Unknown Acceptence [ ON HOLD ]

By B_R_U_T_U_S

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What if draupathi was saved by her friend during dhut sabha..... What will happen when draupathi started her... More

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By B_R_U_T_U_S

The grand sabha of kurus stood in its pride. It have beacame evening after the hustle bustle of the great and historical dice game.But the occupents of sabha is still not aware about the movement of time. They are immense in the revelation drama. The expression of each and every peason of the sabha are in different version. No one even dared to say anything aganist the argument put forword by krishna. Because it is a visible proof.No one can counter it, because chundamani symbolizes the acceptance of wife to her husband, and it also symbolizes the husband. The sixth and the unique chundamani shine in its glory. It can be differentiated from other five, because it stand opposite to other five, and it have a unique shineing. The blue emerald in it shines in sun light. All the gazes is fixed on the unique chundamani...

The great gangaputra even forgot to blink. He is shocked to no extent. Even he failed to notice it. He cannot supress his astonishment, so he asked vasudev.

"How is this possible vasudev... I am also failed to notice it. No one in my family is even aware about it, that draupathi have an another husband."

Krishna smiled and said.

"You failed to notice many things mahamahim. Your blindness by dharma led to this situvation. What did you know about your grand childrens. Did you try to understand your each grand child, or your attention get stuck to only certain grand childrens.

Bhishma lowered his head. He always loved his all grand childrens equaly. According to him he never shows partiality. But the question of almighty shook him to core. He is now thinking about his past actions. According to him he always followed dharma. But now he is questioning himself.He cannot understand what krishna means. He want to ask further to vasudev himself. But he know this is not actual time. So he decided to stay silent.

On other hand dhuryodhan lost his temper. Only the grip from his mamashree is stoping him from further attacking. He want revenge... He only want revenge for his insult. By makeing draupathi as his dasi he also completed his revenge. But now this trickster trying to make her free. He said to himself, that he never allow this. He never allow this trickster to cheat him. He said himself, while giveing an angry glare to vasudev..

The master mind sakuni got paled. He knew that now there is no argument aganist this. Because the chundamani shows the acceptance of a wife to her husband. He now understood that everything is out of control now.Definitely krishna will save draupathi, and his aim, his ambition will not fulfill. No... He never allow this... Sakuni thought himself. He would make pandavas and kauravas fight aganist each other and thus ensure the end of this dynasty..But now he got an another way. He know now he cannot prove that draupathi is servent. But he have an another way to trigger the hatred between pandavas and kauravas. He smiled himself by closeing one eye.

The condition of padavas are also nothing better. They never concentrated on this thing. She is their wife, but this point out their complete failure as husband.They even failed to notice that she was wearing one more chundamani. She sacrificed many for them, but instead for that what they gave to her.. Was only insult and they even failed to notice these things.It says how they failed to be a husband. They even take vow to protect her but they failed. They became reason for her sorrow. The fact made them more dissapointed. They only put their head down and stood in their place itself. But all of them have only one question.. That why she hid this from them. They want to learn the reason from her, but they have no courage even look at her face. So they stood silent by putting their head down.

The great mahamanti vidur also shocked by the proof put forword by vasudev. He signed a relief that now draupathi have not go through any insult, or the madness happening before them is stopped. But he also tensed, because he know that the master mind sakuni never accept defeat. He would do something. So he looked at the great gandar raj who is winking his one eye and smirking. He understood that some plan is going through the mind of the political genius. So he decided to intervene before sakuni can do any thing. So he said.

"Maharaj... Now it is proved that draupathi is not a servent. Because according to rules of game of dice, the player can stake the property which he have right.And here pandavas have no right to stake draupathi as their is no consent from her another husband. So she is free now."

This make every one's attension towords him. But a lound shout retrot it.

"No i never accept this.... She is my servent. This trickster is manipulating this sabha. I will never leave him.... Never...."

The eldest kaurav shouted. But it is countered by guru dron, who is silent till now. He stood from his throne and said.

"No duryodhan.... You have no right on her. What mahamantri said is right. You may have right on pandavas and their kingdom, but according to the rules of this game and dharma you have no right on her, and she is not your servent now"

"This is adharma..... I never accept it.."

Dhuroyodhan yelled in top of his voice.

"What happened bratha.. Now you are thinking about dharma and adharma"

Vasudev asked with a smile.

