Meant To Be Wild (Completed)

By MarkyGalagate

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Ever since Sakura met Syaoran, he had successfully taken her to heaven and hell from gang wars to street raci... More

Chapter 1: Emptiness of the Heart
Chapter 2: Catching Up
Chapter 3: Second Meeting
Chapter 4: The Wolves
Chapter 5: Moments of Fun
Chapter 6: Moving In
Chapter 7: I Spy
Chapter 8: Naughty and Nice
Chapter 9: Discoveries
Chapter 10: Good Luck and Bad Luck
Chapter 11: Propaganda
Chapter 12: Precious
Chapter 13: I'll Be Watching
Chapter 14: Taking Back What's Mine
Chapter 15: So It Begins
Chapter 16: Ending the Wrong Way
Chapter 17: Betrayal
Chapter 18: Knowing the Enemy
Chapter 19: Shock
Chapter 20: I Refuse to Believe
Chapter 21: What Goes Around, Comes Around
Chapter 22: Moving On?
Chapter 23: Saved
Chapter 24: Explanations
Chapter 25: Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 26: Problems Ensue
Chapter 27: Connecting Dots
Chapter 28: Girls vs Guys
Chapter 29: Pain, Inside and Out
Chapter 30: Party Crashers
Chapter 31: Race to the Final War
Chapter 32: Plans Backfire
Chapter 33: Wrong Information
Chapter 34: Hatred with Guilt
Chapter 35: Change of Plan
Chapter 36: Separation
Chapter 37: One on One
Chapter 38: Answers
Chapter 40: Pain with Recovery
Epilogue: The Wedding

Chapter 39: For You

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By MarkyGalagate

Sakura groaned as she landed on the flat surface of the roof with a thud.

Looking up, she saw Saori pointing a gun at the two men who were currently fighting with everything they've got.

"Don't even think about it" Sakura hissed, with Takashi's gun pointed at her.

Saori turned around, shocked. She held on to the gun, this time pointed it at Sakura with a trembling hand, a forgotten detonator on the other.

"Y-You're alive?" she said furiously and in disbelief.

"I see you're surprised" she retorted with a glare, trying to stand up but found that she couldn't. The fall must've twisted her leg.

"How could you be? I was sure you took the drug! It was supposed to kill you. You ate the entire candy, how can you possibly live?" Saori rambled, her voice full of confusion. She couldn't believe it was really Sakura in front of her now.

Sakura watched as the woman in front of him started getting hysterical. She, on the other hand, was furious. This was the bitch that killed her and Syaoran's unborn baby? The blood in her boiled at the very thought and she couldn't hold her anger in anymore.

"Bitch" she hissed, feeling tears reach her eyes at the thought of her baby's death.

She fired. Thrice.

Sakura watched as each of the bullets hit her chest before she fell forward, dead.


"Hurry up!" Takashi ordered as stretcher after stretcher were filled with his friends before being brought inside the building and into the rooms for treatment. "How long until you fill the chopper enough to fly?" he asked the pilot who just ordered men to bring up the fuel.

"Half an hour at least"

"Make it 20" Takashi ordered.

"Yamazaki-kun" Mr. Toruki interrupted. "I have just been informed of the situation. My men and I shall be the ones to return and fetch Ms. Kinomoto" he announced.

By the look on his face, he was clearly disappointed at the turn out of the 'rescue'. This only irritated Takashi more.

"Don't give me that look Toruki" he hissed at the older man in front of him. "I'm going back there and I'm taking Wolves with me. And I don't give a damn that it's your bloody chopper or pilot that we're using. Sakura's my friend and so are the two men who are left in there with her. So butt out of our business and let us take care of it or else I'll have Sakura fire you the moment we bring her back!" he shouted at him, unable to keep his cool anymore.


Syaoran and Tsuyoshi stopped and turned to the sound of gunshots fired across where they stood.

"You!" Tsuyoshi hissed, seeing Sakura on the ground with a gun held pointing at him.

Syaoran took his chance and jump-kicked Tsuyoshi straight on the face, making him fall back on the ground. He looked over to where Sakura was, not believing she was there until he got a second look. And indeed she was there. She looked at him with the usual sweet smile on her face, until it switched to one with horror.

