Life's Requiem, Death's Cater...

By TMWolf

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Sequel to Champion's Sword, Galar's Shield Reunited once more, Cassandra and Leon embark on their next journe... More

A Toast
Of Farewells
Welcome to Kalos!
Many Meetings I
The Bug Badge
Many Meetings II
New Friends
Memories & Hints
Team Flare
Beaches & Rock Climbing
Flare & Stone
Good Times & Good Friends
More Questions
Earth & Fire
The Ups & Downs
The Future and Past
The Plot Thickens
Snow & Sun
Breaking Point
Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul
What Comes After
A New Lease Part I
New Lease II (18+ Explicit)
A New Life

The End's Beginning

246 6 10
By TMWolf

Lumiose City,


Leon sighed, running his hands through his hair from his spot on the bench he'd found. He hadn't gone far from the hotel, truth be told--he knew better than to do that and get lost. He wasn't abysmal with his sense of direction, but his mind was so muddled right now, he knew he'd get unbelievably lost and he'd left his phone back in the room. He'd left his Pokémon, too, as stupid as that was, but he just--he had to get out of there. He'd been too angry. Too hurt. Too--too much of a mess.

Why the hell had he gone and done that?! Gotten so upset and yelled at her? He hadn't wanted to do that--hadn't meant to do it. He was just so frustrated with her stubbornness and refusal to see the danger she was always putting herself in! He just wanted to talk to her and have her see how he felt because surely, she'd understand then! Surely, she'd see how much it hurt for him to watch her be in pain. Surely, she'd see he only did this because he loved her so much. She had made him want to be a better person. She'd saved his life, both literally and figuratively. He had already grown so much from what he'd become, and she continued to support him as he kept on working to be a better man.

And yet!

"I'm an idiot," he rasped aloud, leaning back to stare up at the darkened sky. The stars were gone, the city lights making them impossible to make out. The sounds of the city's denizens were almost enough to drown out the voice of his own admonishment even though he deserved the lash. Why couldn't he just have talked normally? Like Raihan said?

Again--he was an idiot.

He needed to apologize. He knew he did. And he would--in a bit. He wasn't ready to go back; he wasn't ready to have to keep fighting if she hadn't calmed down, either, and he had no idea how long that could take. She'd been mad at other people before, sure--bad people--but not him, so there was no telling. If he came back too soon and she was still mad, he just knew he would get upset, too. Even now his adrenaline was still going; skin tingling as his heart continued to race some. He didn't know whether to fight or flight, and in the end he did both. He supposed that made him pathetic. He imagined Raihan would think so--Sonia and Nessa would have. His mom probably would have thrown her shoe at him by now.

Arceus, how had this become so bad? Why couldn't he just be a man and talk? Why couldn't they just talk with each other instead of at each other? Why was it so hard with someone you loved? He couldn't fathom it, but at least he knew the first step would be to apologize and then try to talk when they're calm. What was it Raihan had said again? Compromise? Yeah, they'd need to do that somehow, and to do that he had to tell her how he was really feeling. He'd been too cowardly to do so before. That, he knew; he didn't want her to see him as a failure and a fraud and a pathetic, weak man who didn't deserve her--but he also didn't want to see her get hurt, either.

How did one deal with all this?

Leon groaned, running both hands through his hair and inhaling deeply to let it out slowly.

Well, at least he did feel calmer now. Ashamed, too. But calmer still, and that was something however small. Briefly, he wondered how long he'd been gone now. It had been a while, surely, but a glance at his phone told him maybe twenty minutes. He supposed that was long enough to cool off. Maybe he could even talk properly now. He hoped so, anyways. He couldn't just sit out here like a coward about it, though; he needed to man up or--or something.

He was tempted to call Raihan so his friend could give him the talking to he needed but thought better of it. It was getting late, and he didn't need to be bothered more with their problems. So. That left putting his big boy pants on and trying to do things right this time.

Why was that always so hard, though?

Sighing again, Leon pushed up from the bench. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply once more.


Time to go back.

