Save the poor little hero (qu...

By Darkknight123457

15.1K 356 62 Author: Yamau Aoki Category: Rebirth through time Release time: 2022-01-19 ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180
Chapter 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190
Chapter 191
Chapter 192
Chapter 193
Chapter 194
Chapter 195
Chapter 196
Chapter 197
Chapter 198
Chapter 199
Chapter 200
Chapter 201
Chapter 202
Chapter 203
Chapter 204
Chapter 205
Chapter 206
Chapter 207
Chapter 208
Chapter 209
Chapter 210
Chapter 211
Chapter 212
Chapter 213
Chapter 214
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
Chapter 217
Chapter 218
Chapter 219
Chapter 220
Chapter 221
Chapter 222
Chapter 223
Chapter 224
Chapter 225
Chapter 226

Chapter 162

36 1 0
By Darkknight123457

Chapter 162 (Promise to leave)

    Gu Chaochao held this meeting for an extraordinarily long time, and it didn't end until after eight o'clock in the evening.

    I took out my cell phone from the conference room, and the first thing I did was to call the housekeeper: "Is Mu Shen still waiting for me to eat? Tell him not to worry, I'll go back..."

    "President Gu, he's still in Mr. Wu Here." The butler interrupted helplessly.

    Gu Chaochao was stunned: "What do you mean? He didn't come home with you?" "I won't go with me, I have to wait for you to pick me up," the     housekeeper

    sighed, "You better come quickly."

Wasn't it fine when I went to pick it up? Why did you suddenly refuse today? Gu Chaochao didn't even bother to ask, and hurriedly hung up the phone and hurried to the hotel.

    It was the evening rush hour, and it was already nine o'clock in the evening when she arrived at the hotel. The temperature at night was ten degrees lower than when the sun was shining during the day. As soon as Gu Chaochao got out of the car, he shuddered. , which dispels the cold.

    She trotted all the way upstairs, turned two corners and appeared at the entrance of the long corridor in front of the suite: "Mushen!"

    Shen Mushen was standing at the door and waited, and when she saw her, she immediately stood up straighter: "Sister."

    Gu Chaochao sighed, and when he walked up to him, he was about to take a closer look to see if something was wrong, but before he could take a closer look, he was hugged by him.

    "...What's the matter?" Gu Chaochao patted his back soothingly, and he could sense his resentment without looking at his face.

    "Sister is bad." Shen Mushen was born tall, and to hug her, he had to bend over slightly, like a big aggrieved dog.

    Hearing his calm accusation, Gu Chaochao couldn't hold back his joy: "Because I didn't come to pick you up, I'm a bad person? Shen Mushen, have you been short-tempered lately?"

    Shen Mushen's response was even more Hold tightly.     "...Young master, it's time to go home." Seeing that they had been hugging, the butler felt awkward in his heart, so he opened his mouth to persuade.     Shen Mu was deeply deaf.

    Gu Chaochao resisted the urge to roll his eyes: "Don't hold back, your waist is about to break."

    "If you want to take it home, don't delay my rest." Wu Chang, who was watching the excitement in the room, suddenly said.

    "Good, let go." Gu Chaochao also persuaded.

    Shen Mushen listened to the words of these two people the most, but today after they persuaded them, they didn't let go immediately, instead they hugged for a while before letting go.

    Gu Chaochao finally breathed the air of freedom, and slowly looked at Wu Chang: "Mr. Wu, you can actually let Mu Shen wait in the room."

    This is the meaning of distressed that her family Mu Shen has been guarding the door.

    Wu Chang snorted coldly: "What kind of temper does he need to tell me?" If Shen Mu was willing to wait in the room, how could he keep people standing at the door.

    Gu Chaochao suddenly realized that it was not easy to attack. After saying goodbye, he left with Shen Mushen.

    The housekeeper ran to press the elevator ahead of time, and when the two arrived, the elevator door just opened, and the three walked in together.

    As soon as he stood still, Shen Mushen suddenly reached out to Gu Chaochao.

    Gu Chaochao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and held him.

    The housekeeper couldn't bear it any longer: "Master Shen, you are a boy, Gu is always a girl, you can't hold hands."

    "He is just a child and doesn't understand anything." Gu Chaochao explained.

    Seeing this, the housekeeper had no choice but to go with her.

    The three of them went home silently all the way. After dinner, Gu Chaochao sent Shen Mushen back to the door of the room as usual.

    "Go to bed early." Gu Chaochao said goodbye gently, then turned around and walked towards his room. After walking a few steps, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. When he turned around, he saw that he was following.

    "Go back to sleep." Gu Chaochao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

    Shen Mushen didn't hear it, and continued to follow her. When he was about to reach the door of her room, he walked directly past her.

