The one with Gabriella|| Joey...

By Alva_3212

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I thought today would be normal but little did i know that when i walked in to the coffe shop i would meet my... More



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By Alva_3212

Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica, Gabby and Phoebe are sitting at the table, Joey and Chandler enter.

Chandler: Hey.

Monica and Phoebe: Hey.

Joey: Hey. he says as he walkes to gabby and kiss her.

Phoebe: Ooh, look at you fancy lads. What's the occasion?

Joey: Well, you know that guy that's on my show that's in a coma? He's havin' a brunch.

Phoebe: Ahh.

Rachel: [enters from her room] OK, ready when you guys are.

Gabriella and Phoebe: Okay.

Monica : I can't believe you guys are actually getting tattoos.

Chandler: Excuse me, you guys are getting tattoos?

Rachel: Yes, but you can not tell Ross 'cause I want to surprise him.

Joey: Wait your getting one to Gaby?

Gabriella: Yeah. On my collarbone.

Joey: Really?! He says looking at Gabby with flirty eyes.

Chandler: Okay stop flirting.

Joey: Um so what are you guys getting?

Phoebe: Um, I'm getting a lily for my Mom. 'Cause her name's Lily.

Chandler: Wow, that's lucky. What if her name was Big Ugly Splotch?

Joey: So where you gettin' it?

Phoebe: I think on my shoulder. [Ross enters]

Ross: What? What's on your shoulder?

Phoebe: Um, a chip. A tattoo, I'm getting a tattoo.

Ross: A tattoo? Why, why would you want to do that? [to Rachel] Hi.

Rachel: Hi. Well hey, you don't - you don't think they're kind of cool?

Ross: No, sorry I don't. Tell me why would anyone pay someone to scar their body for life? Sorry Gab. But what if it doesn't come out right Phoebe? Then it's like, I don't know, havin' a bad hair cut all the time...  Why's everyone staring at me?

Monica: Ross, come sign this birthday card for dad. Rich is gonna be here any minute.

Chandler: Oooh, Rich is goin' to the party too, huh?

Monica: Well, he's my parents' best friend, he has to be there.

Joey: Oh, is today the day you're gonna tell them about you two?

Monica: Yeah. It's my dad's birthday, I decided to give him a stroke.

Phoebe: No, I think you should tell them.

Monica: No, I don't even know how serious he is about me. Until I do, I'm not telling them anything.

Ross: I don't know, I don't think mom and dad would mind. Remember when you were 9 and Richard was 30, how dad used to say, 'God I hope they get together.'


Tattoo parlor. Phoebe, Gabriella and Rachel are deciding on tattoos.

Phoebe: OK Rach, which, which lily? This lily or that lily?

Rachel: Well I. . .

Phoebe: I like this lily. It's more open, ya know, and that's like my mom. She had a more open, giving spirit. Ooh, Foghorn Leghorn, ooh.

Tattoo Artist: Alright, Brown haired girl, you're in room three, blonde girl, you're in room two, not so blonde girl, you're with me.

Phoebe: Here we go.

Rachel [reluctantly] Uh-huh.

Phoebe: You're not going?

Rachel: Uh-huh.

Gabriella: What? Is it - is this 'cause of what Ross said?

Rachel: No. Well, yeah, maybe.

Phoebe: I don't believe this. Is this how this relationship's gonna work? Ross equals boss. I mean, c'mon what is this, 1922?

Rachel: What's 1922?

Phoebe: Just, you know, long time ago. Well, when men used to tell women what to do - a lot. And then there was suffrage, which is a good thing but is sounds horrible. Do you want to get this tattoo?

Rachel: Yes I do, it's just that Ross is. . .

Gabriella: OK, hey, HEY. Is your boyfriend the boss of you?

Rachel: No.

Phoebe: OK, who is the boss of you?!!

Rachel: You?

Phoebe: No. You are the boss of you. Now you march your heinie in there and get that heart tattooed on your hip. GO!!


Tattoo parlor. Rachel is showing Gabriella and Phoebe her tattoo.

Phoebe: Oh that looks so good!

Gabriella: oh I love it!!

Rachel: I know, so do I. Oh guys, I'm so glad you guys made me do this. OK, lemme se yours.

Phoebe Ahh. OK, let's see yours again.

Rachel: Phoebe we just saw mine, let me see yours.

Phoebe: Oh OK. [pulls over her shirt and shows a bare shoulder] Oh no, oh it's gone, that's so weird, I don't know how-where it went.

Gabriella: You didn't get it?

