Meant To Be Wild (Completed)

By MarkyGalagate

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Ever since Sakura met Syaoran, he had successfully taken her to heaven and hell from gang wars to street raci... More

Chapter 1: Emptiness of the Heart
Chapter 2: Catching Up
Chapter 3: Second Meeting
Chapter 4: The Wolves
Chapter 5: Moments of Fun
Chapter 6: Moving In
Chapter 7: I Spy
Chapter 8: Naughty and Nice
Chapter 9: Discoveries
Chapter 10: Good Luck and Bad Luck
Chapter 11: Propaganda
Chapter 12: Precious
Chapter 13: I'll Be Watching
Chapter 14: Taking Back What's Mine
Chapter 15: So It Begins
Chapter 16: Ending the Wrong Way
Chapter 17: Betrayal
Chapter 18: Knowing the Enemy
Chapter 19: Shock
Chapter 20: I Refuse to Believe
Chapter 21: What Goes Around, Comes Around
Chapter 22: Moving On?
Chapter 23: Saved
Chapter 24: Explanations
Chapter 25: Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 26: Problems Ensue
Chapter 28: Girls vs Guys
Chapter 29: Pain, Inside and Out
Chapter 30: Party Crashers
Chapter 31: Race to the Final War
Chapter 32: Plans Backfire
Chapter 33: Wrong Information
Chapter 34: Hatred with Guilt
Chapter 35: Change of Plan
Chapter 36: Separation
Chapter 37: One on One
Chapter 38: Answers
Chapter 39: For You
Chapter 40: Pain with Recovery
Epilogue: The Wedding

Chapter 27: Connecting Dots

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By MarkyGalagate

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God" Ayumi repeated over and over as she tried to block her view from the sight. "What the hell happened to her Hisami?"

"I-I dunno! But we can't just stand around here and wait! We gotta help her!" Hisami said as she slowly made her way to Sakura, trying not to slip.

"We have to call an ambulance" she suggested.

"Then call one! And stop panicking then help me carry her off this bloody floor!"

"H-Hold on...I-I'll call someone"

Ayumi took deep breaths as she took her cell phone from her purse. She called an ambulance but had trouble explaining the directions since they had a hard time understanding her.

"Look, just fucking get here already! Just go through the old park and you'll reach a mansion at the end of it, we'll be outside waiting!" she yelled before ending the call.

Looking through the phone book, she only just realized that she didn't have Syaoran's number, so instead she called Mei Lin next.

"Mei Lin here!" came her casual voice.

"M-Mei Lin!"

"Hello? Ayumi? What's the matter?" she asked, wondering why she was stuttering.

"Mei Lin! All of you have to get back home right now! It's an emergency!"

"What is it?"

"It's Sakura! We just got back here and found her unconscious on the floor! She needs help! Please hurry!" she yelled to the phone, getting hysteric.

She was used to killing people because she was a Wolf and she has to kill off Kins, it was her job. But she just doesn't deal well with a lot of blood. And this...this is a lot of blood.

"We'll be right there" she replied before she hung up.


"What did she say Mei Lin?" Tomoyo asked, seeing the hard expression on Mei Lin's face.

"There's something wrong with Sakura" she replied curtly.

"Shit" Tomoyo muttered worriedly as she started the car. "Do Syaoran and the others know? You have to call them too"

"Right" Mei Lin said.

Tomoyo looked at the side view mirror before pulling out off the parking space from the side of the road and sped off, ignoring the other cars as they beeped their car horns at her.

"I have to tell the other girls to head home as well" Tomoyo said as she too took out her cell phone and speed dialed Rika's number who was with Naoko and Chiharu.


"What!" Syaoran almost shouted. "All right, see you there" he finished, pocketing his phone.

"What's the matter?" Eriol asked, seeing his serious face.

"We have to head home" he announced to guys. "Something's wrong with Sakura"

With that said, they all exited the shop and ran to their bikes.

