break a leg (not my heart) |...

By alexspotatoes

14.4K 798 227

- in which she wants a peaceful school year where she can enjoy her drama club, but he wants her back - - - ... More

1 | the new school year
2 | the musical
3 | the pause button
4 | the auditions
5 | the rehearsal
6 | the late night call
7 | the script
8 | the blame
9 | the new beginnings
11 | the home rehearsal
12 | the lyrics
13 | the demand
14 | the disappointment
15 | the poster
16 | the opening night
17 | the second act
epilogue | high school musical: the musical: the second part
author's note

10 | the healthcare

541 40 4
By alexspotatoes

Y/N CLAPPED AS CHIFUYU finished his dance to Get'cha Head in the Game after finally learning to do it more or less flawless. The two were the only ones still in the gym, since they'd stayed behind to rehearse a bit more before going home.

''Finally, this took so long to learn,'' Chifuyu said as he sat on a mat to take a breath. ''Just gotta keep practicing until opening night.''

Y/n nodded. ''Yeah. It feels so far but so soon at the same time.'' Chifuyu nodded in agreement and the two decided to leave for the day.

After deciding to ignore Chifuyu's comment from a few days ago, the two were back on speaking therms again. Y/n was still confused, but she decided to simply pretend he never said anything and avoid the situation as long as she could. That sounded like a solid plan to her.

"It's getting late,'' Chifuyu said after having checked his phone. ''Let's head home, yeah?''

Y/n agreed and the two left the gym together. Once in the hallway, however, they finally had access to windows and were able to see the situation outside. Rain was pouring down heavily and the sky was gray. There were multiple piddles outside and Y/n felt shivers run down her spine, already imagining the cold.

''Shit,'' Chifuyu said as he neared the window. ''I don't have an umbrella.''

Y/n groaned. ''I don't have mine, either. My mom said the weather's gonna be nice today. I feel very played right now.'' Chifuyu chuckled at her words.

The two stood in front of the school, unsure of what to do. ''Should we wait it out?'' asked Y/n, looking at Chifuyu.

''It doesn't seem like it's gonna stop anytime soon.'' Chifuyu stuck his hand out and the rain drenched it in mere seconds. He withdrew it and wiped it off his pants. ''Our only option is to run home. We don't live that far, anyway.''

Y/n agreed, knowing they didn't have much of a choice. She patted her hair, knowing how drenched it was going to be. She'd just washed it yesterday, which was a shame, since she'd have to wash it again today.

''Fine, let's go,'' Y/n said but before she could step in the rain, Chifuyu pulled her back.

''Wait a second.'' Chifuyu shrugged his jacket off, holding it above his and Y/n's heads as at least some kind of protection from the rain. ''Alright, let's go.''

''You'll get sick, dumbass!'' Y/n scolded him as Chifuyu pulled her out in the rain. She could already feel her socks getting wet.

''I won't if we go quicker! The faster we run, the faster we're home!'' Chifuyu yelled over the loud rain, even though he was close to Y/n and she could hear him perfectly fine.

Y/n wanted to kick him for being an idiot, like he always was, but she simply grabbed his arm and pulled him to run quicker. They had to take a few breaks from running due to Y/n having less stamina than Chifuyu - acquired by running after and from other gangs - but soon enough, they were at the entrance of Y/n's apartment building, drenched from head to toe.

''Phew, we made it,'' Chifuyu said as he let his wet jacket fall on his wet hair. He watched Y/n as she fumbled to take out her keys. Her hair was sticking to her face and she was still breathing rather heavily because of all the running, but she looked as pretty as always to Chifuyu.

As much as he tried, he couldn't respect her wishes to think of her as only a friend. And he was pretty sure she was aware of that, too.

Y/n looked at him after unlocking her door, eyebrows furrowed. ''Why're you still here? Go home and take a warm shower or something, you'll get sick!''

