Is it Too Late? (FINISHED)

By ineedtherapy2309

6.3K 169 44

Adrien rejects Marinette's confession to him, but regrets it as he realizes he may be feeling a bit more than... More

Late Night Chats
Forced Relations
Guitar Lessons
New Style
The Note
He knows?!
Movie Night
Getting Ready
Beach Day pt. 1
Beach Day pt. 2
Beach Day pt. 3
Sweet Dreams
Thinking Clear
The Photo
Dates for the Dance
Whos Umbrella?
Patrol Night
Skating and Ice Cream
Tell me more!
The Dance Pt. 1
The Dance Pt. 2
The Dance Pt. 3
The Dance Pt. 4
Road to Recovery
He said What?!
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Sandman 2.0 Pt. 1
Sandboy Pt. 2 (The End)

He Knows?! pt. 2

185 6 2
By ineedtherapy2309

After school, there was an akuma, and Marinette just wasn't in the right mindset to face this thing; beyond distracted.

She excused herself from her friends, "I just remembered, I... have to water the house!" she said, she was so exhausted she didn't even realize what she had said to them.

"Did she just say she has to water her house?" Alya asked Nino and Adrien.

"Beats me, she's been in her own world today" Nino said back. Adrien however was a bit suspicious. She seemed to need to do something every time an akuma was spotted. It was probably her just wanting to get away, or, maybe she could be... her.

"I should probably get home, my father doesn't like me out in the open during an akuma attack" he said, just as an excuse to transform into Chat.

When he got to the scene, Ladybug was there already, but she looked exhausted. "Hey LB, whats her deal?" he said while pointing at the akuma.

"It's Stormy Weather again, although this time she seems stronger" Ladybug told Chat.

He then shouted at her to get Stormy Weathers attention away from civilians, "Hey rain! Go away! And don't come back another day!" Chat yelled.


They had been fighting her for a while now, and things were getting heated. Chat was cornered, and she needed to do something and fast. She wrapped her yo yo around Stormy when she wasn't looking, but then she dropped icicles onto Ladybug. She was able to dodge the majority, but one got her in the left shoulder. She groaned in pain as the icicle pierced through her suit stabbing her.

Chat heard her scream of pain, and launched at stormy weather with such force that he kocked her off balance, and was able to get the umbrella from her. He then snapped it in half since he'd already used his cataclysm.

Ladybug used all her strength to cleans the akuma, but was so distracted in the fight, she didn't get a chance to use her lucky charm, and wasn't able to repair the damage. Thankfully they'd only have to clean up some icicles and brush some snow off of people's cars. However, running off of adrenaline, she missed the biggest problem.

"Ladybug! You're hurt! I have to get you help right now," Chat said.

Right as he ran up to her, his ring beeped, notifying him he only had two minutes before he would transform back. Ladybug still had the icicle in her shoulder, but said, "Chat, I can't go to a hospital, they'll know it's me, and you can't transform back, they'll see your identity"

"I don't care LB, you're safety means more to me" He said.

"And keeping us, especially you, safe from hawkmoth is mine. I swear, I'll be fine, I know somewhere I can go".

As his ring beeped, he was going to transform any minute, so a good compromise he thought of was, "Fine, but were meeting again tonight at the Eiffel tower, 8PM. I need to know you're ok".

She responded with, "I'll be there". Then Chat ran off, finding a place to detransform.

LB was glad he listened. She didn't know what she'd do with herself if hawkmoth found out who he was. He'd be in danger, and he means way more to her than he'll ever know. But in truth, LB had no idea what to do, and the pain in her shoulder was becoming unbearable.

Being by the water, she did the first thing she could think of, and made her way to the Liberty. Luka was in his living room, just strumming his guitar, trying to perfect Marinette's song, when the door opened from the deck and someone came stumbling in the boat.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing, "Ladybug?!". This definitely wasn't how he thought is day would go.

When he got a closer look, he saw the giant icicle lodged in her left shoulder. "Luka" she said faintly, "I need..."

"Yes, what do you need?" He said while rushing to her side.

"I need you to get the icicle out, don't take me to a hospital, they'll know who I am" she said. The room around her started to seem a bit fuzzy, she was losing consciousness.

Luka carried her onto the counter, "Hold on, I'll be right back",

"Ok" she replied faintly, not entirely sure of what was happening around her.

Luka then ran as fast as posible to get his moms sewing kit, a bunch of gauz, towels, and steralizing alcohol.

When he got back to Ladybug, her eyes were starting to close, "Hey, stay with me alright" he told her, she just nodded a bit. When he got a closer look at the icicle, he went to cut away the suit so he could see the area around the icicle, but it was no use, the suit was magically fused to her body. "I can't get at the wound, your suit wont move" he told her.

Marinette was now in a land between consciousness and thinking that everything that was happening was a dream. Everything was a bit fuzzy, and all rasional thoughts had left her body. When she heard that the suit was in the way, she said, "that's ok, Tiki Spots off". Immediately after, she closed her eyes, fully going unconscious.

Luka was trying to process what he had just seen. A second ago Ladybug was lying on his counter, and now laid Marinette in front of him, unconscious, with an icicle sticking out of her shoulder, and there's a floating black and red bug flying above her.

Marinette is Ladybug, Ladybug is Marinette, Marinette is Ladybug and Adrien is Chat Noir. Adrien likes Ladybug and Marinette. Ladybug and Marinette are the same person. His head was spinning, he froze. This was completely unexpected, he didn't know whatsoever. He could believe it though, Marinette is amazing, so it's no wonder she's Ladybug.

"Luka! Do something! I can help when you get the Icicle out" Tiki was yelling at Luka. This seemed to snap him back and he went to work.

He got all the gauze and towels he could ready. He first had to cut open the sweatshirt Marinette was wearing to get access, and he took the icicle out of her shoulder. Thank god she wasn't awake, because if she was, that would've hurt an insane amount.

Once he got it out, he went to put pressure on the wound, but instead Tiki went over to him, saying "I can't close the wound, but I can make it stop bleeding". She then went over to her shoulder, and Luka watched her touch Marinette's skin as the wound glowed for a couple seconds, then the blood stopped rushing. "You still need to stitch her up, while I slow down the bleeding," she told Luka.

He then sewed up the wound, put some rubbing alcohol on it. When he did she groaned in her sleep. He felt bad for how much that probably stung. He then put a bunch of gauze and tape over the stitches to make sure it stays clean and heals.

Now that he was finally able to relax, he realized she had gotten blood all over her sweatshirt, which was also ruined due to him cutting it up to access the wound. Tiki watched as he carried her into his room. While in his room, he took off the remnants of the sweatshirt, avoiding his eyes away from Marinette since she was only wearing a bra underneath. Even though his teenage boy side was screaming at him to look, he would never since she hadn't consciously allowed him to.

He then found a Jagged band TShirt of his, and put it on Marinette, still trying to avoid looking at her. Once it was on, he tucked her into his bed, and made sure she was comfortable while throwing away the scraps which were once a hoodie.

He then closed the door, heading back outside to the living room. He sat down on the couch next to Tiki, "So Marinette's Ladybug?" he asked

"Yup" she replied.

"And Adrien's Chat Noir"


"Does she know that?" he asked, curious if she already knew.

"No" Tiki responded. Tiki then let him know she was going to sleep by Marinette.

When Tikki went away, Luka was left by himself, trying to wrap his head around everything he found out today. He still couldn't believe that Marinette's been Ladybug this entire time. And she chose him to be viperion. She trusted him with a miraculous! But how does she not know Chat's identity, and does Chat know hers? Endless questions.

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