Let's Get Married [HunHan Fan...

By Selulululuhunnie

345 21 2

Where Oh Sehun wants to get married (or not). And there's Luhan who wants to have a child of his own. More

OMG, What's happening?
Ego or nah?
Try harder
Of misfortunes and first love
Old Flame Die Hard


37 3 0
By Selulululuhunnie

“Grandpa, meet my fiancé, Xi Luhan.”

What the flying fuck is going on? Luhan can heard several gasps around them as the jerk— no, Oh Sehun wraps his arm around his shoulders.

“What do you think you are doing?” Luhan asked subtly in a gritted teeth as he tried to pull away from Sehun.

“Don’t you dare embarrass me or else I’m going to tell everyone what happened nights ago.” The despicable jerk whispered back.

Luhan gritted his teeth to stop himself to beat the living daylights out of this shameless sonofabitch.

“You choose well my dear grandson. You are indeed my blood.” Chairman Oh pats Sehun’s shoulder. Then he faced Luhan. “Nice to meet you, Dr. Xi. I didn’t know that my future grandson-in-law is a resident doctor here. I will be expecting a dinner and better, a wedding soon. I am not getting any younger.”

Luhan lets out a force smile. He doesn’t know how crazy this man is so he can’t defy him and risk ruining his reputation in his workplace. “Nice to meet you as well, Chairman Oh. I’ve been longing to meet you.” He offered his hand to shake which was accepted a little ecstatic by the old man. If Oh Sehun is crazy, then he doesn’t know Luhan yet.

“Grandpa, can I have a private time with my fiancé first?”

“Oh, Sehunnie don’t worry. I know how hard it is to be apart for so long from your love. I remember when your grandma—”

“We’ll go ahead grandpa!” Sehun didn’t let his grandfather finish and pulled the struggling Luhan with him.

“Let me go, son of a bitch! This is considered as kidnapping!” Luhan shouted when they were already in the hospital’s parking lot.

“Will you shut up? Your voice is hurting my ear.”

Luhan can’t believe what he just heard. Did these jerk just commanded him to shut up? “W-what? What did you just say?!” He successfully pulled his arm off this poor excuse of a human being.

“Do you expect me to kiss you just to shut you up like in those romantic movies?”

Luhan gapes at the smirking rainbow haired man in front of him. He was totally speechless. In his 29 years of life he haven’t meet such egotistical and obnoxious guy. He may look handsome (Luhan admits, the most handsome man he ever saw) in his corporate attire but he can’t even stomach this guy’s attitude!

“Oh, God tell me I heard it wrong. Are you even fucking real? Just because you are handsome, doesn’t mean that I will fucking kiss your ass!”

“So you admit that I am handsome then? Don’t be shy, Doc Luhan.”

“Did I told you to call me by my name?! And how on earth did you know my full name? Don’t tell me you like me? You even told your grandfather that I’m your fiancé.”

The least thing that Luhan expected for Sehun to do is to fucking laugh. He just freaking laugh at Luhan. “No offense but,” To add insult on his injury, the guy has the audacity to stare at him from head to toe. “You are not my type, honey.”

Luhan looked at the smug asshole with sneer in his pretty face. “You are not my type too, Mr. Oh. You better tell Chairman Oh the truth. I don’t want to be associated with a likes of you so excuse me, I have a duty to do.”

“I am not yet done with you, darling. The reason I pulled you here is that I have a proposition to you.”

“Don’t call me disgusting pet names.” Luhan pointed his forefinger on Sehun’s face. “And whatever you want to say, I don’t care. Just tell your grandfather that it was all misunderstanding. I don’t know what drug you intake or maybe you have naturally loose screws that need to be fixed. But don’t you dare involve me in this.” Luhan smiled sarcastically at the guy.

He dipped his head toward Sehun’s ear to whisper. “Oh, this is for spilling that hot coffee and laughing at me at the bar.” Luhan stomped Sehun’s feet so hard then kicked him where it hurts the most. He laughed mockingly when he heard a painful cry from the arrogant heir. It was a good decision that he wore leather loafers instead of his usual crocs. Serves him right.