    Gu Chaochao realized what he wanted to do, and quickly grabbed him: "No."

    Shen Mushen stopped and looked at her.

    "...No matter how miserable you are, you can't sleep with me," Gu Chaochao felt soft-hearted for a moment, but in order to help him establish good values, he could only ignore this moment of soft-heartedness, "Remember the men and women I told you about Is there anything else? If it's not a romantic relationship, we can't sleep together."

    "Yes." Shen Mushen said only one word.

    "No," Gu Chaochao was still firm, "Good boy, go back to sleep."

    Shen Mushen stood at the door deadlocked.

    Gu Chaochao tried to persuade him several times without persuading him, so he could only enter the house by himself, and closed the door in front of him.

    When the door was closed, she didn't miss Shen Mushen's injured eyes as if she had been abandoned, and she felt an uncomfortable feeling in her heart. At this moment, she and Shen Mushen are like mothers and children in the weaning period -

    although this metaphor is strange, the withdrawal reaction in the mind is similar. Both of them were uncomfortable. She also thought that she would just leave everything alone, how happy she was, but the fact was that Shen Mushen acted on instinct and didn't have much ability to think at all. Once she let it go, she would wait for him in the future One day, when he grows up, he may hate her, or he may find this relationship disgusting.

    Therefore, in order for Shen Mushen's mental health to grow up, he could only endure this kind of discomfort.

    Gu Chaochao stood quietly against the door for a long time, finally took a deep breath, and listened to the movement outside.

    no sound... go away? Even though he knew that Shen Mushen was originally quiet and not someone who would change his mind easily, but Gu Chaochao struggled for a long time and decided to deceive himself.

    Washing, skin care, going to bed, and so on when the lights are turned off, it is already 12 o'clock in the morning.

    She sighed softly and closed her eyes, Shen Mushen's pitiful eyes automatically appeared in her mind.

    Gu Chaochao suddenly opened his eyes, and after a long silence he closed his eyes again, trying to think about other things, trying to drive the eyes out of his mind.

    However, she struggled until two o'clock in the morning without success. She got up resignedly and walked to the door barefooted.

    The door opened, and as expected, Shen Mushen was standing outside.

    "Aren't you tired after standing at the hotel for a few hours and then going home for a few hours?" she asked angrily.

    Shen Mu looked at her with deep eyes, although she really wanted to enter the house, she didn't dare to walk without her permission.

    "...Come in." Gu Chaochao took a deep breath to make way for him, and closed the door directly after he entered.

    Lie down on the bed again, with a distance between the two. Gu Chaochao turned off the lights and closed his eyes, and when he was about to come to hold his hand, he said, "No holding hands."

    Shen Mushen obediently took his hand back.

    The room was silent except for Gu Chaochao's slight breathing. Shen Mu looked at the darkness with his eyes wide open, but for a long time he secretly held Gu Chaochao's hand before closing his eyes again.

    fell asleep.

    After this day, Gu Chaochao's weaning plan was still in progress. Although Shen Mushen occasionally didn't cooperate, he was obedient most of the time, and he never proposed to sleep with her again.

    Gu Chaochao was very satisfied with his plan, and as Shen Mushen's condition improved, he also began to ask professional tutors to teach him lessons.

    Living in a small room for more than ten years, he lacked too many things. Although the Qian family would have hired a special education tutor to teach him to read and write at the very beginning, but that was only superficial, and only allowed him to. After two years of study, he stopped worrying about his education on the grounds that he would go mad when he saw strangers.

    Therefore, the current Shen Mushen can be regarded as a standard little illiterate.

    Because he had been taking Wu Chang's classes during the day, Gu Chaochao was afraid that he would not cooperate with the tutor when he came back, so every day when the tutor came, she would accompany him to class together. After a long time, Shen Mushen accepted it well.

    After Shen Mushen got used to tutoring, Gu Chaochao thought about adding some outdoor subjects to him, but he felt bad that he was not idle all day long. When he was struggling, Wu Chang suddenly proposed to go abroad.

    "I should have left a month ago, but I stayed for the sake of Mu Shen, and now it's time to go back to work." Wu Chang explained.

    Gu Chaochao couldn't hold back when he heard the words: "Then after you go back, can you teach Mushen via video in your spare time?" She bought a smartphone for Shen Mushen a few days ago, and Shen Mushen obviously liked it.

    "Of course." Wu Chang readily agreed.

    Two days later, Gu Chaochao and Shen Mushen sent people to the airport together.

    "Goodbye, Mr. Gu," while Wu Chang went to the bathroom, Zhou Cang said goodbye to Gu Chaochao with a smile, and then looked at Shen Mushen, "Master Shen, I'm leaving now, won't you say goodbye to me?"

