"A forbidden love" red velvet...

By mekupinky808

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Hey! I hope you enjoy this fanfic I made of one of my favorite ships! Also my crk user is Deimoz if you wanna... More

The begining
Figuring things out
Dinner time
Just you and me
At the hotel(SMUT WARNING)
What happened?
The truth.
Back atlast
Going out
The wedding

The aftermath

224 4 1
By mekupinky808

Licorice and a Red velvet arrived at the party.
They than saw each other and immediately ran into each other and hugged into each other out of excitement.

"OMG YOU LOOK SO HANDSOME!" Licorice yelled
"YOU TOO!" Red velvet yelled

They were very happy that they finally got married

"Well.." red velvet blushed

"What now?" Licorice asked

"How about we dance!"
Red velvet let his hand out

"Yes sounds good!" Licorice smiled

They than both started dancing

Red velvet than put Licorice up


Red velvet looked at him

"Don't be why throw it"

Licorice than threw the bocce

The other cookies than started fighting over it

"HEY MY TRESURES!" Chili pepper yelled

Cocoa grabbed it first


"No I wanted that treasure!" Chilli pepper grunted "old rags better throw the ring next or im sueing"

"So who are you marrying?" Mint choco asked Cocoa
"Let's just say..he's right in front of me."

They both blushed

Everyone was happy and having fun until something else happened..

Pomegranate wasn't a huge fan of them running away getting from their "master"

She than tried to think of something and couldn't until she saw Pastry who was just talking to Black Raisin

"Hey you again" Pomegranate tapped pastry's shoulder

"Huh?!" She looked behind her

"Oh it's you again, what do you want now?"

"Well I have seen you have had it really hard with Red velvet."

"Yeah but he does seem really happy right now so I'll let him be"

"..are you sure? If I were you I would be furious"

"I'm still not quit off guard with him but I'll let him be"

"..oh really?"

"Yeah really!"

"..well let me show you a possible vision that could happen"

Pomegranate than used her mirror to show her her possible faith

"...no-no-NO!!!" She panicked as she was getting manipulated to stop the wedding


"Than how about we tell their so called master what happened"

"I usually fight darkness like most of you but I'll do it so I live!"

They both started going to the dark castle

Licorice noticed them

"Huh where are they going?" He asked

"Shhh lets dance" Red velvet distracted him

They than started slow dancing

Pomegranate and Pasty than arrived at the dark castle

Pomegranate pushed Pastry

"Now tell her!"


Dark enchantress looked

"Oh my what do we have here another cookie? All the cookies who live here said they have "more important business and went somewhere else"

"Uhmm" Pastry didnt really wanna do it

"Come on do it" Pomegranate whispered

"Do I have too?"

"You don't wanna be a unalive cookie do you?" Pomegranate used this as a manipulation tactic


"So what did you wanna tell me?" Dark choco looked at her


Pastry than remembered her "faith"


"..really?" Dark enchantress was disappointed


"Well where is this wedding or perhaps the aftermath of the wedding"


Pastry than looked back and noticed Pomegranate was gone

"..follow me I guess"

Pomegranate went back to the wedding seeming like she never left

Pastry than went back

Everything was normal again until Dark enchantress showed up

"Well well look what we have here"

"What the-" Licorice stopped dancing and looked at her while still holding Red velvets hand

Red velvet also looked "oh-"

"Dark enchantress cookie!" Gingerbrave yelled

"You must be up to no good again!"

"Oh shut up you I'm only here because of some certain cookies"

She said looking at Licorice and Red velvet
"Oh uh hey dark enchantress!" Red velvet said nervously

"Hey? Tch you guys don't know how much trouble you guys are in right now"

Licorice sighed "I know..I'm sorry this had to happen."

"Oh but don't worry this time it's not just you two! It's all of you!"

Everyone gasped

"Ok maybe not all of you but all my so called helpers"

"Wait why?" Posion mushroom asked

"Well because you guys thought it was ok too just leave my castle without my permission"

"But master..I'm not a huge fan of them doing it either!" Pomegranate said

"Hmm well maybe you can have it less bad but however for the rest of you..it's time for you guys to go"

"What?!" Dark choco was really shocked hearing that



Strawberry crepe than stood up

"You know what you were never truely gonna help us all you did was use us for your evil schemes when we could've had it better without you!"

"Oh what are you talking about my dear Crepe"

"That you never really cared for us!"

"..you know what forget it. I'll just do everything on my own! I don't need any of your guys help anyway since you guys never win!"

"But master...I don't know what I'll do without you." Pomegranate sighed 

"Well..I guess perhaps you could come but only because I don't know if I'm young enough to do it all on my own."

"Oh thanks master!"


Dark enchantress than teleported away and Pomegranate just walked back to the dark castle

"Woah that was impressive." Red velvet said to Strawberry crepe

"Oh I mean someone had to tell her"

"..Crepe" Licorice said

"Huh what is it?"

"..we're your dads now."

"Really?!" They seemed more excited than ever before

"Yeah!! You can call us both dad!"  Red velvet said with a smile

"Oh my god yay!"

Posion mushroom looked at them

"Ohh your dads now?" Posion mushroom

"Yes!" Licorice said
"And we're also your dads too now!"

"Yayyy!" Posion mushroom was really excited

"I got two wonderful fathers and a wonderful sibling!"

"But wait we didn't sign the adoption papers yet" Red velvet said

"Oh well we will sign soon! Probably tomorrow but until than let's just take pictures than head to the hotel!"

"Sounds great!" Strawberry crepe said

They all than took pictures and than it was time for everyone to go.

Red velvet than drove Licorice along with their new children Strawberry crepe and Posion mushroom back to the hotel.

And that is the end of this story. See you all next time!

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