Meant To Be Wild (Completed)

By MarkyGalagate

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Ever since Sakura met Syaoran, he had successfully taken her to heaven and hell from gang wars to street raci... More

Chapter 1: Emptiness of the Heart
Chapter 2: Catching Up
Chapter 3: Second Meeting
Chapter 4: The Wolves
Chapter 5: Moments of Fun
Chapter 6: Moving In
Chapter 7: I Spy
Chapter 8: Naughty and Nice
Chapter 9: Discoveries
Chapter 10: Good Luck and Bad Luck
Chapter 11: Propaganda
Chapter 12: Precious
Chapter 13: I'll Be Watching
Chapter 14: Taking Back What's Mine
Chapter 15: So It Begins
Chapter 16: Ending the Wrong Way
Chapter 17: Betrayal
Chapter 18: Knowing the Enemy
Chapter 19: Shock
Chapter 20: I Refuse to Believe
Chapter 21: What Goes Around, Comes Around
Chapter 22: Moving On?
Chapter 23: Saved
Chapter 24: Explanations
Chapter 25: Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 26: Problems Ensue
Chapter 27: Connecting Dots
Chapter 28: Girls vs Guys
Chapter 29: Pain, Inside and Out
Chapter 30: Party Crashers
Chapter 31: Race to the Final War
Chapter 32: Plans Backfire
Chapter 33: Wrong Information
Chapter 34: Hatred with Guilt
Chapter 35: Change of Plan
Chapter 36: Separation
Chapter 37: One on One
Chapter 38: Answers
Chapter 39: For You
Chapter 40: Pain with Recovery

Epilogue: The Wedding

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By MarkyGalagate

"Sakura! You're gonna be late!"

"You do know that she really will be late," Touya pointed out, grinning at their father before calling out to her sister as well. "Oi! Kaijuu! Me and dad are going ahead!"

"Are you sure? I mean, it's a big day and-" Fujitaka stopped as Touya shook his head while putting on his coat.

"She'll make it dad, you know she will, one way or another. Now c'mon, we have to help the others with preparations too."

Fujitaka nodded before waving one of the Daidouji's maids over. "Please tell Sakura we'll be going on ahead, and also tell her that she better not be late. She of all people shouldn't be late for this wedding."

The maid nodded before running up the staircase.


Syaoran glanced at his gold wristwatch and sighed before taking a long swig of his drink.

Eriol looked at him with raised brows. "Something wrong Syaoran?"

"Sakura's still not here. I just talked to Mei Lin and the other girls, none of them have seen her yet."

"You do know that she will be here?" Aki said in an amused tone.

"I know but I'm fairly sure she'll be late too," he pointed out with a frown.

"She knows it's an important day. It's a wedding after all. She'll be here on time," Mika said, relaxing into his chair.


"Where the fuck is Sakura?" Mei Lin asked irately.

"Language young lady," Yelan scolded, making the younger girl grin at her aunt. "Now line up all of you, so Tomoyo can properly check your dresses."

"God Tomoyo, you really are such a perfectionist where your dresses are concerned," Mei Lin pointed out with a raised brow.

Giggling to herself, she couldn't help but smile back in response. "I can't help it, especially not today. It's a big day after all," she said with a wink."


"Shit!" Sakura cursed when the perfume bottle toppled over, spilling all its contents onto the carpet.

"Ms. Sakura?"

Snapping her head to the doorway, she cursed yet again. "Yeah?"

The maid poked her head in with an apologetic smile on her face. "Your father and brother just left. They said to tell you that they'll meet you there for the wedding."

Her mouth dropped wide open. "They left me? Today of all days, they actually left me?" she asked incredulously as one of the maids who was already inside the room tried to keep up with her, trying to adjust the hem of the gown she was wearing.

"Ms. Sakura, please hold still," her hairdresser said in a firm tone much to the maids, who was also working on her appearance, delight. "If you don't sit down then you are going to be even later as it is!"

