Forbidden Flower of Moriarty...

By yourtypicalgirl_12

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"You are the pure flower trapped inside this cage of evil." Elise Moriarty is the youngest and the only daugh... More

Prologue: The Moriarty's only daughter
Chapter 1: Medicine
Chapter 2: The Perfect Crime
Chapter 3: A New Place
Chapter 4: Tea Party
Chapter 5: Hidden Away
Chapter 6: Kidnapped
Chapter 7: For thirteen years...
Chapter 8: Encounter
Chapter 9: Report
Chapter 10: Annihilation
Chapter 11: Want
Special Chapter 1: Gift
Chapter 12: I'm sorry
Chapter 13: Be honest
Chapter 14: Rivalry
Special Chapter 2: College
Chapter 15: Troubles and worries
Chapter 16: A visit to Baker Street, 221 B
Chapter 17: Fear
Chapter 18: Good morning.
Chapter 19: Silent Prima Donna
Chapter 20: Negotiation
Chapter 21: Old and new comrades
Chapter 22: Whitechapel
Chapter 23: A game of tag
Special chapter 3: Reason
Halloween Fanarts
Chapter 24: A small step
Chapter 25: The Durham guest
Chapter 26: Moriarty Tea Party/Battlefield
Chapter 27: Turmoil
Chapter 28: Enemy
Chapter 29: Lend a hand
Chapter 30: Admit
Chapter 32: Sign
Chapter 33: His final wish
Chapter 34: Connecting the dots
Chapter 35: Bearing the cross
Chapter 36: Live
Chapter 37: I will wait for him
Chapter 38: Three years
Special Chapter 4: Shopping
Chapter 39: Return
Special Chapter 5: Honest
Chapter 40: Trick
Chapter 41: Forgiveness
Special Chapter 6: Friend
Chapter 42: Reunion
Author's final note (an update)

Chapter 31: The Final Act Begins

2.1K 90 30
By yourtypicalgirl_12

A/N: You know I had this another crazy idea while I was taking a bath days ago. A modern day high school boy was transmigrated as the OG William and as soon as he realized who he is from the manga he read, he has to do his best to survive past chapter 2 without going too OOC. (Because I kinda remember OG William died around chapter 1 I think? Correct me if I'm wrong.) He thinks OOC-ing might end up him going along with the Moriarty trio and he's too lazy to join their cause (his personal reasons was that he wants the plot to progress as to what the manga indicates).

Anyways, I plan that he decided to leave the Moriarty family and change his name before the main story happens to avoid the death flag. And he lived a peaceful life in Hampshire (Or so he thought.)

Maybe I could ship him with another male OC who is his personal butler of sort who is loyal af to him but his personality is like someone who enjoys roasting and sassing others except his master. (Also secretly possessive, lol, I might scrap this idea). Or it depends. I'll make this Shounen Ai. Anyways, they won't affect the canon storyline at all. They are just being... There. For the sake of existing.

I do not own the pic above used, credits to the mangaka.

Anyhowsss, happy reading!!


Looking at the scene right now, the Lord of Crimes, the Blackmail King and London's famous detective facing each other with their guns drawn in a room, it is rather an odd combination forcibly brought together.

Each has their own reasons for going after Milverton; William wanted to kill him as he is a thorn to their plan, Sherlock only wanted to get the evidence that was used to blackmail Mary so John could marry her without any issues.

Milverton was full of himself, thinking that he has the upperhand against the two geniuses. To force William to surrender and to force Sherlock to arrest the Lord of Crimes. He thinks that the blackmail material was enough to force them to do his play for his own amusement.

But both men proved him wrong.

Rather, Sherlock was delighted that the Lord of Crimes was William and he was here in the same situation as him, something Milverton was not able to foresee. He didn't expect the two were already familiar with each other.

In frustration and desperation after he was cornered instead, Milverton was about to jump off from the balcony. At the same time when he jumped, Sherlock shot him on the back and fell to his death.

The gunshot did not go unnoticed by those who were fighting in the lower floor, which prompted them to halt their fight. Louis and the mercenary he's fighting with saw Milverton's body fall from the second floor to the sea below the cliff.

Elise and Fred didn't see the body fall but they also heard the gunshot.

With Milverton dead, it will be reported that the Lord of Crimes is William James Moriarty throughout the country. Sherlock cannot prove that he is the Lord of Crimes with just the circumstantial evidence of him being here right now, so he cannot arrest him that easily.

