Damsel in Distress of Neverla...

By Irrelevant_lifestan

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. . . . . . . . . . "What if the damsel in distress was living her life and he took her away from the one she... More

Information about [Name]
Chapter 2: Exit
Hello peeps :)


387 14 10
By Irrelevant_lifestan

She is, for all intents and purposes, their Mother, though they have no blood relation.

They spend most of their waking time together, but they are not siblings.

This is the Grace Field House... An Orphanage.

I'm an orphan, or so I thought.


Six o'clock sharp. The House's morning starts with the ringing of the bell.

"Rise and shine everyone! Breakfast is calling!" a cheerful voice said.

The four had been living here for 10 years now.

And before they knew it, they were the oldest kids around.

"Good morning! Don! Conny! And, of course our precious Little Bernie!" the orange haired girl said.

"All right! Just in time!" the orange haired girl said.

As of this moment, there are 39 siblings.

Emma was bumped by the two 7 year olds.

"Eek!" Emma exclaimed. She turned around to see her two sibling.

"Tag, you're it!♪"
"Catch me if you can!" the two of them said teasing Emma.

"You guys have done it now... I'm gonna...eat you!!" Emma said then chase after them.

"Bwahahahahaha!" the two of them laugh then run for their lives.

"They're at it again..." Gilda said looking at Emma and the others.

Their personalities, age and ethnicities all vary. So yeah, obviously, they're not blood related. In spite of this...

"Gweodmhwornninhgg!" Emma greeted her two boy best friends.

"Norman! Ray!" Emma greeted.

"Good morning Emma." Norman greeted her back.

""Gweodmhwornninhgg, Emma." Ray mocked Emma.

"Someone's full of energy this morning... And you haven't even had breakfast yet." Norman said while assisting.

"What are you, five?" Ray teased Emma.

"I'm eleven just like the two of you! I'm just young at heart!" Emma bark back.

"How could you be so mean to me, Ray??" Emma complained. Their caretaker laughed.

"Emma I could use a hand here..." their caretaker said. Emma walked to her and hugged her.

"Mama... I'll do it over again, like a grown up..." Emma complained to her caretaker.

"Why would you? I love that side of you." their caretaker said.

"The five year old side of me?!" Emma exclaimed.

"No, the side of you that's considerate and mindful of everyone in the family." their caretaker said.

"... Thanks!" Emma said. Emma look around to find her h/c best friend but there's no sign of her anywhere.

"Huh? Where's [Name]? Did any of you saw her?" Emma asked.

"She's playing with the babies." Ray answered.

"You always knew where [Name] is." Norman commented with a smile plastered on his face.

"Well, it's not surprising since Ray was always following [Name] wherever she goes." their caretaker said with a teasing smile plastered on her face.

"Yeah~, Ray is a big stalker of [Name]. Wherever [Name] is, always expect that Ray is around." Emma said.

"I'm not stalking her." Ray said.

"YES YOU DO!" the kids five and under answered.

"See? Even the kids notice it. Don't try to hide it Ray.~" Emma said.

"I'm just monitoring her if she suddenly had her asthma attack. Mom asked me to do that anyways." Ray said.

"Huh? Is that true Mom?" Emma asked. Isabella chuckled.

"Yes, it's true. I actually had a hard time choosing between Ray or Norman to be the ones who will be always at [Name's] side because they're both capable." Isabella said.

"Why did you pick Ray?" Norman asked.

"Well, Ray is the eldest in here so I figure out that he might be the capable one. And if you're always with [Name], the kids will loose a big brother. You know that Ray is not that close to the other kids, right?" Isabella answered Norman's question. Norman was actually saddened by that.

"Don't be sad Norman! I know! I'll bring [Name] to cheer you up!" Emma said then run off to find the girl.

Emma find the girl in the babies room. There, [Name] was happily playing with the babies.

"[Name]!" Emma said to caught the girls attention. [Name] turned around to see Emma standing on the doorway with a cheeky smile on her face.

