Save the poor little hero (qu...

By Darkknight123457

15.1K 356 62 Author: Yamau Aoki Category: Rebirth through time Release time: 2022-01-19 ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180
Chapter 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190
Chapter 191
Chapter 192
Chapter 193
Chapter 194
Chapter 195
Chapter 196
Chapter 197
Chapter 198
Chapter 199
Chapter 200
Chapter 201
Chapter 202
Chapter 203
Chapter 204
Chapter 205
Chapter 206
Chapter 207
Chapter 208
Chapter 209
Chapter 210
Chapter 211
Chapter 212
Chapter 213
Chapter 214
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
Chapter 217
Chapter 218
Chapter 219
Chapter 220
Chapter 221
Chapter 222
Chapter 223
Chapter 224
Chapter 225
Chapter 226

Chapter 137

47 2 0
By Darkknight123457

Chapter 137 (She's a good woman...)

    Facing Shen Mushen's question, Gu Chaochao nodded honestly: "Yes, she helped me get it out of the warehouse."

    "You didn't even go to the warehouse in person," Shen Mushen narrowed his eyes, "Gu Chao, this is the Your sincerity?"

    Gu Chaochao didn't expect him to care about this, so he quickly explained: "Xiao Xiao was unwell yesterday, so I asked her to do me a favor. Although Xiao Xiao did not take it out personally, the value has not changed, it is really Xiao Xiao. A piece of mind."

    Shen Mushen sneered: "Tacky." After that, he casually threw the jade pendant on the table.

    Gu Chaochao blinked, and after a while he coughed softly, "Does the general dislike the smell of fat powder on it?"

    Shen Mu was silent.

    Gu Chaochao picked up the jade pendant and rubbed it flatteringly: "The little one will go to the general to taste it." After rubbing it, he sniffed carefully, and smiled at Shen Mu, "There is no smell."

    Shen Mu gave her a deep look, Seeing her smiling attentively, she felt better, and just as she was about to take the things reluctantly, she heard her say, "The general doesn't like the smell, so when the little one goes back, I'll add some new rouge gouache to her, and I promise I won't do it again. It smells like that."

    "You want to add something to her?" Shen Mu's face was dark and ugly.

    Gu Chaochao looked innocent: "Yes, is there any problem?"

    Shen Mu stared at her deeply, and wanted to ask her if there was something wrong with her, but when she met her bright eyes like Xinghe, she suddenly felt that it was unnecessary—

    She is a woman herself, what can she have with another woman.

    Thinking of this, he felt a little relieved, but he was still inexplicably unhappy, and he didn't even bother to pick up the jade pendant.

    Gu Chaochao saw that he was standing still, but he felt that he was becoming more and more unpredictable, so he silently put the jade pendant on the table and said goodbye with a dry smile: "It's getting late, the little one will retire first, so I won't disturb the general's rest. "

    After she finished speaking, she turned around tentatively and walked out, noticing that he hadn't stopped her, she quickened her pace.

    However, just as he stepped out of the door with one foot and the cool air from the outside hit his face, Shen Mushen opened his mouth calmly: "I'm letting you go?"

    Gu Chaochao had to stop and turned back helplessly: "General, aren't you tired?"

    "Think everyone is the same as you?" Shen Mu sneered deeply.

    Gu Chaochao sighed: "Even if you're not tired, you can't do more training today."

    Shen Mu snorted deeply and sat down beside the bed.

    Seeing this, Gu Chaochao had no choice but to open the door and ask someone to bring dinner, and he stayed in the General's Mansion for another meal.

    Seeing her habitually sitting down at the table, Shen Mu pursed his lips: "You take this place as your home."

    "The little one is loyal to the general, where the general is, the villain's home." Gu Chaochao was accustomed to flattery, and this kind of remarks came when he opened his mouth.