"...But that's just a wild guess." The ravenette says before lighting a cigarette.

"It's already obvious." William tells him blandly.

"That's right, Liam." He threw the matchstick that was burning to the nearest curtain. "Does Lis know that you are the Lord of Crimes?"

"...If I answer it truthfully, will you go after her like you are to me?"

So she had been an accomplice from the start. It was no surprise seeing how close they are and they share the same humor. Sherlock already suspected that the whole siblings are accomplices of each other.

No wonder Mycroft laughed at him when he mentioned the topic about the Lord of Crimes being a woman.

"If I do, are you going to kill me?"

"...That would depend on the situation." William replies flatly with his gun still aimed at him. "After all, the medicine that would save Elise lies in your hands. If I kill you now, I would be killing her only hope for surviving."

"Sounds about right. You basically owe me for saving her life now."

"After I made you the best detective in London? Neither Elise or I owe you anything else. The favor is already repaid, making us even."

Sherlock puffed out a smoke from his cigarette in thought. "That works perfectly fine to me. You made me into the best detective in London, a hero who exposes the misdeeds of the nobility."

William still hasn't put down his gun as the other continued. "It's not just that, either... Behind every case, there has been a shadow of you. In other words, I've always been dancing in the palm of your hand. Hell, even with the creation of your sister's medicine. But..."

Sherlock smirked. "You never imagined that I would kill Milverton, did you?"

The blond's eyes remained indifferent since earlier.

Meanwhile, the fire was already eating up the curtain it is slowly building up. Sherlock continued. "Not everything is going to go your way... I can't let you do this. This is where the game gets serious, Liam!"

Onyx eyes burned with determination like the fire burning beside him. "I'll be the one to reveal everything about you. I'm going to catch you in my own way!"

Silence falls on the two until William spoke his reply. "My reply to those words is the same as before."

His lips curled to a challenging smirk as he repeated what he told him previously.

"Catch me if you can, Sherlock."

Sherlock accepted his challenge. "Yeah... Without a doubt...!"

William slowly stepped back to the door while his gun never left Sherlock's direction. When he was nearly out of the room, he paused and asked him another question.

"How is the progress of her medicine?"

For the first time since arriving to Milverton's manor, William's expression wavered for a moment and there is this worried expression on his face. Sherlock notes that at the mention of his sister's name is where the man is most expressive.

"It's already done." The detective said in reply. "You can get it if you want to. I'll tell John to give it to you once you go to my place. However, there are side effects that I haven't dealt yet."

The blond's ruby red eyes narrowed slightly. "What are the side effects?"

"It's not really harmful but... it is only to be expected. Liam, your sister will..."





William's expression didn't even change to surprise when he heard what he said. Instead, he closed his eyes in resignation before opening them.

"I understand. I'll have someone get them for me." He says before smiling a little. "Many thanks, Sherlock Holmes."

However, Sherlock was not satisfied with how accepting he is even after hearing the result. Heck, it even surprised him. "...You... After hearing what I said, are you really okay with the result?"

He was observing the blond's reaction for some any clue or reason for his answer. In response to his question, William offered him a close eyed smile.

"Even if it there is no side effects, I've already prepared something beforehand. It was fortunate the side effects exists."

His eyes widened as he stared at him in disbelief. He even called it fortunate. "Are you serious...?"

"...I have always been."

Sherlock wanted to ask more, he wanted to know his reasons, but the other party already left. Sighing, he went to Milverton's desk and found the evidences of Mary's past and burned them on the fire.


Fire swallowed the whole mansion when John and some Brighton officers arrived at the scene. At a distance stood a lone figure. It was Sherlock Holmes.

"Sherlock!" John runs and calls out to him. "Are you okay?!"

"Yeah, I'm just fine." He walked closer to John and spoke in a low voice that only he can hear. "...Mary's evidence has been incinerated. It's okay. You can be at ease."

John was relieved after hearing that. Seeing his friend's eased expression, Sherlock was glad he was able to help him. "John, I have a favor to ask."

"What is it?"

"Remember the medicine I told you about? I want you to get it and give it to someone who is asking for it. You know where it is located in my room."

"W-Wait, how do I know if I'm giving it to the right person? To who should I give it?" John slightly panicked at that. He also wanted to ask for his reasons but he stopped his self from asking further. Not when Sherlock seemed to be troubled by it.