He stood there for a few moments, silently, and then laughed--pitifully. He was really struggling to move, wasn't he? Arceus, this was pathetic. So damned pathetic! Cursing softly, he brought his hands up and slapped both sides of his face hard. It stung quite a bit, but it did the trick. His legs moved, finally, and headed back the way he came. Coming out of the alley way, he spotted the hotel on the right and made a straight beeline to the entrance. There he zipped his way to the elevator to head up to their floor. All the while he rehearsed line after line--apology after apology; every way he could make things right and actually say what he meant to and hope she could do the same.

He had finally conjured just the right things to say when he came to the door and knocked first to let her know someone was there, and then used his card to unlock it. He opened the door, expecting to find the redhead there.

Only, she wasn't.

The room was quiet and dark, save for the single desk light on.

He paused, blinking slowly, then called out, "'Cas?"

No answer. Not in the bathroom. Balcony door was closed. Their things were still there--or, no; her Pokémon were gone. She'd taken them, but her backpack was still on the bed beside his and his Poke ball belt. He frowned, glancing around--and finally noticed the note on the desk. His heart raced a million miles an hour and beat against his skull. He hesitated to step closer, swallowing with great difficulty. What if--what if it was a--a break up--


No, Cassandra wouldn't do that. Neither of them was so immature nor shallow. They would have talked to each other upfront before doing that. So, it had to be something else, and that was just as terrifying, too.

Breathing in deeply, he picked up the note, keeping it low to read in the light, and every word made his chest constrict even more.


I'm sorry I got mad and yelled. I shouldn't have done that. I wanted to talk it out properly, but Looker just called, and he found Team Flare's base. I know you said to not get involved... but I'm sorry; I can't just stand by and do nothing, and I can't let Looker go alone. The League and police will be too late, and if I have the power to help, then I will. I tried to call you, but you left your phone, so I hope this note will do. I'm sorry. I am. I mean it. After this is over, we'll talk about things. REALLY talk, okay?

I'm heading to the Lysandre Cafe--the one where we met Sycamore at the one time. I could use your help. We're always better as a team. Just... please don't hate me for this. I'll see you soon.

- Cas

"Fuck!" Leon hissed, running his hand through his hair. Why didn't she wait?! Yes, he would have tried to dissuade her, but he should be there with her! She could be in danger, and he wasn't there to protect her! He had to go. Now.

The former Champion moved at lightning speed, grabbing his Pokémon belt and backpack, slipped both on, and raced out the door. He didn't bother with the elevator, leaping down the stairwell and out the door into the main lobby. He didn't care who shouted after him, he made a straight shot for the main doorway--

Only to nearly collide into the man he'd come to know as Looker.

He gasped as he stopped short, only to have the detective suddenly collapsed, barely giving him time to catch him. His attire was charred and dirtied, and he had cuts and bruises and some blood stains seeping through. He looked like he'd gone through hell--but where was 'Cas?

"Where is she?" he breathed, almost unable to hear from how hard his heart pounded this time. Around him, people were gasping and shouting to call for help and an ambulance.

"T-Team Flare," he groaned, reaching up to grab his yellow jacket. "You've got to help her--Lysandre... took her. He wants her alive."

"No--no, no, no--where? The Lysandre Cafe? Which way was it?"

"Down the alley--to the central Gym area. Look down the corridors. You'll find it. The only red c-cafe," he groaned, his wounds starting to take their toll. Leon cursed and looked up and met eyes with the nearest person.

"You! Hurry and take him! I need to go and help!" he snapped, and he was grateful that the young woman agreed, switching places with him. "Put pressure on any open wounds and make sure you get the police here, too."

He didn't answer any of her questions that spewed forth, instead jumping up and dashing out the door at a dead sprint. He paused only to find the Prism Tower and pushed his legs hard down the alleyway. He skidded out into the main area and then raced around the edge, looking this way and that at the alleyways around the circular space. Blue cafe--no.Black one--no. Green--no--Red! Yes! He remembered that one.

As soon as he entered, he knew it was the right one, too; the inside was a mess, the area littered with debris and scorch marks, and it was deserted. That, and at the back was an entrance that hadn't been there before. He grit his teeth, the fire pooling inside him. The rage burned hot. These people had taken Cassandra--his Cassandra! They'd hurt Looker and they probably hurt her. He cursed himself as well, for not being there; for being so damned stubborn and foolish. He'd failed her again, and it struck him deep with the knife of guilt. But he wouldn't let it stop him. He would get her back, even if he had to burn the whole damn place to the ground.