"Now you are teaching me dhrama classes.. You trickster. Have you have any status to teach me... You trickster. I am not going to fall on your words"

Dhuryodhana yelled.

"No bratha... How can i order you and teach you... I am your younger cousin brother. And regarding teachings i think mamshree have teached you well.... Isn't mamashree.? "

Krishna replied with a pout and further continued.

" oh.. Sorry mamashree... I forgot it. You are a great dice player and politician. It is just a request from your bhanje... Please teach bratha to calm down his anger. I am got scared mamashree he is even going to eat me in his anger and i am your sweet nephew mamashree.... Because i love my mamashree's to a great extent. "

Krishna said.

"Stop your blabberings vasudev... I am not intersted in it"

Dhryodhan said with an irritation.

"Mamashree save me....."

Krishna yelled with a mischevousness in his face.

Sakuni looked at krishna in astronishment. He cannot know what to say.This also made dhuryodhan more angry.He shouted.

"Vasudev stop this......."

By seeing this mess the great ganga putra decided to intervene. He rised his sound.

"Enough dhuryodhan... What vidhur and dron said was right"

Dhuryodhan looked at bhishma in anger and try to retrot.

"But pitamaha... He.."

It is cut by bhishma.

"No adharma is done to you dhuryodhan. I decided the rules of this game. According to that a player can put in stake in which he have rights. By this pandavas have no right to stake draupathi.... Because her sixth husband have also right on her. You win pandavs their all wealth and kingdom,they all now under you. Now they have nothing to put in stake. So according to the rules of the game i am declareing that the dice game have ended now"

Bheeshma declared.

This make dhuryodhan frown. He got what he want. But it is not enough. He want revenge from draupathi. He want her as his servent. So he turned his gaze to his beloved mamashree. But his mamashree is just smirking and signalling him to calm down. But he cannot tolerate this. As a final hope he looked at his blind father to support and going to ask him. But before that vasudev said.

"Maharaj.. According to rules of game your son won pandavas their wealth and their kingdom which all came under their right. But i proved this court that pandavas have no right to put my saki in stake. So she is not his servent. And by the rules of game the game is also came to end. So allow my saki to leave. And about pandavas yuv raj can decide."

The king of hastinapur is in now dialemma. One side of his mind said to him to support his son, but on other side he cannot do anything beacuse it is proved that pandavs have no right to stake draupathi.He will do anything to make his son happy. He know all these are planned to statisfy his son. Because he loved his son to that extent.Firstly he wanted to declare war on indrapraatha because he wanted to take revenge on his son's insult. But his wife's brother stoped him by put forwording this plan. He was initialy aganist this. But beacuse of his son's demand he agreed for this. Now he would act like a king more than a father. Other wise it would cause great havoc. He said.

"According to rules of game, pandavs lost everything they posses and now they are slaves. And now the game came to an end. But by the proof put forword by vasudev in support of his argument, it is proved that pandavas have no right to stake draupathi, as another peason also have right on her. So i king of hastinapur hearby announces that the dice game came to an end and draupathi is free now"

"But pitashree...."

Dhuryodhan tried to retrot.

"It is dharma dhuryodhan, and we all should obey rules"

All the elder signed a relief. The great ganga putra releaed his long breath after the announcement. Now draupathi is safe. He thanked god to all. The mahamanti vidur also shows a sighn of relief. Now the madness got an end. The face of kripacharya and dronacharya also shows the same expression like that of other elders. While dhuryodhan is fumeing in his anger. Sakuni held the wrist of his nephew and signalling him to calm down. The pandavs stood bowed their head, because now they aware about their status.
They even not dared to rise their head. All of them streched their body parts showing the sighn of tiredness due to the long day. They know it was a long day. Their body as well as their mind got tired by this long day. The king of hastinapur stood from his throne to announce the end of the sabha. All members of sabha are in expecting to dismiss so they slighty moved their body parts.

The sun is going to set. The orange and red rays of sun peeped through the window of the grand sabha. The servents started to light the deepas to welcome the night after a long day. They are busy in it.Because it seems that the nature itself need rest after witnessing the great day of history.

All members are expecting the dismissal of sabha. But it is stopped by a voice.

"Wait maharaj,i want to say something."

Sakuni said by closeing his one eye and with a smirk on his face.

So this is next update.

Hope that you liked my story.

This story is all my imagination.

Forgive me for any mistakes.

Enjoy the chapter.

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Thank you......

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