The perfect gentleman ✓

By xoxek_12

24.7K 1.6K 135

Nicola and Colwen have been friends since childhood, could it possibly lead into anything more. *** Meet Nic... More

The perfect gentleman
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
★Thanks for Reading

Chapter 2

2.5K 186 12
By xoxek_12

Nicola Heights

3 February

I stared at the cup of coffee in front of me as I tried recalling my dating history for the last five years. Colwen and I were in a coffee shop, it was just about an hour before work.

I had ordered a cup of coffee while Colwen was drinking one he had brought from home with some cookies he had ordered.

He never ordered coffee in a restaurant or anywhere, he always insisted I made him coffee. Apparently, to him, it tasted different which I found to be a complete lie.

"I think I need to move out, " I said breaking the silence. Colwen choked on his coffee and then spat it back into the cup

"I'm sorry what," Colwen said. He folded his newspaper to the side, giving me his full attention.

"I've been doing some thinking and I've come to the conclusion that you are the reason I don't have a boyfriend," I answered.

"That is absolute nonsense, you are just trying to blame me for your bad taste in men." He said defensive.

"No, I'm just beginning to see a pattern. Every time a guy tries to get close to me, you always find a way to chase them away." I answered.

"I don't chase anyone away. Besides, two days ago was a coincidence. I just wanted to get some fresh air when the two of you appeared" He answered.

"Half-naked?" I stated.

Eden Still hasn't texted back, I'm not too sure I blame him

"It is not as if I was fully naked. Besides, it's not my fault they feel threatened by me." He stated.

"This is why I need to move out. You act like a big baby." I spoke.

"I am not a baby; I can perfectly take care of myself." He answered.

I raised my eyebrow. "Try and live without texting me for just one hour. You can't even have coffee without me or eat, apparently. "I said defensively.

"That is all your fault, you made me too depended on your presence." He spoke.

Talking to him was useless, this was not the first time we were having this conversation.

"Besides, if you leave. I'll just text you till you come back." He joked.

I shook my head at him.

"One day it's not going to stay like this. You'll have to learn to be without me." I stated.

"We'll see," he answered.

He returned his attention to the newspaper he had been reading.

I then carried on drinking my coffee and ate the chocolate cake I had ordered. Colwen ended up eating most of my cake anyways.

"What are you doing for Valentine's Day?" I asked Colwen out of the blue.

"Are you asking me out?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No, silly. I just want to know." I said."

"What if I just want to spend time with you?" He asked.

I had never seen him out this serious. I can tell he was in the mood to joke around today.

"It's fine, I already know the answer," I said.

Colwen had a lengthy list of female 'friends', each one more desperate than the other.

He was never intimate with any of them. He just loved to play around with their feelings.
My guess was that he was probably going to be with one of them, maybe all of them.

"Why are you so worried about Valentine's Day this much?" He asked.

"I don't know. "I answered. "I just don't want to do the same thing every year, sit around and watch a rom-com that I've watched a thousand times."

"We could do what we always do, get each other gifts and stuff," Colwen suggested.

"You can get me a gift on Christmas and for my birthday. This is getting a little sad." I answered truthfully.

I rested in my chair, taking the last sip of my now cold coffee.

Just then, an old boyfriend walked into the cafe.

We dated about six months back for about a month. There wasn't any real chemistry or an attraction between us, so we decided to end things on a good note.

Although we said we would stay in contact, we never spoke again after that.

He looked in my direction, and for about a second, we made eye contact before he looked away.

What was that all about?

"Ethan," I called out his name.

He looked back at me surprised. Maybe he had not realized it was me.

"Nicola, I hadn't seen you there."

He said as he approached our table.

Ethan looked at Colwen then quickly turned away.
It was as if he was avoiding any eye contact with Colwen.

Colwen didn't make an effort either to acknowledge his presence. The two of them were well acquainted with each other, I don't know why they were avoiding each other.

"So, how have you been?" I asked.

"I've been good." He answered with a nod. "I see you doing good?" He spoke

"Yes," I answered.

"Well... I really have to go, but it was great seeing you again." Ethan said.

Before I got another word in, he was already walking away.
He left the cafe without getting his order, which led to my first suspect.

"What did you do to him? The poor guy looked terrified." I said to Colwen.

"Nothing." He denied. "Are you going to blame me for every one of your failed relationships?" He spoke.

