Meant To Be Wild (Completed)

By MarkyGalagate

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Ever since Sakura met Syaoran, he had successfully taken her to heaven and hell from gang wars to street raci... More

Chapter 1: Emptiness of the Heart
Chapter 2: Catching Up
Chapter 3: Second Meeting
Chapter 4: The Wolves
Chapter 5: Moments of Fun
Chapter 6: Moving In
Chapter 7: I Spy
Chapter 8: Naughty and Nice
Chapter 9: Discoveries
Chapter 10: Good Luck and Bad Luck
Chapter 11: Propaganda
Chapter 12: Precious
Chapter 13: I'll Be Watching
Chapter 14: Taking Back What's Mine
Chapter 15: So It Begins
Chapter 17: Betrayal
Chapter 18: Knowing the Enemy
Chapter 19: Shock
Chapter 20: I Refuse to Believe
Chapter 21: What Goes Around, Comes Around
Chapter 22: Moving On?
Chapter 23: Saved
Chapter 24: Explanations
Chapter 25: Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 26: Problems Ensue
Chapter 27: Connecting Dots
Chapter 28: Girls vs Guys
Chapter 29: Pain, Inside and Out
Chapter 30: Party Crashers
Chapter 31: Race to the Final War
Chapter 32: Plans Backfire
Chapter 33: Wrong Information
Chapter 34: Hatred with Guilt
Chapter 35: Change of Plan
Chapter 36: Separation
Chapter 37: One on One
Chapter 38: Answers
Chapter 39: For You
Chapter 40: Pain with Recovery
Epilogue: The Wedding

Chapter 16: Ending the Wrong Way

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By MarkyGalagate

Sakura winced as a bullet collided with her bike and made a sharp sound. She looked through the mirror and saw a bike and a car gaining on them along with other cars and bikes following behind it.

"Everyone, they're here" she said as she made to go faster. She saw the others glance behind them.

Another gunshot erupted and Sakura saw the glass from the backlights of Mei Lin's car shatter. Mei Lin was the car closest to her and Syaoran and she could hear her scream out a swear word at this.


"Damn, almost had her" Kimi said as she sat up properly on the head of the seat and positioned her gun again.

"We can't do it like this" Kyoumi said as she gained more speed and was just a few meters away from the 2 bikes and a black BMW which she never saw before. "That one of them?" she asked her sister.

"Probably, the car is with them" Kimi aimed for the car and shot the headlights.

Kimi grinned hearing the driver of the car curse although it was faint, she still heard it.

"Enough with this, speed up Kyoumi"


Katsumi mentally smiled, she was right behind the girl on the bike and was about to take out her gun from the side of the bike.

"Oh no you don't" shouted Sakura from in front of her. Sakura's bike swerved to the left and they were now side by side.

Sakura looked over at the gun strapped to the left side of the bike and kicked it, making it fall to the ground.

"Bitch!" Katsumi shouted, kicking Sakura's leg with her foot.

"You're the bitch!" Sakura shouted back as she kicked her back with equal force.

Katsumi took out the small knife hidden by the mirror and swiped it at Sakura who had just moved her bike away from her just in time. She followed Sakura as she moved over to the left, constantly making swipes of her knife but always missing.

Syaoran was on Sakura's other side, he had his gun out but Sakura was in the way so he couldn't shoot at all.

"Everyone, help us out back here" Syaoran shouted through the communicator.

The cars in front of them were still at a fast speed but slower than before, the cars and bikes behind them started to catch up to them.

"Mika, help Sakura out since your on the other side of that woman" Syaoran said since he noticed the long brown hair coming from Sakura's opponent.

Syaoran noticed 3 bikers right behind him. He cursed as he sped off ahead from the others, making the bikers head after him. Sakura was still having trouble with the same opponent since Mika was occupied by 2 other bikers. Aki was stuck with Rika's car and were chased by another car and 4 bikers. Tomoyo was being chased by 6 bikers and Mei Lin was being chased by a car and 3 bikers.

"Damn it, there are more of them than we thought" Chiharu asked as she tried to shoot one of the bikers who was closest to them.