"Charizard!" he bellowed, and his Pokémon came free of the ball even without him throwing it. His long-time companion sensed the rage and sniffed the air, catching the redhead's scent, among others. And blood. His wings spread out as he let out a loud roar, nostrils scrunched in fierce snarl. His own partner was in there, and he, too, wouldn't let her remain captured. Leon raised his arm on which his mega bracelet was secure. "Let's go get them and show Team Flare what happens when you fuck with us."

The fire-lizard roared in agreement, and with a simple touch the keystone and Mega stone flared to life, and the flames of retribution were unleashed.


Cassandra groaned as she came to, body aching--in particular her head which throbbed with a headache. It was slowly dying down, but it made her not want to get up. Even so, she did, and found herself in a small cell with electrified bars. The room was dark and bleak, the square tiles made of a dark metal and bolted down tight. Her belt was gone, her Pokémon taken. She cursed softly, recalling the battle not long ago. She'd done a good job taking out a lot of Team Flare grunts, but her Pokémon had ultimately all fallen, and she could only return them before the goons were on her and knocked her out with what was probably stun spore and sleeping powder by how achy she felt.

"You are awake."

The redhead jolted up, head spinning to her left where she found the last person she expected: a gigantic man, dressed like a bum. She knew him, though--or remember seeing him.

"You... you're the man--from the gate in the canyon," she replied. "You spoke about a flower...?"

"Ah, you heard me. I did not know you were there. How do you feel?" he inquired, his voice low and soft, yet also overwhelming at the same time.

She rubbed the back of her head where it was still tender, "Tired... wait--do you know where they took my Pokémon?"

He pointed out through the bars, "On the desk there. The man, Lysandre, told me they had been healed, but would remain asleep for now."

"He healed them? But why? Wait, wait--who even are you?" she inquired, rubbing her face with her hands.

"I am... AZ. And you are Cassandra; one of the Chosen."

"Pfft. I suppose Lysandre told you that?" she scoffed, sitting back against the wall. "I don't suppose you know how to get out of here, do you?"

"Unfortunately, no. And Lysandre did call you that--but I can sense it of you. You feel like others who have been Chosen as well."

"...Well, when you say it, it sounds like something different," she frowned, eyes narrowing.

He chuckled, "Indeed it is; though what it means for you I cannot say. But... perhaps that is part of why you are here. Now. At this time. In this very place--as history threatens to repeat itself."

"What do you mean?" she asked, heart racing again.

"Listen, one who will face Lysandre...," he began, eyes glazing over as if somewhere far away now. "A terribly long time ago... there was a man and a Pokémon. He loved that Pokémon very much.

He paused, lifting his gaze to catch her own, "A war began. The man's beloved Pokémon took part in the war. Several years passed. He was given a tiny box."

"It... died," she breathed, but he did not reply or nod; simply sat in silence for a moment before he continued.

"The man wanted to bring the Pokémon back. No matter what it took. So, the man built a machine to give it life. He brought his beloved Pokémon back... but the man had suffered too much. His rage had not subsided. He could not forgive the world that had hurt the Pokémon he loved," he spoke, fists clenching and a darkness coming over his features. Yet, in the anger, she could see regret as well. "So, he turned the machine into the ultimate weapon. The man became a bringer of destruction that ended the war.

He paused to inhale deeply and then sigh softly, as if defeated, "The Pokémon that was given life must have known--that the lives of many Pokémon were taken to restore its life...The resurrected Pokémon left the man."

"I... you're.... Telling the truth, aren't you? The ultimate weapon--Lysandre spoke about that, too. It's real, isn't it? He found it."

The white-haired man grimaced, "Yes. It is true... and Lysandre has the key to awaken it. You must get it back. The weapon should not be used. Everything will vanish again. You must reclaim it--do you want to know unending pain... like I have?"

"What do you--no, you... You can't be... you're... the man? From the story? From... the war... you mean the war? The one from thousands of years ago?" the redhead asked with reasonable incredulousness. The man only nodded, and she gave a half-laugh, "That's--not possible. No one can be that old. Pokémon can--but not people."