Huffing, Sakura stalked back towards the cushion set in front of the vanity and sat down.

"Just please hurry," she urged, tapping her foot impatiently.


"Where are you going?" Jay asked as Syaoran suddenly stood from his seat and walked towards the door.

"I'll head over to Tomoyo's house. I know Sakura's still there. If I pick her up, I'm sure we can avoid her getting late."

"Or you'll end up just as late as her when you get back!" Takashi called out with a shake of his head just before the door closed shut behind him. "What is Sakura doing anyway?"

All the men inside the groom shrugged their shoulders at this.

"Sakura's been a nervous wreck all this time though," Eriol pointed out.

"I don't see why," Aki said with a questioning look. "I mean, all she has to do is walk down the aisle and hand over the ring."


"Where the hell is Sakura?" Rika whispered back to Naoko who was behind her.

Naoko shrugged her shoulders and whispered back to Chiharu and asked the same question.

Chiharu shook her head before turning to Mei Lin who was behind her, and she also shook her head.

Mei Lin looked at Tomoyo and she also shook her head looking worried now.

They were already lined up behind where the guests were seated, ready to walk down the aisle, and one crucial person was missing.

Rika squinted her eyes at the altar. Their respective partners were all ready lined up except Syaoran, who was nowhere in sight either. Looking back at the girls behind her, she sent them all a worried look. "Syaoran's not there either!" she hissed.


Kicking down the stand, Syaoran removed his helmet and placed it on his bike before jogging his way into the mansion.

"Sakura!" he called out into the seemingly empty house, just before a large bang sounded from up the stairs.

"Mr. Li? What are you doing here?"

Syaoran turned to one of the Daidouji's helpers. "Where's Sakura?" he asked impatiently.

"She's upstairs getting ready. Her gown got torn when she was changing earlier and it had to be fixed but Ms. Daidouji had already left for the wedding, one of the other maids is up their trying to fix it," she responded with a bow.

"Syaoran! What are you doing here?"

He turned towards the sound of the female voice, knowing full well who it was.

"Sakura, you…" Syaoran trailed off as the angel-like creature made her way down the stairs towards him.

She looked absolutely breathtaking. Her hair was up in twists into an elegant bun and her gown that was made of white chiffon that covered around her breasts without a strap and ran down in stylish diagonal designs with a lot of lavender accents and floral designs sewn all over it, covering almost the entire bodice in the light purple color. The entire flowing gown fell towards the ground, covering her legs down to her heels. What made the gown incredible on her was its fit around her curvaceous body.

If they didn't have a wedding to attend to, Syaoran would surely skip the whole event and take her upstairs and undress her right then and there.

Snapping out of his thoughts, he shook his head and cursed.

"Sakura, you're taking too long, that's why I came to pick you up," he explained, with a wave of his hand so she would hurry down.

"But I was supposed to meet you there! Now they really can't start with you also gone," she said as she reached down the stairs and took his offered hand.

"Without either of us there, they wouldn't start," he pointed out. "Besides, we'll get there faster with my bike than your car."

Sakura stopped by the front doors after he said this and spotting the bike.

"I can't ride that dressed like this!"


"Where's Syaoran?" Yelan whispered from the front row seats lined in front of the altar at the groom's side.

Eriol, who was standing by the altar with Mika and the rest of the men, shrugged towards her aunt.

Just then all the guests stood from their seats as the small orchestra started to play their song from the sides.

"Shit," Eriol hissed under his breath before smiling awkwardly at the priest who gave him a look, apparently he had heard him. "Sorry," he muttered.


"Walk as slowly as you can!" Chiharu whispered to Naoko before she started down the aisle after Rika who was also already going abnormally slow.


"H-How does my hair look?" Sakura asked as she got off the bike.

Syaoran looked at her and can't help the grin from forming on his features.