Rika glanced to her left and saw Aki slam his bike to one of the Kin bikers and made him slide through the road.

"Hey, use these" Takashi said as he pulled out a case from under the seat.

Chiharu saw the man she shot fall off his bike and slam to the side of the road before she turned to Takashi. She took the round gun and inserted one of the tubes inside.

She aimed for the car right behind them and directed her gunshots to the window. The front glass eventually shattered and revealed 4 guys in the car who started shooting as well.

"Shit" Chiharu cursed as her left arm got hit and blood started to seep through the wound. She raised the round gun and tried to steady her aim through the open car and triggered it.

A flare shot out of the gun and landed inside the car. Chiharu turned back and sat on her seat as she heard the explosion from behind them.

"Stay still" Takashi said as he removed the hanky from his own wound and tied it around hers.

"Don't, what about yours?" she said through the pain.

"We need to avoid the blood from spilling…I'll just use Rika's scarf"

Without asking, Takashi bent over and took the small and thin piece of cloth from Rika's neck and tied it to his wound.

"You guys should really be careful. Anyway, good job but we still have 2 bikers on our tail. Aki will take care of them, I have to get you two back to the mansion fast"

Aki fell back and rode side by side with the two Kins as Rika drove off faster.

"Guys, I gotta take Chiharu and Takashi back home…they got shot and need to get taken care off. I'll be going ahead" Rika said through the communicator, hearing muffled replies of "Yeah" and "Sure".


"Will you fuck off?" Mei Lin screamed to the biker who held his gun at her from outside of the car by her side.

Jay was busy taking care of the 2 other bikers at his side so she had to take care of this one by herself. Mei Lin abruptly opened her door and hit the biker with it, making him drop his gun but he didn't slow down. Mei Lin repeated this over and over again until the biker finally fell off his bike leaving the door pretty beaten up.

"Fuckers" Jay muttered from her other side.

Mei Lin looked at him and saw a rip and small blood stain on his right forearm.

"You alright?"

"Bastards were able to scratch me with a knife. I took care of them though" he said with a smile showing that it wasn't a wound to fuss about.

Just then a slamming sound came from the back of the car. Jay turned around and shouted.

"Asshole!" he shouted behind him. Mei Lin saw from the rear view mirror that a guy was currently hanging on to the car, lying by the baggage area and holding on to the back seats so not to fall off.

Mei Lin swerved the car right and left, trying to make him fall, but he didn't…the guy held on tighter than ever. An explosion erupted from ahead of them, Mei Lin saw Tomoyo drive off around the wreckage. She saw this as an opportunity and hit the brakes rapidly. The guy who was hanging on the backside shouted as he was sent flying to the front hood of the car.

Jay and Mei Lin smirked. Jay stood from his seat and pulled the guy off the front and to the ground. He pointed his gun at the groaning man and shot him dead as Mei Lin started to drive off around and away from the wreckage with now only the car that had 2 girls following them.


Tomoyo suddenly turned the wheel and around the blaze and saw the 4 bikers still following them. The other 2 were taken care of, courtesy of Naoko who shot them dead when she saw them by her door side and she started her shooting out of panic.

One of the bikers caught up to them and was now riding on Eriol's side of the car. Tomoyo crashed the car to the biker and slammed the biker against the side of the road which was just a railing that separated the road from the other road down below. She kept this up until the guy was crushed in between and eventually fell off the side.

3 left and they were pretty far ahead from them. Tomoyo floored the break and turned the wheel abruptly and did a turn around now facing the 3 bikers who stopped away ahead from her.

"I gotta take care of these guys by one shot…Naoko, I'm gonna crash through those guys, whoever I can't hit, shoot them with your gun. We gotta hurry and take Eriol back to the mansion" Tomoyo said, glancing at Eriol who had his eyes closed because of the pain but, extraordinarily yet expectedly was still smiling.

"Hai!" Naoko said as she readied her gun making it click.