"Oh, but I am, Chosen one. And I have walked this land and others over the eons and seen much, given too little, and grieved for an eternity, searching for my flower which I may never find again nor deserve to. Even thousands of years from now, I still will not. I see that now. And so, I must do what I can to make amends for my wrongs. Thus, I beseech thee; do what I could not--what my brother could not--and destroy the weapon somehow."

"I mean--I'd love to, but I can't exactly do much in here. I need my Pokémon to help... and I don't even know if Looker got out okay," she sighed, letting her head fall back against the wall.

"Have faith; your path will surely not end here."

"I appreciate the confidence, but until I can somehow escape, I wouldn't get too hopeful," Cassandra snorted.

Now, now, what's this about an escape?

The redhead jerked as a pair of shadows emerged before the cage and solidified into two familiar shapes. Beside her, AZ stood up, eyes wide. The humanoid figure chuckled as he stepped closer, the echo of heels on metal resonating. Behind him, the shadow-Pokémon remained motionless, glowing, red eyes watching them in silence.

"Unfortunately, my dear, you will not be escaping any time soon. You're one of Lysandre's 'chosen' after all!" he laughed loudly. "Not that it means much in the end--he's not the one who really wants you. No... someone else has been waiting quite a long time to meet you."

"Oh? It wasn't you? We seem to be so fond of each other--or, well, you do. Can't say I know any shadow men," she snorted back, doing her best to hide the way her hands shook a little. Her body had not forgotten what the Pokémon could do--nor would it for some time.

The man laughed again, "Ever so brave--only this time it seems simply bravado. Shame. You were far more courageous as a child. What I wouldn't give to pay you back for that day, but... I suppose it was for the best. After all, look at us now. You, behind the cage this time."

She narrowed her eyes, "Who are you? I've never fought anyone like you."

"Ah! Of course, of course... The shadows do a splendid job of hiding one's identity. Just a moment," he mused, and, with a snap of his fingers, the shadows vanished. In their place was an older gentleman, possibly in his fifties with dark hair that had strands of gray seeping in. His face still looked young enough, and he was dressed in a stylish black suit with an R etched on the left chest pocket. He slipped a hand into his pocket as he smirked, "Remember me now, my dear?"

"You... you're Giovanni... But--you... you've been gone... and--wait--we've never battled before. I only fought your admins--and kicked their asses," she smirked back, and took some joy seeing his own falter.

"You don't remember? I'm insulted. I may have lost but the least you could do is remember someone such as myself," he frowned.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I've never met you until now."

"Tsk. Tsk. This won't do. It's no fun if you don't remember... Mewtwo," the man sighed, gesturing. The Pokémon--the one she feared--floated closer. She felt ice run through her body as the red eyes bore straight through her. "Help her out, would you?"

"N-No--! Stay back!" she cried out, stepping back. Giovanni just chuckled, but it faltered as AZ suddenly appeared and grabbed the Pokémon's arm, yanking it into the bars. The electricity zapped through it, bringing out a cry of pain.

The Rocket leader snarled, "Get him!"

With a battle cry the psychic-type Pokémon lashed out, using its abilities to slam the ancient man into the walls. He grunted as he slid down, clutching his skull.

"Do not interfere again, old man. I only keep you alive out of respect for my colleague, but I assure you my patience has limits. Now! Where were we, Cassandra, was it?" he purred, and, once again, Mewtwo approached. The wall was far enough back she was just out of reach, but it took little effort to use its telekinetic abilities to drag her forward and press its three fingers to her palm. Its body glowed a light pink that spread to her own with a cry of pain--she remembered.

She was back in Johto--the Ilex Forest. Suicune was there. And another Pokémon--a small, green, fairy-like one. What was it called? Serebii? Celebi? She could hear their voices. Feel them. A great power came forth from the small entity. The world spun as her body grew light and the world too bright. Suicune spoke--comfort, reassurance. They were with her, and it would be alright.

The forest vanished. In its place a pathway she didn't know. Stairs behind her; cobbled stone in front. Grass to another side. Where was she? Ah, but at least Suicune was with her. Celebi, too, floating around, as if waiting for her to make a move. Wait--the radio. It was still playing. She'd left it on. But the date was wrong. It was from three years ago? That was impossible--or was it? Celebi could time travel, wasn't that, right? Someone had told her once. Was it Kurt? Or--wait. There were people talking. Shouting, almost. She headed towards it, Suicune right at her side, sending comfort through the bond.

