Meant To Be Wild (Completed)

By MarkyGalagate

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Ever since Sakura met Syaoran, he had successfully taken her to heaven and hell from gang wars to street raci... More

Chapter 1: Emptiness of the Heart
Chapter 2: Catching Up
Chapter 3: Second Meeting
Chapter 4: The Wolves
Chapter 5: Moments of Fun
Chapter 6: Moving In
Chapter 7: I Spy
Chapter 8: Naughty and Nice
Chapter 9: Discoveries
Chapter 10: Good Luck and Bad Luck
Chapter 11: Propaganda
Chapter 12: Precious
Chapter 13: I'll Be Watching
Chapter 14: Taking Back What's Mine
Chapter 15: So It Begins
Chapter 16: Ending the Wrong Way
Chapter 17: Betrayal
Chapter 18: Knowing the Enemy
Chapter 19: Shock
Chapter 20: I Refuse to Believe
Chapter 22: Moving On?
Chapter 23: Saved
Chapter 24: Explanations
Chapter 25: Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 26: Problems Ensue
Chapter 27: Connecting Dots
Chapter 28: Girls vs Guys
Chapter 29: Pain, Inside and Out
Chapter 30: Party Crashers
Chapter 31: Race to the Final War
Chapter 32: Plans Backfire
Chapter 33: Wrong Information
Chapter 34: Hatred with Guilt
Chapter 35: Change of Plan
Chapter 36: Separation
Chapter 37: One on One
Chapter 38: Answers
Chapter 39: For You
Chapter 40: Pain with Recovery
Epilogue: The Wedding

Chapter 21: What Goes Around, Comes Around

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By MarkyGalagate

"B-But it can't be true! It just can't! Everything's happening too fast, this must be a sick joke or something!"

Well, Tomoyo finally came up to harsh reality…and as expected, she's as stubborn as Syaoran is concerning Sakura.

"Tomoyo…" Eriol said, trying to soothe her.

"N-No" Tomoyo said as she broke down on the floor with tears falling freely down her cheeks.


"This is it" Syaoran started. Looking around the huge meeting room where Wolves from the gathering the day before yesterday sat, looking at him expectedly. Even more than who came to the gathering came. "You all know why I called out this meeting? Tsuyoshi has done something I can never forgive him for. This time, it's the Wolves turn to make the Kins cry for mercy"

Everyone in the room all had serious faces, urging themselves not to move an inch. They all knew how Syaoran was when he was furious, this time, they never saw him this mad and serious about something.

Eriol, Aki, Mika, Takashi, Jay, Mei Lin, Tomoyo, Rika, Naoko and Chiharu were all lined on seats with a long table in front of them, they were at the head table with much more long tables lined in front of them where other Wolves sat facing them. In the middle of the head table was where Syaoran was, now about to take his seat as Eriol, who was beside him, started to rise from his seat while holding a small controller.

"Okay, this is the plan. Before we actually take down Tsuyoshi himself, we need to take out all the connections he may have. Companies, clubs, restaurants, warehouses, ships, planes, anything that he owns and is aiding him as well as influential people on his side" Eriol explained as he pressed a button. Behind the head table was a huge white board where pictures were displayed from a projector from behind the room like the one in movies. Eriol sat down and pressed the button again, this time it showed pictures of two restaurants.

"This is The Kriz" Aki spoke, not getting up from his seat but looked at the people in front of him who were watching the picture behind him. "This is the main restaurant that the Shikou family progressed through the years but only started getting illustrious when Tsuyoshi ran it. The restaurant has two branches, Beta 1 will take charge of East point, Beta 2 and 3 on West point" he explained as he motioned his hand to the first picture then to the other one beside it.

Another beep came as new pictures were now shown on the board.

"These are the clubs we'll be taking down. GC 4, CZC 1 and 2 will take care of it all" Mika said, making a few people on the middle rows nod there heads, most of them composed of women. More beeps came and the more missions were assigned as to who was doing which.

"Now," began Syaoran as the board now showed pictures of 9 men, most of whom were within their 30's and 40's. "These men are Tsuyoshi's main allies and supporters. They are our main targets, most of them are the ones helping the Kins run their companies. I'm assigning particular people to take down these men, but by any chance you run them by while you do your assigned duties, take them down as well if you have an opportunity"

Tomoyo looked at the people in the room as some members were jotting notes down on the papers in front of them which were the files enclosed in folders given to them by Syaoran before the meeting.