    Shen Mu Shen turned his face to the side, and Zhou Cang was dumbfounded.

    "If it wasn't for trusting your character, I really thought you did something to him." Gu Chaochao said to Youyou.

    Zhou Cang raised his eyebrows: "What would happen to you if I did something to him?"

    "Of course you will pay the price." Gu Chaochao didn't even think about it.

    Zhou Cang covered his heart and said, "President Gu, we are friends anyway, your unhesitating appearance really hurts me."

    "No way, who told you to bully the children." Gu Chaochao smiled.

    "Little boy." Zhou Cang gave Shen Mushen a meaningful look.

    Shen Mushen continued to pretend to be deaf.

    Wu Chang quickly came out of the bathroom, and Gu Chaochao and Shen Mushen brought them to the boarding gate.

    Wu Chang raised his head and looked at Shen Mushen: "I will come back after the New Year. If you think about it, let me know."

    "What are you thinking about?" Gu Chaochao was curious.

    Wu Chang didn't hide it from her: "I want to take Mu Shen to study abroad."

    Gu Chaochao was taken aback.

    "But he hasn't agreed yet." Wu Chang continued.

    Gu Chaochao came back to his senses and looked at Shen Mushen embarrassedly: "Why didn't you tell me."

    "President Gu doesn't want him to go?" Wu Chang asked suddenly.

    Of course not! Gu Chaochao's words reached his lips, met Wu Chang's eyes, and then swallowed it. After a long silence, he decided to open his mouth: "I respect his opinion."

    After speaking, he suddenly regained his confidence, "Mu Shen should not want to go, right? Otherwise, this time, it's not for you and Zhou Cang, but for the three of you."

    "He hasn't answered me yet." Wu Chang laughed, not admitting that he was rejected.

    Gu Chaochao shrugged: "Then wait a little longer, maybe if he grows up a bit, he will be willing to travel far."

    After seeing Wu Chang and Zhou Cang off, Gu Chaochao and Shen Mushen remained silent on the way back.

    After a long time, Gu Chaochao asked, "Do you want to follow Wu Chang?"

    Shen Mu paused and looked at her.

    "If you want to leave, I will not object," Gu Chaochao felt a little sour, but he had to admit that following Wu Chang was the best choice, "I am an enlightened parent."

    After speaking, he fell into silence.

    There are still more than ten days before the Chinese New Year, and the number of vehicles on the street has increased suddenly. It may take three times for a red light to pass. Gu Chaochao was impatient, he honked the horn several times in a row, and his brows gradually wrinkled.

    "Don't go." Shen Mushen said suddenly.

    Gu Chaochao paused for a while, and then pretended to say nothing after a while: "It's fine if you don't go, anyway, you can take an online class, it won't delay your learning to paint." As

    she was talking, a car suddenly squeezed in front and cut in the queue, and she clicked her tongue. , the corners of his lips raised slightly: "This car is so annoying, fortunately we have nothing to do, we can go slowly."

    Shen Mu lowered his eyes and sat quietly in the co-pilot.

    The company was on vacation as the New Year was approaching, and Gu Chaochao finally got some free time. The class was temporarily suspended, and the two of them became idle at the same time. They either watched movies or went out for a walk all day, and they lived a salty and comfortable life.

    Until the New Year's Eve, the two of them continued this kind of life, but after the third day of the new year, Gu Chaochao suddenly became busy, not because of work, but because of personal matters -

    as a 29-year-old, It is impossible for a single, beautiful and rich woman not to be urged to marry, even if she has absolutely no will in this regard.

    "The person who introduced Mr. Gu to the target is either the third aunt or the sixth wife, or the partner, and it is not easy to keep rejecting it, so Mr. Gu is probably busy during this time." Everyone is idle during the New Year, but the housekeeper Even more idle, he just pulled Shen Mushen to chat, "But it's good to see a few more, what if you like it? Then you have a brother-in-law!"

    Shen Mushen, who was painting, stopped painting. , looked up at the butler.

    The housekeeper has been with him for so long, and he can somewhat distinguish his emotions. For example, at this moment, he is confused.

    "Brother-in-law, is President Gu's lover and future husband," the housekeeper explained carefully, "Your name is President Gu's sister, then President Gu's husband is your brother-in-law, understand     ?" ' This word, Gu Chaochao once told him that only men and women in a romantic relationship can sleep in the same bed.

    Siblings are not lovers.

