Meant To Be Wild (Completed)

By MarkyGalagate

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Ever since Sakura met Syaoran, he had successfully taken her to heaven and hell from gang wars to street raci... More

Chapter 1: Emptiness of the Heart
Chapter 2: Catching Up
Chapter 3: Second Meeting
Chapter 4: The Wolves
Chapter 5: Moments of Fun
Chapter 6: Moving In
Chapter 8: Naughty and Nice
Chapter 9: Discoveries
Chapter 10: Good Luck and Bad Luck
Chapter 11: Propaganda
Chapter 12: Precious
Chapter 13: I'll Be Watching
Chapter 14: Taking Back What's Mine
Chapter 15: So It Begins
Chapter 16: Ending the Wrong Way
Chapter 17: Betrayal
Chapter 18: Knowing the Enemy
Chapter 19: Shock
Chapter 20: I Refuse to Believe
Chapter 21: What Goes Around, Comes Around
Chapter 22: Moving On?
Chapter 23: Saved
Chapter 24: Explanations
Chapter 25: Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 26: Problems Ensue
Chapter 27: Connecting Dots
Chapter 28: Girls vs Guys
Chapter 29: Pain, Inside and Out
Chapter 30: Party Crashers
Chapter 31: Race to the Final War
Chapter 32: Plans Backfire
Chapter 33: Wrong Information
Chapter 34: Hatred with Guilt
Chapter 35: Change of Plan
Chapter 36: Separation
Chapter 37: One on One
Chapter 38: Answers
Chapter 39: For You
Chapter 40: Pain with Recovery
Epilogue: The Wedding

Chapter 7: I Spy

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By MarkyGalagate

"Aya Hoshimi and Emi Hoshimi haven't been going out with anyone outside the gang, only with Mei Lin. Ayumi Sahoko and Hisami Shiori has boyfriends outside the gang, we have to check them out. Ren Koharu never usually goes out as well as Keichii Hajime. Mike Kuniyuki usually goes out but he told us he never told anyone he's a Wolf or any of our plans. Jiyuu Mitsuhiro has a girlfriend outside the gang but she's all clean, she doesn't even know he's a Wolf. Shen Jin is clear and her sister in China, Chyou Jin and another member there, Shing Ho said they and other regulars in China are clear. The rest of the regulars here in Japan are also clear." Mika took a deep breath after reading the report they did.

"Check out Ayumi and Hisami's as soon as possible. Spy on them when they go out if necessary" Syaoran said from his chair, with his back towards the group.

"Well, if you say so" Aki said feeling tired.

"Wait" Syaoran said abruptly, he was looking out the window and something caught his attention. He sat up properly and narrowed his eyes.

"What is it?" Eriol asked, approaching his end of the table.

"Who the hell is that?" he pointed at the man near the bushes.

"I dunno, probably one of the help…the gardener or something, he is wearing the uniform. Why?"

"First of all. Why do we have hired help without me knowing? Second of all, there is something completely wrong with his backside, now tell me what it is if you may"

"What are you talking a- shit" Eriol cursed, taking out his cell phone. "Mike?"

"What's up?"

"Did you ever give a tattoo anywhere else other than the back side of a member? Like on the ankle or something?"

"No, Syaoran said to always put it on their backs"

"Well, did you ever give a tattoo to anyone with black hair and red streaks?"

"No, not that I know of"

"Ok thanks" Eriol flipped back his phone and pocketed it then looked back outside. "He's our guy"

"Of course he is who ever heard of a gardener bringing a gun? Besides, even the help should have a tattoo, which he clearly doesn't have. Seeing his bare back" Syaoran growled, standing from his seat and glaring at the man on the yard. "Tell Ren to bring out bikes incase he does a runner"

Aki called Ren while following him, Eriol and Mika out the room.


"Let's go get some fresh air Tomoyo, I'm tired from all this moving stuff in" Sakura sighed, plopping down on her huge bed in her new room.

"Good idea, c'mon" she pulled Sakura up again and dragged her out from her very pink abode.

Then they heard gunshots from outside the house.

"The guys must be practicing or something, let's go see"


Taiji buttoned back his shirt and looked through the windows in the house.

"Chris, I think they found out" he said noticing the disorder the people were in inside.

"Get out of there at once Taiji!"

"Got it" he ended through the hidden-mic. and walked fast towards the gate.

"Hey! You there! Stop!" someone shouted from behind him.

He ran and climbed the gate and over it, landing softly on the ground. He took the helmet on the bike he parked by a tree and gassed it.