"Alpha will take care of the rest and will guide you through each mission. For any further questions and explanations, you may approach any of us and we'll guide you through it" Mei Lin spoke.

"Other higher ranking members also please guide Omega 1, 2 and 3 and the other groups who might need help. All of you stay alert and be on your guard" Tomoyo explained in a loud and serious tone.

"Wolves, make sure you do this right because we are all dead serious about this" Syaoran said, meaning their own close group who really knew Sakura. "This is our chance to finally get the Kins for what they have done"

Everyone at the head table stood from their seats.

"This is when things get serious" Syaoran said in a loud voice. "Wolves never lost a fight and I'm not about to start now"


"Sir! We just lost 2 more ships, another club…as well as Kaito" a young man said in an urgent voice as he handed Tsuyoshi three folders.

Tsuyoshi opened the first folder revealing sheets of files that was about the elderly man who was on the photo clipped at the very front. The second folder was about the club and the members who were stationed there. The third folder contained pictures of the ships and the members who were aboard it.

"Shit" Tsuyoshi muttered as he took a piece of paper from the cabinet behind him. He looked through the names and crushed out the name Kaito, Akinobu with a red marker.

"What will we do sir?" asked the same young man.

'This is the 3rd major killing since the last two weeks. If this keeps up…' Tsuyoshi's thoughts trailed out into the possibilities of what would happen to his families companies if all his connections were eliminated. He looked down the list which had Aito, Jouichi…Takeki, Ukyou and now Kaito, Akinobu. 'Fuck those Wolves' he hissed to himself.

"Sir?" the young man questioned, seeing their leader's thoughtful face.

"Round up the rest of them"

"The rest of them sir?" he asked unsurely.

"The 6 remaining allies I've got"

The man in front of him still had a questioning face.

"The 6 remaining men who are running my companies" Tsuyoshi said irately.

Still nothing.

"The rest of my supporters you idiot! Now go!" he screamed slamming his fists on the table, making the man in front of him hurry out the room in fear.


"Jessie, are you in position?" came a voice from her earphone which was hidden under her shoulder length wavy hair.

"Hai" she whispered by her hand bag where a small mic. was attached by the strap.


From the point of view of mostly everyone who was in the restaurant, they didn't notice a brunette enter and take a seat on a chair in the middle of the crowd. She placed her hand bag on top of the table close to her and the paper bag she was carrying along on the floor beside her seat then straightened her dress while looking around.

"I know, this is pretty serious…Shikou has been angrier for the past few weeks" a man told his companions who were sitting on a table not too far from her own table.

'If they're talking about that so openly, all of the people here must be Kins' she thought as a shiver ran through her back.

"Miss?" a man in front of her asked, making her look up abruptly. He smiled and handed her a menu.

"Thank you" Jessie said with a small nod as she took it. The waiter looked at her expectantly for her order.

"May I ask you who invited you here?" asked the waiter.

'Shit' thought Jessie, her mind starting to race for what to say. Nobody ever told her what to do if something like this came up. They just told her to go in there and do her job then get out. She was new and an Omega 3 member but they still used her for this job since she was the only girl who didn't get her tattoo yet and was best for the job.

"Jessie, tell him you were invited by Hagane, Kaisei" said a new voice from her earphone.

"Mr. Hagane asked me here" said Jessie to the waiter with a small smile.

"Oh, I'm very sorry for intruding miss" the waiter said with a bow.

"Umm…may I ask why you're questioning me in the first place?"

"We don't usually allow random diners to come here. This is a private restaurant only for selected few people and their companions" he explained.

"Ah…well I'm glad I was invited here. This restaurant is lovely and I have never come here before"

"Thank you…your order?" he asked gesturing to the menu in front of her.

"Ah, of course…umm…" she looked through the menu hurriedly. "I'll just have a glass of lemonade while I wait for Mr. Hagane"

"Of course, please excuse me" said the waiter as he left the table and disappeared into the room behind the restaurant.