"You don't have to worry about that. Stay at 221B for the time being until someone arrives. I'm leaving this to you, John. A life will be saved once you do this." He walked past him to face the officers. "...Brighton officers?"

"What the hell is this... Why is Sir Milverton's villa on fire...?!" The chief asks after seeing the large scale fire.

"...It's a long story...Let's start with the conclusion." Sherlock brought out his gun for them to see. "I shot and killed Milverton with this gun. Arrest me at once."


Meanwhile, somewhere in the abandoned pathway stood three people waiting for one last person. Just earlier, as soon as Milverton was killed, the mercenaries also left since their client is dead and there's nothing left for them to do.

Almost as if in perfect timing, the moment their opponents left, Elise slumped down and felt stinging pain in her chest again. She already anticipated for this to happen and she was mentally prepared for the damage.

Fred helped her steady on her feet until they found Louis, who glanced at her worriedly after the lad told him what happened. Just as planned, once Milverton is killed, the three must leave first and wait for William in their planned location so they could return back to their manor. Elise was somehow back on her feet after her attack had passed.

Moments later, William arrived. Seeing that three were not harmed at least, his expression shows relief that they were fine. Although he also knew that Elise's attack happened, he was relieved that she didn't cough up blood this time.

Fred sat in front of the carriage and took the reins while the Moriarty siblings stayed inside and sped away.

"It's all my fault..." William's expression was down when he explained what happened. "Milverton was eliminated as a result, but... I made Holmes commit murder in such a place..."

"It's not your fault, nii-san." Louis tells him. "It was his choice to kill Milverton for us."

"...It is, Louis..." He says. "I didn't mean to make him kill someone so quickly."



Elise looked at him worriedly when he clutched his head as he continued.

"Vigilantism outside of the law... I thought it would be the toughest hurdle for him to clear..."

Both youngest shared a look in worry.

"...Elise, do you know why I didn't let you and Louis assist me before? Why I don't want to let you kill?" The older blond asked without raising his head.

She was silent for a moment before replying. "It was because... You don't want our hands to be tainted with blood. Killing one person... It is the same as killing another..."

William nodded and slightly raised his head. "That's right. Killing one person is the same as killing another. In other words..."

Louis's eyes widened as a chill ran down his spine while Elise silently made a fist when they saw the expression on William's face as he spoke his next words.

"Now he is definitely going to kill me as well..."

Elise was having none of that of what he is saying and gripped his hand while looking up at him. The panic and worry that was reflected in her green eyes pained William inwardly.

"D-Don't say...something like that..." She tells him in a shaky voice. "Don't say it..."

She slightly looked down and William could clearly see her lower lip trembling. "You said it before... We function as one, our demise is also one... Because we are family and we carry this sin together until the very end... William... don't say like... you're doing this alone..."

He didn't say anything in reply yet a million of emotions were swimming in his eyes as he looked at the young woman in front of him. Yet he still didn't say anything and opted to bring her hands to his forehead wordlessly. Whether it is for apologizing for what he said or he is just basking under her warmth, William couldn't tell it himself why.

All he knows is that, he needs to hold her hand.

"...Let's get started..." William tells them. "It's time for judgment on all of the demons we have listed."

Elise's hand tensed and Louis looked at his brother in concern.

"But...nii-san, being killed by Holmes was not in our plans." The younger brother says. "Is the change in response to the fact that "Your name is reported as the criminal lord" story that Milverton was working on?"

"...That will not affect the big picture. We will proceed as expected."

He said it with such determination and fearlessness that Louis believed his older brother. However, he cannot help but feel the uneasiness growing inside him.

"...I understand."

He glanced at Elise, whose eyes never left William, and the sense of uneasiness only seems to grow.


As soon as they arrived to the Moriarty house, Elise's attack relapsed. But this time, she's now coughing up blood. William let her lean to him as they walked to the house. She denied to be carried and insisted that she can still walk, albeit weakly. Once they reached the front door, Jack and Albert were there to greet them.

"M-My apologies..." She breathed shakily before covering her mouth for another short times of painful coughs. "And I promised not be a burden because of my weakness... I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologize, Elise. Here, I'll take you to your room." Albert gently supports his sister, even though she insisted she can walk properly, before looking at the blond. "William, I'll take it from here. You, Louis and Fred should rest first."