Tomoyo nodded and floored the pedal and drove off in a fast pace already. The bikers, much to her surprise started to turn around and head the other way, away from her. Tomoyo smiled, she was too close for them to get away. She noticed one of them ahead of the others, but when she was side by side 2 of the bikers she hit the breaks and did two 360 turns, hitting the guys off their guys in the process. When they stopped, Naoko aimed her gun at the one trying to escape and hit him square at the back, making him fall.

"Mission complete!" Naoko said as she high-fived with Tomoyo.

Tomoyo drove off again towards the mansion.

"I hope the others are alright" she whispered to herself.


"Damn" Syaoran muttered to himself. He was trying to lose the bikers and ended up being chased by them and the police.

Syaoran had met Mika along the way and went on together with now 5 bikers from the Kins on their tail and 4 cars from the police. Of course, the police weren't a problem, they were easy to get rid off but they just made it more difficult for them to get rid of the Kins.


"What is it?"

They were currently off the freeway and back to the main road and cars yet again blocked them and it wasn't easy to get through.

"Care to play a game?"

"Are you crazy?"

"What do you think?"

Syaoran heard Mika sigh. "Ok, what game of yours are we playing now?"

"Tag-hide and seek"

"Excuse me?"

"Well, the police and the Kins will play tag, and we'll play hide and seek with them…we'll do the hiding. I'm not chicken but I'm sick of this pointless chase. They're hardly doing any shooting"

"Yeah, I agree on you with your last statement" Mika said as he followed Syaoran in between cars and through the sides of the road, leaving the Kins and the police to struggle. "So, wanna play now?"

"Wait for the traffic light to turn green"

No later the traffic light turned green, indicating a go. The two zoomed off and was overtaking cars ahead of them and did a sharp, silent and unnoticed turn to an alleyway.


"They're gone!" Takashi said from his bed.

Takashi and Chiharu had been treated by Wei who turned out to be the Wolves butler and personal doctor. They along with Rika were watching the news and the chase which was still going on between their friends and their enemies was still going on.

"What's going on here?" Tomoyo asked, entering the room.

"Syaoran and Mika are gone! The police are now chasing the Kins! They also have cameras on Sakura and Mei Lin" Takashi explained then did a double take on Tomoyo. "When did you get here?"

Tomoyo rolled her eyes as she sat herself on the couch near the bed, beside Rika.

"Just got here, Eriol's being treated right now. Naoko's fine but wanted her head to get checked out since she hit the side of the car when I drove coming here...oh my gosh Sakura!"


"Shit" Sakura cursed as the knife ran through her skin making a huge cut appear on her leg.

"Huh! Give up girly?"

"Not on your life bitch" Sakura hissed as she suddenly hit the brakes and shot the girl who still drove on.

"Damn it!" Katsumi shrieked as she started to lose control of the bike. She jumped off, holding on to her wound where blood started to form on her jeans. Sakura shot her the same place she sliced her with her knife.

Sakura drove on towards her form on the ground, pointing the gun towards the girl's heart. Katsumi took off her helmet and glared up at her. Before Sakura could trigger her gun, a shot erupted behind her and the side mirror of her bike shattered. She turned around and saw a car coming towards them a girl was driving, and behind them was another car which was the BMW Mei Lin was driving. Shots continued to erupt from behind her and bullets came to her, getting louder and closer to her every time a shot came. Sakura looked at the girl on the ground before keeping her gun again.

"I'll get you next time" she told Katsumi as she started gassing the bike. She could here police sirens from afar and was now annoyed at the helicopter above them. She looked up and saw a man holding a camera at her.

"I'll look forward to it" Katsumi said with a smirk as Sakura drove off, followed by the black car. She turned around and saw her sisters pull up with the car.

"Kat! Are you alright?" Kimi asked as she rushed to her, followed by Kyoumi who was walking slowly while holding her side.

"What happened to you?" Katsumi asked her twin.

"The black haired bitch got both of us but Kim's isn't that serious" she hissed while wincing.

"C'mon" Kimi said as she helped Katsumi off the ground. "We gotta get you guys treated. I don't wanna be an only child"

"We have to go after them" Kyoumi said.