"Good morning [Name]!" Emma greeted the girl.

"Good morning Emma!" [Name] greeted back.

"Let's go get some breakfast!" Emma said then drag the girl to the dining hall.

"Good morning [Name]!" the other kids greeted the girl.

"Good morning everyone!" [Name] greeted back.

In spite of this, [Name] and Emma treasure them all.

Their beloved mother and siblings. Who gives a crap if they're not blood related? There's nothing they hold more dear.

That entire House...was their family.

They were [Name] and Emma's... everything.
In their run-of-the-mill....

"Right on time." their caretaker said while ringing the bell.

10 years... No one thought to question it. They were indeed ordinary, normal days.

[Name] happened to sit beside Emma.

"LET'S DIG IN!" the kids said in unison.

The plush beds, foods that tasted gourmet, their snow white uniforms, the identification number on their necks, and...

They finish eating.

The litany of daily exams.

'For our future.' 'For our well being.'

Mama said that the tests were to be a substitute for conventional school.

"Age 11. Type 1. Please answer every question within 10 seconds. We will begin now."

"Question 1. Please select the figure from the following that could not be a possible net of solid A."


"Question 2. Count the total number of cubes in the following composite solid..."


"Question 3. Give the 50th term of the following sequence."


"Question 18. Select the figure that corresponds to the region of the cartesian plane described by the following inequality."


"Question 25..."




"Question 32..."


"Question 46..."


"Question 59: Please give the formula that can be derived from the following conditions."

"Question 60..."




"1st to finish, [Name]." words from the machine to their headphones said.

"2nd to finish, Norman."
"3rd to finish, Ray." the machine consecutively said.

Type 2 shall commence shortly.

"We're done."
"I'm beat." groans were heard from the kids.

"I got half of 'em right!!" Thoma said.

"Half?! Amazing!" Mark exclaimed.

"You're so good... I didn't have a clue... It's been like this for a while now." Conny said sweatdropping.

"I'll be returning your exam scores~. [Name]. Norman. Ray. Emma. Splendid job, you four! You each got 300's again! Perfect scores!" their caretakers said happily. Emma cheered.

[Name] and Emma didn't mind the tests, really.
Mama praising Emma and [Name] made the whole thing more than worth it to Emma and [Name]...
[Name] find the test fun and easy to answer.

And after each exam, they were left to their own devices and allowed to play to their hearts content.

"[Name] might beat me to it though." a soft male voice said. [Name] turned her head to the direction of the voice to see Norman staring at her. His eyes showed admiration.

"Yeah! She's maybe the smartest among four of us!" Emma said then hug her. This made [Name] curious on what they're talking about.

"Huh? What are you guys talking about?" [Name] finally asked.

"We're talking about that you already surpass Norman in intelligence!" Emma beamed.

"Ehh? Are you guys somehow out of your minds?" [Name] asked.

"No! We are not! And why did you say so?" Emma asked.

"Well, it's clearly that Norman is the smartest kid in this House." [Name] said.

"Then why did he finished second of you earlier in the test?" one of the kids asked in a mocking tone.

"I don't know. Ask him." [Name] said then turned to the albino.

"Oh I know why! Norman was actually staring at [Name] while he was doing the test earlier~. That's why he was a little late on answering the questions! And don't try to deny it Norman! I saw you earlier!" Emma said.

Everything that Emma said was accurate making Norman blush. Norman had find himself always staring at [Name] while doing the daily test. It's like his habit now.

They go out to play.

"Yikes. Norman, you're it!" Don exclaimed. Norman just had a peace sign on his hand.

"How about you, Ray?" Emma asked her raven haired friend that was under the tree reading a book while she stretch.

"I'll pass." he bluntly said.

"Tch... Would it kill to you to come and play with us once in a while?" Emma huffed. She turned to her girl best friend.

"How about you, [Name]?" Emma asked. [Name] was about to answer but Ray beat her to it.

"No, she will not join." Ray declined.