"You look beautiful," he said, placing a peck on her forehead before pulling her into the church and out the backdoors that led to the lush gardens and the peaceful lake. "The music's already begun," he said, as they made their way towards where a large group of guests facing a gazebo were gathered.

"I'll see you later then!" Sakura said before running off in an opposite direction as he made his way in a run straight towards the altar.

"Where the hell have you been?" Eriol hissed as he came to a stop beside him on the altar. Almost everyone was looking at him curiously.

"What's everyone looking at?" he asked in a whisper, glaring at those who were eyeing him so openly.

"Well besides the fact that you're late and you just arrived as if you just came from running the marathon?" Eriol asked sarcastically, earning a glare from him as well, making him snicker. "You should consider fixing your hair," he added more seriously but still with a grin on his face.



"I know I'm late, scold me later!" she yelled in their direction before coming to a stop in front of Tomoyo.

"What the heck happened to your hair? Didn't the hairdresser come by at the house? I told her to go there right after she finished with us here," Tomoyo replied before handing both their bouquets to her.

"S-Syaoran said it looked fine," Sakura muttered before Tomoyo pulled her in and hastily started fixing her hair.

"I'll see you guys at the altar," Mei Lin whispered before starting into a very slow walk down the aisle after Chiharu.

"Tomoyo, it's hopeless!"

"I can make this work. You have to look your best after all. Give me a few more…seconds…and…there!" she said with a grin.

Sakura wiped off a few of the tendrils that now hung around her face. Tomoyo had taken a few strands of her hair from the bun and let it hang loosely in random styles down her back and around her face. Now everyone else had such a prim and proper look except her and she knew it.


Tomoyo shook her head. "It'll be fine!" she exclaimed with a smile before hugging her best friend and taking back one of the bouquets.


Hastily flattening his hair, Syaoran straightened just as the others did when the music tune suddenly changed.

They all turned to look down the aisle just as Sakura started to make her way down the red carpet that led towards the altar set up under the gazebo.

She was smiling brightly and Syaoran couldn't help but smile back just as brightly at her. More so since he noticed her hair had been fixed from the bird's nest look it had when they had arrived earlier.

Sakura looked back at him and winked before taking her place.

Syaoran smirked at her before winking back.

The orchestra's tune switched yet again and started playing a brighter tune.

"Congratulations," Syaoran whispered to Eriol seeing the look his best friend had as he spotted Tomoyo walking down the aisle now.

Clad in what looked to be the most elegant looking wedding gown he has ever seen, he can't help the large smile now playing on his lips. The gown was in the purest of white with a large lavender bow tied around her slim waist with a lot of lavender beads and diamonds sewn around the hem in intricate designs. Her hair was held atop her head in a neat bun within a sparkling diamond tiara and a meters long veil that was trailing with her gown behind her, she looked absolutely stunning.

"You look beautiful," Eriol whispered as she took his hand and stepped up to the center of the gazebo, right in front of the priest.


"I can't believe today," Sakura said exasperatedly, resting her forehead onto Syaoran's chest. "I was in a panic more than the bride was!"

Syaoran chuckled and held her closer to him as they danced with the other couples and guests who were there at the reception.

"Tomoyo understands, don't worry about it Sakura," he whispered.

"Yeah but…it's her wedding. It's her special day and I screwed it up. And you almost screwed it up with me by coming to pick me up."

"No you didn't. You came just in time and you handed her Eriol's wedding band just like you were supposed to as the maid of honor. And I did what I was supposed to as best man and gave Eriol Tomoyo's wedding band. Nothing got screwed up," he said with a laugh in his voice.

"I'm the worst best friend ever," she muttered against his chest, not at all hearing him.

"Sakura?" interrupted a female voice, and Sakura knew all too well who it was.

Hesitantly, she looked up at her best friend. "Tomoyo, I really am so sorry."

Tomoyo and Eriol both grinned at her.

"Sakura, we understand why your late. All of us do," she explained, nodding to the rest of their friends who were dancing to the music as well. "You can't help it if you're pregnant," she added in a lower voice, not wanting Touya and Fujitaka to hear them.