She stopped short when she caught glimpse of familiar red hair, a familiar angry voice. She hid behind the fence, peeking only to watch. It was Silver. She would know him anywhere, and the man--the same who made her remember this. Giovanni. His father. They were arguing, then the man was gone, and Silver remained. He shouted and raged, and she understood--she knew why he had become what he was, and how far he had come. She made to leave, only to have him suddenly appear before her. She gasped and almost said his name, but he interrupted her first and shoved her back. He was the Silver she first encountered; the angry young boy who would one day be part of her home. For now, though, he stalked off, and she knew where they would one day meet again.

Before she could ponder further, Celebi began to glow once more, and again the world vanished and the light blinded her. Reality spun and when she opened her eyes and felt the ground beneath her feet, she was no longer on a pathway, but a dark cave situated behind a roaring waterfall. Suicune and Celebi were with her--and so was another. The man from before. Giovanni. He was hiding here, a radio crackling. A voice came from it--one she knew. She remembered. From the Radio Tower in Johto. A message calling for Giovanni to return. He was going to go back. Strange, though--she had already stopped Team Rocket. Was she here, at the same time, in a different place now?

It didn't matter. She had to stop Giovanni, here and now. He couldn't be allowed to go back, even if she did succeed in Goldenrod. She stood tall, and Suicune stood with her, along with her team. Their battle began. It was long and difficult, but her Pokémon refused to back down, and endured and overcame. Giovanni would not beat them, and he could not. Despair consumed him; his dream diminished; destroyed. He left in silence, beaten. Team Rocket but an illusion now.

She had succeeded. Tired, Suicune comforted her; gave her strength. Celebi returned, at last, and she bid it to return them home. It complied, though this time, she was not blinded. Rather, she saw time in all ways, all places, all moments. She saw the past and present, but when she looked to the future it was difficult. Blurred. Bright. Dark. Strange and unfettered. She could barely make it out. Yet, in all the disarray and confusion she felt a warmth. She caught only a glimpse, but there was a woman with hair of fire and a golden crown who smiled upon her. She looked away briefly when two voices called her name, then she looked back once more and spoke, her voice gentle and kind and comforting.

"It's going to be okay."

The world spun, the light grew too bright, and then she woke on the forest floor; unable to recall what had happened. Suicune only told it was what had to be, and then heeded it no more.

Cassandra gasped, collapsing down as Mewtwo released her. She groaned, clutching at her head as the memory replayed over and over. Time travel? She didn't remember it--any of it. Silver never mentioned meeting her before either, had he forgotten? It had been three years before they met after all. And then--Giovanni. She had met him. Defeated him. Was he back for revenge then? What of the woman? She looked so familiar and felt so--so strong. Like a beacon of light and hope for a future she wasn't even sure of. She wished the words had comforted her more, especially right now as she dared to meet the eyes of her captor, who smoked wickedly.

"You remember."

"Yeah--kicking your ass," she groaned out as she managed to stand back up. "And I'll do it again."

"Not likely--your team could barely withstand Mewtwo, and he's even stronger now under my command."

"Why are you even with it?" she snapped at the Pokémon, well aware of his level of understanding. Yet, the Pokémon remained silent, unmoving. Like a doll.

Giovanni chuckled, "He can't hear you. Nor will he. He is my perfect tool now. It took a little... help, but it was well worth the price."

"What do you even want?" she growled, lowering her hands to clench them at her side. "A rematch? Is that it? Why aren't you off trying to revive Team Rocket, huh? Oh, that's right. Silver went and destroyed it and made it into something better."

"He made it into a farce," the man spat. "But I suppose I owe it to my boy--"

"He's not your son anymore, fuckface. He's a Tsurugi now, and you have no right--ah!" she cried out, Mewtwo's abilities assaulting her mind.

"Watch your tongue, you cur!" he snarled, but then paused, composed himself, and grinned. "He is my son and always will be, whether he likes it or not. But fear not; he nor Team Rocket are my goals. He can play 'hero' all he wants. My associates have far bigger dreams this time around, and you won't be able to stop us this time."