"[Name] didn't even answered for herself yet! Will you join us, [Name]?" Emma asked once again. [Name] wants to join but know that it's bad for her. She was looking bothered and sad at the same time.

"I already said no. [Name], listen to me." Ray said.

"Shut up Ray. Don't control [Name]. Don't you see? She wants to play!" Emma argued.

"You know that you're not aloud to be so tired [Name]. It's bad for you." Ray said looking at the said girl.

Both Emma and Ray were staring at the girl, both of them pleading. Norman noticing [Name] was anxious.

"Then [Name] can be "it" with me. I'm not running that fast to make her tired. It will not active her asthma. And that way she's also got to join the game at the same time." Norman proposed the idea. Ray and Emma both look at him ready to protest.

"That doesn't change the fact that she's still gonna be tired. Who knows if her asthma kicked in?" Ray said.

"But I want to hide with [Name]! And [Name] is good at finding us! It's unfair!" Emma protested.

"That was the best way to both clear your wishes. If we follow one of your wishes, [Name] will be sad because she feel like she didn't care to the other one because she didn't follow what it wished." Norman argued. Ray and Emma both look at each then at Norman.

"Fine. But make sure you'll return her completely unharmed and fine." Ray threateningly said.

"Of course." Norman answered.

"You're lucky to be with her, Norman." Emma said pouting with an angry eyes. Emma really wants to be with [Name], she felt like snatching [Name] away from Norman right now.

"Ok! I'm gonna start counting!" Norman said raising his hand as a signal.











After counting, Norman looked around to see everyone hides in the woods.

"So most of them chose the woods for cover, huh?" Norman asked himself. Norman looked at the girl beside him. Norman offered his hand to her.

[Name] stared at his hand then look Ray who was glaring on Norman's hand. [Name] decided to tease Ray so she grab Norman's hand.

[Name] could see a angry vein pop on Ray's forehead. [Name] almost laugh because of Ray's face but concealed it. They run into the forest to find the others.

'Geez. Do they have to hold hands? Norman's really getting into my nerves.' Ray thought in annoyance.

Tree climbing, hide-and-seek, tag... They've been playing these games in this forest since they were little.

'That tree with the hole. That rock formation with all the blindspots.' [Name] thought as she and Norman pass through them.

The forest which surrounds the House from all four sides... Is the garden that all of them siblings know like the back of their hands.

The House's grounds stretch far and wide, but despite all that expansive terrain, there were just two places they were told never to go near.

The gate which leads to the outside world, and the other side of the fence marking the boundaries of the forest.
None of them really ever questioned the rules. As long as you live under this roof, these were the rules you followed.

"We're not allowed to go outside."

This...is why none of them ever seen the outside world.

Well, except for that one time, when the four smarty pants secretly ventured out to the gate.
It was locked, deserted, and pretty much abandoned. [Name] was pretty nervous that time. They were just 5 years old that time.

"Hey." the little Emma called out for her friends.

"What do you wanna do once you get to go outside?" the little Emma asked.

"No clue. What about you?" the little Ray said.

"I wanna ride a giraffe!" the little Emma proudly said.

"Good luck with that." the little Ray said.

"As far as I know, you can't ride a giraffe but as long as you're happy, I'll support you." the little [Name] said.

"Thank you, [Name]!" the little Emma said hugging her best friend.

"I don't think you can't open these from this side." the little Norman said checking the cold steel bars of the gate.

"Just what on Earth are they protecting us from?" the little Norman asked while staring at the dark tunnel inside.

"Do you all understand? The gate and the fence marking the boundaries of the forest..." their caretakers voice echoes.

"Are extremely dangerous so you need to keep your distance." the little Ray continued.

"She's clearly full of it." the little Ray said.

"You think so?" the little Norman asked.

"Tch. Talk about anticlimactic. Let's head back before we got busted." the little Ray said.

Pass these obstacles lies the outside world.

Emma was now staring at the fence.

She wonder why...

The thought of this outside world gives her chills.

Meanwhile, Norman got the others including Gilda and Anna.

