Golden Widow #1: Awakening

By ElvenSorceress

292 10 4

What if Steve Rogers had a little sister? What if she had been swept up by Hydra and handed over to the Red R... More



55 2 1
By ElvenSorceress


"War continues to ravage Europe." The black and white movie screen monotonously proclaimed in front of us. I wriggled uncomfortably in my seat in the dark movie theatre, yearning with every inch of me for the cartoon to start rolling. A soft weight placed intself onto my little shoulder, and I swung my head around  to see what it was, my eyes meeting Steve's gentle hand. I did my best to sit perfectly still whilst the war video played, trying really hard to watch the screen, although I was fearful of the great tanks, and the huge guns, which were as tall as me! The guns, not the tanks.

"But help is on the way." My head snapped upwards to see the bright beam of azure light shining onto the screen, and my mouth opened in a little "o" of wonder. "Every able-bodied young man is lining up to serve his country." I tried to reach the beam of light with my fingertips, to brush it, to see how it felt on my skin, but I was too tiny. I'm taller than Steve was at my age, however, and healthier too.

"Even little Timmy is doing his part collecting scrap metal. Nice work, Timmy!" I looked back at the screen again, to see a small boy around my age help pull sheets of jagged and bent metal from huge piles of rubble, and I excitedly realised that I wanted to do it; it looked like fun. I began to poke my brother furiously.

"What?" He whispered, leaning over so his ear was an inch or two from me, quite so he didn't disturb the small crowd around us.

"Can I help Timmy collect scrap metal?" I whispered back, grinning excitedly from ear to ear.

"Maybe when you're older." He replied quietly, nodding at the boy on the screen.

"But why? He looks like he's six." I whine, showing him the relative number on my fingers.

"I just don't want you to get hurt, that's all." He spoke, straightening back up. I slump my shoulders and fold my arms tightly at my chest, huffing. He chuckled, and ruffled my hair in response, and the person next to me cooed and giggled.

"Who cares?" Yelled a man at the screen. All eyes in the movie theatre turned to him, and I glanced at Steve, who looked positively disgusted. "Play the movie already!"

"Hey, you wanna show some respect?" Steve asked the man quietly, although he was loud enough for the people around us to hear him.

"Meanwhile, overseas, our brave boys are showing the Axis powers that the price of freedom is never too high." I quickly turned away in fright as a bloodied man was carried away through the trenches on a stretcher, presumedly dead. I could feel Steve place a hand on my head, and gently stroked my hair. Quickly, I scrambled over the armrest between our chairs, and clung into him like a koala-bear. He held me close as the video kept rolling.

"Let's go! Get on with it!" The man in front of us shouted again, louder than before. I turned around quickly to have a look at him, although the dim light around us gave me no aid, only allowing me to see his faint silhouette. "Hey, just start the cartoon!" Steve glared at him with silent fury, leaning over slightly.

"Hey, you wanna shut up?" Steve hissed, adjusting himself so that he was sitting against the back of the movie theatre chair again. The man stood up, slowly turning towards us, and I cowered into my brother's chest. He was much taller than Steve, and looked a lot stronger. He towered over us in our seats, and blocked the screen from my view.

"You wanna repeat what you just said, little man?" He snarled, moving forwards so that his face was mere inches away from Steve's. I whimpered, and the people around us all stared, not doing anything to diffuse the situation.

"I said, you wanna shut up? You were being very disrespectful; those men are dying for us." Steve retorted, remaining seated, his voice low.

"And you think I care, little man?" He retaliated, and a little spark lit up in my stomach.

"Well, you should." I stammered, straightening up a little. "Otherwise you are mean and cruel, and no better than the Nazis." Steve nodded, and the man turned to face me.

"Aw, are you sticking up for daddy, little girl?" He sneered, smirking maliciously.

"I'm her brother, actually." Steve responded, but the man just ignored him.

"Those were such brave words for someone so tiny." The man continued, leaning over so that his putrid breath covered my face, causing me to feel queasy.

"Hey, leave her alone." Steve cried, shoving the man back by his shoulder. "Pick on someone your own size." The man turned to face my brother again, and smirked, nodding his head in agreement.

"Alright, pal. If that's what you want. How about you and me take this outside, and we can settle this. Unless, of course, you're a coward?" Then he grabbed Steve by the collar, and yanked us out of his chair. I cried out, fear striking at my chest.

