Freeshia: a maids tail. w...

By MsJacquelineCruz

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A mermaid named Freesha in a world not like ours, under water with different cities. Some with water some wit... More

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Freeshia: A maids tail. Watty Awards.2012

632 8 4
By MsJacquelineCruz

A sea. The place where all look for fish, water, crabs, ships and shells. However this time what was found was a mermaid.

While people were busy making buildings and war, deep down beyond the oceans floor was a world in its own. Here all sorts of creatures lived. Some beautiful, others not so beautiful.

Mermaids were the most loved of all the creatures. As they were known to be the best example of true beauty.

Another creature with the least beauty was the Gritchym. A two legged creature with the arms of an octopus and the face of a fish. Gritchyms are barely ever respected. When something goes wrong Gritchyms are first to be looked at.

At this moment many were about to see a not so perfect mermaid.

In the world called Plensea all heard about the soon to be new Feher mermaid which is a girl mermaid. (The boy mermaid is Mahim.)

The mother and father both beautiful maids couldn't be happier, that is until a certian day came.

They had hidden their maid seed in a well hidden place where no one could see. As most mermaids do.

When the time came to get their child, they noticed she had been moved. Safe but moved. They looked her over and decided all was okay.

The parents named her Freeshia.

All of Plensea seemed to arrive to the showing of the beautiful Freeshia. All gave gifts and kind words.

Freeshia was normal to all however the older she became mermaids noticed something was wrong.

You see all girl maids have a dark purple tail.

When Freeshia was 12 her tail was changing color. One time the other mermaids noticed it was red, another time green. Her parents never seen this so they took it as pure jealousy from the others.


Freeshia was now a grown mermaid with long blue hair and gorgeous green eyes. She was picked from her family to perform a song that meant she was ready to be wed.

Freeshia always knew she had a secret. One that no one knew about. Some saw changes when she was younger but since then no maids have brought it up.

Freeshia was worried about this song.

What if they see? She thought to herself.

Her siblings prepared for her song. They told Freeshia about the Mahims that their father had seated in the very front to see her. Freeshia didn't care.

Her eyes were set on leaving Plensea. She's heard of the sea and earth. Places that many said were not real. Others said it was a place of death and punishment. Very little said it was a place of true paradise.

Either way Freeshia wanted to know.

Freeshia's father came in with her mother.

"Are you ready my wonder?" Freeshia's father asked.

Freeshia stood up and swam toward the stage curtain. Her sisters followed.

Freeshia stared at her father and smiled.

The curtain's opened. The beautiful lights and music went on. Freeshia's sisters voices began singing low and sweet. Soon the lights were just on Freeshia. She sang and swam around flowing her long hair through the water.

All was well... so far. Her dark purple tail moved gently.

The Mahims were stunned at her beauty but then what she worried began to happen. Freeshia swam further away from the crowd. Her sisters swam her forward. Everyone noticed something was wrong.

Freeshia tried to keep her voice still and hide her body behind her sisters. Freeshia's father stood up noticing her colors were changed. Her tail was blue just like her hair.

Never as this happened or been seen on royalty maids. This is considered unclean and wicked.

Freeshia swam through the crowd since her sisters wouldn't let her get by. The crowd swam away from her as if she had been contaminated. Freeshia's father tried to talk to the crowd telling them it was the lights that it was nothing but no one listened .

Everyone recalled the rumors and began whispering to each other. Her father decided to grab his family and go.

Freeshia swam so far away that she ended up some where she didnt notice ever before.

Freeshia spotted and entered a store.

"Do you sell long dresses?" She asked the store maid.

"Yes we do. Not many but if you want to wear one, all we have you will enjoy. Not very popular these days... Fe-her do I know you?" Asked the store maid staring at Freeshia.

"No. I'm not from here. Ill take all you have of long dresses."

Freeshia paid and left. She got dressed behind a restaurants leftover bin. These dresses will cover her tail that's still blue.

Why do maids care so much of this blue? Well they say if you have too much blue your beauty cannot be true. Green eyes bring joy and light into a room. Purple tail means all is well.

Freeshia was tired of all the color rules. She can be blue and be okay but maids would never think its beauty or clean.

When and will they find me? Freeshia thought to herself.