"Really? So far, I haven't received a single letter... From any of our siblings thay've already departed. I'm sure they've forgotten all about us and are living it up everyday! Ughhhh! I wanna hurry up and go outside already! I wanna try on all kinds of outfits!" Gilda throwed her tantrums again.

"There's a whole lot outside that we don't have inside the House!" Nat added.

"I wanna see trains!" Phil said.

They knew some stuff from the outside world.

Picture books, novels, academic journals... There were countless books available to us in the library.

As they looked through those books, the world itself was at their fingertips.

All they needed to do was reach out...and touch it.

"Ack! What the?! You've all been caught already!" Don exclaimed.

"HAHAHA... This is what happens when Norman is 'it'." the kids said.

"And now that he got Don..." Gilda trailed off.

"The last one standing..." Anna trailed off.

"Is Emma!" the kids said. Emma came back with Norman.

Emma throw her tantrums.

"Let's see." Ray looked at his pocket watch.

"He got me again-!!" Emma said punching the ground.

"You manage to avoid capture for... 10 minutes. Hey, that's a new record." Ray said.

"Ughhhhh- why?! How is Norman and [Name] so good at this? Norman has never been able to outrun me in a foot race and yet I can't ever win a game of tag!" Emma asked herself.

"I've got a question for you. What does Norman have that you don't right now?" Ray asked Emma.

"Too many things to count..." Emma said.

"It's tactics. You're absolutely right that he's no match for you when it comes down to physical activities. But he always uses his head so defeating him is never straight forward. Furthermore, tag is a game which allows tactical approach to shine brightest. How will the target move? How will it attack me? You need to observe and analyze the situation. See through and predict enemy's plan... Then use all of this to form an even better plan. Think of it as chess, where you use your body to maximize all the movements on the board." Ray explained.

"Are you still talking about tag?" Emma asked.

"The kind of game he's playing is chess at the very least... And you'd probably be wise to remember that. Isn't that what makes tag so fun?" Norman asked suddenly appearing.

"See? That's why he's so good at it." Ray said.

"And then there's Ray's brilliant tactical mind on top it all... I daresay Ray has always been strateist than me." Norman said.

"Hey." Ray tried to shut Norman.

'Stop giving me too much credit.' Ray thought.

"See through and counter the enemies plan...huh..." Emma finally understand.

Emma's ears let out a smoke. She held her head with her eyes swirling.

"She hibernated again." [Name], Norman, and Ray said in unison while sweatdropping.

"Those 4 really are something else." Nat said looking at the golden four.

"4 geniuses of their caliber at once... I hear it's a first time in the long history of our House." Gilda said.

"Ahh~ That must make Mama so happy... They're her pride and joy!" Nat exclaimed.

"They're crazy smart and agile at the same time. It's real insane!" Nat complimented.

"Agreed." Gilda answered.

"Among them is Norman, the genius with the smartest brain ever."

"Then you have the only one who can keep up with said genius: Ray, the walking encyclopedia."

"And [Name], also known as little Mama. She's the big sister in this House. It's still a confusing if she's at Norman's level or Ray's. But one thing was sure, she's like a Mama but small version. Smart, Kind, Pretty, everything you can think of, she has that. She will also have some monster reflexes if only she didn't have asthma."

"Finally, there's also Emma, the girl with monster reflexes and an astounding ability to learn.  She's always following right behind in the footsteps of those three."

"Geez... Just what do I have to eat to be like them?!" Nat said.

"You're already eating the same food! Their nervous systems are probably just made of something else." Gilda added.

"Nervous... System?" Phil wondered.

"So basically, they're monsters. Monsters raised right in this House! But normal people have a way of fighting too." Don said scooping Nat.

"Norman! This is revenge! Let's play again!" Don shouted from afar.

"This time, everyone except Norman is it!" Don announced pointing his finger to Norman.

'So petty!' the other kids thought.

"How about that!" Don said.

'Petty...' the eldest four thought as they looked at Don.

"No problem. You won't catch me anyway." Norman said smiling at him.