    In the past, Shen Mushen was quite happy to hear it, but since knowing her identity, every time she heard her say this, she felt inexplicably upset. Gu Chaochao didn't notice his emotions, so he took some food for him directly with the chopsticks: "General, glutinous rice lotus is delicious."

    Shen Mushen looked at the red lotus root slices that appeared in his bowl, and then reluctantly tasted it after being quiet. took a sip.

    The two finished their dinner in a hurry. It was completely dark outside. Gu Chaochao had been in this room for a whole day. At this moment, he always wanted to go out, but Shen Mushen was there and did not let her leave at all the meaning of.

    After waiting for a long time, Gu Chaochao finally couldn't take it anymore and couldn't help but say, "General, when are you going to let me go?"

    Shen Mu was silent.

    Gu Chaochao joked: "It's been a long night. It's too boring for us two big men to sit face to face. Why don't we invite you to drink flower wine?"

    She said this because she knew that the male protagonist didn't like Qin Lou very much. Chu Pavilion, even people who like this kind of place, hate it very much. Every time he encounters an invitation that is not long-sighted, he will ask people to get out of his sight without giving face.

    She had also been bored here for a whole day, so she would come up with this strategy, hoping that he would frown in disgust, and tell him to get out by the way.

    Sure enough, before she finished speaking, Shen Mushen's face sank: "You still go to this kind of place?"

    "...Not much." Gu Chaochao said conservatively.

    Shen Mushen stared at her, and there was a trace of sarcasm in his eyes for a long time: "Deliberately provoking me?"

    Gu Chaochao: "..."

    She tried her best to control her expression, but Shen Mushen still saw the flaw at a glance, and sneered coldly. : "Gu Chao, you are so courageous, and you are acting aggressively against me."

    Gu Chaochao laughed dryly: "You are really tired, and now you want to go home and lie down, that's why you do this kind of shit. General forgiveness..."

    "Then go." Shen Mushen interrupted.

    Gu Chaochao's remaining words suddenly choked in his throat, and he swallowed it for a long time before he asked dumbly, "What?

    " I have never been to that kind of place in my life except to investigate things, and I happened to go with Young Master Gu to

    learn more." Gu Chaochao swallowed and said embarrassingly: "Little Fang is confused."

    "Let's go." Shen Mu had a deep expression. Suddenly serious.

    Gu Chaochao: "..."

    After half an hour, the two appeared at the back door of the brothel.

    Gu Chaochao glanced at the person in the wheelchair and complained in his heart. She just tried to provoke him just for the sake of going home early. Who would have thought that stealing chickens would not be worth the money, but she actually came to the brothel with him.

    ...Walking around the brothel with Shen Mushen was something she didn't even dare to think about. He wouldn't suddenly get angry and want to kill because the girls were too close later, right? Who would he kill first, those girls, or himself who brought him to see those girls?

    Gu Chaochao's mind was in a mess. She stood at the back door for a long time and didn't come forward. Finally, a knife from the wheelchair forced her to come back to her senses.

    "...General, let's talk about it first, these girls are hard-working people, either sold here by their families or kidnapped by people. If you don't like them, just ask them to go out. Don't hurt them." Gu Chaochao was vaccinated in advance.

    Shen Mushen looked up at her, saw the worry in her eyes and said meaningfully: "Don't worry, there is only one woman I want to kill in this world."

    Gu Chaochao: "..."

    After a short silence, Gu Chao Chao cleared his throat and gave him a second vaccination: "Also, you insisted on coming tonight. If you are unhappy here, you can't take my anger out, let alone hurt me."

    "Why? So much nonsense." Shen Mu was impatient.

    Gu Chaochao's feet were on the ground, "If you don't agree, I won't go in."

    "Gu Chao, are you playing a rogue with me?" Shen Mu narrowed his eyes.

    Gu Chaochao smiled ingratiatingly: "Younger is also asking for a guarantee for himself, General, just promise me."

