the kitsune race is looked down upon which is why I've hidden it for so long. I'm sorry for deceiving you." he slowly sat up and groaned. "Fuck that hurt. I don't recommend getting crushed by a boulder. If and when I die, please let it be with a good drink." he groaned and winced as he was caught in a great big bear hug. "Thank goodness I thought I lost my new killin' buddy!" Grog smiled happily as he helped Naruto to his feet. "We don't care that you're a kitsune." Pike said as Vex stepped forward. "We're a ragtag group of assholes, you think we give a fuck if you're a fox?" Vax groaned and said. "Alright fuck Uriel and all of this, we're done here. We didn't sign up for certain death." Percy retorted. Must I remind you we gave our word to the council? That should probably mean something." Scanlan then said. "Oh, who gives a soggy anus about the council, the only word I care about is Scanlan Shorthalt. And yes I know that's two words. But you know what im saying." Grog nodded and said. "Yeah. What have those fuckity-fucks ever done for us? Except give us a job and a bunch of gold and treasure and stuff." With his piece said he crossed his arms. Keyleth was terrified and had one arm wrapped around Naruto the other holding her staff. "We've fought a lot of things... but a dragon? An actual dragon?" Naruto patted her as pike spoke up. "It's not about the council, or the contract... it's about these people. They need us. We can't just run away." Naruto nodded his head before he winced deeply as he felt all the clones he'd left in the town disperse. Percy sighed as he held his hand to his head. "This is why I hate traveling with holy people. They're too goddamned good." Vex softly said to the cleric. "Pike... this creature is beyond us. When Vax and I were young, one of those monsters killed our mother. I've studied dragons my entire life, hoping to find the one that did it. I can feel when they're close. A horrid pain in my head." Percy sighed and piped up. "Then it's settled. We'll go back to the palace and get out of the contract." Vex shook her head. "You don't understand, Percy. I felt it there, too, at the palace." Scanlan a bit miffed and scared said. "Y-you're just telling us this now?" "I'm sorry I... I wasn't certain til the dragon... it's been years since mother..." Vax hugged his sister and said. "Are you sure Vexalia?" She nodded. "I know what I felt. Someone on the council must be in contact with the dragon, or... I don't know but I-I'm sure it was real." Vax sighed and said. "Then we walk away from all this. It's not worth it. You heard her. One of them might be working with that monster. Let's just get the hell out of here and never set foot in Emon again. Can we all agree on that? You can come with us or go back Naruto but We'd rather live." Naruto groaned and knelt on the ground as Samehada slithered to him. "There you are girl. Glad you're okay." The sword gurgled and rubbed against him. "Mind sharing what you stole from the dragon? I'm dead on my feet right now. My clones popped without gathering enough sage energy." Samehada wrapped her hilt around Naruto's wrist as blue energy was sucked into his body. He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled sealing the blade into a tattoo on his arm. The group had walked away at this point only Pike and Grog were left waiting for him. Grog picked pick up and put her on his shoulders and helped Naruto back to his feet. They left the area as Naruto sorted through his clones memories as they walked. He gasped and said. "We need to hurry back to the village. NOW!" he started running as vox machina saw him and hurried after him rain pouring down as they moved. They could see smoke in the distance before stopping. The village was burnt. Vax ran and stopped at the fisherman's business. He went inside the group opening the curtain as they saw the wife daughter and fisherman all dead. They heard a groan and Vax and Grog lifted a beam. "Pike get over here!!" Vax said as he pulled the little boy he'd given his silver coin to out. Pike tried to heal him but was unable. "I'm sorry I'm still too weak from before." Naruto hobbled toward the boy and nearly fell as he knelt down. "Hopefully I can do something." Green chakra surrounded his palms for a moment as he tried to heal the child. He coughed the chakra disappearing as he coughed up blood into his hand. "I'm sorry I guess my body is still healing. I can't do anything in this condition. The blond coughed again blood splattering on the ground pooling with the blood of the poor family. Grog helped him sit up and pulled a canteen from the bag of holding. "We could've stopped this. Should have." then they heard Scanlan tuning his lute. "What the hell are you doing, Scanlan?" The gnome looked up with a stone face and said. "Thinking of a rhyme for "dead dragon", cause cause i guess we're killing one." Keyleth nodded and said. "I'm in. Uh I mean I'm not gonna lie, I'm terrified out of my mind. But im in." Grog was sitting beside Naruto head down as he said. "I don't like losin'... but now I'm feelin' things, one the inside. They don't feel right." so yeah, I'm with ya." Percy added. "That was..... actually well stated, Grog." Grog looked up confused. "What was?" Percy sighed. "Uh, never mind. Count me in as well." Pike stood and holding her holy signet said. "You guys... We're doing this." Naruto stood up and nodded his head. Vex stepped forward and said. "You all realize we're going to die a truly horrible death." she stepped beside her brother as he looked at the blood-soaked coin in his hand. "Perhaps, sister. But we'll die Gloriously, and we'll kill a fucking dragon." He closed his fist and looked up a determined look on his face.

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