Freeshia as now been wandering close to the sea lint crownd. This is the opening and exit of Plensea and leading to the big open sea. Secret Gar-maids hide and work this land so that no one passes. Even asking questions is frowned upon.

Freeshia passed slowly by them.

"Keep going half wonder. Nothing to see." Gar-maids said.

It was becoming very breezy and the waves were beginning to be bothered swaying back and front weighing down.

She needed a place to rest. Going back is too long from here if she finds the way back correctly. She looked around for a maid, anyone that could help. She found a dark pond and tried to lay there until she could catch her breathe but the swimming tired her badly. So she just slept not knowing what her eyes will see once they are to open.

Freeshia slept for hours. When she awoke she was back to her regular color, purple. She knew she still couldn't go back home. They all saw. She got up and went on her way.

Freeshia was lost and getting hungry.

Freeshia asked around of where she should go for a place to eat, sleep and get cleaned up. No one would direct her.

Right before it became dark she found a building. She planned to stay there.

When inside she looked around for names anything to show where she was. It was an alone building.

Safe enough.


Part 2.

Freesha had been away from her family for months now. She found a group that she fit in with. All who changed color as she did.

Ma-hims too were like her here in a place not too far from Plensea. This city is called Abfarnell. Everyone was different, not many looked the same. This place Abfarnell wasn't known to anyone outside of it.

Freesha was found by a Grytchem named Pejoun. He noticed that Freesha was hiding something so he followed her until she showed her secret.

Pejoun had to hide her eyes so she couldn't see how she got there. She had to be trusted.

Freeshia has earned the trust of many. But some still did not trust her because she is known as royalty to the city of Abfarnell.

Pejoun taught her many things and cared for her. They grew to be close. Freesha did miss home but knew it would never work. Her colors have been on longer and longer now. Other changes have also happened. She didn't need water at all. This is because she also had legs. Her tail would leave when her colors would be shown for a long while.

How could her family and everyone else back home in Plensea except her, the way city Abfarnell has. They wont.

Pejoun had a family. They let Freesha stay there until Pejoun and his father who is also a Grytchem built her, her own place to sleep.

Freesha would watch over his mom, she is an Englemaid. Something like a mermaid and angel fish but also human like. She began changing with fins and then her color was never the same. When first born her mermaid parents hid her but someone saw her and told so they found out about Abfarnell. They left her their with an old friend who was a Grytchem. Pejouns mom Hintella was sick. Hintella didn't walk good or swim well. Her fins weren't ever strong enough and her tail never worked to help her swim. She didn't ever have legs just the face of a human and her fins were like arms but thin.

Pejoun would go in town to get things for his family and the city. He was a fairie. Many of the men were.

They would go into town to buy and find things that they could use. The fairies would also keep an eye out for ones like them. They never let anyone out that has a huge change like Pejouns mom, Hintella.

"Do you ever think of staying outside and making a differance?" Freesha asked pejoun.

"I have here." Pejoun responded.

"I see. But those that are still out there and don't want to run and hide. Who will stand for them?"

" Well we will. But they don't know about it here. Once they do they will stay and be happy. Like you have. You are happy here?" Asked Pejoun.

"Yes. Very. I miss my father and others but im different now. They wont love this. Im a beast to their ways."

"Not here. Your'e just right how your'e made. Correction is not needed for you or all others." Pejoun said smiling.

"I do miss home very much. Seems to be all a dream now. I cant go back it's gone to me." Freesha held back her tears.

"Were your home and your family. I'm your family. Maybe one day they will understand us." Pejoun said.

Later that day the city of Abfarnell had a gathering. All seemed to be there. The music played the children sang. Freesha smiled watching all different colors, fins and faces together in one place. No one judged. All laughed and spoke as one. The gathering was beautiful. Better then the royalty ones back home.

At the end of it, a used to be gar-maid who was white as a pearl began to speak. He was very old.

Looked wise. He didn't have to tell the crowd to be silent. The Gar-maids name was Micsai. He was known to be one of the wisest older ones from Abfarnell. He began telling everyone how proud he was of little to older ones. The city of Abfarnell was growing and was well hidden. Everyone was taught well. Micsai lived alone on a small beach. His said to be wife died right before he found Abfarnell. She was a human so rumor was. Micsai never has spoke of her. But he wears a ring around his neck. It has a human symbol of earth and sun. Abfarnell and Pensea has no solar sun. This one is human like.