Chifuyu, suddenly feeling the chill in his bones, nodded. ''Ah, yeah, I forgot.'' He started backing out of her porch, giving a wave. ''See you tomorrow!''

''Just go, idiot!'' Chifuyu laughed and took off, sprinting towards his own house, which was, thankfully, not that far away from hers.

°•. .•°

Chifuyu didn't come to rehearsals.

Usually, he showed up earlier. Today, he didn't show up at all. ''Does anyone know where Matsuno-kun is?'' asked Nakamura-sensei, looking around for her male lead actor.

Hina raised her hand, speaking before she was even called. ''He's sick at home today, Sensei.''

Y/n leaned closer to Hina, whispering. ''He's sick?''

Hina leaned closer as well. ''Yeah, Takemichi-kun said he got a cold from the rain yesterday. I'm surprised you didn't.'' Y/n did have a runny nose, but it seemed like she got away lighter than Chifuyu did.

"Ah, poor thing. May God give him a quick recovery.'' Nakamura-sensei wrote something on her clipboard, Akaashi following after her, ''Sudou-kun, you'll step in for Matsuno-kun today, yeah?''

It was almost as if Sudou was waiting for the suggestion. And he probably was, considering he was the runner-up for Troy's role. ''Yes, of course, Sensei.''

Sudou was a second-year, much like Y/n and Chifuyu were. He wasn't in any of their classes, though, so she didn't know him well. He was tall and handsome, but his personality was very . . . questionable. According to Y/n, at least.

Today, they were practicing the roof scene. Which was a very intimate scene and it was going to feel very weird practicing it with someone who was not . . . Chifuyu. Maybe it would've been weird practicing it with him as well, but now she couldn't know, since he was sick.

The scene started and the two were singing Can I Have This Dance, which involved a lot of physical contact. Y/n had to swallow her pride and continue with the practice, even if she didn't like it. If she wanted to be an actor, she had to learn to be a professional.

Take my hand, as Y/n sung, she extended her hand out to Sudou, who grabbed it and Y/n had to resist the urge to pull away from his sweaty palm. The two continued and were now getting closer. Sudou, being bold, put a hand on her cheek and leaned dangerously close to her face - that was certainly not part of the movie.

She stopped singing mid-verse and pulled away, finally escaping his hand. ''Nakamura-sensei.'' She turned towards the teacher, stepping further away from Sudou. ''That part wasn't in the movie, was it? He's straying away from the script.''

Nakamura-sensei nodded. ''You're right, it's not, but I kind of liked it. Sometimes in teather it's okay to improvise a bit. Keep on going, yeah?''

Y/n sighed, getting into the position she was in before she'd cut herself off - in Sudou's arms. The next hour was definitely going to be very uncomfortable.

°•. .•°

''He was so sweaty, Hina! You have no idea!'' Y/n said as she furiously rubbed her hands with hand disinfectant she'd borrowed from Hina, trying to clean Sudou's traces from her hands.

''Ah, so he's not as dreamy as everyone makes him out to be. Everyone has their quirks, I guess.''

''His breath stank, too.''

Hina remembered how close his face had gotten to Y/n's earlier and almost gagged at the thought. "You really were suffering, weren't you?''

''I was. I very much was.''

Hina almost smirked as she nudged her friend. ''You wish it'd been Chifuyu dancing around with you, yeah? Bet his breath wouldn't have stunk.''

''Shut up, Hina.'' Y/n shook her head at the tease. ''His breath really doesn't stink, though.''

Hina snorted at the confession and the two were finally out of the gym, where Takemichi was waiting for them. ''Hey,'' he greeted the two, giving Hina a quick kiss on the cheek. Over the years, he's definitely become bolder, Y/n noted.

''Hey, Takemichi-kun,'' Hina said as she took hold of his hand. ''Rehearsals are finally over! Are we going out now?''