'Please make her be all right' Syaoran thought, wondering what happened to her. Mei Lin hardly told him anything as what happened to Sakura.


"Oh my God!" Naoko screamed, seeing the sight before her.

They had gotten home before Tomoyo and Mei Lin since as the store they were in was closer to the mansion.

"W-What the hell happened here?" Chiharu yelled to Ayumi and Hisami who were trying to pull Sakura away from the pool of blood on the floor.

The three rushed to their side and helped them carry Sakura over to a couch in the same room and laid her there.

"We have to take her to a hospital" Rika said urgently. "Or is Wei here?" she asked.

"No one else is here in the house. We just came back to get something when we saw her like this on the floor" Hisami said, looking down at her outfit which was stained with a lot of Sakura's blood.

Naoko looked back to where Sakura lay before and saw the blood trail to where they laid her.

"Everyone, we have to do something while we wait for Syaoran and the others" she pointed out.

"R-Right" Ayumi said, taking deep breaths, trying to avoid from breaking down on the floor herself.

"Wait, did you two call an ambulance already?" Chiharu asked, making them nod. "Good, you two go to the main gates and watch out for them, I doubt they even know how to get through the park"

The two nodded and exited the room in a run. Naoko and Rika had just run back in, Chiharu only just noticing that they left in the first place. They brought towels and a pail of water.

Rika went over to Sakura's side and started to wash off the blood off her face, as Chiharu did her arms, and Naoko did her legs.

"Tomoyo!" someone shouted from behind them.

The three turned around and saw Mei Lin supporting Tomoyo who was barely conscious.

Naoko ran over to them and helped Mei Lin bring Tomoyo over to another couch just beside Sakura's.

"Tomoyo, you have to stay conscious or else you can't be of any help to Sakura" Naoko told her.

Hearing this made Tomoyo's eyes snap open. She shook her head from side to side and held her head and tried to refocus her vision. She couldn't help it; she never expected to see that much blood on the floor and knowing it was Sakura's blood only made it worse.


"Where the hell are they!" Hisami said, frustrated that the ambulance hadn't arrived yet.

Tomoyo and Mei Lin had arrived moments ago and the ambulance still wasn't there. They knew that the hospital was kinda far from there location but they shouldn't take this long.

Hearing bike engines, they turned their heads to the other side of the road and saw Syaoran and the others ride up towards them in a fast speed.


When Syaoran saw the two girls standing by the gates with their car, he got even more worried. All that blood on their clothes must have come from Sakura.

He growled in frustration before doing a sharp turn into the gates and got even more faster when he rode through the park.


"The ambulance must be here by now" Naoko said.

"Yeah they can't take that long" Rika said as they all stood up.

"C'mon, we have to carry her to the front doors" Tomoyo said as she positioned herself by Sakura's head.

The other girls nodded at her as they all carried Sakura towards the entrance together. They walked slowly, trying not to drop her.

Hearing the bike engines, they knew the guys had arrived. Just when they heard them, the front doors slammed open and Syaoran came in, looking deadly than ever. When his eyes roamed the room from all the blood on the floor to Sakura's body being carried by the girls, he immediately went over to them and took her body in his arms.

"Why didn't you take her to the hospital?" he asked, trying not to yell since as it wasn't their fault.

"Hisami and Ayumi already called for an ambulance, they're waiting for it by the gates to lead them here"

"If we had taken her there by ourselves, it would take longer and she needs whatever supplies the paramedics have in the ambulance" Mei Lin pointed out.

"Syaoran, the ambulance is here!" Aki shouted from the outside as he and the rest of the guys ran in, only to see their girlfriends covered in blood.

"What the hell happened?" Jay said as he ran over to Mei Lin, as did the others.

"Nothing's wrong with us, it's Sakura" Tomoyo said as she watched Syaoran carry her outside.