"You've said it now! I'll make you regret it! Conny, we will catch him by the end of this!" Don said cheering Conny up while still pointing his finger at the albino.

"Yep!" Conny answered.

"This is Conny's final day at last..." Emma said.

"Another one, beating us to the punch!" Norman said.

[Name] stared at Conny.

"[Name]? Can you join us?" Conny asked her. Of course [Name] can't say no to her. The only problem was AGAIN RAY.

"Is it okay if I also become an 'it'?" [Name] asked.

"Of course!" Norman happily answered. [Name] already knows that Ray will secretly follow her and Norman through the game.

"We will hide now!" Norman said. The others started to count. We already hide. We were walking around the forest now.

"Uhmmm... Norman?" [Name] asked.

"Yes?" Norman replied.

"You see, it's Conny's last day today. She never been able to win a game tag since then. Maybe we can..." [Name] trailed off.

"We can let her win? Of course. I was also planning to do that." Norman replied with a smile.

"Thank you Norman!" she thanked him.

Norman enjoyed the times he had with [Name] especially if it's just the two of them together. Well, it seems like that it's just the two of them but no, Ray was hiding behind the tree a mile away with a jealous face.

The game ended with Conny being able to find the both of them.

It was night time.

None of them will live there forever. Before turning 12, all of them are arranged to leave the House and sent out live with foster parents.

That again, is another rule.

Isabella take out Conny's drawing of her, Conny herself, and [Name] in a paper. It's basically Isabella, Conny, and [Name] in the drawing. Isabella hug it close to her chest. [Name] walked towards her caretaker.

"Here." her caretaker said giving [Name] Conny's drawing. [Name] stared at it. She will miss Conny a lot. [Name] folded it and put it on her pocket.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" their caretaker asked her. [Name] nodded. Her caretaker leave in the hallway to meet the kids.

"[Name]! Let's take a look on Conny!" Emma said running towards her with Norman.

"Yeah! Come on!" [Name] responded in a happy tone.

"Conny! Are you ready?" Emma asked Conny.

"I'm not sure. My clothes..." Conny answered. Anna was showing Little Bernie with a new bow tie.

"They suit you perfectly!" Emma reassured her.

"I'm glad!" Conny answered.

"I'll keep giving it my best even after I leave the House. I'll be fine! After all, I've got Little Bernie with me!" Conny said looking at the stuff toy on her arms.

"You know, Little Bernie is a unique one. There's only one of him in this world!" Conny exclaimed as she remembered how she got it. [Name's] been missing through the whole day and came back with Little Bernie.

"Conny. Happy 6th birthday."

[Name's] words echoed in her mind.

"He's a treasure that [Name] made specially for me." Conny smiled in the memory.

"I'm not that bright... And I'm not so amazing like you guys... But I want to become Mom and [Name] when I grow up! And then I will never, ever, let go of my kids!" Conny said.

"Conny..." Emma mumbled. Emma hugged Conny tightly.

"[Name]? Do I look okay?" Conny asked.

"Of course baby. You always do." [Name] reassuringly said to Conny. She stared at Conny.

"Waaahhh!! My baby is growing up!" [Name] suddenly cried. Everyone sweatdropped on the sudden outburst. They walked to the hallway where the others are waiting.

[Name] need to show emotions since she's the one who's really been attached to their siblings. They would expect her to cry. [Name] didn't know if her tears earlier was just an act or her true emotions.

All of them don't know their real parents faces, nor where we were born. To them, finding a new family to settle into... Is really a exciting idea.

"Take care!" Emma waved at Conny.

But in the end... Parting ways still leaves them all feeling sad. They've been saying goodbye for 10 years. They... Are 11 years old.
The next one might be one of them four.

A piercing scream was heard from the dining hall.

"CONNNNNY?! How could you?!!" Emma shrieked.

'How is this possible? How can you be so careless after that heartwarming speech you have?! How?! I suppose she was a little on the forgetful side, but this is just nuts!!' Emma thought.

