Daminette-To Have a Soulmate

By Amelie-Selemana

253K 6.6K 628

This is a Daminette in which the two are soulmates and have known each other for years. They are both eightee... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Unplanned Author's Note
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 23

Part 22

5.2K 148 12
By Amelie-Selemana

It was chaos. The Joker's powers apparently centered around enjoying causing pain for those around you. Scarlette Guardian scanned the room, noticing that Honey Bee and Panther were helping those who weren't yet effected. He was about to shoot Honey Bee with his powers when Scarlette made her move.

"Joker!" she yelled, grabbing his attention. "I am Scarlette Guardian. You have terrorized this city for long enough. It ends today!"

"I am the Joker no longer, " he snarled at her. "I am Insanity! I will free you of the logic and morals that constrain you! Don't you long to be free?"

Scarlette Guardian let out a laugh. "No. I quite enjoy the use of logic, unlike some people that I am acquainted with. I assume that you have met Hawkmoth seeing as you have decided to randomly change your name."

"So you've heard of him. I wasn't sure that he was as infamous as he said he was, but now I am." Insanity shot a couple more blasts at her, but Scarlette blocked them all.

Hawkmoth's mask appeared on Insanity. "Do you really think that you can defeat my akuma? How foolish of you!"

"What," SG asked. "Were you expecting Ladybug herself to show up and deal with the akuma? She's a very busy lady. Too busy to come and deal with your stupid plans. However, rest assured that my powers are perfectly capable of handling you." With those words, Scarlette Guardian launched herself at Insanity.

For a moment the akuma just stood there, stunned. He soon shook himself out of his shock, though, and blocked Scarlette's blows. As he blocked one punch, the heroine took advantage of a hole in his guard and kicked him back a few feet.

As the two were fighting, Scarlette Guardian searched for his akumatized object. It was hard to find as the vast majority of his suit was purple, but she eventually managed it. The flower on his lapel was a slightly darker shade of purple than the rest of his outfit. Akuma purple.

I've found the akumatized object. Where are all of you? The girl inquired of Robin through their soulmate bond.

"We're just outside the frnt entrance. What's the akumatized object?" Robin asked in turn.

"The akuma is in the flower on his lapel. Break that, and he'll lose his new powers," SG announced over the comns. "Don't let his blasts hit you. They'll make you want to inflict pain on those around you instead of helping them."

The Bats each replied in their own way before entering the building. Batman and Robin burst through the front doors while the others seemingly appeared out of nowhere. All of the Gothamite heroes attacked the villian with precision, but Insanity was holding his own.

It was obvious that most of the Bats weren't accustomed to fighting enemies that barely took any damage. Scarlette Guardian frowned as Nightwing got kicked into a wall. I need a plan, she thought.

Slipping behind a column so no one else could see her, the heroine called for her Lucky Charm. When a toy mouse fell into her hand, her mind blanked. Mere seconds later, though, she understood what Tikki was trying to tell her.

"Scarlette! Watch out!" The call came just in time for the heroine to dodge the incoming blast. She ducked into a room to her left and opened her yo-yo. The three Miraculi she pulled out were placed on the table before she de-transformed.

The bluenette passed Tikki a cookie, then quickly explained her plan to the other Kwamis."Mullo, get squeaky! Multitude!" As she had planned, the heroine split into four normal sized figures instead of her usual twelve tiny ones.

Multimouse passed the other three Miraculi out to her conterparts. They each called for their second transformation, turning into Scarlette Guardian, Kitusne, and Chelone respectively. The four newly transformed heroines darted out into the fray, causing some confusion.

"Umm, Scarlette, do you really think bringing more people into this will help?" Red Robin sounded incredulous.

"I know it will. These are my people. Trust me, and stay out of our way." That didn't seem to do anything about the Bat's confusion, but he wisely listened to the girl.

SG motioned to Multimouse to start the distraction that they had planned. The heroine bounded into Insanity's range. This immediately pulled his attention away from the Bats as well as the rest of SG's crew.

As Multimouse distracted the akuma, Scarlette, Chelone, and Kitsune crept closer. "Barrier!" Chelone yelled, causing a green dome to appear around the villan and the four heroes.

"Vision!" Kitsune called. The dome filled with copies of the four heroines. Insanity instantly started firing on the illusions. While he was distracted with the clones, Chelone crept up behind him and swept his feet from beneath him.

Kitsune held him down as Multimouse tied his hands with her jump rope. While they were dealing with keeping Insanity down, Chelone grabbed the flower off of the akuma's lapel. SG took the flower from her and broke it.

The heroine caught and purifed the akuma without the usual pizzaz, then turned to Kitsune. "Kit, I'm going to need  you to cast another Vision as soon as I do my Scarlette Storm."

The heroine of the ladybug whispered what she needed of the fox weilder, and the other nodded. "Consider it done."

"Scarlette Storm!" SG yelled, as Kitsune simultaniously called for another Vision. The scenery remained unchanged, and Honey Bee looked to Scarlette quesitoningly. SG winked at the girl. "Hey, Batfam, one of you watch crazy here, the rest of you, spread out and help me find the liar."

It was quickly decided that Batgirl would watch the Joker while everyone else went to go look for Lila. Robin found her on the third floor, standing over a cowering illusion of Marinette. The bird themed hero informed the team that he had found her, and moments later, Kitsune and Scarlette arrived.

Kitsune let the illusion over the repairs drop, leaving only the one of Marinette behind. Liar-la was so focused on using the akuma as an excuse to hurt Marinette, that she didn't even notice the changes.

"I took everything from you! Your friends, your website! You were supposed to die! So. Why. Won't. You!" Lila lunged towards the illusion.

"Robin," was all Scarlette needed to say, for him to burst into action. He quickly moved in and restrained the chronic liar. "Lila Rossi, just what do you think you are doing?" The brunette, who had been struggling against Robin froze.


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