"Get off of him!" I screamed, as I slipped onto the floor, grabbing ahold of Steve's hand tightly.

Angrily, a theatre attendant marched over, her frizzy, muddy hair flying all over the place. "If you three won't sit down and be quiet, you will all be escorted out of the movie theatre at once." She spat through her buck teeth.

"Don't worry, darlin'," The man sweet talked, looking at her disgustingly. "We were just leaving." The theatre attendant glanced at him in distaste, but shifted aside to let us move. I cried out as the man tugged at my brother as if Steve were an old stubborn mule, dragging us through the doors and into the lobby. All eyes were stuck on us, although no one came to help. They just stood there and stared. My voice carried loudly through the room as I wailed in terror, running with my little legs to keep up with my brother and the cruel man. We burst through the front doors of the movie theatre and into the bustling streets of Brooklyn.

People surrounded us left, right and centre, bumping and barging into us. But I held strong. My hand remained clasped with my brother's. I cried out, but no one turned, or batted an eye at us. It was as if this was normal. That it was normal to see a small child screaming for help as she followed her brother and their attacker.

Looking back now, I'm glad that they didn't help.

That they didn't stop.

That they didn't care.

I stumbled, tripping over an empty glass bottle, and my fingers slipped from Steve's hand. My hands and knees collided with the tarmac below, and I felt my skirt tear a little. I shifted my weight to inspect the damage, and little scarlet specks on my hands attacked my eyes. Tears dropped down my cheeks as the pain kicked in. "Elle, whatcha doing on the floor?" A friendly voice asked, and my head lifted to see where it had come from.

"I fell over." I sniffled, as Bucky knelt down beside me. He began to wipe away my tears with his thumb as I showed him my hands. Smiling kindly, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, bringing it over to my sorry hands. "But you'll stain it!" I blurted, pulling my hands back towards my chest.

"That's ok, we don't want your pretty hands to be dirty and bloody, do we?" He smiled, gently pulling my hands towards him and dabbed at them with the handkerchief. I winced as brown and red merged with the soft yellow fabric. He frowned, cocking his head to one side. "Does it hurt?" I nodded, and as he took my other hand, and lifted my skirt a little to look at my knees. Blood trickled down one of them towards my shin, and I yelped in fright. Bucky picked me up, and I sobbed into his chest as he carried me over to the steps of a block of flats.

"So, what's a pretty girl like you doing alone in a big ol' city like this?" He asked, applying a bit of pressure to the cut on my knee.

"Steve went to take me to the p- pictures after he didn't get enlisted again." I stuttered, shutting my eyes and wishing that what I was saying wasn't true. "B-but there was th-this man. He m-made us leave and he t-took Steve somew-where and he w-was very sc-scary." Bucky's face darkened slightly, before smiling softly again.

"Why don't we go and find him then?" He whispered, taking my hand in his. It felt comforting against my graze, and surprisingly didn't hurt as much as I thought that it would. I nodded and stood up, gingerly putting some weight on my sore leg. "All good?" He asked, concernedly. I nodded, although it did hurt a bit. "Good. Steve's probably in an alley, or something." I nodded again, and limped slightly down the steps and onto the sidewalk.

Mindless chatter and inaudible gossip met my ears as we walked down the street, my eyes darting around for any sign of Steve and that man in the alleyways. Fear clutched at my heart, and then I heard the sound of clanging metal and voices. "You just don't know when to give up, do you?" Spat a man in disbelief. I tugged at Bucky's arm, and pointed at the alleyway closest to us.

"I can do this all day." My brother panted, and Bucky jogged slightly, conscious that I couldn't run quickly. I yelped as I saw Steve fall to the ground in a pile of bins, my free hand flying to my mouth. Limping slightly still, I moved over to the metal fire escape, and knelt underneath it.

"Hey!" Bucky called, grabbing ahold of the man's arm and pulling him across him. Steve still lay on his face on the floor among the bins and rubbish scattered on the floor. "Pick on someone your own size." The man stared at Bucky for a second, as my brother's best friend walked over to him. Bucky stared back at him menacingly, his eyes dark, scaring me slightly. The man swung his fist as him, but Bucky leaned back, dodging it, before landing a blow at the man's head himself, just short of the man's temple. The power of it made the man spin around a bit, and Bucky kicked him in the backside, making the man stagger. I ran out from my hiding spot, and kicked the man myself with my little leg as he tried to run from the alley. "Nice kick, kiddo." Bucky smiled, nodding his head at me, and I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear as I ran over.