"Thank you, nii-san." He then faced Elise and gently touched her cheek. "Rest well, Elise. I'll see you later."

"Mhm. Thank you, William." She smiled shortly before being escorted her older brother. That small smile of assurance she would always give still never fails to put an ease and send warmth in his heart.

"It's good to see that you boys were unharmed and little Ellie seems to be uninjured as well." Jack tells them with a relieved smile. "This old man taught you everything he knows after all. Well then, I'll go first. I have to prepare little Ellie's tea medicine. Haah... Be honest, little Will, her illness has gotten worse, hasn't it?"

William was silent for a moment. He already knows that truth a long time ago yet he refused to acknowledge it. And he never will.

"It will be all right soon. Elise will get better." He tells him. And he believed she will.

The old butler smiled proudly to the young blond before leaving to his duties. The older blond then faced his younger brother.

"Louis, gather everyone to the meeting place. This time... don't tell Elise."

Louis' ruby red eyes widened a little in surprise. "Right now, nii-san?"

He nodded. "Her attack happened twice in one night so she'll be resting for a few hours to recuperate. It's... both fortunate and unfortunate. Make sure she has no idea about this meeting as well, Louis."

Louis still hasn't budged in his place. The younger thinks that something does not feel right.

"Louis?" William calls out to him after seeing him space out, to which he snapped from his thoughts.

"Nii-san... Is it all right if I ask for your reasons why..?"

"...You'll know it later. Please, Louis."

Louis looked like he wanted to ask more. To be clarified even further. But since his older brother asks him to, he eventually obeyed and went ahead first.

Once he disappeared from the hallways, William turned to Fred, who was waiting for his orders.

"Fred," he begins. "There is something I want you to get for me."


John could not stop pacing back and forth in the living room of 221B. He wanted to go the Yard after Sherlock surrendered his self and claimed he killed Milverton. He knows that Sherlock is indeed an eccentric man and his mind can be difficult to comprehend. But not on that level he would do something like this...!

Miss Hudson didn't even try tell him that he is almost holing the floor with his pacing. He knows that even the older woman was worried despite her usual nagging of Sherlock's unpaid rent. And so is he. Of course he is glad that Mary is free from worries and those information that could harm their marriage. But at the cost of Sherlock's sacrifice? That doesn't sit well with him.

Oh how he wanted to give the detective a piece of his mind.

But he couldn't leave just yet. Not after Sherlock asked him to do a favor.

"He was vague about the information.... How in the hell am I supposed to know I've given it to the right person?!" He mentally shrieked and messed his hair. "Furthermore... The side effects are still..."

Suddenly, there was a knock from outside, effectively cutting him off from his thoughts.

John stopped and opened the door to see who it was. He was greeted by the sight of a shorter girl. Her black hair was slightly covered with a headscarf and she was wearing seemingly old and dull dress.

"Ano... Good morning, sir. I'm sorry for coming here so early at this time..." The young lady looked nervous before asking him. Her voice sounded a little raspy and the doctor was worried that she may not be feeling well. "Is Holmes-san here?"

"I'm sorry but, he's currently out at the moment. I am his flatmate, John H. Watson. Is there anything you want to ask?"

John thought it was strange for a girl like her to come at 221B at around two in the morning. Could this girl really be the one Sherlock meant? Then again, he didn't specify if it's a man or woman, old or young, noble or not.

He only told him to give the medicine to someone who is asking for it.

The girl blinked and looked up at him. "I'm here for the medicine that Holmes-san made. Ano... Is it done now?"

"Yes. Are you here to get it?"

She nodded.

John thought that she doesn't seem to be that suspicious but then again, this young girl came for a visit at two in the bloody morning... Who wouldn't be suspicious of that?

But even so, his instincts tells him that this girl meant no harm.

"Please do enter, miss." John, being a gentleman he is, led the young girl inside and gestured at the chair for her to sit on. "May I ask for your name, if it's all right?"

She pondered for a moment before replying. "Elena."

"Miss Elena, please wait here for a moment. I'll get the medicine."

He went to his Sherlock's room and saw the medicine he meant already packed in a small paper bag with a note attached. Confirming that this is the medicine Sherlock made, he took it and went back downstairs where the girl is waiting for him.

"Um, is it all right to ask for who the medicine is for...?"