'Whew' she thought as she took out a medium sized package from the paper bag she brought and set it in front of her. It was wrapped in a glittery silver wrapping paper with a white bow on top. She looked at it and fixed the bow.

Moments later the waiter came back from the back room with a tray that carried her order.

"Here you go Miss" he said, playing a charming smile.

"Thank you" she said, taking a sip of it and placing it on the table.

"A present for Mr. Hagane?" asked the waiter, looking at the well wrapped package in front of Jessie.

Jessie nodded.

"I met Mr. Hagane yesterday, he sort of helped me with a problem of mine. After that he just invited me here. This is just my way of saying thank you to him" she said with a half dreamy look.

She was glad that the waiter sat down on the chair opposite hers when she said this.

"He is a good man"

'As if!' her mind screamed.

"But, where is he anyway? What time did he tell you to come here?"

Jessie glanced at her watch and only just noticed she was there for already half an hour.

"He should be here any moment, he told me to come at 2:00 but I didn't want him to be kept waiting so I came here extra early in case he was here already" she explained.

"That's nice"

Just then a cell phone rung from inside her hand bag. Jessie bowed her head at the waiter before taking it out and answering it.


"Jessie, this is your call…figure out how to fake an excuse to leave that place" said a male voice.

"Nani?" Jessie half shouted into the phone, just enough for the waiter to get worried but not enough for the other diners to hear her.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh my gosh you can't be serious…I-I'll be there in a few minutes. Which hospital are you in right now?"

"Good girl" said the male voice with a chuckle.

"Hai…hai…I-I'll be right there. Keep her company for me until I get there okay? A-Arigato…" Jessie looked at her phone before flipping it close and biting her lower lip with a worried look on her face.

"Is everything all right?" the waiter asked wonderingly.

"N-No…m-my best friend just got into an accident and was just sent to the hospital" she said in a half panicked, half worried voice. "I have to go there since she's asking for me, but…I-I don't want to leave. Mr. Hagane's still not here and I have to-"

"I'll tell him" the waiter offered, cutting off her jabber. "I can also give that package to him if you want"

"W-What?" she asked a bit shocked. She was the one who was supposed to ask him to give it to him, not the other way around. But then again, it would work either way.

"I can tell him you had to go and that you were supposed to give him this thank you gift in return for yesterday. He'll understand"

"I- are you sure?" the waiter nodded at this. Jessie smiled. "Thank you…thank you very much…you don't know how much this means to me" she said as she stood from her seat, taking her hand bag and empty paper bag. "Just tell him I'm so sorry and this is in thanks" she took the package and handed it to him.

"No problem" the waiter said as Jessie started to the exit.

A few moments later a taxi stopped by and she got it as it hurriedly sped off down the road.

The waiter looked at the package and stood up, walking slowly to the back room.


"Did you do it?" the driver asked.

"Of course" Jessie replied with a grin as the driver parked the taxi behind a black van where a real taxi driver wearing a uniform stood. "By the way, who's Hagane?"

"One of the Shikou's allies…Beta 1 killed him just this morning" he said before he went out of the car and handed the real taxi driver what looked to be more money than he could have earned for an entire month.

Jessie stepped out as the taxi drove away. The two stood there waiting for the black van to open up to let them in. Just as it did, revealing people working computers and gadgets…a huge explosion was heard as well as seen not too far from them.

"Mission complete" another man said who was inside the man with a laptop in front of him.

Just then a red Mercedes convertible drove up beside the van.

"Hey" shouted Mei Lin from the front passenger's seat with Jay beside her, driving the car.

"Miss Li" said the man who was driving the taxi before as he bowed at her.

"Status report?"

"The mission was successful" Jessie answered for him.

Mei Lin raised an eyebrow at her.

"And you must be-?"

"Jessie…she was the one who did most of the job" answered the man with the laptop.

"Good job then. Hop on" she said with a small gesture of the head indicating the seat behind them.

Mei Lin took out her cell phone and flipped it open, speed dialing Syaoran.

"Hey Syaoran"

"What is it?" he asked in his usual grumpy tone.

"East point is down"

"Good…come back to the house…we have another problem" he said before hanging up.

Mei Lin shrugged before looking back at Jessie.

"You coming or not?" she asked again.