"Syaoran!" she screamed as she held the gun firm in her hands and took a shot. But nothing came out, it kept clicking every time she pulled the trigger. She was out of bullets.

She watched in horror as Tsuyoshi swiped a knife down Syaoran's leg.

Syaoran shouted in pain and fell back.

Looking around her, the closest weapon she could reach was the gun Saori dropped with the detonator beside it. She started pulling herself on the ground towards it.

Tsuyoshi saw this and growled in pure fury before he took off in a run to where Sakura was.

Syaoran and Tsuyoshi stopped and turned to the sound of gunshots fired across where they stood.

"You!" Tsuyoshi hissed, seeing Sakura on the ground with a gun held pointing at him.

Syaoran took his chance and jump-kicked Tsuyoshi straight on the face, making him fall back on the ground. He looked over to where Sakura was, not believing she was there until he got a second look. And indeed she was there. She looked at him with the usual sweet smile on her face, until it switched to one with horror.

"Syaoran!" she screamed as she held the gun firm in her hands and took a shot. But nothing came out, it kept clicking every time she pulled the trigger. She was out of bullets.

She watched in horror as Tsuyoshi swiped a knife down Syaoran's leg.

Syaoran shouted in pain and fell back.

Looking around her, the closest weapon she could reach was the gun Saori dropped with the detonator beside it. She started pulling herself on the ground towards it.

Tsuyoshi saw this and growled in pure fury before he took off in a run to where Sakura was.


Just when Tsuyoshi took off and dived for the gun and detonator from the other side across Sakura, Eriol fired.

The gunshot echoed in the air until it was followed by an even bigger explosion from somewhere inside the mansion.

"The bombs" Eriol told himself before running over to where Syaoran who was trying to stand up. "Syaoran! The bombs are going off!"

Syaoran looked at him and took one of his guns. "Help me up" he growled, eyes locked on where Sakura and Tsuyoshi were trying to fight over ownership of a gun.

Explosions sounded everywhere in a chain reaction and it was getting close towards them.

Sakura screamed as the last explosion shook the ground hard and the part of the mansion just near them started to fly in the air in large pieces over them.


Takashi held onto the table in front of him as the building shook lightly after the sound of numerous explosions not far from where they were.

"Shit" he whispered to himself when the shaking stopped. He sat himself and went back to typing onto the laptop.


Identity Modification…

Sakura Kinomoto


Current Time: 1:53 AM - Sunday

Current Position: Kins Headquarters


Camera X4FD6 Activated

Tracking: Sakura Kinomoto


Takashi sighed in relief as a pink dot emerged on the screen as did a green and a blue one just close to it.

Then a white dot emerged on the screen as well. Takashi's brows furrowed at this.


Zoom-In Sequence Activated

Camera X4FD6 Merging Tech 6124


Takashi looked at the screen as a new window popped out that showed Sakura lying on what looked to Takashi as a piece of concrete that's tipping slightly downwards. The floor around her had already fallen in the explosion. To make matters worse, Tsuyoshi was just about a meter away from her.


Zoom-In Sequence De-activated

Camera X4FD6 Merging Tech 6124



Zoom-Out Sequence Activated

Camera X4FD6 Merging Tech 1946



Syaoran and Eriol were both on more stable ground.

'At least' Takashi thought to himself before calling to the bustle of people behind him. "Oi! Is the chopper ready?"


Syaoran groaned, gripping his head feeling it throb in pain. Spotting Eriol unconscious beside him with blood on his head, he shook him by the shoulders.

"Eriol, oi Eriol" he said, making him stir. "Wake up, you're hurt pretty badly"

"Speak for yourself" Eriol retorted, gripping his head as well, still dizzy. "Fuck" he muttered to himself, seeing the blood on his hand.

Syaoran shook his head at him, knowing he was fine at the moment.

"How come the explosion didn't reach us? We're supposed to be dead by now"

"Be happy we aren't" Syaoran told him, trying to force himself to a stand on his good leg.

As he did so, a gunshot erupted and he heard it zing past his right ear.

"Shit" he cursed, gripping at his already wounded leg at the sudden movement. Pain shot right through him as he fell back to the ground.

Eriol looked at him before crawling towards the fallen floor where the shot came from. "The asshole's still alive" he hissed at Syaoran.