He was afraid he might be asking too much questions but the girl doesn't seem to mind answering his questions.

"This medicine is for my older sister. This medicine is for her to get better for good."

John didn't have the heart to tell her about the side-effects after seeing the hopeful and desperate look in her onyx eyes. As what Sherlock told him, the side effects is not really harmful the the health but rather...

He shook his head and handed the medicine to her, to which she gratefully accepted.

"Thank you very much." She tells him with an appreciative nod. "Well then, I'll be taking my leave. Please tell Holmes-san my sister and I are thankful for the cure, Watson-san."

Elena stood up from her seat and bowed again before going to the door.

"Wait!" John calls out to her before she could leave. "I should escort you on your way home. It's dangerous for a young lady to be out at this hour."

The girl shook her head. "It's all right, Watson-san. I know my way around the streets."

And with that, she left the building and started walking to the streets. John sat back on the couch and exhaled loudly. Everything's not making sense to him since last night and it's almost driving him mad.

Since what Sherlock asked for him is now done, John grabbed his coat and left the apartment building to Scotland Yard, where Sherlock is currently taken to.


At the Moriarty residence, everyone was gathered for a meeting as William handed them the final plan. All were present, with the exception of Elise.

"...Oh?" Albert just finished reading the written plan the older blond made. "William, this plan... If my memory is correct, it seems to be a little different from what I've heard before?"

"That... That's right!" Louis agrees as he can no longer contain his opposition of the final plan. "It's totally different! Nii-san's name is in the paper! It was supposed to be all of us in the mansion and as we were reported, we were to carry on into the darkness and continue the operation! Why are standing here and letting nii-san bear this on his own?! With this... It will be seen by the public as though he were a criminal!! If brother goes, then I too-"

"Louis." Moran cuts him off. "William's plans and orders are absolute. It doesn't do any good to bring up the story anymore." He then looks at William. "Is that why you didn't let Elise join in this conversation, William?"

Louis glanced at his older brother in worry as William looks down in thought.

"You didn't let her join because you know she also opposes this plan. That's why you want to keep this plan from her." Moran continues. "Am I right?"

William did not try to deny it yet he didn't say anything.

They all know how much the older blond loves the youngest Moriarty and she to him. Like Louis, they all know that her opposition will be strongest if she were here right now. He couldn't bear to make her hurt herself for opposing strongly. It's no wonder he decided to keep it from her. With Elise now resting in her quarters, only Louis is presently opposed to his plan.

Almost everyone in the room has accepted the final plan. Almost.

"William, the plan was a little different from before but I know you." Albert says as he shifted the topic back to his plans. "You have something in mind, don't you? We can keep the mansion alive for the time being."

William lowered his head to the head of the Moriarty family. "Yes... I'm sorry, nii-san. You will have to bear the burden of denunciation."

"Compared to the burden you are trying to shoulder alone, it is no trouble at all." Albert tells him in assurance. "However, how are you going to deal with Elise? Eventually, she'll find this out. She can be quite perceptive, after all."

The remaining members looked at each other in worry in thinking how the mentioned young woman will react.

"... I'll handle Elise. Please leave her to me, nii-san."

"...All right."

"Once you kill all of the aristocrats on that list, many workers will lose their jobs." Jack says. "It is not difficult to imagine that those men will come stampeding here. Hah... But then, I am accustomed to dealing with that rough-mannered lot. Please leave the responsibility of the mansion to us, Lord William."

"Yes, I ask you, Sensei." William nods to the old butler in appreciation.

However, Louis still could not accept it. He's stopping him not only because he is concerned of his older brother, but also he was thinking of how Elise would feel. "There's no need for any of this... Nii-san, if you would just throw away the mansion and hide yourself... If ever, flee somewhere with Elise..."

Moran frowns at the younger man's persistence. "You-"

"Louis-kun." Bond speaks up. "You think that you will not be able to support Will-kun when you dive into the darkness, right?"

They all turned their attention to the blue-eyed blond, who offered Louis an assured smile. "If you are worried that Will-kun will be alone, don't worry. "Dead humans" like us can help much more than we ever could before. Fred thinks so too, right?"

Fred didn't answer as he was deep in his own thoughts.


"Eh? Ah... I'm sorry... I'm just thinking a bit..." The younger lad apologized. His expression was conflicted yet he seemed afraid to speak up his thoughts and Louis took notice of that.