Sakura blushed and hid her face against Syaoran's broad chest yet again.

"Damn morning sickness," she said against his fine-tailored suit, making him chuckle again.


She looked at him, a blush still tinted on her cheeks. "Hmm?"

"I'm happy you're pregnant with our child," he said sincerely, looking down at her with a smile. "And I'm sorry about what happened from the last time. I promise you this time, I'll be more careful and we won't ever worry about losing an-"

Sakura held a finger on his lips and silenced him.

"Syaoran. I love you," she said with a lot of love in her voice, "Even if we've been through a hell of a lot. Even if I've almost died more than once, I don't regret it all because they led me to you. The misunderstanding your family had with the Shikou family years before, although it affected my family in the worst possible way, somehow, I've accepted it already. And I wouldn't have if you weren't around. So, thank you. And ever since you found out the truth about Tsuyoshi's motifs for targeting your family, you've blamed yourself for the deaths of many people, including my mother. But you shouldn't. It wasn't your fault, and even I know that. My family was just merely caught up in the tangle that's all. Ever since the Kins downfall almost three months ago, you've been slightly different, and I don't know if it's good or bad. I know you've been busy all this time, clearing up your businesses regarding the Kins, but the reason why I haven't brought this up with you until now is really because I thought it might be a sensitive subject. I just brought this up now because, well, you're in a light mood because your cousin slash best friend just got married," she said with a small smile.

"I love you too," he replied immediately before leaning down and giving her a passionate although short kiss. He pulled back and smiled down at her. "And I'm not sensitive with the subject about the Kins and the Wolves at all, just so you know. If this has been bothering you all this time, you should've told me. Even my mother's gotten over it already, as has the rest of my family shortly after I told them. The Shikou family was close to our family, Tsuyoshi's father was almost like my grandfather's second son until he got twisted and warped due to wealth and his obsession for more money and success, then his principles began to change, that's why my family and his never saw eye to eye ever since. Tsuyoshi assumed we didn't care less about them but in truth, we just haven't heard at all about them ever since. They moved to Beijing from Hong Kong and their parents never asked help from us at all, so we never bothered checking in on them. Tsuyoshi merely assumed the worst from our family and blamed us for his losses," he explained with a frown. "When he told me the reasons for his targeting on my family, I knew right then and there that he was wrong. He must have been somewhat twisted in the head and went along and blamed us because he can't blame anyone else for his loss. His anger on us was so strong that it led him to start this whole war and it ended up as serious as it had gotten over the past years."

"The whole war between the Kins and the Wolves was because of his own misunderstanding and wrong assumptions and conclusions," Sakura said, mostly to herself, but he heard her. "A lot of people had died over his wrong judgments and he went along with it for years. He really was a coldhearted devil."

Syaoran rubbed his hand up and down her back and pulled her closer, knowing she was getting slightly emotional by the tone of her voice. He didn't know it was the pregnancy talking, or just the typical female hormones.

"It's all over. I should have had this talk with you months ago. When you didn't bother asking, I merely thought you didn't care less about the reason so long as you know we're all at peace now, that's why I didn't bother telling you," he explained.

"I'm all right," she assured and smiled up at him to prove it. "It's just, this has been the first time I've thought about everything for a while now. I've put this at the back of my mind for the past weeks because of the wedding and the reconstruction of our old mansion. I guess I've just forgotten how sad it is that's all."

"Coming from the woman who have killed heartlessly to save her friends and to defend the people she loves?" he added as he held a palm on her cheek.

Sakura couldn't help but grin. Although thinking about all the people who died or those people she had killed is somehow sad, she doesn't regret it, she did those for a good reason after all.

"I'll do anything for you," she whispered before holding onto his palm and kissing into it.

"And I you," he said before leaning down yet again for another earth shattering kiss.