Bucky turned to Steve, who was trying to lift himself up from the grimy floor. "Sometimes I think you like getting punched." We walked over to my brother, as Steve wiped blood from his lip.

"I had him on the ropes." Steve replied, looking at the floor. I looked up at Bucky in confusion.

"What does 'on the ropes' mean?" I asked, cocking my head to the side, my blonde hair swinging over my shoulder.

"It means he almost won the fight, which he didn't." Bucky answered, looking down at me, pulling a newspaper out of his trouser pocket.

"Steve! Remember what Mom said! We mustn't lie!" I cried, as Steve stood up.

"How many times is this?" Bucky asked Steve, referring to the fallen card on the floor by Steve's foot. "You're from Paramus now? You know it's illegal to lie on the enlistment form." I gulped, praying that Steve wouldn't get caught. "And seriously, Jersey?" I wrinkled my nose in displeasure. Steve didn't answer, but instead took in Bucky's outfit with a furrowed brow.

"You get your orders?" He asked, a look of disappointment and sadness washing over him.

"The 107th." Bucky responded humbly. "Sergeant James Barnes, shipping out for England first thing tomorrow." I handed noticed the khaki coloured uniform until now. Quickly, I hugged his leg tightly, and Steve looked at the ground, shaking his head. I knew how badly he wanted to go, Steve. And I knew how badly he wanted to be enlisted with Bucky. I felt Bucky place a hand on my head, and stroke my hair.

"I should be going." Steve muttered, but Bucky shook his head.

"No. You need to stay with Elle. It's just you and her at home. It wouldn't be fair to leave her on her own." Bucky bent down and picked me up, placing me on his shoulders. "Come on, man." He muttered, placing an arm around Steve's shoulders. "My last night! I got to get you cleaned up." He smiled, as we left the alley.

"Why? Where are we going?" Steve asked, as I leant my cheek on Bucky's hat.

"The future." He replied, handing my brother the newspaper, folded in half. Steve unfolded it and his eyes met the front page.

"No." Steve said, shaking his head. Bucky stopped, looking at him in confusion.

"Why not? I've already got both of us a date each, if we don't show up we're gonna look like a couple of douches." Bucky spoke, trying to reason with him.

"I can't, Buck. It's too late in the evening for Elle, and I can't just leave her on her own." He pointed out, gesturing at me on Bucky's shoulders.

"That's already been taken care of: my folks have agreed to babysit her for tonight until we get back. They're excited for it." Bucky explained, and I smiled sadly.

Steve stood there, thinking for a little while, and a small, quiet voice selfishly whispered in my head, wishing for Steve to tell him no, that we would spend Bucky's last evening here together...

"Ok. But only if it isn't a burden for them." Steve finally answered, and I felt myself slump slightly onto Bucky's hat.

"You don't like the sound of that, Elle?" Bucky asked, concerned. Steve reached up to touch my shoulder, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. They didn't get it. Ok, I love Auntie Winnie and Uncle George, but I wanted to spend the evening with all of us, together.

A/N: Yes, I am aware that in the comics Bucky's parents are dead, but for this story, imagine that they are still alive. Otherwise Steve wouldn't have been as responsible as he should when it came to looking after Elle.

"I want all of us to be together this evening! Why do you guys have to have some stupid, stuck-up dates and leave me behind! I want to come to!" I sulked. The boys glanced at one another, feeling guilty.

"How about... we stay with you, ma and dad until you go to bed? How does that sound?" Bucky asked slowly, and I shrugged my shoulders, pouting my lips and furrowing my eyebrows.

"That sounds good, doesn't it?" Steve added, rubbing my shoulder gently.

"Fine." I responded. "But no dates!"


"1...2...3..." I counted cheerfully, moving my little coloured circle across the battered snakes and ladders board that Uncle George, Auntie Winnie, and Bucky owned. "Bucky! Your turn!" I cried, throwing the little brown dice at his chest, feeling the chipped and dented edges and corners flying from my little fingertips.

"Elle, don't throw the dice. It isn't ours to throw." Steve whispered.

