Find how out I feel •Hoonki•

By 2867_ty

27.7K 1.2K 829

성훈 × 니키 Park Sunghoon, a shy and quiet introvert who's best friend is a loud and friendly extrovert. He fall... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 4

1.6K 71 47
By 2867_ty

Hearing his name being called, Sunghoon turns around.

"Konon! Hey." The male smiled at her. "Hey. Are you here to visit Riki?" she asked,

"Uh yeah, I was about to go and buy something first," Sunghoon replied. "Nah, you don't need to. He's in his room." She pointed upstairs.

"And where are you headed to?" Sunghoon asked as he entered the house. "Just the grocery store,"

Sunghoon walked inside further, near to the kitchen, a voice calls out.

"Konon, did you forget something? Also who was at the door?" it was a familiar female voice.

Riki's mother.

"Uh hi ma'am, it's me, not Konon." A surprised Oh! is heard from the kitchen,

"Sunghoon! Oh my, I haven't seen you in a long time, dear! How have you been?" her sweet voice asked. "I've been doing well... I heard Riki was sick." He says,

"Ah yes. His body was really heated up and he kept coughing." She answers in a worried tone, "I see... Is he getting any better?"

"yes! Rather than last night, he's getting quite better! I'm glad he's recovering faster. He's asleep but you can still go to his room."

Sunghoon nodded, flashing her a smile he walks up to the younger's room.

Carefully opening the door, Sunghoon peaked inside.

Riki was laying on his bed, his back facing the door.

I guess he's still asleep... he walked inside.

The room wasn't messy like usual, which seemed like his mother had tidied up the room.

Quietly walking into the room, he walked to the younger's desk which remained messy as before.

All of the younger's notes and books were spread all over it.

Sunghoon sighed, Reckless as always.

The male sat down on the chair which was placed in front of the desk.

He starts to clear the desk and put them in a stack.

As he cleared the desk, he saw his love letters on there, it was piled.

Does he keep them? Confused as Sunghoon thought he had thrown them away after reading.

He smiles and stacks them near the other books and papers

until he noticed the slight writing from the back of the letters.

He turned them around to see Riki had tried to write letters back to him.

Looking behind all of the letters, the replies weren't on all of them.

Only one, which had seemed that Riki just recently started to try and reply to the 'admirer'

Sunghoon lets out a small chuckle and smiles. He's adorable.

Hearing the bed creak from behind, Sunghoon panicked and quickly organizes the letters again, not getting a chance to properly read the reply.

"Sunghoon hyung?" a voice asked quietly and softly, unsure that it was actually the said person.

"good evening," Sunghoon greeted. "Um, Hi hyung..." Riki groaned as he sat up in his bed. "What are you doing here?"

"visiting you, of course, what else?" Sunghoon smiles. "Why are you here? Don't you have assignments to do?"

"No need to worry about me, Riki. I don't have any assignments today." I actually do but I can finish it tonight.

"Okay..." Riki replied, not completely trusting Sunghoon.

"How are you feeling? Any better?" Sunghoon asked, hands lingering over to hold the younger's.

"Better than yesterday at least, my head still feels fuzzy. I think I'll be okay by tomorrow." Riki answered as he moved his hand to his head.

"Even if you do get better tomorrow, I think you should also rest school." Sunghoon's hand reached over to Riki's forehead.

"Your forehead still feels hot."

Riki looked at him, pressing his lips together, making his cheeks puff out.

"What? I'm just saying the truth."

"I know, I just don't want you to worry just because of my cold, hyung. I'll be fine." Riki tells him with a smile. "I'm not worried, I know you'll be fine. I just came to check on you." "You're still worried."

The two sat in silence, staring at each other, waiting for the other to say something.

"So... did I get any love letters?" Riki asked, "Hm? Why?"

"Just curious," Riki answers with a small smile. "Um, I don't know... I didn't check your locker."

well, I did write a letter and place it in there...

"can you check it for me tomorrow? My mom may not let me go to school tomorrow... So there may be two letters tomorrow!"

He's really enthusiastic about the letters... "Alright, I'll check for you tomorrow." the older smiled.

"Thank you! I'd hug you but mom said not to make physical contact with people." Sunghoon just laughed, "It's okay, Ki."

"It's getting kind of late, I should go home... I have some things to do." Sunghoon told him, "As in homework?" the younger raised an eyebrow with a smile. "Well... yes"

"You liar! You said you didn't have anything to do." Sunghoon burst into laughter. "Okay okay, I'm sorry."

"You better finish them!!"

"I will, i will!! Bye Riki." "Bye Hoon hyungie!!"

Sitting down in front of his desk, Sunghoon collects his things, "I already have a letter in mind..."

Taking out his pen and paper, he starts to write down.

Movies and books always have a special moment, don't they?

"Should I specify romance movies...?" he murmured, "No... I think he'll understand."

Some of them have a scene where the couple dances in the moonlight or rain.
I wish for that dream to come true
if it does, I would happily do it all night with you,
Spending the night with someone I love
seems fun

"Is this okay...?" he asked himself.

staring at the letter, rereading it. "It's longer than before but I guess it works." he shrugged.

Rethinking that Riki wasn't coming to school the next day, Sunghoon figured that he would only take out the love letter which he had put in the previous day and give Riki both of them in the evening,

"Why would he ask me though? Couldn't he have asked Jungwon...?" he sighed.

Jungwon and he was closer than he and Riki were anyway,

"it's just a small favor, he could've asked anyone... Eh, either way, the letters go to him."

Taking the things he needed to decorate the letter.

The sound of music playing on his phone filled the room with his hums along to the tune.

It was pleasant, the enjoyment followed soon after the first try.

It was a great way to spend the night after his homework,

Maybe minus watching his friends bicker on their socials?

Finishing up the letter nicely, he placed it on his desk, taking his phone and turning away from the desk.

Facing his bed, he turned around, leaning his chest onto the chair's back.

Forgetting that his chair wouldn't hold up full weight forcing onto it and that there wasn't a wall behind him,

Sunghoon leaned into the chair's back, pushing his full weight onto the chair, almost falling face-first onto the floor.

He quickly shifted back his weight and stared with shocked eyes. I almost ruined my face- Oh my god...

Opening his phone's messages, he texted the group chat.


Laughing as he sent that message, the group chat was soon spamming him as he thought of what just happened,

Im okay though-
so is my beautiful face :D

Controlling his laughter, Sunghoon replied to the group chat.

That was truly unfortunate but it wasn't a surprise that happened.

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