Ren alarmed the gate to open, Mika and Aki ran outside and started shooting.

Syaoran and Eriol rode their bikes out the gate with Mika and Aki hopping on behind them before gassing it to the fullest.


"What the hell was that about?" Sakura asked Ren, just seeing the guys ride off out the gate.

"We found the spy, the guys are chasing him right now" he sighed, going inside the house.

"Sakura, I wanna go help"

"Then we think alike"


Taiji made a sharp turn and towards the freeway, shooting behind him once in a while and trying to avoid the gunshots heading his way.

"Chris, where the hell are they?"

"Back up is coming, where are you?"

"I'm on the freeway, with four wolves on two bikes on my tail"

"Good, they're close, just hold on"

"Fuck" Taiji hissed, feeling the bullet on his left ankle.


"Syaoran, we've got company" Eriol shouted from beside him, looking at the side mirrors.

"How many?" he shouted back, not bothering to look as he concentrated on catching up with their first target.

"Four bikes, a van and a car"

"Mika, Aki start shooting behind us" Syaoran ordered.

"Damn it! Wait! Stop!" Eriol said abruptly. "Don't shoot that car" he'd know that person anywhere, it's hard to miss as she was videotaping even especially at this time.

"Why the hell not?" Mika shouted from behind him.

"It's the girls"


Clearly they saw the girls, especially Sakura who was sitting on top of the car in the middle of the convertible.

"What the fuck are they doing here?"


"Rika, go faster" Sakura ordered. They were riding a 2006 XK Victory Edition Jaguar Convertible and she was glad because it can sure move fast. Rika was driving with Tomoyo on the front passenger seat. Since there weren't any back seats she had to sit in the middle and on top of the two seats. "Tomoyo, can you check if there are any guns in that locker?"

Tomoyo looked away from her camcorder and opened it, bringing out four guns. She gave two to Sakura, one to Rika and one for herself.

"Okay Rika, just bring the car beside that black van" Rika raised an eyebrow at her but still did as she was told. Then Sakura did the last thing Rika would have expected. She reached out to the front passenger window and knocked.

"Sakura! What the hell are you doing?" Rika hissed while trying to keep her eyes on the road and honking the horn at other cars to move aside.

Tomoyo giggled at Sakura, but still focused her camera on her.

"Hi there!" Sakura said seductively at the man when he slid down the window.

"Who the hell are you?" the man said in shock but liking the looks he got from the girl.

"Your worst nightmare" she giggled and pointed one of her guns between his eyes. "Bye now!" she winked and shot him dead. Just as the driver of the van was about to point his gun at Sakura, his head dropped on the wheel with blood coming out from his forehead.

"I thought you've gone mad" Rika told her with a smile.

"What did you think I was gonna do? Kiss them senseless?" Sakura rolled her eyes and watched as the van swerved to the left and crashed at the side railings of the road, making the cars behind them stop.

"Well, you were leaning rather close"

"Oh Rika, how cheap do you think I am?" she shook her head.

"You do know you just killed a guy?" Tomoyo pointed out, still taking a video of her.

"Yeah, I know and for some reason I don't feel at all fazed by it" Sakura giggled and winked at the camera.

"You really are mad" Rika muttered, making all of them laugh.

"Oh shut it, we have to catch up to the guys"

Rika nodded and floored the pedal.


"Dude, your woman just lightened our load" Eriol told Syaoran with a grin.

"As much as I would appreciate that comment, I'm busy here Eriol and so should you!" he shouted back at him irately.

"Sheesh, just trying to praise your girl here man"

"Go praise her some other time!"


"Ok Rika, go in between those two bikers over there and I want you and Tomoyo to take down the two others" she nodded at this and drove faster.

Sakura raised her guns at either side of her in an equal level and pointed it towards the bikers. Both fell and crashed, sliding down with their bikes. The other two pointed their guns at her but also fell before they got a chance.

"That was…invigorating!" Tomoyo squealed and gave her crazy laugh. "HOHOHOHOHO!"

"T-Tomoyo" Sakura and Rika said and sweat dropped at their crazy friend.


"What's the matter?" Sakura asked worriedly.

"My foot got caught" Tomoyo shifted in her seat. She gave her camcorder to Sakura and bent herself down. "Ugh! This thing is heavy!"

"What did you find down t- whoa!" Rika gasped with a smile.


"It was shoved under my seat" she carried it with both hands and handed it to Sakura. She took back her camera while trying to pull out the trail of ammo from under the seat.

"Let's give it a try, ne?" Sakura positioned it on top of the wind shield and aimed at the biker the guys where after.