"Oops!" I giggled, and George chuckled along, folding his newspaper loosely in half.

"It's all fine. As long as the kid is having fun, that is all that matters." He smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling upwards. Leaning back in his green squashy armchair, the gentle yellow light from the wall lamps softly illuminated his slightly aged face, along with the rest of the room. The walls were decorated with pale olive wallpaper adorned with beige flowers and leaves, and I sat on a cushion that was placed on wooden floor boards. A fire, larger than the one we had at home, roared in the fireplace, tickling and licking its way up the chimney, fearful of the metal fire-gate in front of it. A radio whirred with crackling jazz music, standing small and proud on the mantelpiece above the golden glow.

"Right... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and up the ladder..." Bucky commentated, smirking as he moved his counter across the board. My mouth opened in shook, and Steve snickered, goading Bucky on.

"Bucky! You can't do that, that's cheating!" I yelled, moving his token back to where it was meant to go. "You can't go up the snake. You can only slide all the way down it. It's too slippery to climb!" Uncle George guffawed loudly, and I couldn't suppress the corners of my mouth curling upwards as I began to giggle too.

A harsh rap on the door caused me to jump on my little cushion, and the boys glanced at each other, Bucky's eyebrows knitting together in annoyance. "I told them to meet us at the Expo later." He muttered under his breath as he heaved himself up, and stepped the few feet towards the door. My head swung round to Steve, my lower lip popping out silently in a pout.

The front door swung open, and Bucky cheerily greeted the two strangers who stood dirtying his doorstep. "You're early." He smiled, standing to the side to keeping the door open. I could feel my eyebrows lowering into a frown as I handed Steve the dice for him to make his move.

"I hope that's not a problem?" The blonde replied, curling her painted red lips into an irresistible smile. Bucky hesitated for a split second, turning around to face me, although I resisted giving him the satisfaction of seeing my response.

"No, that's not a problem at all." Bucky grinned, placing his hands on his front pockets as he leaned against the door. "Please, by all means, come in." As they stepped over the threshold into the living room, the two women nodded courteously, taking a seat on the sofa right next to us. My eyes darted over to them, tilting my chin ever so slightly in there direction.

They seemed pretty enough. One had chestnut hair that reached her shoulders, with almond shaped bright hazel eyes that held flecks of greenish gold in the irises. The other had golden tresses pinned up in victory rolls, and hooded chocolate orbs. The blonde was a little taller than the brunette, and I could already tell who was Steve's date and who was Bucky's. "Well, aren't you a pretty little thing?" The brunette asked sweetly, peering at me from above. "Bucky, you didn't tell us you had a little sister?" She called over as Bucky sat down beside me on the floor.

"I wish." He replied, ruffling my blonde locks playfully, as Steve placed his counter back on he board. My hand moved over to the dice again, rolling it over in the palm of my hand with my fingertips, studying the faded numbers carefully, and trying to avoid the two women's gazes. "Elle is Steve's little sister." He continued, and Steve's lips formed into a thin line as he glanced up at them.

"Steve, this is Connie," Bucky gestured to the brunette, who gave my brother a little wave. I could already tell she was Bucky's date. No specific reason, I just had a feeling. "And this is Anita." He nodded at the blonde, who gave Steve a sheepish smile. I felt my face contort in a scowl, and the women looked at me, shocked.

Suddenly, I couldn't take their looks of bewilderment anymore, and I jumped up from my little plush cushion and ran out of the room, the little chipped dice still jammed in my palm. I didn't like it at all, having strange women look at me like some peculiar creature at a circus.

"Is she alright?" Connie gasped, glancing over at Anita.

"I'll go talk to her." Steve began, easing himself up off the floor, however Bucky stopped him before he had full uprighted himself.

"It's fine, I'll go. It's my fault." He sighed, gently pressing him back to the ground as he stood up. My ears pricked slightly at the sound of his footsteps padding towards me on the hard wood floor, and I dropped painfully onto the stairs behind me, leading upwards. He smiled timidly at me as he passed through the doorway, and I huffed at him, throwing my head onto my fists and resting my elbows on my thighs. "What happened, over there?" He asked softly as he walked the few feet between us, crouching down in front of me.

Angrily, I thrust my gaze to my left and away from him. "You wanna talk about it?" He tried again, placing a tender hand on my knee, cocking his head ever so slightly to the side.

