"Her Wild and His Ugly Heart"

By bpsisk44

30 1 1

Marley Blake a smartass beautiful girl thats restless in the small town of Alabama and the second her mothers... More

Twinning My Stalker


19 1 1
By bpsisk44

Marley's moms pov*
The sound of a gun awoken me from my deep slumber,
The sound went agian quickly realising what happend and gathering my thoughts i run to marleys room but quickly grabing the small pistol underneath my headboard first.

"Marley!" I scream running down the hallway being very cautious when passing the hallway window.

"Marley!" I approach her room and look around to see an empty bed.

"MARLEY!" i scream the fear rushing through me like cold water pouring down my back, it felt like a small heart attack slowly making its way to my chest.


The sound going off in my head once more, my motherly instincts taking over and without thinking i run outside ready to shoot but thankgod my foolish child was lighting a cigarette and the light let me see her face before i started to shoot.

"Marley!" Anger rose over me i was not fond of cigarettes considering they killed my mother she had a bear in her hand and her fathers 30/30 pointed towards the ground .

"Mom" she screamed in joy i could soon see she was intoxicated and that she was shooting at empty beer cans on the gate.

Anger engulfs me as i march my way over to her. And before i could stop myself my hand thinks before my head.

Marley's pov*
It stung like a bitch, my face would definitely have a mark tommorow.

I wouldnt be suprised if i had one now but all i could do was laugh, i got the rise out of her that ive always wanted.

"What is wrong with you?!" She half screams. She is such a hypocrite and I decided then, while I was under the empression that I would let it out, all of it.
"You" I say lightly but I knew she heard me "exscuse me?" She says anger in her voice.
"Your such a hypocrite, you say im to young to drink but you buy alcohol for Gage, that im reckless but you make me this way, that i cant control myself but why bother when your always gonna be there to ruin my buzz anyway!"
The words came out much hasher than I intended but the anger feeled me and I turned around and shot straight towards the last can not missing.

I was proud of myself, my father taught me how to shoot when I was 13, he died last year from a house fire, nobody knows what started it.

The rumors are that my mom started it others are that there teenage daughter left her heater on and he was asleep when it started, and that the smoke choked him, i guess that was just more realastic.

"Look at me when im talking to you!" Im snaped out of my thoughts to my mothers yelling. "Give me the gun" she says sternly going to reach for it but i back up.
It was my dads gun it was something that he left for me and it never left my possession, it was very important to me and she knew that. "give me the gun."
"Marley give me the fucking gun" she reaches for it and before i realised we where pulling it back in forth like young children fighting over a toy, struggling to keep my grasps i kick my mom in the shin she yelps in pain but before i knew it the gun goes off but neither me or my mom are backing down.

The gun goes off a second time but this time the gun goes directly through my moms foot and she drops to ground yelling in pain, but all i do is back up and start walking back to the house but now completely sober.

I hear my mom screaming at me telling me to call the ambulance but she was over reacting so I just went up to my bathroom and took a shower before brushing my teeth and going to sleep.


I wake up to the sound of a cop car siren ringing through my ears from down stairs and quickly feel the second presence in my room.

I open my eyes and notice my mother out of the corner of my eye.

"Get up" she said sternly with no joke in her voice, I sat up slowly not taking my narrowed eyes away from her gaze.

" your leaving" she said but still didn't have an expression on her face " hah, no im not" I say with an unbelieving face.

"Yes your are, start packing you leave in an hour."

"Im not going anywhere with you" i say with definition in my tone.

"Oh sweety, your not going anywhere with me your going with them" she points out the window to the cop car that had finally turned his sirens off.

"Ahh, are you finally sending me to jail" I say mockingly.

"No, you get a personal escort to your aunts your gonna stay with her for the rest of the year."

"Your sending me to stay down the street" I let out a small chuckle and slowly start to stand up, its silent for a second but when I get to my feet I flash my mother a smart smile but soon to recognise the evil grin that was deeply planted on her face.

"Oh no baby, im sending you to stay with your aunt Jennifer... in California." my emotion immediately drops from happy and cocky to mad and disappointed.
My mother had won, and she new it.


The drive was exhaustingly long I don't know if it was because I was in the back of a cop car or that fact that California was just really far away.

I was actually tired I had stayed up all night and the I woke up very early this morning.
"How much longer tell where theres?" He didnt answer my question he simply looked at me and gave me a look that wasnt hard to read 'shut up'.

I let out an over exaggerated sigh and slumped back into my seat before thinking my eyes shut I dozed off into a dark sleep.

Vance's pov*

I smiled at the girls enthusiasm, she was so blind, she had absolutely no idea i was sleeping with her so i could get back at her boyfriend who bumped into me in the hallway.
I means she was pretty but not beautiful, her tan was way to dark and her hair looked bleached and not blond but she downed it so deep I was almost glad that her boyfriend bumped into me in the hallway.

My phone binged I got a message from my lookout.
'hes coming'
A grin adjusted on my face and I pulled my pants to wear I could quickly pull them up, and right as planned a angered boyfriend came barging through the door.
"ah right on time" i said very cocky.

I got up and pulled my pants up and quickly fastened my belt.

The guys eyes flashing back and forth between me and his girl.

"You got a good one I looked at the guy" anger flooding his face.

I looked back at girl "do you practice on pickles or something bleachy."

Automatically setting off the angered guy but before he could connect his fist with my face I grabed his wrists and twisted it hard enough to make him twist his body with it and I kneed him in the nose once and the stomach twice making him fall to the ground.

Walking out the door I grabbed my jacket, "next time in the hallway watch where your going" I say stone coldly toward the cripled body on the floor and right before leaving I flashed the bleach girl a wink.

I could see the confusion on her face and I didn't hold back my evil chuckle.

Marley's pov*

"Hey, wake up" a husky male voice said while shaking me back and forth.

I opened my eyes to see we where finally at the airport, I quickly got out in dying urg to stretch my legs.

The police guy had already grabed my luggage out of the back and started walking towards the entrance as I slowly trailed behind,

we entered and the first thing i noticed was that people where running across the rooms trying not to miss there flight,

I looked around and noticed the room smelt like bkack coffee and pen ink.

"hey. come on" the man said snaping me out of my thoughts.

We walked for a minute before walking towards a small woman that was somewhat recognizable but i knew who she was the second she engulfed me in a hug.

I hugged back trying to be polite but was honestly the last thing i wanted to do.

"You ready?" The woman said very cheerfully, I gave her a polite smile and a slight nod "alright then" her face droping the smile slightly but regaining it back fully within seconds.

After going through multiple lines, people checking our bags and walking through medal detectors we finally where able to get seated on our flight.

About half an hour later the plane engine finally started and we took off relieve passing through me I laid my head back and dozed off into a deep sleep to know I would wake up in California and know that I was not home anymore, that the only person to take care of myself was me.
Just me.

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