They followed him and saw Hisami and Ayumi drive up in their car with the ambulance following close behind.

When they stopped, four paramedics came out and ran over to Syaoran with a stretcher. They strapped Sakura to it and placed a breathing mask over her face as they pushed her into the back of the van.

When Syaoran was about to get in, Eriol stopped him.

"Syaoran, I'll go with her. You and the girls go change into cleaner clothes and head over to the hospital right after. I'll take care of the papers the hospital will give out"

"I'll go too" Mika said.

Syaoran looked down and only just realized that his shirt and pants were covered in a lot of blood, and he knew that Eriol and Mika can surely take care of it. He reluctantly nodded as Eriol entered the back of the van before closing it and Mika ran over to the front of the van.

The ambulance pulled off and back through the park until they couldn't see or hear it anymore.

Syaoran ran his hand through his hair as he followed the others into the mansion. He stopped along with the others when they came to the end of the stairs where all of Sakura's blood was.

"Holy shit" Aki muttered, seeing all of it. "All this came from Sakura?"

Rika nodded at him mutely, trying not to think of the worst that may be happening to her friend.

"Hisami, Ayumi, what happened when you got here?" Syaoran growled, missing the fear that flashed through their eyes when he spoke to them.

"W-We saw Sakura already unconscious on the floor. She was l-laying at the end of the stairs" Ayumi said, pointing to the spot where there was a small clean spot.

"Oh no...the baby" Tomoyo whispered but Syaoran heard her.

Tears filled the girls' eyes. They never really thought about crying a while ago since they were too much in panic to help Sakura get out of the house, but now that they thought clearly of the situation...

"Damn it" he hissed under his breath as he walked around the mess and up the stairs towards his room.


"I'm sorry sirs, but this is as far as you can go" a nurse said, stopping Eriol and Mika from going any further.

The two looked at the nurses and doctors rush in after her before the doors closed in front of them.

Eriol sighed before sitting on the waiting chairs, followed by Mika.

"You think she'll be all right?" Mika asked worriedly, remembering the amount of blood he saw on the floor back at the mansion.

"For Syaoran's sake...she better be all right" Eriol said in a sigh.

"Excuse me, are you two the ones who accompanied the lady who was recently brought in?"

They both looked up at the nurse and nodded.

"Please follow me to the front desk to fill up the forms needed"



"Hello?" Saori answered to her cell phone while playing with her hair.

"Hey there" came a deep male voice.

"Oh, hey babe" she replied, sitting up from her lying position on the couch in Tsuyoshi's office room. "I didn't expect a call from you. Have any good news for me?"

"Yup. She's alive but just got in and is in critical condition" he reported.

"Thank God. I've been waiting for you to say that all these weeks"

"Hmmm...and my prize?"

"Don't worry, you'll get it soon enough" she replied seductively before ending the call.

"And just who were you talking to?" came a voice from the door.

"Oh, just a contact...I've got good news for you"

"And? What is it?"

"The Cherry Blossom is alive" she stated simply.

Tsuyoshi growled, his fists tightening.

"That's supposed to be good news?" he asked, walking over to his chair behind the large desk.

"Not yet. Anyways, before you supposedly killed her...I gave her this drug"

He raised an eyebrow at her. "A drug?"

"I didn't trust her. Besides, I knew she would've taken you away from me if ever she really was against the Wolves...which she wasn't"

"Continue" he spoke, hoping this would really lead to good news.


"Eriol, Mika...what's happening so far?" Syaoran asked as he and the others arrived at the hospital.

"Nothing, they're still trying to keep her condition stable before they start doing anything" Eriol filled in.

"And they told us that half an hour ago, we don't know what's happening now" said Mika.


"Okay, call in the specialists to check on her" one of the doctors spoke as he and the other 3 doctors and nurses backed away from the bed.