"Syaoran" Eriol started.

"What is it now?" he growled back, starting to get annoyed. He was happy that the girls took out the Kins who were behind them, so what could Eriol be talking about now?

"The girls just found the machine gun" he said urgently in a serious tone.

"What do mea-" Syaoran stopped, seeing Sakura through the mirror, aiming the huge machine gun at the bike ahead of them. "Shit! Eriol, move out of the way" he shouted.

"Way ahead of you!" he shouted back from the far right side of the road. "We have to stop them!" he shouted again, starting to slow down.

"We can't do anything now" Syaoran shouted, as the car drove pass them. "Damn it" he hissed.


'Huh! They're giving up!' Taiji thought smugly. That was until he saw the car behind him. 'Oh fuck'


"The guys are giving you a clear shot, Sakura…do it!" Rika said as they passed by the guys.

Sakura held her breath and triggered it, sending of a trail of loud gunshots. With all her might she tried to hold on and keep the gun pointed ahead of her. She stopped as the bike exploded.

Rika floored the brakes suddenly making the car do two 360 turns and Tomoyo's side of the car stop just six meters away.

"Umm…was it too much?" Sakura asked unsurely.

"I don't know" Tomoyo said in a whisper, looking at the blazing inferno in front of them.

"Well, I don't. Whoever that guy was got what he deserved for spying on us"

Sakura started trembling and dropped the machine gun on the floor in front of Tomoyo.

"Head back to the house" a menacing voice said from behind them, making her jump.


Syaoran and Eriol watched as Sakura tried to keep the machine gun in control. The bike exploded and the car turned and stopped just enough space from the explosion.

"Syaoran" Eriol started hesitantly. Getting no reply, he continued. "Try not to get too angry, control yourself"

Syaoran's face darkened. He stopped his bike behind them.

"Head back to the house" he ordered darkly.


"What do you mean we lost all of them?" Tsuyoshi shouted at one of his men. "You said there were only four of them, two in a bike! How can you possibly lose to that? It was our chance since Li was said to be one of them!"

"There was a car on their trail and took them all out"

"What car?"

"They said girls were in it and took out all of our men"

Tsuyoshi growled in frustration. They were beaten up by girls.


"What's going on?" Naoko asked softly as Rika, Tomoyo and Sakura filed inside the living room silently.

Sakura shook her head and sat herself on the sofa in the middle of the other two girls.

"Sakura?" Mei Lin asked hesitantly looking worried. She wondered if any of the guys were hurt. Ren had told her about them chasing the spy whom they all thought to be the gardener. Seeing the faces of the three girls who just came in just made her worry more.

The sound of the front door being slammed shut was heard and the sound of footsteps was getting louder and closer to them by the second. The living room doors opened and then silence came.

"Mika, what is the meaning of all this?" Naoko asked him as he stood behind Syaoran with Eriol and Aki.

He shook his head at her and smiled slightly.

"Syaoran! What happened?" Mei Lin asked, getting irritated by the useless silent glaring he gave to Sakura but still worried at the same time.

He shot his glare towards Mei Lin but she wasn't at all fazed by it. Turning back to the girls on the sofa, he walked briskly in front of them, his tall form looming over their small frames.

"Look Syaoran, we just-"

"You just what?" Syaoran boomed, cutting off whatever Sakura wanted to say making the three girls flinch from his tone. "You just wanted to kill the person we wanted to keep alive?"

The three girls' heads shot up at this.

"You wanted that man alive? He was a spy, we thought y-"

"You thought we wanted him dead? Sakura, if we wanted him dead, he would've died before he got the chance to get away on his bike! The only reason he got away as far as he had is coz we tried not to kill him in the process!" he shouted back.

"Well, w-we didn't know!" Sakura shouted back in a stutter.

"Clearly, you didn't!" he glared at her for even daring to shout back at him.

"Look, I'm sorry I killed the guy. I'm sorry for trying to save your sorry asses from those guys who chased you. I'm sorry I saved you. Oh and did you know that was the very first time I actually tried killing someone? And just for your sake? Maybe I should've left you alone out there to be outnumbered and killed by those bastards, then maybe you wouldn't be here shouting shit at me for doing the right thing!" Sakura screamed and irately stomped her foot on the floor. She had fire in her eyes but she still looked like she was about to cry. "No wonder you never got into a relationship with a woman before. You don't even know how to treat one properly" she hissed, turning her back at him and starting to leave the room.

"Don't you turn your back on me" he growled, clearly insulted by her last comment. He grabbed her wrist and held her back.