Takemichi laughed nervously. ''Uh, about that. I gotta go to Chifuyu's to bring him his homework and to check on him, he was dying in the morning and he's home alone, who knows how he's feeling now.''

After hearing his words, a sudden worry rose into Y/n. ''I can . . . uh, I can bring it to him. And check on him while I'm at it.''

The couple looked at Y/n - one of them smiling, the other one smirking at her. She ignored Hina's teasing face, focusing on Takemichi.

''Really? That'd be great! I'm sure he'd rather see you than me, anyway.'' Takemichi quickly fished out a few papers from his bag and handed them to Y/n. ''I wrote down exactly what we did on a paper, it's somewhere in the stack. Chifuyu will find it. Thank you again.''

Y/n nodded as she walked the two walk away, hand-in-hand. ''Yeah, no problem. Have fun!''

Now, she was going back to Chifuyu's home for the first time in months.

°•. .•°

When Chifuyu didn't open the door after the first three rings, Y/n's worry grew even more. Had he passed out? Did he fall somewhere and couldn't get up? Did he get kidnapped by a gang that still held a grudge against him?

The door finally opened. Chifuyu stood in front of her, a thick blanket wrapped around him and over his head. His nose and eyes were red and he looked very sick and tired overall.

''I told you you'd get sick.''

''Geez, no are you okay? No, I was worried about you?''

''Well, I was worried, but I was also right.''

Chifuyu sighed and opened the door wider, letting her come in. ''What're you doing here, any- ACHOO!'' He sneezed in his sleeve loudly, startling Y/n. ''Ugh, fuck. What're you doing here, wasn't Takemichi supposed to come?''

"He had a date with Hina and I offered to come instead,'' Y/n said as she took off her shoes and placed them neatly to the side. Chifuyu opened a cardboard and pulled out a pair of slippers - Y/n's slippers that she had at his house. She thought he'd throw them away or something, but it seems like he kept them. ''Why? Should Takemichi have come? Am I bothering you, by chance?''

Chifuyu's eyes widened and he shook his head, speaking through his blocked nose. ''No, 'course not. I just-''

Y/n laughed, waving him off. ''I'm just joking. I know how much you lo- like me.'' That was supposed to be a joke, too, but both of them knew it actually wasn't. Both of them knew what she actually meant to say, but neither addressed it. Y/n cleared her throat and looked at Chifuyu. ''Anyway, have you eaten? Taken any meds?''

''I've been in bed all day, so, no.''

Y/n sighed as she raised her hand and put it on his forehead, quickly pulling it away after. ''You're burning! How're you even standing?'' Y/n ushered him back towards his room, where she made him lay down before she grabbed the thermometer from his nightstand and measured his temperature.

Once the thermometer beeped Chifuyu took it out and handed it to her. ''38.9 degrees. How are you still conscious.''

''I barely am.''

Quickly, Y/n rushed to get a cloth and wet it with cold water. She put it on Chifuyu's forehead, pushing his hair away so it wouldn't get wet. Chifuyu groaned at the cold but Y/n shushed him. ''It's okay, this should help.''

Chifuyu's eyes were closed and he was half awake. He didn't want to go to sleep when Y/n was here, when they were alone and she was being so nice to him. It would be such a waste to sleep right now.

''I'll call my mom real quick, okay? You can try to sleep if you want, I'll be back in a moment.''

Chifuyu only understood half of her words as she stepped out of the room as to not bother him. He smiled to himself, thinking about how nice it felt to be taken care of by Y/n. It felt like he was back when everything was still okay and they were still together. It gave him hope.

''Okay so,'' Y/n spoke as she returned to the room. ''My mom said putting egg whites on the soles of the feet should help lower the temperature quickly. It's going to feel really nasty, though.''

''Just do it, I feel like shit anyway.''

Before he knew it, Chifuyu was laying down with cold egg whites on his feet, covered by his socks. Y/n was right, it felt very weird and uncomfortable, but he had to bear it so he can get healthy quicker and go back to rehearsals with Y/n.