Micsai was still talking.

"I want to let you all know that I'm very happy to be your friend but when I'm gone I want someone just as smart and caring to be your friend. One you can go to, to ask what you may. Ill teach all I know to this one. Please see who it may be as you would me and all of our family here in Abfarnell." Micsai continued his speech.

All listened quietly. Beside Micsai was two Grytchems. Not much different from each other. Both wore same attire. Black gowns with white belting around the chest and waste. Since Grytchems were fish faced the water wrapped around them. Unlike some part human like creatures in Abfarnell. The water stays away. No one ever wondered why and how this is. It just always was. The water knows its beings.

Now as Micsai continued speaking, the Grytchems began holding him as he was very old and weak.

"I don't want to make any worry. But we know we all have to sleep. Please continue your love for one another. Don't let the so called beauty outside let you think were not true beauty. And please let any who want to be a part of our world and embrace it do so. I will let you all continue on your way. Please don't worry. " Micsai said slowly turning away.

The crowd was very quiet. All took awhile to begin what they were doing.

"Is all okay, Pejoun?" Asked Freesha.

"Yes. All is well. We must go. Lets not stand around. Make ourselves useful. Maybe mother needs something." Pejoun said walking towards home.

"As Micsai ever done a speech like that before?"

Pejoun didn't answer right away. And when he did his response was off the topic.

"Micsai does many speeches. Talks of many things. He's wise. Very wise."

Freesha decided to not ask again. She knew Pejoun really cared for Micsai.

Before nightfall Freesha went to tend to Pejouns mother Hintella. She fed and covered her.

"You must be wondering of your siblings." Hintella said.

"Oh I sometimes do. Thinking if their out looking for me. Or if they forgot who I am." Freesha answered.

"They not forget. No matter how hard they try. Your'e a princess. Royalty wonder. Maybe your loss brings all together for once." Hintella said gasping for breathe.

"Now there. Lets rest. When you rise in morning i'll open the curtian so you can see our sunlight."

"You make me very thankful Freesha. Thank you." She said resting her eyes.

"Good, sleep my angel." Freesha told her while closing her door.

Freesha took a swim around the yard. Seeing Hintella always took alot out of her. Since all her life all she saw was perfect beauty No hurt or sick ones. Freesha was becoming heartbroken by this. So many sick and no one to care but themselves.

"Hey you there? What is wrong? I can see concern all the way from my home." Said Pejouns dad, Blain.

"I'm okay. Just enjoying the site. Is there something you need me to do for you?"

"No. You have more then done your part. Pejoun is in your place setting up your meal and supplies for the night."

"Thanks. I should be going then. Would you walk with me." Freesha asked Blain.

"Of course. I know there is something on your mind, please open up. We don't like things held in. We will help only if we know my dear."

"I'm sorry. I'm just used to our worries are our worries. I'm just troubled by the pain and hurt that I seen here. But yet so much love. It is beautiful but so sad. I cant help but to be sadden by it all." Expressed Freesha.

"We do well here. That is all you need to focus on. We have not much but alot of love and hope for the future, and that is all we need. Beings like you and Micsai make living here wonderful for us. Your'e doing your best. Especially with my wife Hintella. I'm very proud of her and you. She has never been this happy before. Its because of you."

"I would love to one day see her stand with us and see what a lovely place this is."

"Well with your great work I wouldn't be surprised if she became a dancer. Now here you are I sha'll leave you to be. rest. Please feel free to open up with us, we are family with you."

"I will. Tell Hintella to have a goodnight. I'll see her tomorrow." Freesha said entering her resting room.

Pejoun was fixing her a plate of food. He would do this every night. Though she said not to he felt it was his duty for the help she gives with Hintella.

"How are you?" She asked him.

"How are you?" He replied.

"Better now. What do you have there for me this night?"

"The usual. How did you enjoy your day?"

"All is well like usual. I was thinking maybe we should visit Micsai. I would love to meet him alone of course with you there. Is this OK?"

Pejoun paused what he was doing. He sat down next to Freesha. Collecting his thoughts for what to say next.

"What do you need with Micsai? Not that it's a bad idea. Many have seen him, but why would you like to meet with him?"