"Let go!" she tried to pull away but his grip only tightened.

"No, you listen to me! You have no right to say what you just did. Take it back!"

"No! Why would I? You're just a heartless beast. What's the point of having a relationship with me if you care more about that man than you do about me? You're the cruelest person I have ever met and I hate you!" she screamed in his face. "Now let me go!"

"I said no!" he tightened his grip on her more, making her wince from the pain.

"Y-You're hurting me!" she winced again. "Let go!" he didn't loosen his grip so she did something that gave everyone in the room a shock.

She slapped him right across the face, making his head turn to the side, leaving a read mark on his left cheek were her right hand made contact with it.

He dropped her hand.

Sakura breathed deeply, her tears now falling freely from her eyes and down her cheeks. She turned abruptly and walked out the room without giving a backwards glance at him or a single look at the rest of the group when she passed by. They were all staring back and forth at the two until she left.

Tomoyo and Rika stood up and glared at Syaoran who only glared back.

"You really are heartless" they both said in unison. They walked towards the door but stopped in front of their respective partners.

Eriol and Aki both had emotionless faces while looking at their girls.

"Anything you want to say?" Rika asked feeling very angry at him even though he didn't say anything the whole time.

"Have anything to shout at us?" Tomoyo said, feeling like she was about to cry.

Both men were silent. Eriol and Mika were disappointed at the girls' reckless actions. They didn't know if the girls have enough proficiency to take care of themselves and they were worried sick. They were thankful that they helped but what if something had happened to them? They both wanted to say something, but the glare they got from Syaoran who was behind the girls told them to shut up, so they remained emotionless.

"I can't believe you, I would've expected differently from you but clearly you feel the same" Rika hissed in anger.

"I thought you were different from him" Eriol knew Tomoyo meant Syaoran at this. "Clearly, his blood runs through your veins and you're just as heartless as he is"

Eriol felt hurt but didn't show it. No one ever told him as deep as being heartless because that's the last thing he was.

"You shouldn't have been reckless" Aki said softly still emotionless, trying not to look at Rika whose eyes started to water but still looked enraged.

"You should have just thought about your actions before you decided doing it" Tomoyo's glare faltered and now looked hurt, looking at him with tears now falling.

"So that's the thanks I get for helping? Well, your welcome you sick bastard"

Rika slapped Aki across the face and stomped away and out the room. Aki fell silent, looking down on the ground.

"Shit" he muttered to himself.

"I hate you. I don't know what made me like you in the first place" Tomoyo slapped him and cried even more, leaving the room trying to wipe her tears with the back of her palm.

Silence filled the air until Mei Lin decided to break it.

"Syaoran, you really are the greatest prat in the world" Mei Lin screamed in irritation at her cold-hearted cousin. "The least you could do is let Eriol and Aki say what they felt. Not let them suffer just coz you did from Sakura"

"What I did was right, they shouldn't have been reckless in the first place" he said in a low voice.

"You may be right but they were only worried about you! Especially Sakura who's the one who did most of it by saving you and having her first time to kill a person, and you should've let Eriol and Aki tell Tomoyo and Rika instead of making them shut up and let the girls think that both of them felt the same as you coz they didn't. You may control them in the gang but you don't control their personal lives and love issues. Don't make them suffer in terms of love just coz you are suffering in that department"

Syaoran's head shot up towards her and he glared hard.

"And don't give me that glare. That glare can't do anything to me other than give you an eye burn. Now do what is damn right and apologize to Sakura!" she turned towards Eriol and Aki. "I also can't believe you are that damn intimidated to even speak what you really felt. Especially you Eriol" Eriol looked away at Mei Lin's glare only because of the truth of her statement. Mei Lin now turned to Mika, which was unexpected. "Mika, I also know that if Naoko had joined the girls earlier today, you would've been in the same position as these losers" she pointed at Eriol and Aki's direction. "I suggest you and these other two grow some balls while you have time to do so. I also can't believe you guys think that us girls are too fragile to take care of ourselves. How freaking weak do you think we are? You guys are sooo irritating!" she screamed the last statement to no one in particular before walking out the room.

Eriol and Aki turned and followed her, slowly walking out of the room, each having their own battle in their heads about what to tell and how to explain to the girls.

Mika and Naoko held hands and followed the two men out the room, leaving Syaoran to himself, standing in the middle of the large living room alone.

"What shit did I get myself into this time?" he hissed, getting mad at himself for letting his irate personality get over him again.

How could something so little as this create such a huge disaster?

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