In less than ten minutes, Colwen and I left the cafe to start our day off at work.


Colwen allowed me to leave work a little earlier, mostly because I need to run some errands for him.

I went to the grocery store and brought some food items on the list. Colwen ate like a mad person, we were running out of snacks at home.

After that, I had to an ATM, Colwen needed me to withdraw $2000 for him, but he didn't say what it was for. I found this strange because he didn't handle cash. He didn't say what it was for.

I carefully placed the cash into my handbag, making sure no one was watching.

I was on my way to get a cab when I was shoved to the ground.

I hit the ground hard, the two bags of food falling out of my hands.

I looked up to see who had pushed me. Cold, green eyes stared at me for a second before grabbing my bag.

The man ran away, covering his face with a black hoodie.

"Hey!" I heard a stranger yell across the street.

He then began following the man who had just robbed me.

I couldn't register what had happened.

He had just stolen my phone, all Colwen's bank cards, a few personal belongings along with the $2000.

I sat there shaking in fear.

That's when I felt a sharp pain in my ankle.

"The going to be okay," I whispered trying to pull myself together.

A few other strangers who had just witnessed the incident helped me up to my feet as I leaned all my weight on my one leg.

Another called the police, someone helped me collect the food items that were now scattered on the ground.

"Are you okay ma'am?" A boy asked. "Do you need anything?"

"I'm okay," I said trying to reassure the crowd surrounding me.

Someone helped me to a nearby bench as I tried to think of my next move.

Someone assured me that the police weren't going to come, apparently this was a popular crime hotspot. They were sick of reporting these incidences and no actions had been taken.

One by one, the crowd started to disappear.

My mind had still not processed the whole incident. Nearly twenty minutes later, the man I had seen across the street came back panting towards me.

He was out of breath, with sweat brewing on his forehead.

He dropped my bag onto my lap and then landed heavily on the bench beside me.

He pressed his hand on his chest as he tried to catch his breath.

"Thank you so much," I said hugging my bag.

"I couldn't hold the guy down, I only managed to get the bag." He said in between breaths.

"I can't begin to thank you enough. "I said happily.

I searched through the content of my bag to see that everything was in place, including the $2 000.

''It was nothing, I only did what any person would have done." He spoke.

By now everyone else was gone, it was only me and the man who had rescued my bag.

"I'm Dennis by the way." He said holding out his hand.

"Nicola," I said shaking his hand.

He smiled at me. "One can never be too careful these days. I hope he didn't hurt you?" He spoke.

"I'm okay, "I said. I shifted my leg, reminding myself of the pain.

"That doesn't look too good, do you need anything?" He asked.

"I'll be okay, I just need a cab to go home." I insisted.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes," I answered.

He smiled again then stood up to arrange a cab.

He helped me with the groceries into the cab, after helping me into the cab.

"Please take care of her," he said to the driver.

I waved him goodbye as we drove away.

Colwen was busy call when I arrived limping into the house.

"What happened?" He asked cutting the call.

He rushed over to me, wrapping his hand around my waist, and helped me to the couch.

"I got robbed," I answered.

I then began explaining the whole incident to him.

He listened intently as he rubbed my hand in circular motions.

Once I was done explaining what had happened, he rushed out of the room and came back with a first aid kit.

He placed both my legs on his lap. He then began gently removing my shoes and the socks I had been wearing.

I felt a shiver down my spine as his cold hand made contact with my skin.

"It's just sprained ankle," He whispered.

He then placed some ice causing me to shrink back.

"It's okay," He whispered again.

He then started blowing onto my leg while he gently placed the ice.

I didn't know what was causing me to shiver, the ice or his hot bream fanning my leg.

I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin. It felt as if he was ticking me.

I've been bee always been close to Colwen, but for the first time, I felt like I needed him to move away before I did something stupid. He was causing a sensation that I had never experienced before.

Nearly seven minutes later, he then started wrapping a bandage around my leg.

"It will be all better,'' He said once he had finished.

"My leg is a bit sore, could you please get me some chips in the cupboard," I asked innocently.

"Why don't I kiss it better instead?" He asked in his overconfident tone.

To my surprise he did, he gently placed kisses on my leg as I felt him travel up.

I needed him away from me.

"You are acting weird today," I said kicking him with my free leg.

"That is why you love me," He answered.

That night, I fell asleep to Colwen massaging my legs.

I don't recall the rest of what happened.


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