    She spoke softly with a beautiful face, even those who hated her three points couldn't bear it. Live to promise. When Shen Mu came back to her senses, she had already heard her happily say thank you General.

    Shen Mu tugged at the corner of his lips and met her bright eyes, too lazy to take back those words.

    The two negotiated for a long time at the back door, and finally entered the courtyard. As soon as Gu Chaochao pushed Shen Mushen through the corridor, a young servant came hurriedly: "I don't know that Young Master Gu is here, and the little one is not welcome. It's really damn it, this is..." The little

    servant saw Shen Mushen . Mu Shen was in a wheelchair, and then watched Gu Chaochao push it personally, there was a faint guess in his heart, but there was no sign of it on his face.

    Gu Chaochao coughed, "This is Young Master Shen."

    That's it. The little servant smiled with a wrinkled face: "Congratulations to Young Master Shen."

    Shen Mushen really didn't like this kind of place. He frowned from the moment he entered the door. After seeing the shiny smile on the little servant's face, he suddenly had the urge to leave. He just thought that he came here because of his own suggestion. Now, he must be looked down upon by this bastard Gu Chao.

    After a moment of silence, Gu Chaochao let Gu Chaochao push him in by default.

    Gu Chaochao didn't know how long he had been struggling in his heart, but he pushed him into the building with ease, and then entered a wing after several turns.

    "You are familiar with the road here." Shen Mu sneered deeply.

    Gu Chaochao smiled, parked the wheelchair by the table, and poured him a cup of tea: "It's not easy to make a living, the business owners who cooperate with them like it, and the young ones can only laugh and flatter."

    Shen Mu's eyes narrowed slightly . She moved, and she saw a hint of bitterness from the corner of her grinning lips.

    "How old are you now?" Shen Mushen kissed suddenly.

    Gu Chaochao was stunned for a moment, and after returning to his senses, he replied, "It's in her early twenties."

    In her early twenties, a girl from an ordinary family is already married, and maybe she has children, but she has to walk the rivers and lakes pretending to be a man in order to guard her family property. , when necessary, come to such filthy places, accompany those wine and meat friends to talk and laugh.

    Shen Mushen couldn't help but think of what she had investigated after knowing that she was a woman. If she wasn't lucky enough to meet her that night, she was afraid that she would either be found by the servants or follow the words of another man. I can't hold it anymore, as for what will happen later, I'm afraid that even if I don't die, I will also peel off the skin.

    It was pitiful to say, Shen Mushen asked her to bring herself, her original intention was to make things difficult for her, but now she was a little reluctant.

    "The general is drinking tea," Gu Chaochao explained when he saw his fingertips unconsciously rubbing on the cup, thinking that he was uneasy about the things here, "I have been here a few times, and the old prostitutes here know the habits of being a child. I won't add messy things to the tea, so don't worry about it, General."

    Shen Mu glanced at the cup and took a sip, it tasted good.

    Gu Chaochao saw that he liked it, so he smiled and poured another cup: "General, let's just listen to Xiaoqu'er and drink tea today, so don't do it."

    "What would those people you bring in the past do?" Shen Mu asked with a deep frown.

    Gu Chaochao paused: "It's nothing, it's just what you usually do in a brothel."

    Shen Mu deeply recalled the scene when he arrested corrupt officials in a brothel, and his face was faintly unhappy: "They do that in front of you. What's wrong?"

    "...It's not that exaggerated, it's just drinking and drinking with the girl and talking about dirty words. If you really want to do something like that, you'll still go back to the house." Gu Chaochao said hurriedly.

    "Do you like to come to this kind of place?" After Shen Mushen asked, she felt that she had asked a nonsense.

    Gu Chaochao didn't know what to think, his expression was a little bitter: "To be honest, I don't like it very much."

    Shen Mu's deep complexion was still not very good-looking, and when he looked at Gu Chaochao again, there was even more sympathy in his eyes.