"Dr. Mitsu and Dr. Yumi and the others are here" a nurse announced as a man and a woman dressed in all white entered the room, making all of the nurses leave, leaving the doctors to discuss by themselves.


"Well, the drug is supposed to kill you or something like that...or so I was told. It gives off different symptoms so it gives doctors a hard time to cure. And before they find out what it is, or how to cure it, you die" Saori ended with a laugh.


A few minutes after the specialists' arrival, they still didn't come up with anything. Her condition wasn't making any sense at all.

"What's the matter?" one of the doctors asked as Dr. Mitsu stepped away from Sakura.

"I don't get it. Her symptoms match to a lot of diseases but none of them are leading to a particular one"

"And it can't be a lot of disease at the same time, it doesn't work that way" said Dr. Yumi, giving off a sigh.


"Where did you get this drug?" Tsuyoshi asked, feeling proud of her.

"I got it off from a doctor at Beijing. He told me it can kill anyone who takes it in. Apparently, he was trying to develop a cure for some disease but invented this by accident"


"Wait, I heard of something like this" another doctor spoke up.

Everyone in the room looked over at him.

"Just give me a minute to make a call" he said as he exited the room in a hurry.


"And he gave this to you, why? And are you sure that girl drank it?" he asked, eyeing Saori's every move.


"Well, what do we do now?" one of the doctors asked. Surely they couldn't just stand around and do nothing to help her.

"We can't do anything for..." Dr. Mitsu trailed off as he looked over to Sakura then glanced at the monitor beside her.


"Well...I kinda stole it from him. I wanted to use it on the girlfriend of my current boyfriend at the time but didn't since I broke up with him. And yes, I'm sure the Cherry Blossom drank it..." she said with an evil smile as she recalled the moment.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Saori asked Sakura when she started to dress into the clothes she'll be wearing for tonight.

"Yeah, there's no way they'll believe me that I joined you guys" she replied from the bathroom.

'Yeah, I don't either' Saori thought, looking around Sakura's room. "Here, take this. It's really yummy" she said, handing Sakura a small piece of red candy when she walked out of the bathroom.

"What is it?"

"Candy. I love anything sweet" she said, opening her mouth, showing Sakura a similar looking one.

"Thanks" she smiled, throwing it inside her mouth. "Mmmm...strawberry...and it has a spicy sort of flavor too"

"Yeah, yummy isn't it?" Saori asked, smiling.

Sakura looked at her with a smile before looking down at her outfit, then back at the girl.

"So, how does it look?" Sakura asked Saori as she did a 360 turn.

"You'll totally make them all drool" she said with a smirk.

"You turned it into candy?" he asked, impressed that she even did that.

"Yup, and since I didn't know how it tasted like, I made the strawberry flavoring heavy enough so that it could cancel out any flavor the drug might give off. She never expected it to be a drug"


"What's happening in there?" Syaoran hissed as nurses started to file back inside.

"I-I'm sorry sir, but I do not know. I'm only doing what the doctors are telling me to do" the nurse stuttered, as she rushed into the room with the others when Syaoran looked away.

"Damn it" he said as he scowled at nothing in particular and slammed his fist to the wall.

He turned to the girls who were crying, worrying over Sakura as the guys tried to soothe them.

A few minutes later, another doctor rushed passed them and into the room.

"W-What's happening?" Tomoyo whispered through sobs, tears falling freely now as Eriol tried to wipe them all away.


"You my dear, are brilliant" Tsuyoshi said as Saori walked over to him and sat on his lap.

Saori laughed and tipped back her head into his shoulder, giving him full access to her neck.

"If she survived that explosion of yours, there's no way she can get out of death this time"

Tsuyoshi smirked at her before trailing his hand over her stomach, inching slowly to her breast then started kissing and sucking on her neck.

Saori smiled at this, letting out a moan as he started to pleasure her further.


"Excuse me?" a man called out to the group who were half asleep on the sofas at the waiting area. Of course he couldn't blame them, they had waited two hours for anything and he and the other doctors had only just sorted out everything.

