I'm Free - A Fall Out Boy Fan...

By FallOutGirl19

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-Completed- What happens when the one you love is slowly deteriorating before your eyes. Read and find out in... More

Author Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Author Note - Please Read
Chapter Twelve
Important! Please Read
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Happy Epilogue
Sad Epilogue

Chapter Twenty

100 6 0
By FallOutGirl19

                            -Last Days-
                     -A Day With Patrick-

Grace POV
I woke up wrapped up in Patricks protective grip.

I tried to get free but his grip was too strong.

" Trick can you let me go please babe?" I asked Patrick sweetly.

" Oh god sorry babe." Patrick said in his dreamy morning voice as he unwrapped his arms from my body.

"Its okay trick." I told him.

I got out of bed and began to walk over the wardrobe when suddenly I tripped over Patricks shirt. I fell and hit the ground with a loud bang.

"Grace are you okay?" Patrick asked worriedly.

" Yeah. Owwww." I said feeling a pain in my head.

I suddenly heard footsteps running to the room and the door was swung open and in came Pete, Joe and Andy.

"Grace are you okay?" Pete asked rushing to my side.

" I'm fine I just fell over a shirt." I said sitting up.

" Slowly sit up. You don't want to cause more pain." Andy said.

" Whose shirt was it?" Joe asked.

"I think it was Patricks." I said.

"Patrick how could you be so fucking irresponsible." Pete said getting in Patricks face.

I stood in between them.

" Pete please stop shouting. I already have a headache. It wasn't his fault I left the shirt on the floor." I begged Pete.

"But it isn't your shirt so why should you tidy it away." Pete asked.

" Because I wore it last." I told Pete.

" Well be more careful Grace. Will you be okay to go out with Patrick today?" Pete asked me.

" I will and I'm sure I will be okay to go out with Patrick today." I told everyone.

"Well I will leave you two to get ready. Meet us downstairs when you're ready." Pete told us and then him and Joe and Andy left probably to get ready leaving me and Patrick alone.

" Why did you lie to Pete about the shirt?" Patrick asked me.

" Because he wouldn't lash out on me. I don't want to imagine what he would have done to you. He could have hurt you." I told Patrick.

" Thanks for that babe. I owe you and I have a great way how but you won't find out until later." Patrick told me.

" Okay Trick. I can't wait to find out what this suprise is." I said as I carefully walked over to the wardrobe.

" Oh and babe wear a dress please you look gorgeous in a dress." Patrick begged.

" Oh fine but only cus you asked." I said kissing Patrick.

"Now leave so that I cam get ready and you can get ready as well." I told him.

He picked up his clothes and walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

I picked out ny red tartan dress and black tights and my black boots and layed them on my bed.

I walked over to my cupboard and pulled out my hair dye and scissors and walked into my en suite bathroom.

I grabbed my towel and locked the door behind me. I turned on the shower and began to rub the red hair dye in. I followed the instructions and then I stepped out of the shower with my new red hair.

I walked into my room and dried my hair and then I styled it. I then got changed into my dress and tights and boots. I put some mascara and eyeliner on and then I decided I was finally ready. I opened my bedroom door and I walked down the stairs and into the living room.

I was met with gasps and gaping mouths.

" Close your mouths or you'll catch flies." I told the guys.

"What happened to you hair?" Andy asked.

"I changed it." I told them.

" Clearly." Joe said.

"What did you do to it. I died it red and styled it. Do you like it?"

"No." Pete said.

I was scared now. He wouldn't be very happy.

"I don't like it, I love it." Pete told me.

" Oh thank god. I thought that you were gonna shout at me." I said.

" No I absolutely love it. You've actually inspired me to want to dye my hair. What colour do you think?" Pete asked.

"Blonde." I joked.

" Okay. I will go blonde." Pete said seriously.

" Um okay. I also want to ask a question but if you don't like the idea just tell me." I began.

" Carry on." Pete said.

" Well I was wondering if I could have a tattoo done today?" I asked.

"Yes you can." Pete said.

I ran over to him and hugged him tightly.

" Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said hugging Pete.

" I know a great guy who could do your tattoo if you really want and I could get a cheaper price cus I'm a regular with him." Andy said.

" Thanks. Is there any part of your body that hasn't got a tattoo on it." I asked him.

" Um well the guys know what part hasn't but you will never see there." Andy said and I understood.

"Oh I think I know what you are on about and trust me I don't want to see where." I told him.

We all laughed then decided it was time to leave. The guys were all going with me to get my tattoo but then ws would drop the others at home and me and Patrick would enjoy whatever he had planned. 

We all cramed into the car and drove to the tattoo place that Andy told us about.

We all suddenly arrived at the tattoo shop. We all walked in and we were greated by a tall tattooed man who had almost as many tattoos as Andy but not quite.

" Andy my man back again. Is there anywhere left to draw on?" The man asked Andy. He winked and smirked.

" I'm not here for me I am in fact here for this lovely lady, Grace. Petes sister." Andy told the man.

"Hello there I am Simon. I have covered your friend Andy in tatoos and I have given your Pete a few tats as well. I may have also given Joe one or two. What were you wanting and where abouts do you want it." 