Phoebe: No.

Rachel: Why didn't you get it?

Phoebe: I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Rachel: Phoebe, how could you do this to us? This was all your idea.

Phoebe: I know, I know, and I was gonna get it but then he came in with this needle and uh, di-, did you know they do this with needles?

Rachel: Really? You don't say, because ours was licked on by kittens.


Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica and Richard are setting the table. And Phoebe, Rachel, Gabriella enter.

Monica: Oh. Well did you get it? Let me see.

Rachel: Is Ross here?

Monica: No he went out to get pizza.

Rachel: Oh really, OK. [shows Monica her tattoo]

Monica: That's great.

Richard: Very tasteful.

Phoebe: Wanna see mine, wanna see mine?

Monica: Yes.

Gabriella: What? You didn't get one.

Phoebe: OK, well then what is this? [shows them her bare shoulder]

Richard: What're we looking at? That blue freckle?

Phoebe: OK, that's my tattoo.

Gabriella: That is not a tattoo, that is a nothing. We finally got her back in the chair, bairly touched her with a needle, she jumped up screaming, and that was it.

Phoebe: OK, hi. For your information this is exactly what I wanted. This is a tattoo of the earth as seen from a great distance. It's the way my mother sees me from heaven.

Rachel: Oh, what a load of crap. That is a dot. Your mother is up in heaven going, 'Where the hell is my lily, you wuss?' OK, Phoebe, that is not a tattoo, this is a tattoo. [she bends over and bears her tattoo right when Ross returns]

Ross: You got a tattoo?

Rachel: Maybe. But just a little one. Phoebe got the whole world.

Ross: Lemme see. [looks]

Rachel: Well?

Ross: Well it's really. . . sexy. I wouldn't have thought it would be but. . . wow.

Rachel: Really?

Ross: Yeah, so uh, is it sore or can you do stuff?

Rachel: I guess.

Ross: Hey, save us some pizza. [they go off to Rachel's room]


Later that night Joey and Gabby are laying in her bed.

Joey: I love your tattoo baby

Gabriella: Aww thanks babe

Her tattoo...

Joey: So chandler and me had i fight and i was wondering if i could move in here.

Gabriella: Are you sure.. I mean i would love to have you here all the time but isn't better for you guys to work it out?

Joey: Yeah but even if we did i would still wanna live here.

Gabriella: Really!?

Joey: I mean yeah i love you and i wanna be with you all the time.

Gabriella: I love you too! And i would love for you to live here.

Joey: Really?!!

Gabriella: Yeah!

Joey: Let's live together!!

Gabriella: Yes

AN: and you know what happens....


Chandler's apartment. The whole gang is helping Joey pack.

Phoebe: I know you're just moving in with Gabby but I'm really gonna miss you.

Monica: I know, how can you not be accross the hall anymore.

Rachel: Yeah, who's gonna eat all our food, and tie up our phone lines, and - is that my bra? What the hell you doin' with my bra?

Joey: Oh no-no, it's uh, it's not what you think. We uh, we used it to, you know, fling water balloons off the roof. Remember that, those junior high kids couldn't even get theirs accross the street.

Chandler: [quietly] Yeah, I remember.

Ross: Hey, let's bring the rest of these down to the truck.

[Everyone except Joey and Chandler leave.]


Later at Gabriella and now Joeys apartment.

Joey: Hey can you hand me that box over there?

Gabriella: This one? (Points at a box labeled clothes)

Joey: Yes! (She hands him the box) Thanks baby!

Gabriella: Your welcome!


Gabby and joey is in there apartment. Gabby is cooking and joey is watchng tv.

[Phone rings]

Joey: Hello.

Chandler on the phone: Hey.

Joey: Hey!

Chandler on the phone : Listen, I'm, I'm sorry I didn't make it over there today.

Joey: Oh, that's OK. You uh, you had a thing.

Chandler on the phone: Yeah well, I hear the place looks great.

Joey: Ahh, forget about it, I'm havin' a ball. How's the apartment doin'

Chandler on the phone : Oh hey, it's, it's terriffic. I mean it's a regular space... fest.

Joey: Oh, well great.

Chandler on the phone: Yeah I just... wanted to call and say hey.

Joey: Well OK then. [oven timer goes off behind Chandler] Was that the oven timer?

Chandler on the phone: That's right my friend. It's time for...

Both: Baywatch!! [both turn on TV's]

Joey: Oh, can you believe they gave Stephanie skin cancer?

Chandler on the phone : I still can't believe they promoted her to lieutenant.