“You will pay for this!”

“Bring it on, asshole.” He flashed him his middle finger to emphasize his point.


“Can you even believe him? That guy just put me in a fucking limelight. I heard ridiculous rumors that I easily got here because of him.” Luhan said fuming. He turned to check his bestfriend’s reaction and saw that Baekhyun is munching a chocolate cake.

“Are you seriously eating while I’m almost losing my mind here?”

“Ludeer, take a chill pill, okay? Here, have a taste of this heavenly cake. It will make you forget everything that he did to you except the good ones.”

Luhan took the spoonful of cake. “What good ones? All of them are nightmares.” He rolled his eyes as he remembered everything that guy said to him.

“Well, don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy the night you spend with him. You can’t even walk for days and had a fever. Admit it, Ludeer, he’s good in bed.”

He glares at Baekhyun for reminding him. He tried not to remember those touches that still burn on his skin and how good it felt to have Sehun inside him. He felt the heat creeping on his cheeks. “I will never follow your advice again next time, Byun Baekhyun. I swear to my great ancestor, if I saw that guy again, I might not be able to finish my residency. Tell my mom and dad that their son will be in jail,” says Luhan in attempt to mask his reddening cheeks into anger.

“Kidding aside, you shouldn’t stress yourself over those peasants. They’re just jealous that you are Sehun’s fiancé.”

“How many times have I told you to stop saying that?”

“Well, tell that to this news outlet.”

“What? What news outlet?”

Luhan almost crushed Baekhyun’s phone when he read the headline in a news that the latter’s watching. His phone vibrates on his coat. He fished it out and saw his mother calling him. He bites his lower lip nervously. He has a feeling that his parents already saw what is on the news.

“Mother deer is calling you? Uh oh, this is not good.”

Yeah, this is not good. Who knows what his parents will do over this. They’ve been pushing Luhan to get married and have kids already, and there’s the news, serving what they want in a silver platter. He waited for his phone to stop vibrating. He’s about to turn it off when a message flashed on his screen.

From: Unknown

Do you like my gift, my beloved fiancé? I told you that you will pay right?

Oh Sehun, you piece of shit. Luhan stares again at Baekhyun’s phone screen, drilling holes on Sehun’s handsome face with a caption, “Heir of Oh Conglomerate and model, Oh Sehun announced his engagement with a doctor Xi Luhan.” May his ancestors forgive him if ever he kills someone.

To: Unknown

You better hide now.


Right after his duty, he drove himself toward Sehun’s penthouse. He will never let this pass. He furiously pressed the doorbell. He is still fuming because he had to hide his face to avoid some of the press that camped outside the hospital. He was not aware that Oh Sehun was famous not only as the only heir of Chairman Oh but also as a part time model. He almost got hurt and he’s thankful that Yixing and Baekhyun’s there to help him. His parents been calling him nonstop. Even his childhood bestfriend, Minseok despite of being busy on his life as a University Professor called him.

He almost punch Sehun when he saw his annoying smile. But he took a deep breath and tried to remember Baekhyun’s advice earlier. As much as he wants to strangle the guy using his colorful strands, he can’t. He needs to think rationally so he can get out of this mess.

“I’ve been waiting for you, sweetiepie.”

Luhan throws scathing look at Sehun. The pet name makes him cringe. “I told you to stop calling me disgusting pet names. Pleasantries aside because there’s nothing pleasant seeing you. What the hell do you think you are doing? I thought it was agreed that you will tell your grandfather that you were just delusional? Do you fucking need a psychiatrist?”

“Stop pretending that you don’t like getting engaged with me, muffin.”

Luhan suddenly wants to shout in frustration. Oh Sehun is so freaking difficult to deal with and his face is as thick as his thesis. It was even easier to deal with dozens of children than this guy. Oh goodness, what did he do on his past life to experience this?

“Can you stop calling me those stupid pet names? And if you thought that just because something happened to us, I will fucking crawl to your lap, then you are obviously wrong. I am not one of those girls or guys who fucking thirst at you.”