"... The story is over. From now on..." William stood up from his seat and declared. "Start the "Final Problem"."

Louis looked down as he still refused to agree to his plan, but he didn't dare speak up again.

William then faced Fred who also looked a little distracted. "Fred, I take it that you retrieved what I asked you earlier?"

"Ah, yes, William-sama." The raven haired lad pulled out the brown paper bag from his inner pocket and handed it to him. "Ano... With this medicine, Elise-sama will be cured for good, right?"

A smile formed on the blond's lips. A relieved one, but for some reason, with a hint of sadness.

"Yes. That's right." He looked at the small paper bag that contained the cure for her suffering. "Elise will finally be cured. Thank you for getting it for me, Fred. You have my thanks."

Fred shook his head. "I also want Elise-sama to be cured as well, so I'm glad I was of help."

William nodded at him before facing the others.

"After I talk to Elise, we'll start the operation."

He then saw Albert give him a look and he was reminded of their private conversation a few days ago. It was when he approached the older Moriarty and talked to him about a few things.


"Nii-san, I am here to talk to you about... the possibilities in the future." William starts after they are alone in the study room.

"What is it?"

"In the near future... I wish for Elise not to partake in the final plan." He says. "And I hope that Albert-nii-san would agree with this decision. I know that you are supportive the most of Elise's decision, no matter how dangerous it is. Even though Elise would want to continue with the operation until the end, I hope that this time, you'll allow me to prevent her from doing so."

Albert already sensed what he is going at. "I assume... You have your reasons, then, William?"

He nodded, his eyes filled with fondness and guilt when he thinks of his beloved. "I am doing this... for her... and to ensure everything we did will not go to waste... Please, Albert-nii-san."

"William... Are you saying that... you will shoulder the burden on your own?"

"For Elise and for this country's change, I am more than willing to do so." He replied seriously. "I've made up my mind, nii-san. This won't change our goal of creating equality."

And with that, Albert didn't press even more.

"All right. If you say so." He says as he gave his consent. "I know it's too late for us to back down now, considering we are at this stage. We can only press forward."

"Yes... Thank you, Albert-nii-san. And... I'm sorry for putting you through this."

Albert's eyes were gentle as he looked at his brother. "Don't be. I know that this must be even harder for you. Elise's wishes are something I support and value but, I also consider your feelings to be important since you are my brother too. Are you... Are you quite sure with what you're asking me to?"

"...Yes, nii-san... I have to, before I change my mind. Thank you."


William is now in front of Elise's quarters, on his hand was a tray with a pitcher of water and an empty glass. The medicine resting next to them, still in its paper bag.

He read Sherlock's note about the medicine previously before going straight to her room. Additionally, he also mentioned the amount of dosage she should take.

She only had to take 2 capsules in order to fully cure her.

Yes. Capsules. Sherlock created the cure in capsule form rather than in powder that can be made as a tea. William thought that the detective created it in a more convenient way that can be easily swallowed.

And it works perfectly well for the blond's favor.

William opened the door and entered her room. Elise was still sleeping on the bed so he placed the tray on the table before sitting on the edge of her bed. He smiled fondly at the sleeping figure before stroking her hair.

He didn't want to wake her up yet, but time is running short. He leaned close to her ear and spoke softly. "Elise, wake up."

His hand then moved to her cheek as his thumb brushed lightly at the edges of her lashes, which somehow prompted her to wake up.


His smile was apologetic as he tucked her hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry for waking you up, my dear."

She sat up from the bed and shook her head before smiling warmly. "Mhmm. It's fine. You must have wanted to talk to me."

Elise shifted a bit to sit next to him on the edge of the bed. Her hair was still slightly messed up for lying down for some time and his hand automatically brushed that stray strands of hair.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better." She slightly looked down. "My apologies, William. Earlier, when I was fighting that mercenary, I was angered when I remembered what they did to Lord Whiteley's brother and after it was all over..."

"It's all right. I understand your anger."

"What about you, William?"


She held her hands together on her lap. "What Sir Milverton did... I'm worried now that your name will soon be released as the Lord of Crimes. I'm worried for the aftermath... And of you..."

William could feel his heart wavering after seeing the worried look she has on her face. What he is about to do... What he is planning to do... William was afraid that his determination will crumble when he'll see her anguished face if she knew.