When they heard him, they all scrambled out of their positions and sat up straight on their seats as Syaoran and all the girls stood up.

"May I talk to her family?" Dr. Mitsu asked.

"Her father and brother aren't here yet" Rika said.

"You can talk to me and Tomoyo" Syaoran said. "I'm her fiancé and she's her best friend"

The doctor nodded and led the two down the hall and stopped by the glass that enabled them to see Sakura inside.

"What happened to her, is she all right?" Tomoyo asked straight off.

"Her breathing is stable and she isn't hurt, ironically, she's perfectly fine" he said.

Syaoran and Tomoyo sighed deeply, glad at that piece of information. But they knew something wasn't right.

"If she's all right, then how can you explain the huge amount of blood she lost?" Syaoran asked.

"Well, I'm sorry to tell you this but it was her baby that had the problems, not Ms. Kinomoto"

Hearing this made Syaoran's world crash. Tomoyo gasped and tears threatened to fall yet again.

"W-What are you talking about? Did she have a miscarriage?" Tomoyo got out since she noticed that Syaoran wasn't going to say anything soon.

"No, it wasn't a was a drug"

Syaoran's head snapped over to him.

"A drug? My fiancée took a drug to kill our baby?" Syaoran asked, trying to keep his temper.

"Syaoran!" Tomoyo spoke, shocked at his statement. "You know Sakura would never do that! Not to you or to the baby!"

Before Syaoran could reply, Dr. Mitsu cut in.

"I would highly doubt that Ms. Kinomoto took in this drug on purpose"

"What are you talking about?" Syaoran asked, making his eyebrows crease.

"This drug is newly discovered and was made by accident in China a year ago. The doctor who made this avoided letting people know about it because it can kill a person at any time and it leaves different symptoms that can confuse and lead doctors to different diseases that the drinker doesn't even have. He said that whoever takes this in will surely die"

Tomoyo covered her mouth with her hands, after letting out a gasp.

"But you said Sakura was okay" Syaoran clarified, getting irritated.

"Yes, that's because of the baby. If she weren't pregnant, she would have died instead"

"So you're saying that it's good that my unborn child died instead of her?" Syaoran hissed.

Dr. Mitsu was taken aback. He knew it wasn't a good thing that the baby died, but Syaoran should have been glad that his fiancée had survived.

"Look Mr. Li, I'm not s-"

"Thank you Dr., I'll take it from here" Tomoyo spoke up before anything else happens.

The doctor sighed as he took his leave.

Tomoyo turned to Syaoran.

"Syaoran, I don't know how it feels like to lose an unborn child, but I do know that it sucks. I'm sure Sakura didn't mean to kill the baby, and that doctor was only telling you that you should be happy that Sakura lived. I'm also not saying that it was a good thing that the baby died instead but if you think about it, it's better than having Sakura die"

Syaoran sighed deeply, thinking about everything she had said and knew she was right.

"Yeah, I get it" he sighed, running his hand through his hair for God knows how many times.

"You okay?" she asked, now understanding on how he must feel, loosing an unborn child within everything that's been going on.

"Yeah, let's go back to the others and tell them what's going on"


"Hey Tsuyoshi open up!" Kimi shouted from outside his office, constantly banging on the door.

She and her sisters heard shuffling sound from inside before it opened, revealing a pissed off Saori.

"What is it that you girls want?" she asked with a glare.

"Whatever" Kimi told her, before she walked in, followed by her sisters who were smirking at Saori when they walked pass her by the door.

"How may I help you girls?" Tsuyoshi asked as he redid the buttons on his shirt; seeing this irritated Saori so she sat back on the couch at the end of the room.

"Look Tsuyoshi, we won't try to waste all of our time here so we're gonna be straight" Kyoumi started off.