Syaoran went over to him and saw Tsuyoshi trying to bring himself up and off the piece of concrete he and Sakura were both lying on. It looked like the piece was ready to fall, if he were to get off of it, Sakura would surely go down with it.


Sakura's eyes fluttered open.

'What the hell happened?' she asked herself, scanning her surroundings without moving a muscle. Most of her body already hurt like hell, and now she can feel her head throbbing.

Then the sound of a gunshot got her attention. She turned to look beside her as Tsuyoshi tried to crawl up the surface they were on.

'Crawl up?' she asked herself confused. That was until she looked down and saw nothing. It was pitch black just beyond the piece of concrete she was laying on, the piece of concrete that was starting to tip over the darkness below her because the jackass beside her was trying to get off it.

Sakura spotted a blood stain on his leg close to her. She rolled over slowly, thankful he was too preoccupied trying to save his own life, he didn't notice her. Breathing in deeply, Sakura reached out and gripped as hard as she could onto his wound and pulled him down while trying to pull herself up and over him.


"Syaoran, Sakura's just making things more difficult" Eriol hissed beside him. "Syaoran?"

Eriol looked beside him and found him gone.


Tsuyoshi cursed as pain shot through his leg. He looked back down at Sakura and growled as she tried to pull him back.

"Get the fuck off me" he hissed, he couldn't shoot behind him as he was gripping onto the group to keep him from sliding off.

Sakura kept silent as she crawled up, again pushing him down in the process.

Just as she reached his back, Tsuyoshi pushed himself up, sending Sakura rolling to the side and gripping at the edge of the concrete that was barely sticking to the stable one above them.

This caused the unstable part of the concrete to start crumbling. As the ground beneath them began to shake, both Tsuyoshi and Sakura gave a push on it and jumped towards the stable concrete just before it fell out beneath them.

Sakura held on to the stable ground with her elbows on it and her legs dangling over the open space below her. Trying with all her might, she gave herself one last push.


From below, Tsuyoshi growled at this and took the chance to pull Sakura by the waist, forcing her back down, leaving her to dangle by her hands like he was.

"You're not getting out of this that easily" he hissed before pushing himself up more easily than she had, clearly having more strength left in him.

"Neither are you"

Tsuyoshi looked up and saw Syaoran kneeling in front of him, his gun pointing right between his eyes.

"Shoot me and I'll take her down with me" he hissed darkly, looking down at his hands.

Syaoran glared at him, only just noticing him gripping onto one of Sakura's wrist while supporting himself up with an elbow on the stable ground.

A loud rumble started to sound from above and it only got louder.

Just as Tsuyoshi looked up, Syaoran took hold of Sakura's wrist from him and swiftly shot him twice on the head before watching him fall back and down the hole, hitting Sakura as he did.

Sakura let out a piercing scream as Tsuyoshi's dead body hit her hard on the side, making her grip on the edge slip.

"Shit" Syaoran cursed, immediately letting go of the gun in his other hand and now held onto Sakura's wrist with both of his hands. When he did, his injured leg slipped, sending him sliding towards the edge as Sakura's weight pulled him in, making her let out another scream.

As the helicopter got nearer, Syaoran cursed loudly. The powerful wind it created started swinging Sakura and shaking the ground he was on.

Another crack sounded.

Sakura's head snapped up, looking at him.

"Don't even dare Sakura" Syaoran growled at the look on her face.


Eriol stopped after spotting Syaoran lying at the edge by his shoulders with arms below, he figured he must be holding on to Sakura.

"Fly higher!" Eriol shouted, trying to signal the chopper to move away from them.


"Get the fuck higher you jackass!" Takashi hissed at the pilot wile pressing the button in the cabin. "Ren, Mike, get that rope down! Now!" he ordered the two men.

As the rope line fell below them, Takashi went over to the side just as the ground beneath Syaoran started to crumble and give out.


Sakura gave out another sharp scream as she felt herself fall but this time though Syaoran still held onto her. She watched as the concrete Syaoran was on fell and gave a loud sound from down the hole far beneath her. Looking up, she saw Eriol hold onto one of Syaoran's legs from far above her.

"Where the fuck is that line!" Eriol shouted to no one in particular as he held on tight to Syaoran's ankle.

"Sorry, the pilot's a fucking asshole" Takashi replied.

A tear escaped from Sakura's eye at seeing him.