Joey: Naa, you're just sayin' that 'cause you're in love with Yasmine Blepe.

Chandler on the phone : Well, how could anyone not be in love with Yasmine Blepe?

Joey: Hey, hey, they're runnin'

Chandler on the phone : See, this is the brilliance of the show. I say always keep them running. All the time, running. Run. Run Yasmine, run like the wind.

[knock on the door]

Gabriella: I'll get it

Gabriella: Jason?

Jason: Hey Gabby..

Gabriella: W-what are you doing here?

Jason: My landlord kicked me out, and i have nowhere to stay.

Gabriella: so you came here. Look Jason i have a boyfriend and we haven't talked in so long.

Jason: I'm sorry and i'm happy for you! But.. Do you know somewhere i can stay. I'll pay. Please!

Gabriella: I might know a place...


Central perk Monica, Chandler, Rachel and Ross are there. Gabriella, Joey and Jason enter

Gabriella: hey guys!

All: Hey!

Gabriella: This is Jason, umm my ex

All: oh hey

Gabriella: Chandler a word

Chandler: Um yeah sure.

Gabriella: So Jason's landlord kicked him out and he needs a place to stay. And i was thinking you have an extra room so i was thinking maybe he can stay there. And he will of course pay rent.

Chandler: Um sure i guess.

Gabriella: Jason he said yes.

Jason: Really thank you.


Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica, Gabriella, Rachel, and Ross are there.

[Pheobe enters]

Phoebe: Hey.

All: Hey.

Phoebe: Oh, check it out, oh check it out. It's Smelly Cat the video.

All: [cheer]

Phoebe: Now OK, I haven't seen it yet so, if you don't like it, well, so what, none of you ever made a video. [puts the tape in] OK.

[The video is a very dramatic episode with an obviously dubbed voice for Phoebe. Everyone watches in disbeliefe]

Phoebe: Oh my God.

Ross: I know.

Phoebe: I sound amazing. I, I, I've never heard myself sing before. I mean, except in my own head. Oh, this is so cool, now I can hear what you hear.

Gabriella: Pretty uhm, different huh?

Phoebe: Oh, I am sorry but I am incredibly talented.


Central Perk. Ross, Rachel, Gabriella and Monica are hanging out.

[Phoebe enters]

Phoebe: Hey.

All: Hey.

Phoebe: Listen. You are not going to believe this but, that is not me singing on the video.

All: No.

Phoebe: Yes.

Rachel: Well, how did you find out?

Phoebe: Well, OK, the record company sent over this piece of paper for me to sign, saying that it's OK for someone else to sing for me. That was my first clue.

Monica: So what're you gonna do?

Phoebe: Well, I can't work with people who would do this.

Monice: Sure.

Phoebe: I mean this poor woman.

Ross: What woman?

Phoebe: The voice woman. Ya know, I mean, she has a great voice but she doesn't have a video.

Gabriella: OK, Phoebs. But what about you?

Phoebe: Well I have a video, you have to pay attention. No this, this voice woman, she's so talented but, according to the producer people, they said she doesn't have like the right look or something, ya know. I mean, it's like, she's like one of those an imals at the pound who like nobody wants 'cause they're not pretty enough or you know. Like, like some old dog who's just kind of like stinky and. Huuuuh, oh my God, she's smelly cat. Oh, oh that song has so many levels.


I was cooking dinner and Joey was watching bay-watch

He's lauging. He goes to say something to Chandler in the other chair but no one's there. He goes to call Chandler but decides not to.

Gabriella: Are you okey bambino? (Baby)

Joey: Yeah i guess.. I just miss Chandler. I'm sorry bambina (baby)

Gabriella: Don't say sorry. It's okay.. I understand.


Central Perk. Phoebe is performing Smelly Cat.

Phoebe: [singing] Smelly cat, smell-ly cat, what are they feeding you? Everybody.

All: Smelly cat, smell-ly cat, it's not your fault.

Phoebe: Monica.

Monica: [sings] They won't take you to the vet.

Phoebe: Chandler.

Chandler: [reluctantly sings] You're obviously not their favorite pet.

Phoebe: Joey.

Joey: [sings] It may not be a bed of roses.

Phoebe: Gabby.

Gabriella: [sings] And you're no friend to those with noses.

Phoebe: Uh, Rachel, Ross, those are the only lines we have, sorry. OK, you guys, once more.


Hi hope you like this story...

This is who i picture Jason as... His name is Jared Leto and i think this is what he looked like in the early 90s

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