"Well. I'm the newest maid here. I think I'm the only one who hasn't met him. He seems to be a very wise maid. I just want to make sure I see and speak with him before anything happens to him. Is that a selfish reason?"

"No. Many have seen him for less. I'll see what I can set up for us or meet with him. Please be patient. iIdo not know how busy he might be. But I promise I will make sure we see him together." Pejoun told Freesha.

In town, very close to the royals where Freesha's home was, the fairies were working. Abfarnell needed many things that were becoming very hard to find or even buy. Another Fairy called Brife was with Pejoun. They were obviously spotted but they continued to try to buy what was needed. The store maids handed them some long needed things. A Gar-maid left it's post and followed them in the store.

"Is there a problem with these things?" Asked the Gar-maid.

"No. They paid and are leaving now." Replied the store maid.

Pejoun and Brife left the store. Still being followed by the Gar-maid. They couldn't go home until he stopped following them. Pejoun and Brife kept on moving store to store. This Gar-maid was looking for a problem. But they knew they couldn't let that happen.

Soon the two of them decided to rest at a near by seat and wait it out. Brife, he was a changer also. his face was in the octopus family. which was okay. but his body was mermaid. Hes' been able to control his change most of the time.

Micsai taught him how to control his change. Pejoun was something else. He was Grytchem. not liked at all. He might be easy on the eyes and skin tone. A trait he gets from his mother. But the Gar-maids know a Grytchem when seen. If an Octo is with a Grytchem then they both are no good.

Soon enough the Gar-maid came over to the two fairies.

"When will you two be on your way? Your making trouble for this town."

"We are sorry. Please we will be going. " Brife replied.

The both of them looked at each other not knowing which way to take. But kept on moving.

"Thank you sir. Have a good day." Brife said, hoping that would end him from following them.

The Gar-maid followed for a little while longer. Soon after he stopped. They were so relieved. They rushed to get home. On the way Brife noticed a drawing of Freesha on the wall of a building. They ripped it off and ran back home. When they got home safe into Abfarnell they read the drawing. It was from her parents asking if anyone see's this mermaid to bring her to the royals and receive one gift from them. No exceptions. Also that she was last seen with Grytchems.

"What do we do? We must show her and Micsai." Brife told Pejoun.

"No wait. Let me think. Somethings not right. The royals cant offer anything. What if you ask for the whole line of royals their throne, their queen. They just want to find out more of our home. I wasn't seen with her at all I know this, we were alone. No one was around. Let me deal with this alone."

"You cant do that. We must share what we know with all. We do not have secrets Pejoun. We are not like the ones out there. You must open up by the end of this day or I must. I promise you I will not betray you or Freesha. I know you care for her more then we all do. But don't hide this from her or your family. Your'e going to need our help if this becomes worse and how do we help if you do not say. By tonight? Do I have your word?" Brife asked.

"I will speak of it by morning. My word. I will speak with father and begin there. Please just dont speak with no one else. I will be open with this soon."

"Do not wait too long. If they are watching Grytchems that closely they could be following us and we not know." Brife mentioned.

Pejoun walked home to his father, Blain. His father was with Freesha and Hintella. He spoke with his father in private and showed him what he found while fairying. Blain advised him to show it to Micsai and bring Freesha with I'm so Micsai could speak with her about what could be done. Pejoun agreed.

When Pejoun finally got the chance to meet with Micsai he brought Freesha and the drawing. Freesha was very happy to be meeting Micsai. Pejoun was not. She still didn't know about the drawing. Since he took his dads advise and waited for the meeting with Micsai.

Pejoun and Freesha were waiting for Micsai in a small sandy beach area. There was the same two Grytchems and three others standing around. Micsai finally entered with a young mermaid who looked pretty normal. That was until she walked away. Her form changed into an almost pure human. Pejoun and Freesha both were stunned. Micsai sat down.

"I heard you wanted to speak and meet me. I'm very happy you finally decided to. You been here for a while. How do you like it so far?"

"I really care for all here. It feels at times better then home. So much love and honesty." Freesha replied.

"Aah. Honesty. That brings me to my young one here. Pejoun. How was your fairy the other day?"

"It was hard that time. We were followed for a while and waiting took long but managed to buy a very little amount of good things."