Jessie smiled and nodded before jumping into the back seat.

"How old are you anyway?" Jay asked.

"18" she answered.

"You're pretty young…don't you go to school?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not anymore"

Mei Lin grinned at her answer before tossing her a pair of sunglasses to wear.

"Better wear those…by the rate we're going, a handful of dust and sand would probably disturb your sight especially since you're at the back seat" she said with a smirk.

Jessie nodded and did as she was told before Jay floored it and they sped off in a very fast speed.


Syaoran sighed as he placed the cordless phone on his desk.

"Syaoran?" Eriol asked.

"Jay and Mei Lin are on their way here"

"What do we do about this?" questioned Mika.

"We have no choice, we have to go through with this" said Syaoran.

"Syaoran is right…this is a chance where we can take them down at once" said Tomoyo, making the other girls and Takashi nod.

"Wait…what's happening with your schooling anyway? I haven't seen you go back there for the longest time" pointed out Aki.

"We're finished with school" said Naoko.

"We got our diplomas just a week ago" said Rika.

"You didn't finish the rest of the weeks yet you still graduated?" Mika asked.

"Yup…the weeks which we missed were only practices for the graduation ceremony. We didn't miss out on anything except for the ceremony but our diplomas along with Sakura's were sent to our houses two days after the ceremony" said Takashi.

Syaoran and Tomoyo looked down hearing her name, earning Takashi a nudge in the ribs by Chiharu.

"Anyway, on with the plan" said Chiharu.

"Well we-"

"Hey guys" Mei Lin said as she came in followed by Jay and another girl.

"Hey you two and…who are you?"

"This is Jessie" Mei Lin introduced as she bowed her head at them. "Most credit for taking out The Kriz, East point goes to her"

"Good job" said Syaoran emotionless without looking at her, also not noticing that her eyes were fixed on him.

But everyone else did.

"Sorry Jessie, we're kinda in a private meeting, but you can wait outside until we're all finished" Eriol said with a smile.

Still looking at Syaoran she smiled and bowed before going out.

"Looks like a little crush is stirring up" whispered Jay to Mei Lin.

Mei Lin shrugged her shoulders with a smile as they both took their seats.

"So what's this problem about anyways?" asked Mei Lin.

"The police are getting more annoying every time we blow something or kill someone" Chiharu filled in simply.

"How far have they gone?" asked Jay.

"So far they know it's between Wolves and Kins but they haven't figured out the pattern on the places and people were targeting" said Rika.

"Well, we'll just keep them hanging then" Mei Lin said as if it were the most obvious thing to do. "If they can't figure out our pattern, they will only be butting in after we've done the deal. They can't do anything when we do the job but will only be there after we do the job"

"She has a point" Mika said.

"Of course I do"

"Yes she does but it isn't that simple. It will only be a matter of time before they'll figure it out" Syaoran pointed out. "How many left anyway?"

"We've taken down 4 of his supporters so we have 5 left. There's still the Kriz, West point. 6 ships left which we can't take out as of yet since their on route, about 3 major clubs left and a few minor ones. The Shikou Company building and 2 other minor buildings" Aki read through the file in the folder.

"Has Tsuyoshi targeted any of ours yet?" Syaoran asked.

"So far one of our ships and 2 minor clubs of ours were taken out in the last 2 weeks. It seems like he's having a hard time figuring out what we own so he's taking it slow" Mika said in an amused tone.

"We can't for him to find out and we can't wait for the police to figure us out. We have to take most of his down at once" Syaoran said, shocking the group.

"Syaoran, if you do this, this can really trigger a huge chase all around Tokyo" Jay pointed out.

"Not to mention hurt a lot of innocent people" another point by Naoko.

"The police will be on our tails and so will the Kins" said Rika.

"We'll be risking a lot if we do the missions all together" warned Chiharu.

"Ok then, we'll go on with the first plan, but if by the next week a lot of the Kins are still left, we'll take them all down" he said in a stubborn final tone.


"Look, this must be hard for you to get involved but you're the only one capable of doing so" a man said as he circled a person who was wearing black in the middle of the dark room. "You're the only one who can get close enough to them and you're also the only person who is capable enough to do so"

"I understand Mr. Toruki" the person replied, bringing down the mask to his or her head.