Working as swiftly as he can, Takashi locked a harness around Syaoran before sliding down and doing the same to Sakura.

"Okay guys, pull them both up!" he shouted into his communicator.

"Sorry" Sakura whispered to him before he started to climb up his rope for Eriol. "And thank you" she added before she fainted.

Takashi smiled at her and looked up at Syaoran.

"It's over."


"Hai…hai…alright, we'll do that," Mr. Toruki replied into the mouthpiece of the headphones before turning to the men behind him, a mix of Wolves and the Kinomoto family's defense force. "They have Ms. Sakura and Mr. Li out, the chopper's heading this way."

Everyone in the room was visibly relieved at hearing this.

"Mr. Li said, take care of all the Kins who are still stationed outside the mansion," he added towards the Wolves. "After doing so, blow up what's left standing of the mansion."


"Reckless! Absolutely reckless!" the Chinese woman repeated over and over again.

The small group surrounding her sighed, not able to say anything as she continued to mutter and complain about everything that's happened.

Yelan Li turned to the young faces around her before looking down at the newspaper in her hands.

Is the War Over?

Large explosions resonated through the city at dawn, coming from a mansion belonging to Mr. Tsuyoshi Shikou, the leader of the renowned group 'Kins'. Police had barricaded the entire area around Mr. Shikou's mansion from civilians and news reporters due to the dangers that held within. It was reported that the area was filled with Kins and the 'Wolves', another renowned gang led by Mr. Xiao Lang Li. Bodies were found

"Auntie," Mei Lin interrupted, stopping Syaoran's mother from reading the newspaper again. "You've read that paper over a million times for the past two days."

The older woman sent Mei Lin a stern look and looked over her bandaged bodies before turning to Jay, Takashi, Naoko and Tomoyo who were all bandaged like her niece. Almost every inch of their skin were bandaged, it's miracle they're even alive.

It's been three days since the incident happened, and everyone had been moved to a real hospital when everything was clear from the incident and the Kins and their home base have officially fallen. Now, all of them had different questions which can't be answered, not unless the rest of the gang wakes up.

The ones who got worse injuries were Sakura and Syaoran, both their stubbornness really cost them so much this time and that's what irritated Yelan the most. The couple still didn't wake up until today. Takashi informed them that Sakura had lost consciousness when she was still dangling by the side of the falling mansion whereas Syaoran finally lost consciousness shortly after. As they reached the safety of the cabin of the helicopter, he gave final orders to finish off the rest of the Kins and destroy what's left of the mansion that's still standing, after that, he finally fell. Both of them had head injuries from the explosion of the mansion, as well as multiple injuries around their bodies from all the fighting they did, not to mention the more severe ones they got on both their abdomens.

On the other hand, Eriol, Mika and Rika were the one's suffering the worst head injuries in the group and were also still unconscious at the present time. Takashi and Mei Lin were able to explain what happened to Mika and Rika and no one can answer to Eriol's since he was with the Sakura and Syaoran. The three have suffered severe head injuries, which from the doctors' opinion, wouldn't have been too extreme if the three had been cared for immediately. At the mention of this, Takashi knew all too well that Mika had pushed himself despite his injury to ensure they got out safely, and Mei Lin knew how much Rika endured just to keep from falling down to her death that day.

As for Aki and Chiharu, they've suffered a lot of severe gunshot injuries. Both had only regained consciousness only hours, first Chiharu, then followed by Aki a few hours later but the two were made to go to sleep to rest their bodies of their injuries. Chiharu had Takashi beside her and easily complied, where as Aki put up a rather forceful fight for someone with such an injured and weakened body. He wanted to see Rika first before resting back again but wasn't allowed too since Rika was still unconscious and he couldn't even move an inch of his body at the moment. The doctor assigned to him had to forcefully inject a sedative into him to keep him from moving and aggravating his wounds.

Yelan shook her head, still can't believe everything's that happened before folding up the newspaper and standing up.

"I'll go down and grab something to eat and try to contact Sakura's family again," she announced, heading towards the door. "Tomoyo, Jay and Mei Lin, you three get some rest. You've only just woken up and you haven't even recovered yet. Eat something then go back to sleep. I'll be back later."

When the door closed behind her, the small group inside sighed and looked at each other.