"Why do you think you were followed?" Micsai asked .

"It was because i'm a grytchem."

"Go on." Micsai said.

"I wanted to wait until today. I did speak with my father on the matter and Brike. You see when on our way out we came across this drawing of you Freesha, and we figured maybe that's why they followed us so long."

Freesha was confused. She took the drawing and read it. She didn't speak.

"We do not like to take long on the matters we need to face. It causes pain. Even confusion. Please my daughter please speak. Your'e among those that care." Micsai said.

"Is this from my home? Are they looking for me? "

"I don't know much, but I know we were not followed when I found you I made sure we were alone. They are not telling the truth about a Grytchem being seen with you." Pejoun explained.

"But then why would they say that?" She asked.

"My dear. What is your real concern? " Micsai asked.

"Do I need to go home? Should I leave here. Will they take me back."

"You can't just leave. It's not right. I think it's a trick. We weren't followed. They just want to do away with us Grytchems and offering something they can't give. Freesha would your royal family give up anything, any being chooses just to find a maid with what they think is unclean colors?" Pejoun asked her.

"It's my father. He loves me and why wouldnt he. Maybe he changed his mind about us."

Micsai held her hand.

"We do not want to change your mind of your royal ones. We want you to know we care and will stand by your choice. You know them more then we. They brought you to the sea of Plensea right my dear." Micsai pointed to out to her.

"Yes. They did."

"Now for a few I want to know what you wanted from me dear? Why did you see me with Pejoun. This wasn't the reason. What was your reason?"

"I wanted to help. I wanted to help Hintella and others who are in pain and want to swim and walk. These things are able to be fixed at home and very easy, but I cant go home."

"And now can you go home?" Micsai asked.

She looked at Pejoun and then back at Micsai.

"Yes. Not for long just to let them know I'm OK and change their minds about Grytchems. All beings they find unclean,"

" You mean like you too right." Pejoun pointed out to her.

" Like me too. Yes. I won't leave for good. I promise I just want to make things right."

"Do you believe you can change all their minds? Many minds to change. We have not been able to for many years. Which is why were here in Abfarnell. Please don't feel trapped you can go as you please. We will take you back with no problem. But when you go it's always harder to stay and how will the ending be is always a shock. However you must be strong and not always believe what you see. Sometimes the past is the truth and present not so much. But my dear please make your choice now. I will leave you two young ones to speak and when I come back I will need your choice."

Micsai called over the mermaid and she walked him away. Pejoun sat beside Freesha.

"What are you thinking. You must not go. I cant trust that all will be fine."

"I want to end all this with colors and Grytchems. I can't change it here. But I promise I will not be gone forever. I will come back. I don't want my family finding this place and destroying it because of me." Freesha explained.

"If you go they will follow you forever. If they don't change their minds about us they will not let you come back. Just to follow you and find our home is all. What if they betray you just to get you to show them our home. Freesha we are hated. Don't forget. I can't stop you. But I can plead for you to stay with us with my mother. She will be hurt if you left and never came back."

"I'm coming back. I promise."

"So you choose to go? I can't stop you. I will help you find your way out. When your'e ready to come back we will find you. please be careful and please don't trust them. keep us in mind. what we taught you." Pejoun told her.

"I will. I wont cause danger to Abfarnell. I won't be gone long."

When Micsai came back he sat with Freesha alone and then with Pejoun alone. He comforted the both of them.

The way back to Pejouns family's home was very long and full of pain. Freesha then had to tell Hintella the news of her going back home. Hintella cried and was hurt but understood. Blain was also hurt.

The next day was very hard for pejoun. Having to say a possible goodbye to the Maid he found and is now losing. He had to follow her choice no matter how wrong or hard it may be. He walked her to the exit. He didn't want his hurt to show too much, so he tried to say goodbye the fastest way he knew how. He blind folded her on the way out and walked her to a mermaid that was on the outside of Abfarnell. Since the Grytchems are being watched he left her with the mermaid. Pejoun hugged Freesha and told her he would miss her. Then he gave her a small kiss.

After a few feet away from the exit the blind fold came off and Pejoun was gone.

"Tell him I'm sorry for hurting his family." Freesha said to the mermaid.

"I thought they were your family too."

"Yes they are. They are my family too. Thank you. " Freesha told her.

