The Medallion

By GenaErvin

120 13 19

Never trust a dolphin, for beneath their seemingly sweet smiles could beat the heart of a deceitful monster... More

Nilla: Through the Lens
Nilla: A Princely Meeting
Allison: The Shift
Nilla: Confession to Friends
Halo: A Warning
Allison: Waiting
Nilla: A Walk Home
Halo: Let's Meet Him
Nilla: His Confession
Halo: The Meeting
Allison: Attempting to Talk Sense
Nilla: Surprise
Nilla: The Dream
Allison: Accusation
Nilla: Creatures of the Sea
Nilla: Creatures of the Land
Nilla: Fight in the Meadow
Nilla: Truth Revealed
Allison: Apology
Nilla: A Realization
Halo: Secrets
Nilla: Who Would've Guessed
Halo: In the Lead
Nilla: Halo's Bedroom
Halo: Steven Possessed
Nilla: Into the Woods
Halo: Searching
Halo: Decisions
Allison: Fight
Nilla: Counter Attack
Nilla: The Orb
Allison: Turmoil
Nilla: Forgiveness

Nilla: Inside the Cave

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By GenaErvin

I didn't sleep well. I kept having dreams of still being under Jace's control or Allison's pawn. Every time I twitched or was startled by a noise, like a refrigerator turning on, Steven put his arm around me. He never left my side.

The last night Jace could spend on land would soon arrive. He would have to return to his ocean of persecution before the next sunrise with either his light of salvation or his mind trapped in a bottle for all eternity.

Morning came and the group sat around the kitchen table with breakfast.

"So what's our course of action?" Banta asked with a mouth full of food.

"After we've refueled ourselves it's only natural that we go ahead and get to the cave." Halo seemed so comfortable after their fight, like what happened between them didn't matter. Her calm demeanor seemed to irritate Banta even more. "We'll surprise them. They won't suspect a thing."

Banta grumbled. "Of course, they'll suspect something. It's crunch time for them and now they'll be even more on edge than before. An attack last night wouldn't have been suspected."

"Banta, it's silly to expect us to win a battle if everyone is exhausted." Halo calmly took a sip of her hot tea. She was behaving more like a socialite than a pack leader.

"Then, milady, may I suggest we head out." Banta tried to sound as obedient as she could while talking through her teeth. "The sooner we get to the cave Will spoke of, the better off I'll feel."

"Give everyone time to digest." Halo took another sip of tea. "We will go in half an hour. The rest of the meal can digest along the way. I will not have them cramping up in the middle of the fight." She didn't even look at Banta while she was talking. She simply sipped her tea and nibbled her fruit.

Banta pushed herself from the table. I saw the fury in her eyes. Banta wanted to start something, but she made a nod and headed outside. I thought Halo was right not to try and push the pack, but I also understood Banta's desire to hit while the iron was hot so to speak. I wished they could've seen each other's point of view. More importantly, I wished they could see mine. The more I thought about it, the more I didn't want to see Jace get hurt. I would never let them know this, but I was rooting for him to succeed so he could finally have the equality he was searching for.

The sun was bright and it was already very warm outside by the time we were off for the cave. Banta had reverted back to her wolf form while Halo and Will stayed in their human ones.

"It was just beyond this ridge," said Will. "There's a small opening so we'll have to enter it one by one. The path heads down and then emerges in an underground cave. There are luminescent flowers around the entire area and a small cottage at the center."

"The birthing cave," Halo said. "I remember it from the old stories. Allison has already formed the energy. She must have a very strong life force."

"It's also darkened, milady. Don't forget that," said Will.

"This won't turn out well for any of us."

"How do you mean?" Steven asked.

"The darkened energy kills relentlessly," said Will. "Death will be extremely painful. It also has the ability to turn us against each other. We must maintain a strong and uniformed front throughout the battle."

"I should've let him take my energy like he wanted," Nilla said. "At least then it would be a light energy of love."

Halo smiled. "Energy made of your love I would never fear. It wouldn't hurt anyone but it would still have the ability to enforce change, not with death and torture, but with persuasion and hope. If he had to have anyone's energy to merge with, I would've rather it been yours too."

"But the fact of the matter is that he can't have any human energy because his vicious mind will take over all the waters," said Will.

"I'm actually starting to agree with Nilla on this one."

"But, milady, the mermaids...."

"Can stop being so ignorant and full of their own self-interests. As long as Azalea is in control, there will never be lasting peace in the waters. I wish the heiress had not died. She at least had a kind heart like my Nilla."

We reached the cave opening and I was anxious to get to Allison and Jace. I wanted to make sure they were okay. The wolves went in first and I went between Banta and Will. The opening was narrow and I didn't like having to crawl to get in.

We emerged on the other side of the hole on a ledge overlooking the area. The birthing place was a very large enclosed space. There was another opening on the side of the cave nearest the little cottage that was covered with so many vines that they almost blocked out the sun. The vines were glowing yellow and red with a warm light. I felt calm like I always did when I was outside under the sun and my willow tree.

The other lights were plants with millions of tiny blue flowers that held a soft blue glow. Near the center of it all was a very small cottage. It was only about the size of a standard living room. There was a window and all the edges were rounded. The entire building was covered in moss and more of the blue flowers.

There was water trickling from somewhere in the darker parts of the cave. Neither the light from the vines nor the light from the flowers could reach it.

The wolves had surrounded the cottage by the time everyone was inside. Halo and Banta were near the front door while Steven, Will, and I held back. My eyes weren't as quick to adjust to the light as the others. There was a low rumble of growls from all the wolves and I strained to see. There was a bright flash of light from inside the cottage. Had the birthing begun?

The door flung open and Jace stood before the wolves. My legs took over, racing to his side the moment I recognized him. It was as if I had no choice. Neither Will nor Steven could stop me, though they both tried. Before Halo could leap to attack, I was in his arms. He pulled me into the cottage and closed the door.

"What are you doing here, Nilla?" he asked.

I was out of breath. "I had to help you. I had to find some way to help you and Ali."

"We don't need your help," Allison snapped. She looked tired and very large. She was about to burst.

Allison was lying on a beautiful soft bed surrounded by glowing blue flowers that seemed even more beautiful with candlelight shining near them.

"You do need her help, Ali," I insisted. "I won't abandon you in your hour of need."

"You never truly cared about me, Nilla, admit it."

"Of course, I did and still do! I will always care about you."

"Then why would you continually try and take my dreams away from me?"

"What, the choir thing? Mr. Pleeger asked me about you like I'm sure he asked you about me. I told him the truth. I told him how great you were and that you needed to work on your punctuality, that's all, and you know you do so why do you hold his decision against me?"

"I heard that you were telling him lies about me."

"I wasn't."

"Then why would he choose you over me?"

"Maybe he heard something in my voice that he didn't hear in yours. Maybe he didn't like your attitude, I don't know. But you can't go around blaming me for the things that happen to you. You have to accept them. It's not good for your soul to be so resentful."

"And you don't resent me for taking Jace from you?"

I looked up at his face then back to Allison. "I was angry with you, yes, but I realized that it wasn't you but rather your jealousy and your desperation."

"So you are blaming me."

"Because it's your fault." I could feel anger building up inside of me. "If you hadn't been so stubborn all of your life, you never would've gone looking for this and we wouldn't be in this mess. Besides, you didn't take him from me because he still loves me."

Allison smiled. She lifted her hand and a bright red orb about the size of a basketball appeared that would glow brighter the more she laughed.

"I can control you now," she said. "I can control all of your emotions with a simple thought. Now, the world will be mine."

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