{√}Missing Bride ||YiZhan FF||

By Pricelessjew22

40K 2.9K 130

How stupidity, adamant and uncared nature of Hao Xuan, made him lose gold in the river. On realizing what he... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Thirteen

1.6K 126 3
By Pricelessjew22

Darren Chen was on his way home from Hoa Xuan's place. His thoughts centred on Hoa Xuan's plan and what made him restless and panicking was that the plan was an audacious one but one that just could work if everyone played their parts well. The king thing from him that secured his participation was that no one would get hurt, at least not physically. 

Emotional hurt was altogether different from physical hurt, but did he want to do this? What if somehow something went wrong and it involves him going to jail for it? What if Hoa Xuan didn't keep to his promise of promising no one will get hurt? Why is he happy and yet restless and doesn't think he can attain his own part? Chen asked himself, feeling restless while pondering the assigned situation at hand.

"I just hope Xuan knew what he was doing and understood that this might land us into trouble. I don't want to get jailed over something that was never my business. In any case, Xiao Zhan deserved what was coming his way. Does he think I'm happy he has finally caught the attention of the son of the most influential young man in this village? I wish I had seen him earlier, he could've chosen me and not him. He wants to leave Hoa Xuan to someone as rich and prominent as Wang Yibo. I hope the plan works so he wouldn't be getting married to him." Chen rolled his eyes at his solitudes, and still can't believe until now that Xiao Zhan had finally wanted to get married before him.

Chen had always hated Xiao Zhan right from when they were in school since back then, Xiao Zhan had always attracted the attention of their seniors and not him. He knew he was beautiful and had everything a man would want to keep as a boyfriend. He was tall, sweet, and beautiful, so why are they always going for Xiao Zhan and not him? 

What does he think he has that he doesn't have? Maybe it was because he spread his legs willingly to them without them asking that's why they're all being a fool while loitering around him and he hated it so much.

His anger and jealousy increased when the same Wang Yibo came to live with his grandmother and was enrolled in their school. Chen did everything he could to make the young man notice him and had mostly flaunted himself around the boy but the boy's attention was always on where Xiao Zhan was and he felt like strangling Xiao Zhan back then for being responsible for his failure. 

When Wang Yibo left the village at that time, he was the happiest boy living and was mocking Xiao Zhan for losing the boy but he pretended as if he cared when Xiao Zhan was crying to him. When they met Hoa Xuan that day he and Xiao Zhan were going home, Chen was happy that someone had finally taken notice of him since Hoa Xuan befriended him first and not Xiao Zhan. That smile left his lips when Hoa Xuan told him he was being good to him so he'll help him court Xiao Zhan. 

Chen almost died back then and wanted to one day sent men after Xiao Zhan and have them rape him or kill him. Just anything that will stain Xiao Zhan's name and make Hoa Xuan leave him but fortunately for him, Hoa Xuan happens to have a friend who took notice of him and that is how he came to know Dylan Wang and is now living with him.

But yet, Chen isn't satisfied with Dylan, he still wants Hoa Xuan but Hoa Xuan as at then was dying to have Xiao Zhan as his lover and would do anything just to get Xiao Zhan. Then, Hoa Xuan was a bit responsible and was doing some minor jobs to earn some money and was using them to ravish Xiao Zhan with gifts and other things until finally, Xiao Zhan who gave up waiting for Wang Yibo accepted his proposal and started dating him only to find out he was a game freak and a lazy buffoon.

 But despite knowing that Hoa Xuan was a lazy man, Chen still wanted him but Xiao Zhan had also fallen for Hoa Xuan and would never let him go for no one and would not allow Hoa Xuan to slip from him as Wang Yibo slipped from him.

Darren Chen knew all this since Xiao Zhan had always told him whatever transpired between him and Hoa Xuan. Then, he and Xiao Zhan were best of friends but Xiao Zhan distanced himself from him when he noticed he wasn't happy with him and focus on his boyfriend, Hoa Xuan and was hoping Hoa Xuan will one day take a bold step and formally marry him and keep him as his wife, which also never came and Chen was happy about it. 