"Yeah, as you of all people know, your men are worthless and your group is dieing out. What do you plan to do about all this?" Katsumi said. "And don't even think about doing a hostage thing again, that sort of plan will obviously fail" she added.

"Calm down girls" he replied as he stood from his chair. If they were any other ordinary members of his gang, he would have killed them straight off for even daring to talk to him like that.

"We will when you tell us what your planning to do to defeat those Wolves" said Kimi, placing her hands on her hips.

"You'll see. I already have a plan" he said, grinning evilly.


"Why isn't she awake yet?" Mei Lin asked.

Sakura had been transferred to her own private room, which was more like a hotel suite considering the size and the stuff that was already in it when they got in.

"The doctors don't know anything" Tomoyo said. "The drug only affected the baby and not her but they still can't figure out why she's still asleep. They are sure though that she's healthy because of the tests they did on her"

Everyone nodded as they sat around the room, waiting for the time when she'll wake up.

Syaoran has been by her side ever since they were allowed to go near Sakura. He had been watching all this time as she breathed, hoping for her to even just move a little but with no such luck.

"Syaoran" He looked up and saw Eriol walking towards him. "Your mother, Fuutie, Mr. Kinomoto and Touya are all in Hong Kong"

"What?" he asked, getting up from the chair.

"Apparently, they planned this all along. They knew you wouldn't allow them to go back so they didn't tell us that they were going back. I also told them about what happened to Sakura and they really want to come back but I told them not to and just stay safe over there"

Syaoran sighed back to his seat. At least they would stay there. He would have to call in the Wolves back at Hong Kong to stay in constant alert and make sure they watch over their families. He knew Tsuyoshi wouldn't be stupid enough to pull the same stunt again, so he was less worried than he should be.

"Okay thanks" he muttered before turning to Aki. "Aki tell Shen and Chyou to gather the Wolves at Hong Kong and keep them alert for anything the Kins might pull on them and our families"

"All right" he said, taking out his cell phone and stepping out of the room.

"Mika, go tell the staff here to not disclose to anyone about Sakura being here and in this room. In fact, can you go to the front desk and change her name instead?"

"No prob." He said, getting up with Naoko who went along with him as they exited the room.

"Mei Lin, Jay, can you two go back to the mansion and tell the Wolves of the situation and keep them busy. I don't know how long Sakura's gonna be here and I'm gonna stay here with her"

Mei Lin and Jay nodded as they both left the room as well. Takashi, Chiharu and Rika then excused themselves, claiming they wanted to get something to eat from the cafeteria downstairs.

"Eriol, Tomoyo, if you want to go help out Mei Lin and Jay, you can go on home ahead" he said, knowing the two were the ones left besides him and Sakura.

"No, I'm not leaving here either, not until Sakura wakes up" Tomoyo said softly.

"Yeah, you can't stay here alone to watch her Syaoran" Eriol pointed out, smiling. He had never seen his cousin this taken to a girl and it amused him, he could clearly see that Syaoran was really worried about Sakura and he never saw him get this worried about anyone or anything.

"Well, just so you know, you guys can go on ahead if ever you want to"

"We know" they two said together.

He nodded at them before resting back on his chair, starting to think about everything that had just happened. He knew Sakura well enough to think that she would want to take a drug to risk her life and the baby. It could have been someone has forced her to drink it.

"Tomoyo, has Sakura ever told you anything about her being forced to drink something before?"

"No. If something awful ever happened to her, she would have shared it to me" she said, now knowing that Syaoran was also thinking about who might have given the drug to Sakura.

"If no one forced Sakura to drink it," Eriol started, getting an idea. "She must've drunken the drug willingly"

"Why would Sakura take in something that she knew would hurt her?" Tomoyo asked incredulously.

"That's if she knew what drug it was" pointed out Eriol.

"Or if she even knew if it was a drug in the first place" Syaoran added before looking up at Tomoyo yet again. "Did you see her eat or drink anything? Or did she ever tell you that she was taking in medicine to help the baby?"

