The puppeteer (Classroom of t...

By MoonLight-kun_

43.1K 883 324

So.... S tier to me is Ichinose Honami, Sakayanagi Arisu A tier is either Kei Kariuzawa, Sakura Airi B tier i... More

Bio in a nutshell
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Harem (But with photos) and memes
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
More memes
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

2.4K 66 16
By MoonLight-kun_

Behind every strong person, there is a story that gave them no choice.


Haru's p.o.v

It wasn't long before groups began to form within the class.

Some are inviting Kushida to eat lunch together.

Others just talking about their interest.

An idiot also spend 80,000 points just to get a tablet. The other just bought mobile games.

Meanwhile the girls just talk about how they saw an accessory and are planning to head out to buy it and some clothes too.

Okay so rant time.

Why waste 80,000 points on a tablet when I literally saw a few that are on sale. Hell there is one under 5,000 points and it still works fine. Btw who buys mobile games? They are not good. The cringe games have higher rating than the paid ones too.

As for the accessory. You girls are buying something expensive just so you can wear that small item. Nobody will notice it until you point it out. As for the clothes I have no objection but just buy the cheaper ones, the expensive ones are the same as the regular ones, it is only made with a lot of expensive material.

Now that is over, I can safely say I fail at making friends but that doesn't mean I can make puppets. Whatever comes first I don't care.

Horikita: Your pitiful.

Haru: Your one to talk.

Horikita: Yes, because I like to be alone.

... Dammit. I have no comebacks. Hey gods who are reading my life and mind. Mind making a comeback for me?

Anyways I better head to the cafeteria. I walk out and as soon as I did, one of the famous girls approaches me.

Kushida: Um your Nakano, right?

Haru: No this is patrick.

There was an awkward silence. Such uncultured swine.

Haru: Yes I am Nakano, um whats up Kushida?

Kushida: Thank you! I am so glad you remembered my name!

Who wouldn't?

Haru: Yeah... I guess?

Kushida: Um... Can we talk?

Hmm. It doesn't look serious but I better make some friends. Puppets and friends are a little more different.

I can blackmail people and turn them into puppets

While my friends can help me do my task, well depending on who I am asking help for?

Haru: Alright then.

We walked down the hall abit and we are close to the stair case.

Kushida: Nakano, you seem to be very close with Horikita.

Haru: Well, I wouldn't say that.

Kushida: But, you're the only one she ever talks to.

That maybe true but we only make small. Either that or she just wants to make fun of me.

Kushida: I want to be friends with everyone in school. So I asked for her contact info-

I slowly look down on her chest. Why does every girl around the age of a teenager already have breast this big? No wonder there are so many doujinshi about them.

Wait is she still talking? Oh crap!

Kushida: She said she doesn't want to be friends with anyone!

Haru: Yeah. I think thats just how she is.

Kushida: But, I want to be friends with Horikita, too! Won't you help me?

As she said those words, she came close to me and hold my hand. Not gonna lie, this is making my heart brat a little faster. Anyways could you back up woman? If you wanna go this close then atleast take me to dinner first.

Haru: Help you? Well...

Kushida: You.... Won't?

Hmm. She is cute. Ah screw it.

Besides if I help her then she will be in my debt.


It was history as we learned about how the head of the Yamato government controlled powerful families of each region using a uji-kabane system. I look around the class to see that some students doesn't pay attention. Though this does not bother our hot teacher as she continues with the lesson. And that was all, the bell rang and the teacher ended the lesson there. Though I could have sworn she looked at me with a smile.

Sae: Please review the material thoroughly.

Ugh, I could have taken a nap but I couldn't, oh dear god why? How could you do this to me?

I sighed. This is going to be a pain. Soon our next teacher came and taught us about science, then the next came and taught us about math and finally our last subject, english. Glad that was done. It was the end of the day and I am glad. I want to go home, go to bed.... Oh wait I live in a dorm.

Horikita: This school is really indulgent. Students play around and nap in class but the teacher never calls them out. Is this really an advanced school run by the government?

Haru: Maybe they want to encourage student autonomy, I think?

Heh, as if. None of them are even giving a second thought on what they are doing.

Horikita: Perhaps.

I guess now its a better time to ask.

Haru: Hey. If you are going to go home, would you come with me? 

Horikita just looked at me with the same cold expression on her face.

Horikita: What are you after?

Oh no she is onto me. Welp better play my cards right.

Haru: Does an invitation from me suggest an ulterior motive?

Horikita: If you'll tell me specifically what you want, I'd be willing to hear you out.

Haru: You know that cafe in the mall, right? The one where lots of girls hangout. Would you go there with me?

Horikita: Why me?

Haru: I'm not brave enough to get there by myself. It has this no boys allowed feel there, right?

That was a total lie. I ordered Cappuccino, Latte, black roast, americano and etc. Damn, I really should lay it off for a while.