"Wha... What should I do?" Emma panicked.

"I mean... She already left!" Gilda also panicked.

"It's too early to say that." Ray suddenly said. He came out of the bathroom.

"Just now, I saw some lights turned on over at the gate through the bathroom window. Mama went to see Conny off and hasn't returned yet either. There's definitely a possibility that she still hasn't left yet." Ray explained.

"Let's bring it to her." Norman suddenly said.

"Norman..." Emma mumbled in shock.

"Although it's probably just better to ask Mama to send it to her later... It'd be best for Conny's sake if we hurry... Right?" Norman asked.

"Yep!" Emma answered. [Name] walked to the scene.

"Ehhh?!!" she shrieked when she saw Little Bernie on Emma's arms.

"Why is Little Bernie still here?!" she asked.

"Conny forgot it! Me and Norman will give it to her. Do you want to go with us?" Emma asked her. [Name] nodded but was stopped by Ray.

"She'll stay here. I need a companion with cleaning." Ray said.

"She said that she'll go with us!" Emma protested.

"No. What if a mosquito bites her and she'll have dengue? What will you do?" Ray asked.

"It's highly most likely not to happened! Non of our siblings since then had a dengue before!" Emma said.

"There's still a chance." Ray reasoned.

"Oh come on. You just don't want sharing [Name] with Norman that's why you're keeping her!" Emma said.

"Shut up." Ray said.

"I'm taking [Name] with us! Wether you like it or not!" Emma said grabbing [Name's] hand dragging her.

Emma tried to open the backdoor.

"It's no use. Of course the backdoor is locked!" Emma said.

"I guess it's no surprise... Since Mama is out." Emma said.

"It's no problem. A lock like this can easily be opened without a key." Norman said checking the lock.

"There's a trick to it, like a small wire puzzle." Norman explained. He started to pick a lock the door.

"Huh?! Norman?" Emma asked.

"I wouldn't do this if circumstances didn't call for it. But..." Norman said.

"But right now, we have to." As he finish his sentence, a click was heard from the door. He opened the door.

"We'll just share the blame together later!" Norman said.

They reached the gate.

"Conny?" Emma asked while wandering around.

'Whoa... A real car...' Emma thought as she stare at the truck infront of her. Emma was still holding [Name's] hand as she carry Little Bernie on her other hand.

Norman checked inside the truck to find nothing.

"There's nobody inside the car." Norman said as he ran towards them.

"Maybe they'll find it if I just put it in the trunk." Emma said looking inside the trunk.

Emma shivered on what she saw. [Name] already knew what Emma saw from the look on her face.

Emma let go of Little Bernie causing it to hit the floor and create a sound which attracted Norman.

"[Name]... Norman..." Emma said pointing at the trunk.

Norman take a look on what they're horrified in.

Conny's dead body

"Is someone there?!" an unknown voice asked from one of the rooms.

Norman pulled Emma under the truck while Emma pulled [Name].

"Hey, didn't you hear something just now?" the voice asked.

"You must be imagining things." a new voice said.

"Tch. If it were a stray cat, we could've caught it to eat!" the voice said.

"Gah... You telling me that you'd eat even cats?" the voice asked.

The three got curious and take a look at the voices.


'...What?!' Emma thought in shock.

"It looks so tasty." the creature said.

"Human flesh is the best, after all!" the creature said.

The creature stepped near where they were hiding. Norman quickly shielded [Name] with his body.

'What? What in the world is going on? These guys... killed Conny?' Emma thought.

'What?! They eat...humans? They're almost as if... They're humanoid... Monsters...' Emma thought as she stare at the creatures shocked and scared.

"Demons..." Norman mumbled.

'... Demons?!' Emma thought.

The demon pick Conny up and put her to a container that looks like an aquarium filled with blue liquid.

'Was this... What Mama was talking about...?' Emma thought. Realization hit her.

'Mama! Is she safe?!' Emma thought in worry about her caretaker.

"Fuck. Can't I eat even just the tip of her finger?" the demon asked.