    Gu Chaochao was accustomed to his moodiness tonight, and nodded slightly after seeing the old bustard gesturing at the door.

    After a while, the girls came in from outside, and Gu Chaochao's eyes lit up when he saw them: "Sisters and sisters, come and let me see!"



    Four or five Yingyingyanyan Shen Mushen, who flew directly towards him without looking at his superiors, rushed directly in front of Gu Chaochao.

    Shen Mushen, who was still sympathetic, said, "?"

    "Master! You haven't been here for a long time!" The little girl who grabbed Gu Chaochao's right arm first complained.

    Another glamorous elder sister directly took her left arm: "I said earlier that I wanted to see my elder sister. My elder sister hasn't picked up customers for several days because of you. It's better for you to come now."

    These two people seized the opportunity, The other girls were vaguely dissatisfied, but they didn't want to say anything in front of Gu Chaochao, so they just sat down leaning on her leg quickly: "I'll beat the young master's leg."

    "Have me half, and I'll beat the young master's legs too!"

    "Then each person has one leg."

    Gu Chaochao cheered, praising the little face that pinched the other, and Shen Mushen looked at her with a numb expression, until she was enjoying it. A woman kissed her and left a lip print on her face, and he suddenly turned black.

    Gu Chaochao raised his head as if he was aware, and saw that his expression was not very good and sat up straight: "This is Young Master Shen." The

    girls then reluctantly left Gu Chaochao and bowed to Shen Mushen. : "I've seen Young Master Shen."

    Shen Mu's face was expressionless and ignorant, and the atmosphere was awkward for a moment. Gu Chaochao coughed and pulled his elder sister back: "It's the first

    time that Young Master Shen is here, so it's probably a little inappropriate. Sisters, why don't you sing a little song and dance to cheer up the fun." The girls at the order couldn't hold back their anger, and they all said that they wanted to perform the dance she just learned, but the older sister just smiled implicitly and asked someone to bring the pipa.

    Gu Chaochao praised one by one, until everyone was satisfied, then returned to Shen Mushen and sat down.

    "Didn't you say you don't like this kind of place?" Shen Mu looked on coldly, "Why do I look at it, do you like it?"

    Gu Chaochao paused, then smiled helplessly, "I really don't like it, dealing with them is more difficult than dealing with business. Tired."

    Shen Mushen: "..."

    "General, drink tea." Gu Chaochao added some more tea to him.

    Shen Mu sneered deeply, not touching the cup.

    Gu Chaochao glanced at him and tried: "If the general is tired, why don't we go back."

    "No need, continue to sit." Shen Mushen saw someone winking at Gu Chaochao, his eyes became colder, but he had to personally See what else she can do.

    Seeing this, Gu Chaochao touched his nose and stopped persuading him. He concentrated on listening to the song and enjoying the dance.

    Seeing that she finally stopped talking to the people next to her, the girls suddenly worked harder, and some of the younger ones even winked at her. Gu Chaochao grinned at the corners of his lips, and pointed his finger at the table to beat the beat for them. Lianxiang Xiyu's appearance was so romantic.

    "Since you like it so much, why don't you marry them all back?" Shen Mushen began to find fault again.

    Gu Chaochao shrugged: "It's really limited in ability, I can't accommodate so many people." I

    'm afraid it's not limited by identity, even if you like it, you can't take it back to be a concubine. Shen Mushen finally felt relieved when she heard her say again: "But I have already talked to the old lady, they won't pick up the guest if they don't want to, and I will redeem them for them when everything is properly arranged."

    Shen Mu Shen Yi swept his eye knife over: "You still want to redeem yourself?"

    The girl who led the dance threw a wink at Gu Chaochao, Gu Chaochao laughed, and when she looked at Shen Mushen, she also smiled, showing a romantic look. The clear and bright young man said: "Of course I want it. The young ones are so poor now that only money is left. Since they have the ability to seek security for them, naturally they can't turn a blind eye to them."