The couple wouldn't have released from their embrace and tight lip-lock until someone cleared their throat from beside them.

"What the hell do you want?" Syaoran said with a scowl, annoyed at the interruption.

"Geez, there really is no lightening your mood besides Sakura, huh?" Eriol said with a raised brow. "Not even my own wedding! Ouch, that really hurts!" he added with exaggeration, making Syaoran roll his eyes and Sakura giggle.

"C'mon, let's go, we want to get out of here already," Tomoyo said as she grabbed Sakura's wrist and pulled her out of the ballroom where the reception was held in a 5-star hotel. She said her goodbyes to some of her guests and informed the rest of their gang that they were ready to leave.

"I still can't believe we're coming with you. It is your honeymoon after all," Sakura told her as they made their way through the hotel front lobby.

"Sakura, Eriol and I can still celebrate the honeymoon we dreamed of having even if you guys are there. Except, with all of you there, it'll be much more fun!" Tomoyo reasoned.

Sakura never approved of intruding on her best friend's honeymoon but that is what she wanted, that is what both of them wanted. In fact, that is what all them wanted, even Sakura, even if she felt slightly guilty. Ever since the whole war was over, they've all stuck to one another regardless, like a true pack of Wolves, always together. And none of them would've wanted it any less.

"I was wondering where all of you were," Sakura said, spotting Mei Lin and the other girls outside the hotel entrance, already dressed in different colored tops, covered with leather jackets, leather shorts and/or skirts and knee length boots.

Rika raised a brow at her. "Sure you were. You were in your own little world back in there with Syaoran, you didn't even notice us leave," she pointed out.

"You can get changed in there," Naoko said, pointing to the black van that was the size of an RV. "All your clothes are hung inside. And your seamstresses are in there keeping the gowns Tomoyo."

Both girls nodded before making their way inside to change from their gowns.


"She's what?" Touya yelled, getting up from his seat with a slam of his fist, inside the ballroom. Some of the guests near them turned to look in their direction as they heard the sudden outburst.

"Touya, calm down," Fujitaka said, urging his son to sit back down. "This shouldn't surprise you, this happened before."

Kaho looked up at his husband and grinned.

"Are you sure of this Kaho?"

Nodding, she pulled him back onto his seat beside her. "When I was talking to Chiharu earlier, she let it slip that Sakura hasn't been herself lately because she's around 2 months pregnant I think. And she- hey! Where are you going?" she called out towards Touya's retreating form.

"To give her a piece of my mind!" he called without turning back. He knew what happened to Sakura from her first pregnancy although he and their father didn't know the exact details, they still knew it had almost cost her sister's life. And there she goes, it hasn't even been a full year or so yet and already she's pregnant. Again!


"Where are the guys?" Sakura asked, running her hand through her hair that now hung in loose curls around her shoulders and down her back.

Before anyone could reply, a loud rumble erupted from down the street and caught their attention. A few seconds later, a group of men all dressed in dark denim jeans with black leather jackets over their different colored shirts drove into the circular driveway of the hotel.

Removing their helmets they waved the girls over.

"You guys ready?"Syaoran asked, eyeing Sakura up and down as he did.

"Are you?" she asked before giving him a deep kiss.

"Sakura?" someone called somewhere away from them.

Syaoran ran his tongue around Sakura's lips before she gave him passage. Slipping his tongue in, he pulled her towards him and snaked his arms around her waist, bringing her closer.

"Sakura!" the same voice called again, only this time it was closer than it was before.

Sakura moaned as Syaoran's hand ran up her form and brushed the sides of her breast.

"Sorry to interrupt again you two, but Sakura, I think your brother is looking for you," Eriol, who was standing by his bike while carrying Tomoyo by the ass, said.

The couple groaned and turned towards the hotel and indeed saw Touya within the glass walls inside the hotel lobby, looking furious.

"Uh oh," Sakura muttered before turning to Syaoran. "He knows. He found out I'm pregnant. I'm sure of it!"