"Tomoyo, you should really go back to your bed," Naoko pointed out, making the girl shake her head.

"No, I don't want to stay there alone."

"I'll accompany you if you want," she offered.

"I'll just stay here with everyone," Tomoyo replied in a final tone.

They were gathered inside the hospital suite room that Jay and Mei Lin were in. Takashi and Naoko had suffered the least from the incident although Naoko had to use crutches and Takashi had the most bandages out of all of them from the many although not so serious wounds and bruises he acquired. Tomoyo on the other hand was on a wheel chair, she could barely move but she can move much better than Jay so she decided to force herself to pay the prohibited visit to his and Mei Lin's room.

None of them were supposed to move at all since the incident had only just happened but all of them were stubborn and not only moved, they actually went to other rooms for their friends.

"I wonder when they'll wake up," Mei Lin voiced out thoughtfully, earning a worried look from everyone present.

They all knew the rest of their friends were alive, and they got a not so detailed of their current conditions, but none of them knew for how long they might stay unconscious for. The doctors' had already voiced out their guess on when Eriol, Mika and Rika might wake up basing it on their head injuries but it also depended on their own will as well. As for Sakura and Syaoran, who suffered the worst, the doctors' couldn't place a time, saying it would depend on both of them and the their awareness of the current state of their bodies. Both of them had really pushed themselves to the limit, it was a miracle they were both even still alive.

"Can't we visit them though?" Takashi asked, wanting to see Chiharu again. She and Aki were might have regained consciousness but they were still made to stay in the ICU for a couple more days for precaution.

"I want to go too," Tomoyo piped up, wanting so badly to see Eriol and Sakura and see for herself how they were doing.

"We'll need clearance though," Jay pointed out. "And, well…the state we're in now? I doubt they'll let us. We're in pretty bad shape ourselves."

The whole group sighed yet again.

The Intensive Care Unit where the rest of their friends were wasn't too far, but the number of doctors and nurses who were stationed inside were enough to stop them, especially in their conditions at the present.


"Any luck this time?" the doctor asked as one of the nurses stepped out from one of the larger glass rooms of the ICU.

The nurse shook her head bemusedly. "They're still not letting go, both their grips' are as hard as a rock!"

Dr. Aisaka shook his head with a faint smile playing on his lips as he went in to check on Syaoran and Sakura.

Checking all the machines and the vital signs of the couple, both their conditions were still critical but stable. The wounds both had were similar to the other, although acquired differently, since Sakura had a large and long gash across her midriff, where Syaoran had a bad gunshot wound into his stomach and a just as bad one on his leg. Both also had head injuries and a lot gashes, bruises, sprains covering both their bodies from head to foot.

"Both of you really are something," he said as he walked towards the small gap between both of their beds. Both would have been sent to different rooms if it weren't for the death grip they still had.

He bent down in eye level at their hands that were adjoined between their beds. It was quite unusual, it baffled almost every medical professional who has been in the room that the couple wouldn't at all let go of each other's hand. All the more baffling is the strength both had as they held onto the other when they were clearly unconscious and very badly injured that they shouldn't at all have enough strength left to hold on. But they did. And everyone who has been in to see them have tried with everything they've got to break the two apart so they can give them both proper and careful care in separate rooms.

But they just won't budge. So everyone gave up except for the occasional attempts they did whenever they went in for routine check-ups.

"Aren't they sweet though?"

"Yeah, and they're a pretty good looking couple too."

"Yeah, the guy's-"

Closing the sliding glass door behind him, Dr. Aisaka gave a pointed look towards the gossiping nurses by the station which earned him a guilty look on both the females' faces.

"Can I have the chart of Mr. Hiiragizawa?" he asked, while handing them Sakura and Syaoran's charts in return.


"Excuse me, but which room is Mr. Li in?"

The woman behind the desk Information's Desk looked up at the young, beautiful woman in front of her. "May I know your relation to Mr. Li?"

"Close family friend from China," she replied casually.

"All right, well, Mr. Li is in the ICU but not the regular one on the 2nd floor, he's in the private ICU which is at the topmost floor where the hospital's suite rooms are. You may ask for exact directions at the nurses' station right beside the elevator when you reach the floor."

"Thank you," the woman said with a polite nod of her head.

"Your very welcome Ms.-?"

"Reimi, just call me Reimi."

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