"Oh, yes. Worry not; that question will be answered by the end of things. Ah, but I suppose that's enough for our little chat. Lysandre is here, and I imagine he has some words for you. A man of theatrics, that one. Ah, well; as long he serves his purpose, the Master will be pleased," Giovanni hummed, turning to watch the stairway. As he said, an elevator ding rang out, and heels against tile echoed once more. She strained to see around the corner, but didn't have to wait long for the tall, red-haired man to appear. He regarded Giovanni coolly, but without giving away too much. Mewtwo, he considered carefully, no doubt well aware of its power.

"The last player has arrived. He's causing more trouble than expected," Lysandre mused, folding his arms behind his back.

"Don't look at me; he's your problem now. I've done my part, and frankly I think it's more than enough. I shouldn't be babysitting you lot so much just to ensure your part is done," Giovanni snorted.

The Team Flare leader nodded, "Indeed, and I thank-you for all your help, my friend. I assure you; everything is going as planned. Leave the rest to me."

"Very well. We'll take a spectator role then. Do not disappoint us, Lysandre," the Team Rocket leader chuckled before snapping his fingers. With a flare of darkness, he and Mewtwo vanished, teleporting away and leaving the three of them alone.

"I apologize for his behavior. I did not realize he had an... interest in you as well, my dear. I see you have met AZ."

"Shut the fuck up, you psychopath. Can't believe you're working with that monster," she snapped, head still throbbing. "Actually, nevermind. I can."

"I wish you could understand my plight--why I do all this... alas..." he sighed; his expression genuinely sad. It was baffling to her, and she couldn't decide if she hated him more for it or not.

"Just--how can you think killing everyone is a solution?? And you really think your Team Flare are people worthy enough to live? After all the crimes and terrible things, they've done? I thought you wanted a beautiful world? All you're doing is making this one you hate so much smaller, but still leaving your own filth in it," she growled in kind, meeting his gaze dead on.

"I will deal with that--in time. But you must understand; there is simply no way to fix this world without--."

"It doesn't need fixing, you dumbass! The world is fine as it is!"

"You say that even after all the evil you have seen?"

"Of course I do! The perfect world doesn't exist, Lysandre. It never will! It's all our faults and mistakes that make this world beautiful, because they make the good, we do shine more. And how can you even decide what's good and bad? Bad things are done to do good deeds, aren't they?" she went on, throwing up her hands.

"It is not enough!" Lysandre shouted, squeezing his eyes shut and clenching his fists. "The good of this world is not enough to outweigh the evil--it is only by freeing the world of its blemishes and preserving the good for all eternity can the world truly shine!"

"Then you are a fool, child."

The man flinched, looking sharply to AZ, "What?"

"Eternal life does not preserve beauty, oh naive boy; it only prolongs the suffering. You will only repeat the sorrows of history in this venture, Lysandre. I beg you, do not make the same mistakes."

"Your words are wise, AZ... but I have made up my mind," Lysandre replied. Before he could go on, the echo of an explosion rang from above, and the ceiling shook, letting dust filter down. The Team Flare leader chuckled, "Your lover is almost here. Truly, it was magnificent; the sight of Mega Evolution tearing through my people and this facility, spurred on by the beautiful power of love. He has come for you, my dear, which means it is time for the next phase."

"Leon?" Cassandra whispered, heart racing. Looker had gotten out okay then--he'd gotten Leon. Thank Arceus. Guilt struck her, though; knowing she had put her lover through pain because of this--and because he'd been right. She should have listened.

The elevator dinged once more, and a roar rang out that was none other than Charizard.

"LYSANDRE! I KNOW YOU'RE HERE! WHERE IS SHE?!" Leon's voice bellowed, and seconds later a blur of orange came into view, whipping its tail into the red-haired man so he slammed into the desk. Charizard, in its fearsome Mega Form, shrieked and spread its wings wide as it spat flames at the man, who rose slowly to his feet. He grimaced against the pain as he reached for Cassandra's belt. The fire-lizard saw and shot off an Ember that forced the man to move. His trainer appeared in another second, grabbing Lysandre by the furred collar and shoved him back against the wall.

"Where the fuck is she, you son of bitch!?" he snarled, and the leader pointed. His head spun around, and the minute he saw her face, he dropped the man and rushed over.