“Then what do you want me to call you? Bambi? Ugly Bambi? And do you want me to remind you what happened two nights ago? You’ve been begging me to—”

Luhan was aggravated that Oh Sehun has audacity to call him ugly and now he’s implying that Luhan’s too desperate of him. “Shut up! For your information, I have so many suitors and all of them are kissing the ground I’m walking. And it’s not as if it was your first time to have a one night stand. So fucking fix whatever mess you made and don’t you dare involve me.”

For a second, Luhan thought Sehun’s expression darken. But he might have mistaken because after a few seconds the guy let out an annoying smirk.

“You are not in the position to negotiate with me, honey bunny. What happened to us cost me a girlfriend so you are ought to take responsibility of what happened.”

“Wait, what? You have a fucking girlfriend?!” Oh, ancestors, give Luhan more patience. He just wanted a baby of his own and here he is now. Is he a relationship wrecker now? He felt an ounce of guilt but it’s not really his fault. He’s with other guy that night but this conceited guy appeared out of nowhere!

“An ex-girlfriend now so you better take responsibility of what happened.”

“What the hell? So it’s my fault now? If I remember that night, you were the one who approach me. I can talk to your girlfriend if you want. Just spare me from your mess.”

“Ex-girlfriend,” he emphasized. “And are you sure you want to talk to her? She went to New York for good.” He said in sarcastic tone.

“Then what is the point of your so called ‘take responsibility’ then? Don’t tell me you want me to marry you for real?” Luhan laughed at the absurdness of idea.


Wait, what? Luhan froze when he heard Sehun’s response. “Are you mental?” Luhan doesn’t even want commitment then this lunatic suggested marriage?

“Don’t get me wrong, sweetheart. I just needed someone to marry. Look, my grandfather will only give me my inheritance if I get married. I was about to ask Seulgi to marry me but that night happened. We can get divorce after my grandfather transfer all of my inheritance.”

Oh, so that’s the main reason. He really knew that arrogant men like Oh Sehun will always have hidden agenda. “Then find someone who will marry you. Everyone will be willing to marry you except me so spare me from this. You can ask me everything, I can find someone suitable for your taste just not me.”

“For an ugly person, you are quite picky. Are you seriously refusing the great Oh Sehun’s offer of marriage?”

“Again, I am not one of those people salivating over you. (Well, Luhan can’t just tell this pompous ass that he actually admired him at first sight.) And how dare you call me ugly? I have so many admir—“

“Blah blah, you are quite a blabbermouth, sugarplum. It was your fault that my girlfriend broke up with me so whether you like it or not, you will marry me.”

“Why would I even marry you?! I can just find someone else who’s obsessed and willing to marry an asshole like you!”

“You should be really thankful that you are marrying a handsome man like me, teacup. No one will be interested to an ugly guy like you.”

Oh goodness, give him patience not to kill this pompous brat. “I told you to stop calling me those disgusting pet names!” Luhan said in a gritted teeth. This guy’s got under his skin since he met him. How dare he call Luhan ugly? “And ugly? Tell that to the face of my colleagues and patients who give me gifts and flowers everyday.” He continued in a snarky tone.

“What?” Sehun suddenly asked in a dark tone. His mood went 360 degrees turn.

“What?” Luhan repeated in a mocking tone. But he was caught offguard when Sehun suddenly tugged his arm making him bump his forehead on the taller’s chest.

“They can give you gifts and flowers whatever they want but you will still marry me whether you like it or not.”

Luhan pulled his arm off Sehun’s scorching grip. “That will never happen. I hope this will be the last time that I will see you. You better fix this because I don’t want to be associated with you again. Bye!”

Luhan walked out of Sehun’s penthouse rapidly. He didn’t wait for Sehun’s response. When he reached the elevator, he slumped against the wall. His heart is still beating erratically on his left chest. Okay? What the hell was that?


Another stressful day for Luhan which was filled once again by gossips and rumors. He should’ve chosen other method to have a baby such as in vitro fertilization or adopting a kid. If he also didn’t followed Baekhyun’s advice, his life will not turn like this. The only good thing happened was, Oh Sehun seemed to finally realize that what Luhan said yesterday is a right thing to do. He didn’t saw any press outside the hospital so he assumed that Sehun already clarified it to everyone. Also, he didn’t contact him again. Not that Luhan’s expecting a call or text from him.