Mr. Toruki kept his gaze on the person in front of him. He wasn't entirely sure if this person was a girl or a boy. This person wore tight clothes fit for a spy, with a voice and a body that seemed to be owned by a guy (seeing as the person almost had a flat chest) but this person had the appearance of a girl and had a body-size of one two. He was unsure about this one but decided he was a guy.

"Do your job well Sae"

"Hai" he replied, hearing his codename and with a small bow, he left the room as silent as a mouse could do.

"The police are counting on you" Mr. Toruki said as he made his way outside the room as well. The police badge on his chest, shining as the light hit it.


Syaoran looked back.

"What is it Syaoran?" asked Eriol from in front of him.

Syaoran scanned the area and saw nothing moving and nothing suspicious. He glared as he looked around before turning back to Eriol…unknown to him that there really was a pair of eyes staring straight at him.

"Nothing…let's head back" he said as he went over to his motorcycle and the two drove away.

Just as the cost was clear, a black figure went out from the shadows.

He walked over to the edge of the dock and looked over at the water wear remnants of a blazing ship floated and was about to sink. He looked just below him and saw a body floating surrounded with blood mixed with the sea water. "You've become a killer" Sae whispered to himself.


Two more days passed and more explosions and killings have happened. The police have been trying to uncover the motif of the Wolves at least to find hard evidence and have a reason to arrest them. The Kins are trying their best to protect the remaining people and property they own and also are putting the members they have left to guard instead of attack. The Kins were slowly falling and the Wolves are getting more lax with their duties, which by the way didn't remain unnoticed by Syaoran.

"This is getting out of hand" he pointed out in a meeting.

"What's out of hand?" asked Mei Lin as she sucked on a cherry flavored lollipop. "The rest of the Wolves are doing their duty and everything is going smoothly"

"Exactly. I know Tsuyoshi and he isn't like this, he just doesn't give up without putting up a good fight…he's plotting something"

"Or maybe he just doesn't have enough men and equipment to run his plans" voiced Mika.

Syaoran gave off an irritated sound before relaxing back onto his chair.

"What mission is scheduled today?" he asked in a bored tone and looking out the window where a certain girl was swimming by the pool alone. 'Jessie' he thought, looking over the girl. He had to admit, she did look attractive, and she even had a slight resemblance to Sakura.

"West point of the Kriz is scheduled around 2 o'clock and about 2 ships at dusk" Tomoyo said, reading from the file papers.

Syaoran sighed and turned back to the group just as a knock came from the office door with Wei coming in holding a package.

"Master Li, this came for you" he said with a bow, handing it to Takashi who had his arms stretched out to take it from him.

He passed it to Chiharu who slid it on the table to Eriol who opened it, revealing a CD.

"A CD? Who's it from?" asked Rika curiously.

"No address" Tomoyo said as he took the envelope it was encased it and flipping it around.

"Wanna check it out?"

"Might as well" Aki said.

Eriol shrugged before tossing it to Mika who handed it to Naoko who stood up and went over to the player under the flat screen TV at the end of the room. She placed it in and hit play before resuming her seat. Jay took the remote that was hung in its place on the wall near him and hit the ON button, revealing…an older looking man and woman, a guy and a girl who looked to be only a few years older than they were…all bounded by ropes from behind and gagged by white pieces of cloth. Seeing this made everyone in the room stand up, except for Jay who didn't know any of the people in the video.

"Mr. Kinomoto!" Tomoyo shouted in shock.

"Mother!" shouted Syaoran as he slammed his palms on the table.

"Touya!" shouted Rika, Naoko, Chiharu and Takashi.

"Fuutie!" growled Syaoran in anger seeing one of his sisters.

"Auntie!" shouted Mei Lin, Eriol, Aki and Mika.

"Tomoyo!" shouted Eriol, supporting Tomoyo's weight as she suddenly leaned onto him.

"Syaoran!" all of them shouted facing him, even Jay.

Then a man stepped in front of the camera.

"Tsuyoshi!" they all shouted together in anger of seeing him.