"We'll get them next time…I'll make sure of it. We gotta hurry though, the police are coming" Katsumi said as the sound of sirens got louder by the second.


"Wow, Mei Lin sure got her" said Naoko as the TV showed a zoom in scene where Mei Lin stood from her car and shot the driver of the car next to them making the other car speed off faster and away from her and Jay's car.

The scene on the TV switched to Sakura and the other female biker just as she jumped off of the bike with Sakura who stopped near her holding up a gun.

"Get her!" Tomoyo screamed.

They saw two cars behind them and Sakura drove off followed by the car Mei Lin was driving. They smiled seeing Mei Lin look up and give the camera the finger before the camera switched to the 3 female Kins left behind. The 3 girls in the car drove off fast and were now followed by the police before the TV showed the news lady again.

"Police says this is once again caused by dangerous gangs from the Wolves and the Kins. Police have been trying and are still trying to find evidences to use against these gangs to avoid further damage and harm on the innocent. Leaders of these gangs namely Xiao Lang Li of the Wolves and Tsuyoshi Shikou of the Kins are said to be wanted by the police for several years now for many charges but seems unable to find any hard evidence against them. The police remain to follow through these incidents in hopes to finally put an end to these disturbances that have been occurring in Japan. On other news, it seems like the top businessman Mr.-" the TV suddenly clicked off, making everyone turn to see who did it. Their gazes fell on Syaoran who was by the door holding another remote and beside him was Mika.

Naoko ran to his arms and kissed him.

"Hey, you guys alright?" Mika asked making Tomoyo nod.

"Chiharu and Takashi are done with the healing bit…Eriol and Aki are still there being treated"

"Where's Sakura, Mei Lin and Jay?" asked Syaoran.

"The news showed them heading off…they're probably heading here right now" Tomoyo said.

Syaoran, for once, looked openly worried. He wanted to go back after Sakura but the police were still looking for him and if they did find him, which they haven't done for the past years, it would mean trouble for the gang and major scolding from the family.


"I still don't get why you didn't ask for our help" Ren said as he helped Wei clean up Jay's wound.

"We wanted as less people to go but the girls didn't want to get left behind since Sakura's their friend" Eriol explained from the other bed he used with Aki sitting by the edge, next to the one Jay and Mei Lin were sitting on.

Ren, Keichii, Mike, Jiyuu, Aya, Emi, Ayumi and Hisami have seen the TV report of the car chase between gangs since they were all hanging out by the pool outside the mansion while watching TV from the bar that was beside the pool. They never realized that the rest of the guys were doing a mission and they wanted to help out.

Mei Lin, Jay and Sakura have just escaped the police and entered the mansion and straight to the clinic as Mei Lin instructed to get their wounds mended before meeting the others.

Now Ren, who was with Wei when they entered the hospital looking room, was telling them off for not telling the rest of the gang while treating their wounds one by one.

"I think I should go over to Syaoran" Sakura said trying to leave the room.

"You're not going anywhere until you get your wounds healed…and a proper meal" Mei Lin ordered. Sakura had a huge cut on her leg and a graze on her upper left arm where a bullet nearly got through that she didn't notice she got until Ren helped her move to a bed.

Sakura sighed and walked back to the empty bed beside Jay's.


"They got away!" Tsuyoshi screamed, slamming his fist on the table of his office. He was back at his mansion and the 3 sisters along with not more than half the Kins who were in the chase just came back scarred and looking half-dead.

"Not our fault this whole thing started!" Kimi screamed back at him. She had the unfortunate job to report to their boss about everything since the rest as well as her sisters were being treated at that very moment.

Tsuyoshi was swearing under his breath, greatly pissed off but then his facial expression changed in an instant. Kimi raised an eyebrow at him, knowing his head was stirring up something new.

"Not to worry, I have something else in mind"

'Knew it' Kimi thought wearily.


It was close to midnight; Sakura sighed and rolled on her bed thinking of the day's events. She was held hostage and was freed on the same day. This day is definitely the weirdest and most dangerous she had ever lived through but she still wasn't satisfied and knew Syaoran wasn't either.