"And now, because of Hoa Xuan extension he decided to go after the hottest guy? I'll see that the wedding never happens. I'll do anything I can to see to that! Slut! Do you think you're lucky and I am not? You think you're fortunate right? By the time I'm done with you, you'll know how to hide your pretty ugly face!" He scuffed and grinned darkly and began whistling as he continued proceeding home, noting the serenity of the village at the moment.

"They were all in for a great shock." Chen thought and was still smiling and imagining what Xiao Zhan's face would look like when his wedding won't be fertile, it will be tremendous to watch.

"Who are they?" Chen jumped, almost falling on hearing the voice of his boyfriend. He steadied his breathing and looked to see Dylan was standing with arms crossed and was standing behind a tree there. He wondered how he got to know what he was thinking but cursed himself on realizing he said that out loud. 

"Chen, I ask, who are they that will be in for a shock? Or did the cat get your tongue? I was standing here and was watching how you were whispering and smugly grinning to yourself while invading closer and I wondered what made you like this. So, who are they?" 

Chen opened his mouth to say something but words couldn't form and still wondered if Dylan must've heard him murmuring those words he said at first and wondered if he said that out loud too, he thought whilst looking at his boyfriend who never removed his curious eyes on him. "I'm running out of patience with you, Chen. I asked for the last time; who are they?"

"I was just singing and nothing else." Chen lied under his nose and Dylan saw behind his lies as well. "And what are you standing there for? Don't tell me you've been stalking me?"

Dylan looked at him with so much irritation for asking such stupid questions. "What am I doing here you asked? Well, my supposed boyfriend left this morning to go to the market to buy something he'll cook for us to eat but I waited and waited until I got tired of waiting and decided to go and look for him and know what kept him but guess what, he's coming back empty-handed and was murmuring and smiling like a witch to himself!" 

Realization hit Chen, making him take a step backwards avoiding his man who he noticed was raging in anger. How could he have forgotten he left this morning to buy what he took money from Dylan and told him he was going to the market to buy some groceries since he's lacking what he's using to cook only for him to go to Hoa Xuan's house for gossip instead. 

"I'm finished today. Someone, please come to my rescue. My gwad!" Chen murmured, his eyes pleading while stepping back and was fidgeting in fear since he knew what Dylan would do to him.

"Chen, where are the things you left to go and get or rather I should ask, where are you coming from?" Dylan asked, his voice cold and threatening that Chen gulped dryly in fear.

"I... I... I am... Coming...from... Xuan house..." He said and jerked when Dylan rushed to him and caught him before he was able to run.

"You mean, you left this morning at Hoa Xuan's house instead of going to buy something I'll eat before leaving for my work? Chen, are you mad? Wait, you mean you haven't gone to the market but Hoa Xuan house? That irresponsible bastard?" Dylan gripped tightly on his wrist, trying so hard to hold back his anger without knowing he was hurting Chen's hand in the process.

"Baby.... Baby, please... Please, you're hurting me. I...I'm... sorry. I got carried away with Hoa Xuan crying over his boyfriend that was taken away from him. I was consoling him and nothing else. I'll go to the market now, please release me." Chen begged for his life, his body trembling in fear.

"How many times do I have to warn you to stay away from Hoa Xuan? How many times will I plead with you to stay far away from that snake? Chen, is something I don't know of going on between you and Hoa Xuan? I need to know where my stand is in this relationship because I feel lost."

"I love you, baby, and you know that, right? Nothing is going on between us, we're just friends. I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I promise, I'll stop making you feel otherwise."

"Shut up!" Dylan interrupted him. "That's all I've been hearing! You promise! You promise! You promise! But you never keep them!" Dylan raised his hand to hit him but he tightened his fist midway and held back. He searched for Chen's pocket and found the money he gave to him and once he did, he released Chen's hand and freed him. 