"Wait--it's electrified!" she shouted, standing up to come close. He stopped short, and she could see the relief flood over his face. It came over hers, too, along with worry seeing his disheveled state. His jacket was gone, and she could see cuts through the undershirt. He must have tossed it aside after it was ruined. His pants were dirty and singed here and there, and the rest of him looked scuffed up, too. Still, he was alive, and he had come for her. Her eyes stung a little, fighting back tears as she reached through. He grasped her hand with both of his, bringing it up to his face to kiss.

"I found you. I'm sorry, 'Cas--I should have gotten here sooner, I--," he spoke quickly, then paused and turned to glare at Lysandre again. He didn't release her hand, though, as he shouted, "Open the cell--now! Or I swear to Arceus, I'll have Charizard burn you and this facility to the ground if that's what it takes."

"There is no need. I had planned to release her once you both arrived. I will explain it all once we are in our chambers. You wish to know how to stop the weapon, no?" he replied, walking over--Charizard hissed and snarled the whole time--to a square panel on the wall beside the cell.

Cassandra frowned, "What's your game, Lysandre? You want us to stop you now?"

"As I said--I will explain it all. Meet me in my chambers in the 3rd Basement Floor. Your Pokémon should be awake in but a few minutes, my dear. I look forward to seeing you both," he responded and pressed a button, which made the bars lower. He didn't wait for the reaction as he headed up the stairs. Leon let him be, opting to pull Cassandra to his chest and hold her tight. She did the same, clutching at his back and letting out a soft cry.

"I'm sorry, 'Lee--this is my fault. I should have listened to you! I'm sorry!" she gasped as he pulled back to cup her face.

"That doesn't matter right now, we need to get you out there and to some place safe," he spoke, pressing her brows to hers. "Thank Arceus you're okay..."

"No, Leon--we have to stop them. Lysandre's going to activate the Ultimate Weapon. If we don't stop him, he'll wipe out the entire region and more! He has the key to activate it! He found the weapon! That's what he was talking about!" she exclaimed, grasping tight at his shirt.

"She is right, young man. You two are the only hope to stop him now; he could activate at any moment, and once he does there will be no stopping it. Two Chosen stand a better chance than one alone."

"But--'Cas, you're hurt--" he began, but, seeing her face, he knew she wouldn't listen. That, and he recalled something from his desperate race to get here. "I... you're right... the Weapon--the lieutenant mentioned it. They need energy from Pokémon to use it, too. Only, they mentioned the stones we saw near Geosenge."

"It will not be enough--they will need more and more. They will not stop there to use it. You both must stop them here and now," AZ spoke, more firmly this time. "Please; you must not let the past repeat itself. No one else must die from my mistakes."

Leon regarded the man carefully, "Who... who are you?"

"He's AZ, and... well, he's an ally, and he's right. We have to go, and I need you with me on this, Leon. I can't do this alone," Cassandra pleased, squeezing his hand. He brought his gaze back to her, and, after a moment, nodded.

"Okay. I'm with you. We have to protect this place--and everyone else. We'll have that talk later--like you said," he smiled softly, and she smiled back. With a quick push on her toes, she gave him a quick kiss and rushed over to pick up her Pokémon belt and clip it back on. She turned back to find Leon with a couple of full restore bottles. "Thanks--hopefully this will wake them up."

She applied a bit of each into the pokéball, letting the device transfer the fluid to them. She brought out Chara to see if it had worked, and, sure enough, the fire-lizard was awake and roared confidently as she stretched her wings. Charizard was beside her at once, growling and chuffing softly, nuzzling her this way and that. Likewise, she nuzzled him back and licked at his wounds.

"Looks like we're good to go. Chara, you ready to Mega Evolve, too? We could use some heavy-duty fire power to match," the redhead inquired, and her Pokémon barked in agreement. Her Trainer touched the keystone, activating the power. Again, she felt the strain, though it wasn't as bad as the first time thanks to the training they'd done. Either way, she'd endure it, as would her now black-and-blue scaled Charizard. She turned to her partner, "You ready?"

"Been ready," he nodded back.

She looked to AZ, "Try and get to safety, if you can. Leave Lysandre to us."

"I have faith in you, O Chosen. Our fate is in your hands," he replied, and they saw him no more as they turned and ran up the stairs to the elevator.

A push of a button and down, down they went, further into the madness, further towards the beginning of the end. 

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