He didn't get it.

My eyes remained stuck on the kitchen, watching Auntie Winnie slow down as she stirred a bubbling pan; I knew she was listening in on us. But still, I desperately tried to hone my hearing onto the bubbling water contained in the pans and the radio playing one of her favourite songs, hoping to block out the awkward silence that was radiating from the living room.

A part of me longed for Auntie Winnie to interfere, to shoo Bucky back into the living room with his and Steve's damsels, to pick me up and hold me like I remember Mommy doing. I don't remember much of her, she was never really home. She was always working in the TB ward at the hospital, and would never let Steve or I go near her until she had a proper scrub to rid herself of the rotten germs. She didn't want either of us to fall ill with it, especially Steve with his weaker immune system, and although I was much younger she knew I was stronger than he was.

She fell ill when I was around three. Died a couple of months later. It hurts, so much, seeing all of the other little girls at school skipping home with their mothers. Steve and I stopped spending so much time at home; it felt too much like we were waiting for her to come home again. Auntie Winnie has kind of taken over for her, insisting that it was the last promise she had ever made to Mommy. She takes care of us: cooks us meals, cleans up after us, patches us up if we get into any scrapes or rumbles.

"Isabelle, what's wrong?" Bucky repeated, waking me from my little trance. I jolted slightly at the use of my full first name, and the tears came pouring down. My whole body shook as I wailed and sobbed, and Bucky immediately wrapped his big, strong arms around me.

"You p-promised that they wo-wouldn't come tonight! That they w-would meet you t-two there at the Exp-po!" I stuttered, burying my face into his collarbone. I didn't like the smell of his new sergeant uniform. It didn't smell anything like his usual earthy vanilla and cinnamon scent, plus it scratched uncomfortably at my cheek. Bucky sighed as he began to stroke my hair and nodded, frustration seeping out of his pores.

"I know, Elle. I had gone to find them to tell them that plans had changed and to meet us at the Expo. Guess they just forgot... or didn't listen." He responded, continuing to stroke my hair, and began to rub calming circles on my back as I sniffled into his shoulder. My hand holding the little wooden dice moved upwards, and I began to rub the tears away with my clenched knuckles.

"Why didn't you ask me to be your date, Bucky?" I murmured softly, my head lifting to look him in his eyes. They were blue like the ocean, reminding me of when we would take trips down to the beach for summer vacations. We would all go down together, Bucky, Steve, Uncle George, Auntie Winnie and me. Mom was always too busy in the ward, and I never knew my dad. He had died just before I was born.

Bucky chuckled, and smiled at me, wiping away tear tracks with his thumb. "Because Steve wouldn't be too happy with how late you'd be up. The Expo starts well past your bedtime." I pulled a face, glancing over at Auntie Winnie in the kitchen again. Bucky's arms leave me, and he instead gently grabs my empty little hand. "How about we join everyone back in the living room?" He smiled, standing up and pulling me up with him. I shook my head, rolling the dice in my palm, and Bucky frowned. "Why not?" He queried, crouching back down so that he was the same height as me.

"I don't like those two girls." I sniffled, rubbing my nose with my fist and looking glumly at the my stockinged feet. "I don't like the way they look at me. It's like I'm some animal at the zoo. It makes me angry." I heard Bucky inhale through his nose, and I looked up at him, and saw he was nodding his head.

"Yes, I did see that." He agreed, pulling out a fresh handkerchief from his breast pocket and handed it to me for my nose. "But they were only looking at you like that because of how pretty you look today."

"Even though my skirt is torn and my stocking are all dirtied?" I whispered, not believing him, my hand moving to fiddle with the fraying tear.

"Even so. And anyway, it adds character." He smiled smugly, taking ahold of my empty hand again.

"Adds character." I murmured, trying to understand what he meant.

"Exactly. So, come on. Come and join us. We can carry on playing our game of Snakes and Ladders?" I thought about it for a moment, before gingerly nodding. Bucky beamed, straightening back up, my hand still clasped in his. My feet moved towards the door with Bucky, distant from my mind which screamed not to go in. As soon as we had re-entered the room, my hand detached from Bucky's, and I threw myself at Steve, hugging him tightly from behind, making sure that the two women couldn't see my face. I felt Steve's hand gently rub up and down my forearm, and the sudden warmth felt comforting.