"I don't know who you want to shock or what you've planned with Hoa Xuan, but let me tell you something, you better not involve yourself in a catastrophic situation because if you do, that will be the end of us! I've endured you enough! Stop whatever you are planning with Hoa Xuan or you'll regret it." With that, he started leaving but stopped to add.

"If I return and find you missing, I'll truly hurt you this time. Go home or face my wrath!" And he left, leaving Chen with his thumping heart.

"Oh, my goodness! Oh, my God! My heart just entered my stomach now! No, I think my soul just left me! How did he get to know I planned someone with Hoa Xuan? He must be a seer or a witch to know that." Chen whispered and continued going home. "I hope Xuan won't put me down in trouble if I help him do this. Should I avoid this? But I want that bitch to suffer and I don't mind putting my relationship in line because of that! I just have to see him suffer..." He murmured while going home.


All the while Jiyang was eavesdropping on Hoa Xuan and Chen's discussions, he was trying to get a clue of what they were discussing and planning but all he could hear was whisperings and murmurs and he felt frustrated about that. He saw Chen leaving and waited for him to leave before he came out of his hidden place and processed into going inside to have a word with Hoa Xuan. 

Hoa Xuan who heard the knock came out with an irritated face and even felt more disgusted on seeing Jiyang's face. Hoa Xuan's face looked relaxed and stern as usual but one could feel the fears lingering there and Jiyang knew so well.

"What are you doing here?" Hoa Xuan thundered, "Isn't it obvious and clear to you at your house that I don't want you anywhere around me anymore? What do you want from me Jiyang? Am I the one you see in this village? Go! I am not interested."

"But you're interested when you were turning me around, fucking me all angles, pounding and venting your sweats on me? Is that what you're trying to say to me?" Jiyang asked, his face stiff and not shaken by Hoa Xuan's intimidating looks on him. "Stop asking me stupid questions and stop going after someone you've lost to my brother and focus on me! I am pregnant!"

Goosebumps ran down Hoa Xuan's spine, looking at him in all seriousness and waiting for him to start laughing but the latter kept looking at his face as if trying to read it. "Have you suddenly gone dumb or something? I said I'm pregnant and you're responsible and you must take responsibility for me and your baby by marrying me."

Hoa Xuan puffed, trying not to laugh but he wasn't able to hold it back. "Hahahaha... Now I understand."

"Understand what?" Jiyang seems surprised and irritated with his laughter.

"That you're trying to get me to marry you and you think using pregnancy will do the tricks for you? Well, you failed! I will not marry you." Hoa Xuan mocked and became serious again. "Go and tell your brother to back off and stay away from Xiao Zhan! I have dated him for 5 years and I will not leave him for anyone, not even your bastard brother."

"You think I'm lying to you? I am pregnant for you and you must, I am not even pleading with you but will only tell you, you must take responsibility for me and our baby by marrying me, whether you like it or not!" Jiyang remarked in a manner of fact.

He threatened, "You don't know my father right, and what he's capable of doing to you! So, get ready, because you're going to be my husband, with or without your consent! You put me into this and you must take absolute responsibility for it! " Jiyang challenged him and they both had a daring look while glaring at each other. When Jiyang sought to feel dizzy, he turned and started leaving after scuffing. 

"Think about it and come do something fast. Least I forget, whatever your plans were towards my brother and his bride, I'll advise you to stop thinking and not do something stupid! Because if you do, you'll have me to contend with, my husband." Jiyang laughed deviously and started leaving the bewildered Hoa Xuan behind.

Once out of sight, Hoa Xuan who was lost and was trying to process what just happened snapped out of it and clenched his fist. "This city witch! Do you think you can scare me and pin your pregnancy on me? You're easy for me to get in between your legs, how am I sure I'm the only one you're giving it to in this village and you think you can pin the pregnancy on me or ruin my plans? You've failed! I'll strategize all my plans and see them perfected. Xiao Zhan is mine!"

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