    Seeing him sitting in a daze, the butler didn't give him any reaction at all, and gradually got bored. When he was about to change another topic, his eyes suddenly turned to the floor-to-ceiling window, and his face suddenly burst into a smile: "President Gu is back... ...they were sent back!"     "I've seen four or five, and this is the first one to send Mr. Gu home. With Mr. Gu's character, he must have been sent because he was interested in him," the butler seemed worried. The old father, who looked at the two standing outside, was very excited, "Master Shen, you really have a brother-in-law this time."     Shen Mu stared at Gu Chaochao until she walked home with the man. He suddenly stood up and walked out.     This was the first time he left the studio on his own initiative without Gu Chaochao calling him. The butler was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly chased after him.     Gu Chaochao entered the living room while talking to someone, and was about to invite someone to sit down for a cup of tea when he saw Shen Mushen rushing over, she was stunned, and just as he was about to speak, he suddenly ran over and hugged her.     The people present were stunned at the same time. The housekeeper almost suffocated when he saw this scene, and hurriedly explained to them: "This is Mr. Gu's younger brother..."     "I know, Mr. Shen Mushen, the closed disciple of Master Wu Chang. ," the man     smiled , "Although I haven't seen it, I have heard of it. I don't know if I'm fortunate enough to see his work today." It will spread all over the world. Although Shen Mushen's works have never appeared, they have been blindly estimated to be worth tens of millions. Once the works flow out, they will only be more expensive.     Gu Chaochao didn't pay any attention to this, just smiled politely after hearing this, and then patted Shen Mushen's back.     Shen Mushen didn't want to let go, but he let go.

    The floor-to-ceiling windows of the studio faced the yard and could see all the way outside the gate, only to see Gu Chaochao standing beside a car, smiling and talking to the man who saw her off.

    Shen Mu looked at her deeply, and became even more at a loss after being confused.

    "Master Shen usually likes hugs, he is the same as everyone." The housekeeper explained again.

    The man nodded and didn't seem to mind.

    The housekeeper breathed a sigh of relief and quickly pulled Shen Mushen away. Gu Chaochao helplessly watched them go away, and then he looked at the man: "I made you laugh."

    "Mr. Shen is very straightforward." The man praised.

    Gu Chaochao smiled: "I still want to thank you for sending me back today, I'm really bothering you."

    "It's just an effort, Mr. Gu doesn't have to be polite," the man nodded with great restraint, "your car should have been sent for overhaul. , it should be fine in about a week."

    Finally, I don't have to go on a blind date today, and the car broke down just after I took time to meet a client. This kind of unfortunate incident made Gu Chaochao very helpless, so he could only thank him again.

    After leaving the man to drink tea at home, Gu Chaochao sent the man out, and before going out, he looked at the old and the young who were peeking at the stairs with a warning.

    The housekeeper shrank his head and sighed: "It's a pity that it's too far away to hear what they said."

    Gu Chaochao has been on a blind date recently, and now that a man has brought her back, he never thought that it might be a client, not a blind date.

    After the housekeeper finished regretting, seeing that Shen Mushen was still staring down, he immediately turned his face over and taught him with a serious face: "You can't hug President Gu like this in the future, you know?"

    Shen Mushen's eyes narrowed. move.

    "You're an older child, you should pay attention to avoid suspicion. In the future, only your brother-in-law can hug President Gu, and no other men can, so do you." The housekeeper warned again.

    Shen Mu looked at him deeply, and suddenly turned to leave for a long time.

    "What's wrong..." The butler muttered.

    Shen Mushen returned to the room alone in a daze. The phone he bought for a long time suddenly vibrated. He lowered his eyes to look at Wu Chang's name above, and it took a while to connect.

    "Mushen, I'm going back to China in two days. I'll see you then." Wu Chang smiled.

    Shen Mu looked at him deeply.

    Wu Chang paused, and the smile on his face faded: "Why are you wronged again?"

    "Blind date," he said.

    Wu Chang was stunned for a moment, understood what he meant, and suddenly felt helpless: "Mu Shen, Gu is always a very good woman, and it's normal for her to have a blind date. Since you decide to stay, you should accept it."

    Shen Twilight pursed her lips.

    Wu Chang was very concerned about his only closed disciple. Seeing that he was so wronged, he couldn't help but mention: "Why don't you come abroad with me."

    "No." Shen Mushen replied simply.

    "Only if you leave for a period of time and grow up, she will see you as a man, and you will have the possibility to go further. If you don't leave, then all your growth and maturity will be under her eyes, even if you grow up. She will be habitually regarded as a child by her, and sooner or later, someone else will appear around her, you are a child, what are you fighting for?" Wu Chang said bitterly.

    Shen Mu was silent.

    Wu Chang said a bunch of other things, but Shen Mushen was unmoved. Just when he was about to give up, Shen

    Mushen suddenly said, "Okay." Wu Chang was stunned: "What did you say?"

    "...Okay. ."

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