Smirking, Syaoran gave a loud and curt whistle, signaling the others it was time to leave.

"C'mon," he said, throwing the extra helmet over to her before gassing his bike.

Sakura hastily wore it and slid the visor down and jumped on behind him and held her arms around his waist. He could feel the guns in their holsters beneath his leather jacket. Although the Kins were gone, the guys never left without their guns, just in case.


Whipping her head to the side, she found her brother already outside and looking pointedly at her, his face fuming.

Without saying a word, Sakura blew him a kiss through her helmet and waved before the bike she and Syaoran were on rose up on its front wheel and zoomed off, closely followed by the rest of their friends.

Sakura knew her brother would get even more pissed and would bet all that she owned that he was probably shouting profanities after them now. But she didn't hear, the sounds of their bikes drowned out everything else and disturbed the peacefulness of the night.


Sakura laughed seeing Jay drive past them with a rowdy Mei Lin riding behind him with her hands in the air.

Not long after, police sirens started behind them, the buildings on one side of the street reflecting the red and blue lights from their vehicles. Their family might have part control of the police but then again that didn't stop the police from coming after them. By the time they were out of the hospital, they've been questioned nonstop by a lot of cops but they were able to persuade them to just let them be. That didn't suit too well with them of course but they complied, only now they've been on their tail for even the tiniest things.

In this case, it was speeding. And the fact that some of her friends weren't wearing helmets.

"See you guys in Hawaii!" Tomoyo called out to them before she zoomed past them with Eriol on his bike. Both of them didn't wear helmets just like Mei Lin.

"Hold on!" Syaoran called out, making Sakura's grip tighten around him.

A few seconds later she felt the increasing speed as they zoomed past all their friends.

The girls all screamed after them as their rides zoomed up towards them, keeping up with Syaoran as they led them into the freeway on their way to the airport.

Turning around, Sakura saw the police trying to keep up with them. Grinning to herself, she took out one of Syaoran's guns from underneath his jacket and aimed it right behind her with a steady arm. Mika and Takashi who were right behind their bike swerved slightly to the side to give her a clear shot.

She gave a little wave at the police car closest to them before pulling the trigger, hitting the large round amplifier on top with the circling red and blue lights, abruptly cutting off the siren as the gadget flew into the air in pieces.

Syaoran smirked at this and when he felt Sakura replace his gun in his holster, he sped off even faster, leaving the police in the dust.

After a lot of sharp turns, continuous speeding and ignored traffic signals, they finally bounded into the road leading up to the large airport building.

He turned the ignition off as they arrived right outside the entrance doors to the departure gates.

"I guess it really is a good idea that we had our stuff sent over to Hawaii ahead yesterday," Syaoran said with a smirk as he helped Sakura down before resting an arm around her shoulder and leading her inside the building, closely followed by the others.

There was a sound of sirens in the distance and were slowly getting closer.

"What time's our flight?" Aki asked, directing his question to Eriol.

With a glance at his wristwatch, the groom grinned. "In 20 minutes. Let's bolt!" he said before taking off in a run with Tomoyo.

Syaoran cursed before taking off after them. He turned back and saw the police only just arriving. Now there were 5 patrol cars surrounding their abandoned bikes outside.

As they wound around the people in the busy airport, he turned to Sakura who was giggling beside him.

"What's so funny?"

Sakura laughed out loud and turned to him while running after Eriol and Tomoyo.

"Nothing, it's just…I can only imagine how our wedding will be like!" she exclaimed with a wide smile.

"It'll be a hell lot worse than this, that's for sure," he responded with a laugh as well. He's been laughing a lot lately but usually when he was talking to Sakura, and he didn't even notice it although everyone else did.

"Syaoran?" she asked, more seriously now, her face sobering up.


"How are we gonna get in when you and the guys are all bringing guns?" she asked in a lower tone.

"You'll see," he replied simply as they all turned into another corridor where there were no people at all.