    While speaking, the girl who led the dance saw Gu Chaochao's delay in coming to her . Looking here, he couldn't help but danced to her side, and sat directly on her lap in front of Shen Mushen.

    Shen Mu was so angry that she stood up directly from the wheelchair.

    "Yo!" The girl playing the piano covered her mouth in surprise, and the other girls were also shocked, apparently taking Shen Mushen as a paralyzed person, and they were shocked to see him suddenly stand up.

    "Go back!" After Shen Mushen finished speaking, he left with a limp.

    Gu Chaochao was stunned, and it took a long time for him to regain his senses. He quickly got up and pushed his wheelchair to chase, leaving only a group of girls to discuss the miracles of contemporary medicine.

    Gu Chaochao chased all the way to the courtyard, and the wind mixed with rain and snow rushed toward her. She couldn't help sneezing, and the people who walked to the back door in front slowed down.

    "General!" She trotted to catch up with her wheelchair, "Why didn't you wait for me?"

    "It's not good to delay your drinking and flirting with others." Shen Mu gave her a deep look.

    Gu Chaochao smiled: "It's nothing, I'm just friends with them."

    Shen Mu snorted coldly and was about to refute, but she suddenly woke up after meeting her curved eyes -

    she's a woman, and she can't be with other women. It can only be a friend, what kind of anger is he now?

    Realizing that something was wrong with him, Shen Mu frowned deeply and didn't speak for a while.

    "General, sit down, I will push you," Gu Chaochao shrank his neck coldly, "You have walked too much today, so you should rest more."

    Facing her concern, Shen Mushen's eyes narrowed slightly. Moved, and after a moment of silence, finally sat down.

    Gu Chaochao breathed a sigh of relief and pushed him forward.

    The two returned home without a word, the carriage first stopped in front of Gu Chaochao's door, Gu Chaochao jumped out of the carriage and looked back at Shen Mushen: "General, after you go back today, remember to soak your feet to relax and find someone else. Massage your legs and feet, otherwise it will hurt tomorrow."

    Shen Mu looked down at her condescendingly, and saw the snowflakes fall on her eyelashes, which quickly melted and turned into a glittering glitter, and her Adam's apple couldn't help but move: "... um. Gu Chaochao

    couldn't help but laugh when he saw that he didn't refute him.

    The carriage continued to move forward, Gu Chaochao grinned and stood where he was, as if he had to wait for him to return before entering the door. Shen Mushen kept staring at her until her face disappeared in the small window of the carriage and then lowered the curtain.

    The carriage stopped again soon, and he was pushed out of the carriage by the guards, subconsciously going back and forth to see Shilu. I saw that Gu Chaochao had already turned around, but before entering the door, a maid ran out of the door, holding her hand and asking for warmth, Gu Chaochao smiled suddenly, the smile on his face was much more sincere than when he looked at himself.

    Shen Mushen's mood suddenly turned bad.

    He buckled the wheelchair and stopped the guards from pushing him in, until Gu Chaochao disappeared.

    The guard also saw the scene just now, and couldn't help but gossip with Shen Mushen: "Young Master Gu treats his wife very well."

    "That's not a wife, it's a roommate." Shen Mushen said lightly.

    The guards didn't take it seriously: "But Young Master Gu has never had another woman for so many years, and it's because she is the only one in her heart."

    Shen Mu snorted softly, "It's not that she only has that woman in her heart, but only that woman. ." If you want to come to this room, you also know her identity.

    The guard didn't quite understand what he meant.

    Shen Mushen didn't need to look back, and could guess from his silence that he didn't understand, and suddenly frowned, "Do you think it's possible for two women?"

    "...Ah?" The guard was dumbfounded.

    "It's possible for two women to become husband and wife?" Shen Mushen raised his jaw with arrogance in his eyes, "Of course not."

    "Can't you?" The story of getting married."

    Shen Mushen: "?"

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