The mermaid swam off and Freesha went her way back home. Still wearing a long dress to cover her color of blue that the city of Plensea disliked. She rushed has fast as she could before anyone recognized her. Freesha hoped her plan would work. She knew her royal father well enough to change his mind about what she is and how Grytchems really are. The plan must work. It's her family.

Freesha was at her door awaiting the Gar-maids to let her in. They wanted her father to come to the door and okay her entrance. While waiting Freesha stood tall keeping her mind clear of the doubts of this all not coming together.

Her father now has opened the door. He stared at his daughter. He didnt say a word. Just looked her over. Freesha went over to him and kneeled down.

"Do I have your okay to enter our home?" She asked.

"Where are the ones you were with? You couldn't have been alone all this time. Who kept you away?" Her father asked. Still as a board.

"I do not wish to speak of where I was but to talk with you on where I want to be. No one has held me against my will. I was happy and free. Does that make your heart at ease father?"

"Stand up and come with me." He said sending the Gar-maids off.

They both walked to his chambers. He stood by her while she sat. He gave her a drink and waited for her to finish it before he spoke.

"When did you become unclean? Why didn't you tell us. We are your family."

"I'm not unclean. I never was and still am not. You have to stop seeing me this way. All of you. The town the city the royals. I'm only here to let you know I never meant to leave. But this is not my home with my colors being this way." Freesha said showing her tail all blue.

Her father jumped back. His eyes were in such diseray from what he saw.

"No! Cover this. Why would you do this to us. How will we wed you who will wed you like this?!" Her father shouted.

"Father I'm not here to be wed. I'm here to make peace with all beings. I'm not like you. I'm different and I can't change for me how will I change for you? Will you except me like this the way I will always be?" Freesha asked reaching out to her father.

"Do you know what your'e asking of me and this family? How will any one respect me? There are rules. I'm sorry. You must change back and stay that way and never speak of this again to no one."

"I will not lie and I will not hide. I cannot change. Take me like this or I must never see you again. I do not wish to leave you. You are a royal you can change the rules and make peace with all even the Grytchems."

"Oh so this is about them?! You admit it you were with those filthy things. They made you like this. I will not tolerate this in plensea.!" He barged out the door.

Freesha followed him and tried to stop him. He called the Gar-maids and told them to find every being that was unclean and have them brought to him.

"What are you planning father?! Don't do anything to them. They are just like us."

"Us?! You are nothing like me or this family. You failed me. I knew something would be wrong with you. I should let you go when we found you moved. No pure clean wonder would be moved. You been unclean since before you were mine. You will be joining your filthy beings and i'll find a place for you." He shouted.

Freesha cried and went after her father trying to change his mind. But his mind was made up. She did not know what to do now. What has she started. Freesha went looking for her mother. She could not find her any where. She went into her room and grabbed what she could that may be useful. One of her sisters came in her room.

"What are you doing here?" Asked her sister.

"Nothing. I'm leaving. Father doesn't want me anymore. I'm sure mother feels the same way. and all of you too. I'll go and never to return." Freesha cried.

"Mother is gone. Shes been gone for months now. We don't understand what is going on with you and your colors. I am lost of feelings. Losing mother and a sister. I don't know what to feel."

"What happened to mother? She was well when I left. How could she grow ill?" Asked Freesha.

"I cannot explain. Father says she went for a swim and was found. He says a Grytchem was with her body. He admitted to hurting her. He had this being brought to a place with no water. to be killed. He wouldn't let us see mother. Before this grytchem was killed he swore he never hurt her. That father was hurting her and he tried to stop him. He didn't know it was father but another one of our kind. Father immediately had him rushed to this waterless place."

"A grytchem would never do that to a royal. They are honest beings. Father lied!" Freesha shouted.

"So your'e saying our father killed mother. For what reason Freesha? Why would he do this to his family?" Her sister asked.

"Have you not heard? I'm not family of his." Replied Freesha.

"What do I do sister?"

"I don't know. I must warn my real family. You tell your father what you wish. I cannot let them die because of me."

"I'm still your family. Our sisters may have taken fathers side on things but I kept an open mind. Don't leave me here to fall into their hands. May I go with you. Where ever you are going. Your'e all of mother I have left." Cried her sister.

