By WereGonnaDieAnyWays

25.2K 565 267

I needed money so I accepted the job. It was going great, the kid was loving me. Until I found out who the fa... More

1 | Job
2 | Mystery
3 | Dinner
4 | Drunken
5 | Money
6 | Games
7 | Tension
9 | Dress
10 | Unprofessional
11 | Freya
12 | Incident
13 | Argument

8 | Awkward

1.2K 38 11
By WereGonnaDieAnyWays

Lila's POV :

I felt bad. Through the whole dinner Isabelle kept giving me death glares. I didn't realize that this would make her uncomfortable. I just thought it would be fun if we sat and ate dinner with them. Turns out, I completely understand what Isabelle meant when she told me this was a bad idea. 

"So, what are you doing here?" Stefano asked for a 12th time in the last half hour. This guy. 

"I'm here babysitting Julian with my friend." Once again, my answer was the same. I didn't have any problem talking back to either of them.

I grew up with strict parents, meaning I had to learn to defend myself when someone spoke badly about my name. I was never allowed outside the house if I was going to hang out with a guy, and if I was, I had to take my older brother with me in case something bad happens.

That's were I got my big mouth, and anxiety's from. As much as a big crowd fears me, seeing someone clearly be rude to be isn't something that I'll let slide.

"What about you Stefano what are you doing here? You seem to ask way too many questions." Christian turns to Julian making sure he's eating food.

"Don't worry about it girl."

"That girl has a name." Isabelle finally spoke her first words.

"Once again, not one I care for." He smiled strongly.

"Stefano, enough." Christian voice boomed through the entire house. That shut up Stefano completely. He only rolled his eyes and stared down at his food.

"I didn't catch your name." Christian looked ahead at me. His piercing green eyes stared at my plain brown ones.

"Lila Lee." My name wasn't like every other brown girls. My name was much different. One of the biggest and main reasons I got bullied throughout middle school. You could say my name is more of a 'white' person's name.

People told me I was whitewashed, and that my parents already knew I'd be a disappointment and that's why they gave me a name nothing close to my ethnicity.

"What do you major in?" He sounded exactly like my father. My parents wanted me to have any other classic job that would give you respect and money.

"Professional cooking." I bet he already knew that. He nodded his head and turned back to his food.

I guess I understand why Isabelle didn't want to have dinner with them. Their annoying questions and presences isn't calming even in the slightest. I need to say sorry again. 

"You know, next week. We have an event. You ladies can accompany us." Stefano said with a grin. Of course we weren't gonna go. Imagine having to spend the entire night with these two. 

"We're busy."

"No you're not." I hate Stefano. I looked over at Christian and he was clearly taken a back by the invitation. 

Our bickering goes back and forth until Christian has to stop us all over again. 

"Enough. If either one of you want to join us next week, I'll send the location to Isabelle and you can come. If not, this conversation is over." He got off the table with his empty dishes and went into the kitchen. 


Stefano's POV :

Fuck she's hot. You gotta love a girl who has the guts the talk back. Never once did she let me have the last word, and at the end, I just gave it to her. 

She got the last word.

She smirked taking a seat on the couch while Belle and Christian put our dishes in the washer.

"So, you got a boyfriend." No I wasn't trying to be the girl's boyfriend. But I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't hitting on another man's girl. 

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"Yes. That's why I fucking asked."

"So vague."

"Answer the damn question Lila. It's not hard."

"Look at you. You've learnt my name." I roll my eyes asking again.

"Answer the question."

"Don't worry about it." She shrugged her shoulders and it was so hard not to smile. So fucking hard. 

I thought love was real whenever I saw Freya and Christian together, but now look where he is. It simply doesn't exist. That why you find the hottest chicks, and fuck them.

I wouldn't fucking another man's whore, it's just after what happened with Freya. I kinda fucking promised him I'd never be like her. So I have to kinda care.

It doesn't matter though. Because Lila is hot, and probably single because she would have most likely answered yes if she had. If she has a man and she's not telling, I feel bad for him. His girl can't even admit they're together.

"Ready to go?"


"Stay guys. Let's watch a movie on Christian's couches to piss him off."

"I'd rather not. You have fun though." She bit right back at me.

"Have a good night Stefano." She waved her hand in the air and left after hugging Julian. I will if you get your ass back here.

"Why would you let Belle bring that girl with her?"

"Would you stop calling her Belle for fucks sake."

"Why? You jealous she likes me better than you?"

"Shut up, no one likes you over me." 


Isabelle's POV :

"Yes! What you did was irresponsible. You didn't know what you were doing."

"I'm sorry Belle. I didn't know it would have made you uncomfortable. I would have never agreed if I knew it wasn't something you'd be willing to. I just got my excitement into everything."

"God this is so stupid. You were only thinking about yourself. And it ended with you and Stefano bickering off up until Christian got mad at stopped you two. That could have costed me my job." I ran my fingers through hair and sat on the couch.

"Listen. I've already said I'm sorry. I don't know what more you want from me. You want me to go back and tell them you didn't want to have dinner with them?"

"Oh my God, why are you being so stupid!" The dirty words left my mouth before I could even think to stop them. 


I didn't mean to say that. 

I watched as her eyes began to water at the words that fell from my lips.

I didn't mean it at all.

"I'm sorry." She sniffed a cry and walked to her room. She didn't slam the door, just shut it softly and locked it. From that moment forward she only came out for a glass of water and to make us dinner.

She didn't need to do that.

I sat at the island waiting to have dinner with her but she never came out. She stayed in the room all night and in the morning she was gone before I was even out of bed.

She hates going out alone and now she did. She was alone out there.

I screwed up. I didn't mean to be rude. The words just poured out like nothing. I didn't want to hurt her feelings. I was just angry about my job. I want my mom to come here and not worry about money at all. I wanted her to know that her daughter wasn't here for nothing.

That's why I take the job so seriously. But my job shouldn't make me a bad person. I should have never said any of those rude things to her.

She had already made breakfast for me and she already took out my iron pills because of my iron deficiency. I feel so bad.

I ate my breakfast alone and took my pill. I walked to class alone and found Lila sitting at the other end of the class. I took a seat at our regular spot and hoped maybe she'd come over.

But she didn't. 

She sat there the entire class.

I never realized how sad it felt to be alone until she was no longer with me. I can't believe I spent so long without any friends. It felt so sad. It felt so lonely. I saw her walk alone through the big crowd of people with a frown on her face.

Before I could rush after her I felt someone grab my arm and pull me back into the class.



"I need you to come to the event with me and Stefano next week."

"I can't."

"I don't have anyone to take care of my son that day. I need you to come."

"If I'm taking care of Julian why do I have to be there?"

"Because Julian's gonna be there too. He's a part of my family meaning he's invited. So I need you to watch after him there." An event. I have so much going on right now. I don't know if I can handle this.

"I'll pay you double."


I do need the money.

"Fine. Just text me whatever I need to know and what I have to wear." I left before hearing another word. I needed to go find Lila ad say sorry.


Short chapter I know. But the next one is gonna be good. The tension is just gonna be be so surreal.

I love Lila I don't care what anyone says.


Sincerely, A

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