"No, I even told her to never take in any form of medicine without telling me or Wei what it is"

Syaoran nodded at Eriol who stood up and took out his cell phone as he called Wei.

"Someone must have given it to her. It should be someone who doesn't like her, most probably someone who doesn't live with us"

"What about Jessie?" Tomoyo spoke.

Syaoran looked at Eriol yet again and saw him nod at him before he could say anything to him.

"Who else is there?" she asked aloud as she laid herself at the end of Sakura's huge bed. "The Kins!" she almost shouted as she answered her own question, sitting back up.

"Of course! If the drug affected the baby instead of Sakura, she was obviously already pregnant but they didn't know about it or else they wouldn't have bothered giving it to her. One of the Kins must have given it to her when she joined them. That time we met Sakura at the gathering, she told me she was pregnant when we were talking alone but then she denied it, saying she was joking, I guess she didn't know that she really was pregnant at the time"

"J-Joking Syaoran" she said through giggles.

"Sakura!" Syaoran said a bit irritated at her for getting him excited.

Sakura giggled some more and would have for a longer time if Syaoran didn't stop her through a kiss. She was shocked that he was willing to kiss her and she was also shocked that she was willing to kiss him. She urged herself to push him away but her hands wouldn't obey her. Talk about heart over mind. She sighed and relaxed against him and started to kiss him back.

"I did remember her mouth tasting like a strong strawberry flavor that day, I couldn't stop kissing her" he said, not realizing he had said that out loud until he heard Tomoyo giggle and Eriol smirk at him.

"Then she must've eaten candy that same day. And what if it was the drug?" Eriol suggested, trying to place it together, it was likely possible. It was either the drug covered with flavoring, or it was just a plain strawberry candy. "It is possible" he added.

"If it was the drug, who would be there to give it to her? Someone must have given it to her; she couldn't have just eaten the drug off a packet. Now, who do we know hates her yet Sakura trusts to take candy from?" Tomoyo asked.

This didn't make sense to Syaoran though. Sakura told him she was faking with the Kins. Who would she trust there to accept even the smallest kind of food?

"Oh, I bet you're wondering about my tattoo? Notice it gone?" she asked with a smirk as she did a slow 360 turn on her chair. "Well, it's a secret but I had to have it looked wretched on my back. The girl Saori here worked wonders on removing it for me. We became really good friends you know?"

Syaoran's mind was reeling.

"We became really good friends you know?"

"...good know?"

"Saori!" he hissed, getting up from his seat, remembering the time when Sakura was talking to him through the cameras when she was with Tsuyoshi.

He almost growled remembering that time.

"The wench?" Tomoyo asked. How could Sakura possibly trust her?

"When we were talking to Sakura and Tsuyoshi through the cameras, she did mention that she was friends with Saori, and that she even helped in covering up her tattoo. Surely they really weren't real friends but if Sakura mentioned her, maybe she was the one Sakura was hanging out with during her time there" Eriol said, getting what Syaoran was trying to say.

"And when I talked to the doctor who invented the drug by the phone earlier, he did mention that the drug can take affect in a month the least and in six months the most, and Sakura was almost two and a half months pregnant so the dates also fit" Syaoran said, connecting everything.

"When she took the drug, it must've developed with the baby as it grew inside her, which is why she wasn't at all affected and why there weren't any obvious symptoms happening to Sakura" Tomoyo stated.

They were sure though that it happened when Sakura was with the Kins, and Eriol assured it to be the doing of Saori or another Kin since he had just confirmed with Wei that he didn't give her anything different and Mike had just confirmed with Jessie that she didn't go near her either.

The three connected everything they thought of so far in their heads and they all fit. It was likely possible. Maybe it was some other member of the Kins and it was probably done differently, but surely somewhat like it has happened...and they intend to find out the truth.

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