“Can I just stitch the mouths of those poor excuse of nurses and doctors? They’re being too much! We have so much to do but they chose to gossip!” Baekhyun said, his teeth grinding tightly.

“Don’t mind them, Baek. They’ll get tired eventually.” Luhan said while massaging his neck. Honestly, he doesn’t care anymore what they will say. No matter what you will do, someone will still think badly to you.

“If they will not stop talking badly at you, I will cut them open and feed them to Mongryong. Err, no, I don’t want to feed my baby poison. I’ll just cut them open then spread their organs around.”

“Ugh, stop talking about that, Baek. I’m eating.” Yixing complained.

“You are a general surgeon, Xing.” Baekhyun deadpanned.

“I want to have a peaceful lunch, Baek. I don’t want to think those gruesome images while I’m eating. Thank you very much.” Yixing faced Luhan who’s now resting his head on the table. “Anyway, what happened to your talk with Mr. Oh yesterday?”

“One word, unbearable.” Luhan didn’t elaborate anymore. His parents calling him nonstop since yesterday. He didn’t attempt to turn off his phone because his parents will surely disown him for good. Fortunately, Oh Sehun didn’t add to his problem.

“Don’t expect too much from Ludeer, Xing. I’ll be the one to expand that answer. So Mr. Oh seems too impatient to marry our little deer here probably because he was captivated by our friend’s charm. If I were you, Ludeer, you should take this as an opportunity.”

“Don’t twist the story, Baek. That pompous guy only wants his inheritance.”

“But you want him to marry you for love?” Yixing said nonchalantly.

Luhan cringe in disgust. “Are you seriously asking me that, Xing? I don’t even want to have a boyfriend. Commitment is such a huge pain in my ass.”

“Well, Oh Sehun is indeed a huge pain in your ass for days, Ludeer.” Luhan glared at Baekhyun. The latter cleared his throat. “What’s wrong with commitment? Didn’t you want someone to call and text you everyday? Asking how was your day and comforting you everytime you were having a bad day? Someone who will hold your hand, hug you, give you flowers and chocolates, someone who will tuck you to sleep and waking up with the same person.”

Luhan shivered at that thought. Though he also once thought of those scenarios, of how good it would feel but he already gave up of that idea. He was too afraid to get out of his comfort zone, of new feelings that he might experience and later on, he might not know how to deal with it. So he chose to ignore those people who wants to woo him.

“What’s good on waking up with the same person everyday? That would be boring.”

“That’s what fascinating when it comes to love, Lu. Waking up with the one you love beside you. Trust me, it’s the best feeling you will ever have.” Yixing said dreamily.

Luhan wants to vomit. That was so cheesy.

“Besides, you also want to have a baby, which is still commitment, Ludeer.”

“I am a paediatrician, Baek. I know how to deal with kids and babies. I am also the babysitter of my nephews and nieces. So I think that will not be a problem.”

“But isn’t it wonderful that you have someone you love that will help you take care of your child?”

Luhan touched his stomach lovingly. He can only hope that his child’s already in his womb. “Well, I’m pretty contented with having a child. I don’t need a man in my life. Besides, I already have you, Yixing and Minseok. I don’t need another one.”

Baekhyun’s about to respond when his phone rings. Luhan only nodded when Baekhyun gestured that he will take the call. He rest his head on the table again. Lucky for him, Sehun’s not bothering him anymore. Luhan doesn’t want to be involve with him.

“Oh shit, Ludeer”


“Your mom called me.”

Luhan suddenly paled at what Baekhyun said. “What did she say?”

“She wants you to come home right now.”

“You should have told her that I have a duty.”

“I told her that but she insisted.” Baekhyun seems reluctant to continue. “It was urgent because, err your fiancé, I mean Oh Sehun visited your parents.”

“What the hell”

“And not only that, Chairman Oh is also with them.”

Luhan almost fainted. Just what the hell does that brat thinks he is doing?

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