In The Game of Love

De just-dreaming-marvel

15K 425 33

Running from her past, Y/N meets Mary Morstan. She allows herself to friend the woman, meeting Dr. John Watso... Mais

twenty one
Sherlock's Epilogue


529 13 2
De just-dreaming-marvel

 The motor carriage was really meant for only people, but it was going to have to work since there was no way to make the train on time. Sherlock helped Y/N onto it, guiding her to sit in the middle before getting John in next to her. John was drunk rambling as Y/N tried to keep him on the motor carriage. Sherlock quickly went around to the driver's side and got it going and they were off.

John was basically asleep as soon as Sherlock began driving them away. Y/N was struggling to stay awake the later it got and the more they traveled.

"Darling," Sherlock called softly, taking his eyes off the lonely dirt road. "Why don't you get some rest?"

"I don't want you to fall asleep," Y/N explained. "We need to get there."

Sherlock chuckled lightly. "Sleep is not something I require to function. You cannot say the same."

"Are you sure?"

"Lay your head on my shoulder and get some rest. I promise to get us there no later than we already will be."

Y/N let out a small sigh and nodded in agreement. Sherlock moved his head slightly over so that Y/N's head could have more room on his shoulder. She slowly let her shoulder rest on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Sherlock listened to Y/N's breath's slowly even out until he knew she was sound asleep. Her being asleep on his shoulder made his heart begin to beat a little faster. He even felt the urge to lean his head against her and fall asleep as well, from time to time along the way. But he knew that he needed to get them to the church. He needed to get John to his wedding despite how he felt about it all.


Y/N woke up when they weren't too far away from the church. John was still leaned up against her, asleep. Y/N looked around at the men and realized that they must have looked interesting. They were dirty from the fights. Y/N was still dressed in her outfit that made her look more masculine and she was sure that there was dried blood on her cheek. Sherlock had sunglasses on with a pipe in his mouth now. Y/N couldn't help but think of how handsome Sherlock looked, even when his face was all dirty and his hair and clothes a mess. Sherlock stopped the motor carriage and looked over at Y/N, who was still looking at him.

"Sleep well?" He asked.

"Yes," she answered. "Thank you."

Sherlock's eyes fell to John before he climbed out of the motor carriage and went around to the other side. Y/N nudged John, causing him to move slightly but not fully wake. Sherlock puffed at his pipe a few times before nudging John himself. There was still no major response. Sherlock turned slightly to see two bagpipe players standing in front of some bushes. He signaled for them to begin playing. John's face scrunched up before he opened his eyes and looked panicked and upset.

The bagpipes continued to play as Sherlock began to take off John's trench coat that was draped over the man. John turned towards Y/N as he fought against Sherlock taking the coat. It wasn't too hard for Sherlock to get it out of John's grip, throwing it to the side. John finally gave in and stepped off the motor carriage. Y/N followed suit and worked with Sherlock to try and get John looking more put together. One of this suit coat's sleeves ripped off and Sherlock just tossed it into the motor carriage.

Y/N and Sherlock gave each other a look, both knowing it wasn't going to get any better than this. Sherlock reached his hand out to John. John forced a tiny smile out and set one of his hands in Sherlock's. Sherlock guided John into the church, with Y/N close behind just in case the man lost his balance.

There were already many people seated in the church pews. They stared and whispered as Y/N and Sherlock escorted the groom to his spot at the end of the aisle. Once John was standing in his needed spot, Sherlock offered Y/N his elbow. She reached her hand under his arm to rest her hand on it. He lead her to the pew beside John. The two sat down and Sherlock's hand went to Y/N's before she could take hers off of his arm. She smiled lightly as she rested her head against his shoulder and was almost instantly asleep again. Sherlock smirked to himself before his head rested against hers. He was quickly asleep as well.