"You idiot. That kid is valuable merchandise. Nothing the likes you and I should ever dare to eat." the demon scolded his companion.

"The human meat from this farm is all top-of-the-line stuff, meant for the rich. " his demon companion said.

"It's such a waste that one of golden quality of this farm was just being freed. She looks so tasty though (as a food)." the demon said.

"You idiot! You're not aloud to talk about her like that! The head might kill you if he knew it! We can't blame him though. Despite of being young, she's showing an extremely good potential and she's really pretty. We can't blame him for being obsessed to her." the other demon said.

"Don't you think it's really weird for an adult like him to taken a like to a child like her? I mean, she's already a young lady but it's still weird." the demon said.

"Do you know? She's being his slave for years now. And there's a humor about him using her as a sex slave for years." the other demon said.

"You mean he's doing something inappropriate to her? Like r@ping her? For years?" the demons asked.

"Yeah, I feel awful for that child though." the other demon said.

[Name] didn't even need to brainstorm to knew who they're talking about. It was about her and Peter. It really disgust her.

'Farm? Human flesh?' Emma thought as she stare at her hand.

'..."Meat"?' Emma thought.

Flashback of everything cross her mind.

'No way.' Emma thought as she covered her mouth.

'Were we living this whole time just to be eaten?' Emma questioned herself.


"Gupna?" a new demon asked.

"Nearly finished." the demon from earlier answered.

"Six years old again..." the demon said looking at some sort of records.

"Just the usual. But it looks like we'll finally be able to harvest some high quality goods in the near future. Prepare the three with full scores for their imminent plucking." the demon said.

They didn't expect who they saw talking to the demon.

"Yes... Understood." their caretaker obediently replied.

"The bait's inside. We're counting on you." the demon said.

"Worry not, and leave it up to me." their caretaker said.

The three didn't even bother to listen more of their conversation and ran back towards the House.

[Name] holding Emma's hand. Emma collapsed on the soft grass.

"Emma!" [Name] exclaimed.

"The kind Mama we all know... Is the real Mama, right?" Emma desperately asked. It pained [Name] to see her like that.

"The kid in the trunk... That... Wasn't Conny... Right?" Emma asked. Both her face and voice showed desperation and despair.

[Name] didn't want to break it directly into Emma's face that the kid in the trunk was Conny. Emma will surely lost her mind and [Name] was sure of that. [Name] bit her lip before speaking.

"That...was Conny all right." [Name] said to Emma. Emma's next expression can't be described but it surely lost in despair.

"Ughh..." Emma let out a sound.

"WHAAAAAHHHH!!" Emma let out a peircing scream of distress that filled the deadly silent night's air.

They entered the House to be welcomed by Ray who appeared on the corner.

"Welcome back. How was it?" Ray asked.

"We didn't make it in time." Norman answered without even looking at Ray.

'Empty handed?' Ray thought.

Emma let herself sleep after a long period of crying.

"Let's run away, [Name]. We've got to leave this place behind. I don't know what the outside world is like, but we have no other choice if we want to survive. It'll be fine... If it's you and me... We'll manage to run away." Norman said which made [Name] shocked.

"Do you think... It's possible to take them with us? If we leave them here...They'll all end up like that, without a doubt! We can't just leave them behind. I don't want anymore of my siblings to die...!" [Name] said with hot tears flowing down her eyes.

This made Norman realize that he forgot about his siblings. Is he that focus on saving [Name]? Maybe he do. No, he really do. He'll do anything just to get her out of this place. Even if it costs everyone.

"... It's possible." Norman said patting [Name's] head.

"It'll be fine. We'll successfully break out of here with everyone else." Norman said with an reassuring smile on his face.

A single fact can outrun your entire conception of reality.

This is...a farm.

All of them were foods, except for her.

There are no adults we can trust.

How are we going to run from those monsters?

"It's tactics."

Think. It's the same as the game of tag!

'We have to... find a way for us all to survive!'

Chapter 1, finished.

To be continued...

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