"I was wanting a quote from my favourite film 'the fault in our stars' and could you possibly do it on the inside of my right arm." I asked Simon.

"Which quote?" Simon asked me.

"'That's the thing about pain it demands to be felt." I told him.

"Okay give me a few seconds to draw it out." Simon told me.

A few minutes passed by quickly and the next thing I knew Simon was showing me his idea.

" I absolutely love it. That is the one. Thanks Simon." I said excitedly.

" Okay take a seat and I will be back in a second also do you want colour or just plain black?" Simon asked me.

"Plain black if its no trouble." I said.

" Of course Grace it isn't any trouble at all." Simon told me as he walked off to get the needle.

He comes back a few minutes later with all the tools needed.

"Are you sure yo want to do this Grace?" Simon asked making sure.

" Yes I'm absolutely sure." I told him.

" Do you want everyone in here or do you want some to leave?" Simon asked me.

" All of them to stay if that's okay." I told him.

" Okay this may hurt a little." Simon warned me.

Simon wiped my inner arm clean and picked up the needle. He placed it on ny arm and began to draw the pattern.

Soon enough he finished.

"Done." Simon said.

I took one look at it. It was amazing.

"I love it so much. Thanks." I said.

" You're welcome." He said.

" How much do I owe you?" I asked.

"On the house cus you are all a cool lot." Simon said.

" Thanks." I told him.

" Come back soon." he said as we were leaving.

"We will." I said to avoid explaining everything.

" You did beter than Pete. He burst out crying when he had his first tattoo." Andy told me.

" Well I've had to get used to pain." I told them.

We all climbed back in the car and when we got home it was suddenly 4:00.

We dropped the guys off and before we left.

" Come on m'lady." Patrick said holding his arm out for me.

" Okay sir." I replied taking his arm.

We drove to the park which was about 1 hour away from our house. It was lovely seeing all the beauty of nature and it was even better being with Patrick.

He lead me over to a table and it had two chairs. It was placed by a bandstand ,that had a piano and stool with an acoustic guitar propped against it, which was hidden away from the rest of the park. He pulled out the chair for me and I sat down and tucked myself in. He then sat down and from under the table he pulled out a picnic basket.

" I hope you don't mind that it us a picnic instead of a fancy restaurant." Patrick said.

" I would much rather sit with the man I love with nature surrounding us and eating a picnic than being in a snooty posh restaurant having people judge us because we don't look or act posh." I told him.

" God I love you babe. How will I cope with you gone?" He said leaning over the table and pecking my lips with his soft lips.

" Let's just focus on now and we will work that out when we get to that point." I told him.

" Okay?" Patrick said referencing my favourite film 'the fault in our stars'.

"Okay." I replied.

He pulled out a tub of salt and vinegar pringles and cheese sandwiches.

" How is this?" He asked.

"Amazing. I couldn't have asked for anything more perfect." I told him.

We both ate our food.

" It's not over yet." He said pulling out a Cadburys chocolate bar.

" Oh my god. This is the best thing ever." I told him.

We had two rows of chocolate each and by then we were full.

"Sit here for a few seconds." Patrick told me and he then disappeared into the trees.

He then came out and moved the table and his chair. I stood up and moved the chair to where the other chair and table was.

Two people then walked onto the bandstand and I recognised them immediately. It was Hayley Williams and Brendon Urie. I hugged Patrick tightly.

" Thank you." I repeated over and over again.

" No problem. You are worth it." He told me.

Hayley picked up the guitar and sat on the stool and Brendon sat in front of the piano.

Hayley began to strum the guitar to a very familiar song.

" May I have this dance?" Patrick asked me holding his hand out for me to take.

" Of course." I said taking his hand.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and held my hand in his calloused hands. I wrapped my other arm around the back of his neck.

We swayed from side to side and listened to Hayleys amazing voice and the equally amazing lyrics.

When I was younger I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind.
He broke his own heart and I watched
As he tried to reassemble it.

And my momma swore
That she would never let herself forget.
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love if it does not exist.

But darling,
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.

Maybe I know somewhere deep in my soul
That love never lasts.
And we've got to find other ways to make it alone.
Or keep a straight face.

And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable distance.
And up until now I have sworn to myself
That I'm content with loneliness.

Because none of it was ever worth the risk.

Well you are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.

I've got a tight grip on reality,
But I can't let go of what's in front of me here.
I know you're leaving in the morning when you wake up.
Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream.

You are the only exception. [4x]

You are the only exception. [4x]

And I'm on my way to believing.
Oh, and I'm on my way to believing.

Me and Patrick applauded her spectacular performance.

Me and Patrick took our positions again and began to sway to the song Brendon began to play.

[Verse 1:]
Whether near or far
I am always yours
Any change in time
We are young again

Lay us down
We're in love [x2]

[Verse 2:]
In these coming years
Many things will change
But the way I feel
Will remain the same

Lay us down
We're in love [x2]

Hi guys I hope you enjoyed this. Please check out my friends page @ClareLikesChicken because she has amazing stories and she has started a one shot book so feel free to send her requests and she should be happy to fulfil them. Stay awesome.

- FallOutGirl19 -

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