She wanted desperately to get revenge on Tsuyoshi. If she had the upper hand she would've did something when they were back at the warehouse. She couldn't believe herself either; she had changed so much over a day. When she saw Eriol hurt and declared that she would drive his bike and said her little speech, she felt different, almost wild.

Sakura liked the feeling…it was like being free to do anything to avenge those she loved, her family, her friends…no…her second family. But this wasn't how she was brought up. She was born as a sophisticated and chic lady, not a wild and dangerous gangster.


Sakura rolled again to face the side of the door and saw Syaoran standing by the doorway.

"Hey" she said with a smile as she came up to a sitting position, leaning against the head board of her bed. "What's up?"

"Nothing, just wanted to see if you're not being kidnapped again" he said as he sat on the side of her bed, head resting on his hands.

"Really, what's wrong?" she asked again, not convinced by what he said.

"Okay…this is exactly why I never wanted to get too close to someone besides my family" he explained as he turned to look at her. "Because when I do, I know that person will end up getting hurt…or worse dead"

"But I'm not dead"

"Yeah but only by chance…if we didn't find and take these necklaces, we wouldn't have found you until tomorrow. And if we only found you tomorrow, you would have been dead when we got there to get you. I don't want to lose you!"

"Syaoran, I-"

Sakura didn't finish her sentence as Syaoran's lips crashed onto her own. She was shocked but still accepted his forward gesture. They fell onto the bed with him on top of her. She moaned as his lips escaped hers and landed on her neck, licking and sucking on it as he slowly went down by her cleavage. She was wearing a white, loose spaghetti top and a white pajama with it, so it was easy to access her clothes and get through to her skin. He slipped down the straps of her top and revealed her white bra.

She looked at him and pulled his head to her chest, not giving him the chance to talk at all. Syaoran did as she wanted and unclasped her bra with ease and took an erect nipple into his mouth and ran his tongue around it. She moaned at this as his other hand massaged her other breast. Sakura was pressing one of her knees to Syaoran's nether regions and noticed him go hard.

Syaoran took off his own pajamas and slid off his briefs as Sakura took the hint and took off her own. He positioned himself back on top of her and looked at her with an emotionless yet questioning look.

Sakura nodded at him as he entered her in an instant. Sakura was shocked at his sudden and forceful actions but she couldn't contemplate through it further as her mind exploded with thoughts of him and the way he was pleasuring her at that very moment.

He pushed deep into her while kissing her, muffling all her moans. He was at a past pace, Sakura would've found it painful but it was too pleasurable for her to notice. He left her mouth and landed yet again on her neck. His hands rested on her breast and massaged them roughly yet gently at the same time. Sakura felt like her head was about to explode. She had wanted this and it felt like it is yet isn't Syaoran at all. Having sex with him now seemed different from the last one. The last time they did it, he was gentle, slow and it was full of passion. Now it's full of lust, he's faster and rough yet still seems gentle with her at the same time.

She didn't understand this but didn't mind at all since they were currently in a situation which made her unable to think of anything too clearly. They both reached their climax as she screamed his name but it was shortly stopped as he kissed her on the lips. He released out of her as he continued to kiss her but much more passionately now. Now she was really confused.

Then he stopped.

Sakura looked at him as he clasped back her bra, slipped her top back on her and raised her panties and pajamas to her waist. He was avoiding her gaze as he too wore back his own clothes. They were both sweating but he didn't seem to care as he helped her off the bed.

"Syaoran?" Sakura asked unsurely. She had a wonderful time and was feeling really tired from all of it. She didn't want to stand just yet but he seemed still capable of doing so.

Syaoran turned around and walked to the door. Sakura was about to move towards him but he stopped as his hand landed on the knob.

"I can't take this any longer…we can't stay together anymore, I'm sorry Sakura" he whispered as he left the room without looking back, shutting the door lightly.

Sakura stared at the place he once stood, processing everything that had just happened and what he had just said. Then her legs finally gave in as she fell unconscious on the bed.

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