Freesha hugged her sister tightly and cried with her. Freesha nodded her head yes. They both went off together. The Gar-maids began to chase them. Their father called out to his daughters. They held hands and kept going till they got outside. Freesha could not believe her eyes. There was a line of Grytchems and others tied together. She stopped.

"Come on sister we must go father is near." She said pulling on freesha's arm.

"I can't leave them like this. Hes doing this because of me. I have to let them go."

"You can't help them. Gar-maids are every where watching them and I'm sure for you too. We must go and start over"

Freesha saw Brife and Pejoun. She broke down and cried. She went over to Pejoun and tried to untie him. Pejoun held her hands.

"It's OK. You tried. Just go. Your sister is right. Start over. Take care of my family." Pejoun told her.

"No. This has to stop now. I'm royal and I take my mothers place. I have the right to stop this. There is no law saying an unclean royal can't stop this terrible massacre. Untie these beings at once. I'm the high royal maid. My mother is no longer here, do as I say now. Or you will take their places!" Freesha shouted at the Gar-maids.

Her father came out and demanded the garmaids to tie them all back up including his daughters.

"Royal, we cant tie her, she is right she is the high maid. We cant hurt the high maid." Explained the Gar-maid.

"I'm also high maid. So do as I say. Now!" Her father shouted.

The Gar-maids knelled down and put their staffs up.

"We must honor the rules and stand aside. We cannot stand between the highs. You must see eye to eye and then we will act upon your combined plan." Said the head Gar-maid.

Her father was furious. He went back in his chamber and shouted over and over. Freesha rushed the gar-maids to untie all that she saw in the line.

"Is there anymore held here or anywhere else you must tell me now and set them free." Freesha demanded.

"We have collected all of them for this request your father has made. This is all we have left." Replied the head Gar-maid.

"Who was the Grytchem killed for my mothers death?" She asked him.

"A Grytchem by the name of Taboar."

"Well. iIthink you have killed an innocent being. The real being responsible is that ma-him you call a royal. These Grytchems done nothing to us. Now they will go and you will not follow or have them followed. Not now not ever." She said signaling the grytchem and others to go.

Pejoun stayed with Freesha. She continued to give her rules to the head gar-maid. Giving the beings enough time to get to Abfarnell. Freesha's sister was still by her side.

"Please go. I will be back and deal with my father. We will come to a choice on what to do about these ridiculous rules. They will be changed. Until you see my face and hear the words come from my lips you do not take no ones word as my own. I will speak with you on any matter myself. Do you understand me Gar-maid?"

"Yes. Only with your words will I take action. Until your return I must wait for orders." Replied the Gar-maid.

"Yes. Please go. Let my father know I will be back soon to take my place as my mother would have wanted." Freesha watched the Gar-maid leave with the others.

"Will you be coming sister?" Asked Freesha.

"I have not changed my mind about my choice. I know i'll be safe with you. I cannot end up like mother."

"May she come with us?" Freesha asked Pejoun.

"She must earn trust but yes. We must go now. We are not safe here. Your father is not the only one who hates our kind." Pejoun said.

When everyone entered Abfarnell the whole city was scared and asking questions. A meeting had to be set up with Micsai. Micsai asked to meet with the royals that had entered. Which was Freesha and her sister named Mya. Freesha mentioned to her sister she had nothing to worry about. Micsai was very kind and wise. She told her to just be honest with him because he was wiser then most and honesty was very important to all in Abfarnell. They both sat down and waited for Micsai. Mya was very nervous. She wasn't a changer or any kind of being like all that were here. Freesha held her hand.

"I see you brought someone with you. " Micsai said sitting down.

"She is my sister. I couldn't leave her with my father. He is different now. He would have hurt her." Freesha explained.

"Your father. Does he call you his daughter still?"

"No. He does not. He feels I'm the unclean being just like the rest of us here." Freesha said facing the ground.

"Did he mention anything of the past? Something you can't recall because you were too young." Micsai added.

"I dont know. He hurt me badly and wished he had left me where he found me." Freesha replied.

"Think my wonder. What did he say to you about when he found you. "

Freesha thought about speaking with her father and all the things he said. Did anything sound like from the past that she would not recall. She began to remember.