Before to long, Mary and her bridesmaids were making their way down the aisle. The guests all rose except Sherlock and Y/N, who were still leaning on each other, asleep. Mrs. Hudson was sitting directly behind them and poked the two in the shoulder. They quickly stood up, realizing what was happening. Sherlock turned to John and tried to make him look more presentable but there was really no fixing it. The men shared a firm look before Mary arrived next to John and the guests were asked to be seated.

John carefully lifted Mary's veil over her head. Mary's wide smile dropped slightly at the sight of the state John was in. She looked passed John to Y/N and Sherlock. Y/N smiled at her and Sherlock gave a light nod and a wink. The two sat there in silence throughout the ceremony, their outer thighs barely brushing against one another.

When the ceremony was over, the pair were the first people out of the church. They watched the other guests line up outside of the church so that Mary and John could have their grand exit. They stood next to the bushes as Mary and John walked out of the church and the other guests applauded.

"Do you ever see yourself getting married?" Y/N asked, keeping her eyes on the happy couple.

Sherlock stayed silent for a brief moment, like he was thinking over how to answer the question. "Not too long ago, I could answer that I was married to my work," he responded. He looked at her and she met his gaze. "I'm not so sure of that anymore."

Y/N inhaled deeply before quickly looking back towards John and Mary. Sherlock looked back towards their friends as well. He forced a smile and clapped along with the other guests a few times before moving towards the motor carriage. Y/N didn't move just yet. John looked her way and shot her a smile. She responded in kind before turning to follow Sherlock. Sherlock was cranking up the motor carriage when Y/N gasped and froze in her spot. Sherlock whipped his head up to see what was the matter and saw a man leaning agains the motor carriage. It was the same man they saw before they found Dr. Hoffmanstahl's body. Colonel Sebastian Moran.

"I've been to a wedding here before," Moran stated, rolling up a cigarette. Sherlock slowly began heading towards Y/N's side. "Funeral too." Sherlock grasped Y/N's hand. "The professor wants to meet. With both of you."

"We'd expected to hear from from him sooner," Sherlock responded as he lead Y/N to the motor carriage, "in light of recent events." He helped her into the carriage, as she clearly wasn't able to think properly.

"He was wondering if it'd be convenient for the both of you to come by the college this afternoon." Sherlock got into the driver's side. "His lecture concludes at 4."

"Looking forward. One side, chummily."

Sherlock honked the horn on the motor carriage and drove away. He kept side-eying Y/N as she remind almost frozen and completely silent. He didn't know what to say to help her and he knew that she needed some time to process what they were about to do.


The ride to Baker Street was completely silent. Both Sherlock and Y/N entered the flat and went straight to their separate rooms to clean up. When Y/N was finished, she found Sherlock wanting for her on the staircase. He looked up at her and shot her a quick smile before holding out his hand. She took it and let him lead her down the stairs and onto the motor carriage.

At first, the two remained completely silent as they headed towards the college. Y/N was nervously playing with her fingers in a way that Sherlock had never seen before.

"I don't know if I can do this," she admitted quietly. "I haven't... I haven't been face to face with him in so long. I—"

"I'll be right beside you the whole time," Sherlock said, his voice so sure.

"I still don't— Sherlock... this is a bad idea. Us going together reveals what he is already thinking, that... that we are each others weaknesses. The moment it's confirmed, he's going to use it against us."

"Weakness can also be strength." His hand found the one of hers that was closest to him. "Better he ask us to meet him then anything else."

Y/N nodded and the two were silent for the rest of the ride. Sherlock kept hold of her hand throughout the ride and the walk to Moriarty's office on the campus. Y/N could hear the music from inside the office and shook off Sherlock's hand. Sherlock still kept close to her side as the two entered the office.

"Fischerweise, Schubert, 1826," Sherlock stated the song's name.

Sherlock looked at the professor, who in turn looked at him, as Y/N kept her eyes on the bookshelf in front of her. There was a student with the professor, standing behind him.