After exchange the cloth for a new one, Y/n gave Chifuyu the thermometer and made him measure his temperature. ''38.2 degrees. Holy shit, this actually worked, I thought she was joking.''

Chifuyu chuckled, his eyes still closed. They felt very heavy, but he did feel slightly better than before Y/n showed up. Maybe it was because she was taking care of him, maybe it was just because she was there with him. Chifuyu couldn't decide at the moment.

''Do you have an appetite?'' asked Y/n as she took her phone out.

''Kind of, I guess.'' Chifuyu moved his head towards her and slightly opened his eyes to see her typing on her phone.

''Okay, I'll be back in a moment.''

She stepped out of the room again and Chifuyu heard the words 'soup' and 'thank you, Mitsuya-kun' before she returned to the room and told him Mitsuya was going to pick up a soup for him.

Y/n spotted tissues on his bedside table and she took one, blowing her nose and throwing it away. ''Are you sick, too?'' Chifuyu asked, finally opening his eyes to properly look at her.

"A bit,'' Y/n said as she sat on the ground and leaned back on his bed. ''I'm way better than you, though. I went to school, so.''

''How were rehearsals?''

''Don't even get me started on that.''

Her words piqued his interest. ''Did something happen?''

''You know how we were supposed to rehearse the rooftop scene today, right?'' Y/n asked and Chifuyu nodded, then she told him about how annoying it was working with Sudou and how touchy-feely he was being.

Even in his weak state, Chifuyu wanted to punch Sudou. If he did, he risked loosing his role in the musical, so he couldn't afford it. After all, Y/n seemed to want to work with Chifuyu more than with Sudou, and that was enough for the blond to keep his wrists at bay.

For now.

''Heh, don't worry, I'll be back soon enough, since you seem to miss me so much,'' Chifuyu said and you could still tell his nose was blocked, as he still talked funny.

''Yeah, yeah, whatever.'' The doorbell rang and Y/n looked towards Chifuyu's bedroom door, ''Oh, that must be Mitsuya-kun.''

Y/n left again and Chifuyu sat up, letting the cloth from his forehead fall in his hand. He wasn't feeling as warm anymore, so his temperature must be decreasing still.

''Food's here!'' Y/n walked in with a container and a spoon, setting them on Chifuyu's desk. ''Mitsuya brought the soup. Do you think you can sit to eat at the desk?''

Chifuyu nodded and swung his feet over the bed. As he stepped on the ground, he could feel the egg stuck on his feet and grimaced. He sat on his desk chair and Y/n picked up his blanket and draped it over him, making sure he wouldn't be cold or uncomfortable.

''I'll leave you your homework here, you can do it whenever you feel better,'' Y/n said as she placed it on his desk, further away from his soup so he wouldn't accidentally stain the paper. Chifuyu nodded and thanked her before beginning to eat his warm soup.

Y/n cleaned around until Chifuyu finished eating, then she sent him to the bathroom to finally wash off the egg from his feet. She fished out a pair of clean socks and gave them to him once he was back, then helped him back in bed.

''You shouldn't stay here this long,'' Chifuyu suddenly spoke, looking at her as he laid on his side wrapped in a blanket. ''You'll get sick, too.''

''I'm already sick, doesn't matter.'' Y/n shrugged. ''Besides, I can't leave you alone. What if your temperature raises again? I'll stay here until your mom comes back.''

He watched her as she sat on his bed and played with the hem of her school skirt. He sat up, wrapping his arms around her and resting his chin on her shoulder, surprising her.


''Thank you, Y/n.''

Today, Chifuyu was once again proven that he couldn't live without Y/n.

''Of course. That's what . . . friends are for.''

He had to put more effort into winning her back.

''Yeah. Just don't get sick, yeah?''


As if the world wanted to defy Chifuyu, the next day neither he or Y/n attended school, both bed-bound at home and with running noses.

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