"Hurry up you guys!" Mei Lin called out as she ran through a thick metal door.

When Sakura stepped out, they were outside at the air strip.

"We're not flying commercial Sakura," Syaoran said, pointing to the jet where the others were heading straight for. "We didn't take the family jet the last time we went to Hong Kong 'cause we wanted Shikou to know that we were leaving Japan," he explained casually.

Just then, sirens began to sound again and the police appeared from the gates not far from them and bounded for their direction.

"Hold it right there!" a cop announced through speakers from one of the patrol cars.

"Holy shit!" Sakura said with a slight laugh in her voice before breaking off in a faster run towards the jet that was already ready to leave, judging by the sounds that were coming off from it.

Syaoran turned to the jet where a few Wolves were standing guard around, waiting for them to get in. He signaled them with a wave of his raised hand and each one of them began to scramble.

"Hurry the fuck up!" he called back to Mika and the rest who were still behind them. "Get in Sakura," he said, lightly pushing her up the metal stairs set up by the open gate of the jet.


"He's not getting away that easily!" the police man barked at his partner who was driving down towards the jet. Checking his guns, he rolled down the windows and stuck his head and arm out, and started firing.


"Aaaah!" Chiharu shrieked as she tripped and fell on the carpeted floor, making the rest of the girls laugh. "Oh shut up!" she said with a glare before sitting on one of the sofas while rubbing her hip.

"Where's Syaoran and Eriol?" Tomoyo asked, as Mika and Naoko sat themselves on one of the sofas, they were the last to get inside.

A moment later, gunshots erupted from outside, making them all rush to the windows. They all watched as the nearest patrol car swerved to the side with a flat tire, almost crashing to the one behind it, and almost throwing the cop out from the window.

"Clear with the ATC and let's take off Ishikawa!" Syaoran's voice called into the cabin although they could all still clearly see him by the jet's open gate with Eriol, still aiming for the tires of the incoming patrol cars.

"Ladies and Gentlemen please fasten your seatbelt," the pilot's voice rang in a curt voice with a second though barely audible voice also rang that sounded like Air Traffic Control giving clearance to the pilot for takeoff.

Everyone did as they were told and went over to the few large 1st class seats by the windows.

After buckling down, Sakura closed her eyes and relaxed into the large chair. Considering the sounds of gunshots and screeching tires were still evident in her ears, and the jet's journey down the runway was starting to gain speed with her fiancé still shooting down the police with her best friend's husband by the entryway, she still found herself very comfortable for some reason.

Not a minute later, she felt the seat beside her being occupied and the sound of the seatbelt being snapped together.

"Sorry about that. I can't have the damn police imprinting bullets on the jet. My mother will kill me," Syaoran whispered in a joking tone into her ear.

"I love you," Sakura whispered back, opening her eyes and ignoring his statement. "And I don't know about you, but I'm getting too comfortable for my own good considering you were just out there risking your life again. I'm getting so used to this and I don't think that's good," she told him in an amused tone.

"It's just the police, they can't do anything. I'm not surprised you're not worried. You worry more about leaving me in the same room as your brother than with the cops," he said with a grin, making her laugh and agree with his statement. "And I love you too," he added in a low voice.

Sakura looked into his amber eyes, her breath caught by the way he was just looking at her. She ran a hand through his hair and pulled him in to kiss her yet again for that night. She really can't get enough of this man and she doubt she ever will.

She had never asked for this sort of life. But she was contented.

Living a life filled with this sort of danger where guns were like your best friends and cheating death was your constant aim wasn't something she had expected, although she had never complained, and she wouldn't dream of complaining now or ever either.

She once had lost everything, but now she gained everything back and more. And it was all thanks to Syaoran and the rest of her friends who were like family to her now.

Finally she found happiness although she found it in the most unusual and unlikely way. But Sakura was still glad and couldn't ask for anything more.

This is her life, the life of a 'Wolf'…who's meant to be wild.


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