But he also didn't want to push her away. No matter how many times he would say in his mind that he is doing this for her sake, the stubborn and selfish side of him wanted to stay by her side. It was his heart screaming and yearning for her.

And yet the part of him he considers tainted and full of sin, made him hesitate to follow his heart. It was as stubborn as his heart.

"It was bound to happen sooner or later." He tells her softly. "Even though my name is revealed, it won't change a thing with the final act."

The final act... in which Elise is not supposed to partake.

"...Then the blame would shift to you instead of the whole Moriarty name..." She whispered, almost barely audible for him to hear.

"...It's not a problem."

"If so, then..." Elise grabbed his face and made him look at her at the face. "Why... Why are you making that face...?"

William's eyes widened. There could be no way his face was giving it away.

"Elise... What kind of face am I making right now?" He asked in a low voice.

"...Putting it to words is a little hard but..." Her caress was gentle on his skin and the worry in her emerald green eyes seem to see through his soul. "It's like... you're feeling conflicted about something and hesitant."

Because he really is.

"William, are you..."

"I'm all right, Elise." He abruptly stood up and went to the table where he kept her medicine. Externally he was acting calm like nothing was wrong but internally, his feelings were contradicting and clashing each other. "Your medicine is finally here, Elise. Holmes finished making it."

He cannot bring his self to face her.

"William, please don't change the subject and answer me honestly." Elise persisted, her voice almost shaky. "Is there something wrong?"

Ah. It really hurts. How she is genuinely concerned for him makes his heart ache.

"I'm fine, Elise." William tried to make his voice sound even at least. He still couldn't bring his self to face her to avoid her seeing his expression. "You should drink the medicine now. It's the cure for your illness."

At this point, he is only trying to run away and make excuses so his determination won't waver any longer.

"...Not until you tell me that something is wrong." She tells him before standing up.

Her stubbornness and worry are some of the things he loves about her. And this is also what he fears at the moment.

"...If there is, then it's something I can handle so you don't have to worry, Elise."

"I'm sorry..."

"...I knew it."

He recognized the pain in her voice and his head snapped to her direction, where he was greeted by the sight of her in tears.

"Elise...?" The sight stunned him and rendered him speechless for a while.

"William... Are you... planning on doing the final plan all alone?"

He could feel his blood turning cold.

The situation he feared finally happened.

She continued. "Earlier... During the carriage ride home, you... You were saying such strange things... I know you for a long time now, William. Others may not notice but, I can somehow tell. William, intend to settle things by yourself...aren't you?"

She had seen through him.

"Elise, your medicine..."

"Please don't try to change the subject or anything...!" She half-screamed at him before hugging her arms. William could hear her breathing turning a little erratic. Not good. These are some signs her attack is acting up. "William, was it because you felt responsible for the course of our actions? Was it because you don't want us to suffer the fate we originally planned to do?"

William didn't answer. And she took his silence as a yes.

"Why...?" She asked in a shaky voice. "Why would you-"

Elise's question was cut off when she felt that pain in her chest and she instinctively clutched her chest and covered her mouth.

"Elise!" William was quick to her side and he let her lean on his chest for support. He could feel the trembling from her body as she tried to even her breathing and muffle her coughs.

"Elise, I'm begging you. Please take the medicine now. Please don't be stubborn." William pleaded at her as he held her in his arms. "It's for your own good, so please take it."

"N-No, I won't drink it..."

Why is she being so stubborn?

"For what reasons? We've waited years for a cure for that illness of yours." He tells her. "You have to drink it for it to cure you for good."

Elise still shook her head and covered her mouth.

"William... I am afraid..." She admits tearfully. "I am afraid that...the moment I am cured... is the moment you will die..."

His ruby red eyes widened from her words.

"I... I know how much you love me and how you care for me, just as much how I care for you... You're a selfless man, and I love that about you... But that also scares me as well..." She started coughing again before continuing. "Both you and Albert-nii-sama... You both wanted the best for me... My freedom and my health... I... I don't want you to sacrifice yourself for my sake and for everyone else...for this country's sake..."

William could feel his arms tremble as another tear fell from her eyes. Was the trembling sensations coming from Elise or from his own? He really can't tell at this point.

He doesn't want to hear her say anymore to avoid his determination wavering but at the same time, he wanted to listen what she truly felt.

"Y-You are important as well... What is the point... of having my freedom... if you're not there by my side? I... I don' t want you to suffer alone... You... You promised to me... You won't leave me... Please... William..."