"He said he wish he would have left me there because he knew I was unclean even before he was my father. But wasn't he always my father. I didn't think much of it because he was shocked when I showed him my color. What does it mean? Does it mean anything?" She asked.

"Mya my dear. Do you know alot of your mother?" Asked Micsai.

" I guess. She was caring and open hearted. She let father make the choices because he was better at it she said. She spent a lot of time in the city. She talked to alot of her loyal ones. She always was away making sure they were happy. Father was busy making rules and making sure we were always clean and watched." Mentioned mya.

"Your mother, was she a hater of beings with unclean colors and looks?" Asked Micsai.

"I dont know. She never mentioned it to us. She was always silent about her feelings. Why do you ask about her?" Mya asked.

"Your mother. She was a very caring Fe-her. But giving her the name Fe-her was not what I thought she would be. You see my wife was a human and I was not, I was many different beings and when I met my human wife she saw me only in water as she called it the beach. One like this. But with a sun, a night, moon and smaller lights that she never could name because there was so many.

She couldn't understand why I was always at the beach. Humans, when in water long get hurt. Their skin can't handle the water for long times. But I could. Soon we fell in a feeling that she called love. She taught me much and soon she wanted to meet me out of the beach but I could not go with her.

She grew a feeling of sadness, anger and pulled me out. Then she saw why. But she loved me all the same. I brought her to my city where I thought she could survive. Soon she was getting sick I didn't understand why. She told me it was because she was not alone anymore she was two. Soon we had a gift. My daughter.

She was beautiful. Blue long hair and a face like her mother but that was all she had of her human like mother. All else was perfect. We both were what your father calls unclean but she became so pure it was hard to understand. We loved her with that feeling all the same. Soon after my wife became weak, we couldn't help her so she died. I kept my daughter but Gar-maids and Fe-hers Ma-hims never let it go. They swore she was not mine and soon they took her away and raised her to be wed one day to a royal. and that royal is now your father." Micsai told them.

"I don't believe this. Is this why I'm like this because I'm part of you and your wife?" Freesha asked.

"Your mother began to have memories of me and her mother but couldn't find the answers. I tried to have some beings talk to her and she of course open minded listened and didn't take it has just mere stories. She when holding her first Fe-her knew something was not as perfect as the rules would want it. She spoke to some beings she trusted and asked them to take her first Fe-her and raise her until things were at peace with the colors and beings. When they went to get you it was too late your father had shown to soon and they only had enough time to move you and he found you near by. She didn't want to forget you she just wanted you to be safe. Do you understand?"

"Yes. Do you think any of our sisters are like me?" Freesha asked.

"No. You are the only one. Your sisters will be fine. They care for their father and do hope your'e okay. They just don't see what you see. You have your sister here and she is just has open minded has your mother and her mother as well. Please speak and tell me what you wish." Micsai told the both of them.

"I'm just sorry. That we have caused such a terrible mess. I hope I'm welcome. I don't want to lose my sister. Not again. I will not speak of this place." Mya explained.

"I will not ask you to leave. You open up your mind to us. Please do not be worried. We do not want to hurt you. You will find your place here if you want it. But there will be a time when we all have to decide what we really find important. When that time comes please don't forget what you have learned. You both did a very powerful thing today. Many will wonder and will ask. Others will want to continue what is just beginning. But please don't worry we here will just wonder and ask. For now just learn of your family and understand them."

Micsai showed Freesha and Mya things he had kept of his wife and their mother. He then later spoke with the city of Abfarnell and told them all they needed to know. Abfarnell was greeted with many new faces. All who were tied up were very thankful of Freesha for what she as done. Pejoun also was too. He knew that soon one day a terrible time would come with freesha's father but he knew it wasn't right now.

Freesha went to go see Hintella as it felt like forever since the last time she took care of her. She was very happy to see Freesha and even her sister Mya. They spoke of what happen to her mother. Hintella cried and spoke caring words to them. Blain had to end their time because it was so late and Hintella needed to rest.

Mya ended up earning the trust of many just like her sister Freesha. They soon saw her as one of their own. Everything was right in Abfarnell. It seemed it would stay that way for good. But as Micsai had mentioned one day we would all have to decide. What ever that might mean it must be something that needs to be not forgotten. Even if all seems well in Abfarnell. Freesha still has not dealt with orders she must address with her father. This cant wait for long.

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