"Wolves…you've been giving me problems these past weeks. I must say I am impressed by how seriously you're going through all this. I haven't got the chance to retaliate and give my thanks for it, so I decided upon this. I must say Li, ever since I killed you precious Cherry Blossom-"

Tsuyoshi stopped and looked over at Fujitaka, Touya and Yelan who were all wide-eyed, just hearing the news about Sakura. Fuutie looked at her mother confused, not knowing who they were meaning.

"Oh right" he continued with a grin, still looking at the three. "Yes, Sakura Kinomoto is dead…she might as well be up there in heaven with her lovely mother"

All four of them glared at him, now Fuutie knew who he meant, remembering her mother's best friend's family.

"Anyway, enough of that" he looked back in front, facing the viewers of the CD. "Yes, I have had enough you winning this little war Li. You know I can't fight back during this time which resulted me to taking the next best thing…your precious family as well as your lover's family. It didn't take me time to capture them. Especially not your mother and your sister since we found them by the airport, bidding farewell to your father and other sisters which unfortunately we didn't have the chance to take as well. These two men on the other hand were hard to find, but we did…just in time too. I'll tell you this Li, make another move on my property and my allies, and they'll get what they deserve" he pointed at the four. "You've lost the love of your life, you wouldn't want to lose more people you love now do you?" the tape ended with Tsuyoshi laughing manically and the four hostages glaring at him, trying to break free.

Everyone except Syaoran dropped back on their seats…all in pure shock. They didn't expect this to happen, they really didn't. They've been too preoccupied in avenging Sakura's death and making sure the Kins pay for what they did that they ignored the other consequences that may happen…and it just did.

"Eriol, Aki, Mika, Takashi, Jay, call the ones in charge of the missions left, especially the one scheduled for today…call them immediately and tell them to don't do further damage and cancel out the plans against the Kins" he ordered. They nodded and pulled out their phones and started calling the necessary people.

"I need some fresh air" said Mei Lin in a pissed off tone, making the girls nod as she left the room silently.

"Shit…damn that son of a bitch" muttered Syaoran under his breath, turning his chair around to face the window again. Jessie was no longer in the pool but another thing caught his eye. He swore he saw someone hiding among the trees just beyond the pool. He shook his head to clear his mind and saw no one there.


Mei Lin sighed and ended with a walk, breathing deeply. She practically flew down the stairs and out the house by the rate of how fast she ran. She wasn't the type to run away from where the problems were but…it just wasn't fair, everything was all good until Sakura and Syaoran had that stupid fight which made Sakura leave and get herself killed. Now they plot their revenge which turned out well at first but now ended splat back on their own faces. She stopped and leaned on the wall, closing her eyes and savoring the feeling of the wind brushing against her skin.

"Fucking karma" she hissed irately.

"Hi" said a low voice.

Mei Lin opened her eyes expecting it to be Jay or Syaoran but when she turned her gaze to the speaker, she was greeted with a shocking and scary figure and to find herself swiftly pulled to the back of the house and hauled behind trees and bushes.

"Let me go!" she screamed, trying to pry her wrist away from whoever this person was. "Who are you? Let me go you bastard!"

The person who held her dropped her wrist and turned to face her.

"Is that any way to talk to a friend?" he asked.

"Who are you?" Mei Lin asked again, this time in a more demanding tone.

"You don't even know me?"

Mei Lin looked at the person more closely. Surely she hasn't met this guy before. His voice was deep but he had the size of a girl. He was wearing black clothes with dark sunglasses that shined from the sun's reflection underneath his black cloak that had its hood over his head. What is it with this person? Maybe he was one of his ex's? But she didn't remember going out with someone as less-hunky as he is…surely she didn't. She usually goes for those strong and muscular guys…like Jay. Maybe one of the flings he had before? If it were that…she wouldn't know, she would have forgotten all about him by now.

"If I knew, I wouldn't be asking wouldn't I?" she settled as a sarcastic reply.

"You never change" he said with a shake of the head.

He turned around once again, not facing Mei Lin anymore, taking off his sunglasses and pocketing it. She waited for him expectedly. Normally she would take this opportunity to kick him wear it hurts and make him suffer for even considering taking her away, but she didn't…and she didn't know why.

He gave off a sigh before pulling down the hood of his cloak and turning around to face Mei Lin again.

"I-It's you…" she said in pure disbelief, her voice trailing off.

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