Sherlock walked towards the man, Y/N mindlessly following, as he spoke in German and then repeated the lyrics in English, "Give up your foolish trickery."

"This fish you cannot cheat," the professor finished.

"I hope we're not intruding."

"Excuse me." Moriarty turned to the student behind him. "Matthew, take these up to Mr. Williams." He handed the student a stack of books. "And make sure he packs my white tie and tails."

"I'll take care of it, professor," the student responded before taking his leave.

"Thank you..." He turned off the music. "I do apologize. I'm off on a blasted lecture tour. Would either of you care for some tea or coffee?"

"Neither," Sherlock replied.

"Last I remember, Y/N enjoyed her tea."

"I'm good," Y/N responded, her voice sounding weaker than she wanted it to. Sherlock stepped closer to her.

"Something stronger, perhaps?"

"No," Sherlock answered, "but might we trouble you for an inscription?" Sherlock pulled a book from behind his back and offered it to Moriarty.

Moriarty smiled as he took it, read the cover, and then state at his desk. He opened the book and began writing as Sherlock walked around the desk, observing everything. Y/N couldn't keep her eyes off of her father sitting in front of her.

"I read that the good doctor was to be married today," Moriarty stated. "How was the service?"

"Definitive," Sherlock responded. "He'll no longer be party to our investigations. He's out of the equation. I... trust you'll take this into consideration."

"And what considerations will you grant me?" Moriarty blew air at the writing in the book and closed it. "Have you actually read the book?" He looked up at his daughter, offering it to her.

"I found it compelling," Sherlock answered for her, coming around to the front of the desk again and the book. "Though I'm primarily interested in your more recent endeavors."

"I take that as a compliment. I have the utmost regard for you talents. It's a pleasure to finally meet you..." The two men shook hands. "Officially."

Sherlock flipped through the book as he walked back towards Y/N. "Are you familiar with the study of graphology?"

"I've never given it any serious thought, no."

"The psychological analysis of handwriting. The upward strokes on the P, the J, and the M, indicate a genius-level intellect. While the flourishes on the lower zone denote a highly creative, yet meticulous nature. But if one observes the overall slant and the pressure of the writing, there's a suggestion of acute narcissism, a complete lack of empathy, and a pronounced inclination toward—"


"—moral insanity."

"In answer to your previous request regarding Dr. Watson not ebbing involved, the answer is no. The laws of celestial mechanics dictate that when two objects collide... there is always damage of a collateral nature."

Moriarty looked at Y/N before focusing on getting something out of his desk drawer. Sherlock took another protective step closer to Y/N, basically standing on top of her.

"Exempli gratia," Moriarty said as he stood up and headed towards the duo. "Two gentlemen find themselves at cross-purposes. Two young women torn between them. The strain proves too much for one of them, and she suddenly falls ill..." He tossed a handkerchief onto the small table with a chess board on top. The handkerchief had Irene's initials and blood on it. Moriarty sat down as Sherlock's face contorted into one of horror and Y/N gasped. "...with tragic consequences. A rare form of tuberculosis. She succumbed in a matter of seconds." Sherlock looked away as Moriarty picked up the blank King chess piece on the board. "Now... are you sure you two want to play this game?"

"I'm afraid you'd lose," Sherlock stated.

"Rest assured, if you attempt to bring destruction down upon me... I shall do the same to you... Y/N should know this first hand... My respect for you, Mr. Holmes, is the only reason you're still alive. And is, currently, the only reason Y/N is still alive as well."

"You've paid me several compliments. Let me pay you one in return when I say that if I were assured of the former eventuality... I would cheerfully accept the latter." Sherlock reached out and took Irene's handkerchief before grabbing Y/N's hand with his other, pulling her towards the door.

"I would be careful, my daughter." Y/N's steps faltered. "My people have never stopped looking for you. You know what the right thing to do is." Y/N inhaled sharply and Sherlock have her hand a gentle squeeze. "And I'll be sure to send my regards to the happy couple."

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