Horikita: Can't you just ask someone else? Well, I suppose not.

Ouch. Emotional damage.

Haru: Damn, the truth hurts alot more once you said it.

After sometime of convincing and a little bit of a begging I finally got her to come with me to the cafe. God Kushida better pay of her debt from me. Entering the cafe place I never really noticed  how pack this place really is and how many girls are in here. I better hope excalibur doesn't rise while I am in here. That would suck so much.

Horikita: Its quite crowded.

Haru: Is this your first time too? Oh wait, your a loner.

Horikita just elbows me in the gut and goddamn does she not hold back. It took a bit of time to recover and we finally found our seat. After that we went to order our drinks and sat down. I decided to joke around with Horikita.

Haru: You know, I wonder if we look like a couple to the oth-

Horikita just gave me a glare and she stared dead into my eyes.

Haru: A-Actually never mind.

Where the hell is she? My stomach is killing me and I do not even need to go to the bathroom.

Kushida: Oh Horikita! What a coincidence! You too, Nakano! Do you two come here often?

Haru: We just happened to be here today.

Kushida: I see, I'm here alone-

Horikita: I'm leaving.

Horikita is onto me. Damn knew this plan would fail.

Haru: We only just got there though.

Horikita: Since Kushida is here, you wouldn't need me anymore, would you?

Haru: Well... Kushida and I are just classmates.

Horikita: The same goes for our case. Besides-

Horikita looks at Kushida. Uh oh

Horikita: I don't like this. What are you after?

Kushida: C-C'mon it was just pure coincidence...

I mentally facepalm. It would have been more better if she asked "What's that supposed to mean?"

Horikita: The girls who were sitting here, and the two at the next table over there were all students from class D. A coincidence?

Haru: .... I guess not. I'm impressed you recognize them though, I didn't even notice them.

Horikita: We came here right after class ended, which means they could only have been in this cafe for a few minute. Its too soon for them to be leaving.

Welp. If this was a game of chess then it is checkmate for us. I look over at Kushida waiting to see how she will respond.

Kushida: Um...

Nothing. I sighed and fix my glasses. Its time to come clean.

Haru: I'm sorry. We did set you up.

There is no shame in admitting defeat after all. The only shame you get is when you keep denying your lost.

Horikita: I thought as much.

Kushida immediately stand up.

Kushida: Horikita! Please be my friend!

Horikita: I want you to leave me alone.

Ooh! She just got rejected!

Ahem. I took a sip of my coffee which now became cold. Goddammit.

Horikita: I won't cause trouble for the class.

Kushida looks a bit sad telling her how lonely she looks but Horikita retorted and said how she never felt lonely by herself. Damn, I can't say I feel the same way either. I only ever have one friend and I bit she forgot about me. Wait they are still talking?

Horiita: -Every word coming out of your mouth disgust me.

Haru: Now hold on a minute. Are you sure about this? If you won't be friends with anyone, you'll be alone for the next three years.

I kept talking while she walks passes me but stops as she is behind me.

Horikita: I've been alone for the last nine years, so I don't mind. Longer if you include kindergarten.

And just like that she is gone. I sighed. That long huh? Well she is never going to go anywhere if she doesn't get a few friends atleast.

Kushida: ... Um sor-

Haru: Don't be.

I quickly silence Kushida as I finally drank all my cold coffee.

Haru: Nothing will change between me and Horikita. We never really build any special bond and she doesn't look like the type of girl to hate someone because something like this happen. So don't worry about it.

Kushida: Maybe I can never be her friend.

It took a while but soon me and Kushida are walking side by side. We are heading back to our dorm room, she still is pretty bum out on not being able to make Horikita be her friend.

Kushida: I guess my goals is still far away.

Horikita is an exception. I heard someone talking ahead

Kushida: Oh, its Ichinose!

Ichinose? As in Ichinose Honami? I look at her and its really her, she is walking with someone by her side, presumably her classmate. And she had grown and judging from her look, she has not changed one bit. Kushida explains to me how she met Ichinose while the two exchange waves. She doesn't recognize me at all, does she?

.... I guess its better this way. I did leave her because of my stupid old man. And seeing her now, nothing will change.

Haru: You're even friends with the students from other classes?

Kushida: Yeah! There are a lot of nice people in class B. But this school is amazing! There are many stores and we get 100,000 yen each month...

I decided to just talk to her while we go back to the dorm. It is a bit of a long walk so might as well deepen our bond together.

At one point her chest is inches away from mine because she is asking how Horikita spends her money. I just gave my honest answer and she finally backs off.


My classmates just spend their points without even thinking about anything and soon its almost the end of the month. I am actually quite surprise they blew away all their points within a month like it was nothing.

Our teacher? She is very lenient, so in class conversations, napping, tardiness, and absences became a daily occurrence. And then soon May 1st arrived and the result I got had never been this satisfying before.

Light: Probably the longest chapter I ever made.

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