"How're you doing, Elle?" He asked softly, and I let go of him, moving around and clung to his torso like a koala bear.

"She doesn't talk much, does she?" Anita commented to Connie, who murmured her agreement. I buried my head further into Steve's shoulder, and felt him press his palm on the crown of my head protectively.

"She's shy around strangers. Doesn't like to talk around them much." He explained, and I peeked over at Bucky. His reassuring smile was infectious, and soon I was smiling a little bit too.

"I'll go and tell your ma to set the table for seven, then, Buck?" George groaned as he got out of his squashy armchair, setting his newspaper down on one of its arms.

"Would be rude not to." Bucky agreed, turning to him as Uncle George walked past, brushing my shoulder with his worn fingertips.

"Oooh, what's your ma cooking, Bucky?" Connie asked, batting her eyelids as she leaned her elbow on her thigh and her head on her hand. The way she talked to him made my stomach turn, so sickly sweet and flirtatious. Just talk to him normally, for crying out loud!

"Just chicken and vegetables. Nothing too fancy." Bucky replied, and my ears pricked up.

"I'm sure it will taste delicious, Bucky. Auntie Winnie's cooking always does." I whispered to him, giving him a timid smile, which he returned, warming my insides. The sound of incoming footsteps danced over to my ears, and George re-entered the room, standing in the doorway.

"Right then, guys. The table is all set, and Winifred is dishing everyone's dinner out, so if everyone would like to make their way over to the dining room, then that would be appreciated." He spoke, leaning against the doorframe in the same way Bucky had done earlier.


"But why do you have to go!" I complained, as I leant back on one of the spare mattresses the Barnes' leave for Steve and I when we have to stay over. Clutched at my side was a small, stuffed pink rabbit, the ear worn out and threadbare, and one of the eyes was missing. But Mommy had made it for me before I was born, and so it was irreplacable.

"Because otherwise we would seem like bad men for ditching our dates." Bucky explained, as Steve tucked me in, burying me from the neck down in a patchwork quilt.

"So?" I yawned, my hand reaching up to my open mouth to stifle it. The chipped wooden dice lay on the little table beside me, having been on my person since the game earlier that evening. "I didn't like those two women. They looked at all of us funny, especially me."

"I know," Steve spoke, stroking the top of my head. "But you did such a good job coming back into the living room with Bucky. You were so brave."

"Was I?" I exclaimed sleepily, my eyes widening despite yearning to close.

"Yes, yes you were." Bucky agreed, squatting down beside us. "And we couldn't have been more proud of you tonight."

"Will I see you tomorrow? Before you go?" I asked, tears beginning to form from the weight of this question. I didn't want him to go. What if he died? What if I never see him again?

"No, Elle. I'm really sorry. I have to leave really early in the morning, before you wake up." He answered, visibly upset. A lone, and silent tear trickled down my pink cheek, and he wiped it away with his thumb, before kissing me gently on the top of my head.

"I don't want you to go, Bucky." I whimpered, holding on tighter to my little rabbit. "We need you. I need you." I could see tears threatening to spill down his cheeks, but Bucky had to remain strong for me. He leant over me, and wrapped his big, strong arms around me for what felt like the last time.

"You'll see me again, Elle. I promise." He whispered, his blue orbs sparkling with unshed tears. "Goodnight." He stood up, hovering between the doorway and myself.

"Goodnight, Elle. Sweet dreams." Steve hushed, leaning over and hugging me, before kissing me lightly next to where Bucky had seconds previously. I whimpered quietly as they left, until suddenly I sat up, the quilt rolling off my chest.

But they were both gone.

Lowering myself back down and pulling the quilt back over me, tears uncontrollably poured down my cheeks and onto the pillows. The Johnstones next door to Steve and I lost a boy who had enlisted in the army not that long ago. What if that happened to Bucky?

It wasn't before long that my eyes ached with tiredness, and the makeshift bed's comfort was enveloping me to the point of no return. My eyes fluttered shut, and sleep embraced me, holding me tenderly in my moment of distress.


Hi guys! Apologies for the late chapter, I had a lot of writers block lately, and I've had my last lot of mock exams before my actual GCSE exams in the summer, but I do hope that you guys enjoyed it.

Please let me know what you think is going to happen in later chapters, and please could you guys vote and comment on your favourite chapters?

Alright, love you 3000 xx

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