The expression on his face darkened as he looked away. The genuine concern and love that was on her pale face... Indeed, that night, he was hasty and promised that he won't leave her. Words would escape his mouth before he could even think because of her and her warmth that warms his heart.

He recalled the time Moran reminded him not to screw up in his relationship.


"The moment I made my promise to her... I had come to regret it." He says. "Because in the end, I..."

William let out a short breath and continued.

"I will have to break my promise to her..."

Moran's eyes widened. "You... William, what are you planning-"

"Moran... Years ago you asked me about my feelings to Elise." He begins. "I indeed love her, truly and deeply. Because I love her that... I could make hasty promises without thinking of the consequences to her. That was what I deeply regret."

"You dumbass. It's not a bad thing-"

"It is." He insisted to the point Moran shut his mouth after seeing his expression. "Because I don't want to hurt her. From the start, I don't want her go down the same path as me. The sins I bear... I don't want her to be tainted even more. Yet, I cannot stand the idea of not being with her."

William was already clutching his head as he let out a bitter laugh. "It's strange, isn't it? I was never like this before I confessed to Elise. But, confessing to her was something I never regretted. Making promises that I will break in the future... That's what I regret the most."

"...Do you really regret it?"

"...Without a doubt."


Part of him doesn't regret it though. Only a small fraction of it. He doesn't know why a small part of him does.

Upon holding her like this and seeing her make that face, William couldn't bear it any longer. Before he'll waver any further, he has to do it now.

"Elise... I'm sorry..."

With the woman still in his arms, he grabbed two capsules of the medicine from the table placed them in his mouth and drank some water. Before Elise could react, William cupped her face and lowered his lips to hers, closing the distance with a kiss.

William was giving her the medicine through a kiss.

He made his way into her mouth to push the medicine inside. Realizing what he was planning to do, Elise tried to get away, but her already weakened state was not helping. She could try kick him, but she was too soft to him and she really couldn't bring herself to hurt him.

William knows that and uses it to his advantage. He could have done other methods but, this kiss is also like a message to her.

Elise could only clutch the sleeves of his clothes in an attempt to shake him off. She tries, tries to prevent herself from swallowing.

But it was useless, since William has no plans on letting her go until she swallowed it.

"I'm sorry, Elise..."

Water was leaking from the corners of their mouth as he continued kissing her.

"I've become greedy. I've been basking to your kindness and warmth that I don't deserve. The moment we confessed our feelings, I started yearning for more when I managed to hold back these feelings for thirteen years. Is it okay for me to want you more when I have dragged you to this sin? I'm afraid I can't find the answer for that..."

William could feel her grip turning weak.

"I don't want to see you tainted any further. It might be my own selfishness but I've always been selfish of my decisions when it comes to you. My darling Elise, you have been my light. The blood on my hands can never be cleaned.

But you... you continued to accept me. Love me and give me reason to keep going. But the only way for me to redeem this guilt I shouldered alone is to die by myself. You're the purest woman I have ever meet and your sincerity and kindness knows no bounds. That's why, even though I love you and I want to stay with you, your happiness and freedom is what I wish."

Elise's arms finally went slack and she had swallowed the medicine and water.

"I cannot drag you from this pits of hell I created. You have continued to help and support me and our ideals and I thank you for that. I am always grateful for your help."

When William parted their lips, Elise's body slumped down in his arms as she lost conscious. The expression on his face was hidden by his hair as he lifted her like a princess before settling her gently down on the bed.

"I'm sorry for breaking my promise, my dear."

He leaned down and touched her tear-stained cheeks. As always, she looks so peaceful in her sleep and it somehow brought a smile to his lips, despite their current situation. His fingers brushed her chestnut brown hair before it touched the petals of her camellia hair ornament.

Ruby red eyes with unshed tears stared gently and fondly to this unconscious young woman before he lowered his head and kissed her forehead.

"I do love you, Elise. I will always love you. I'm sorry and... live well..."


It's not really harmful but... it is only to be expected. Liam, your sister will fall into a comatose state for five days in order for her to recover.



A/N: Happy Valentines :-)

This was super lengthy... word count is about 7k words nearing 8k I think...

Anyways, how are you feeling after this?

And my worries be like, am I even making sense here at this point?? Let me know your thoughts!

Love you guys and stay safe <3

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