More Than Friends

By TrishGauthor

156K 4K 534

Bell has the amazing luck of becoming Scott Evans Best friend. She has a lot of fun and she gets to meet Chri... More

Authors note
Public Garden
Mystery girl
The truth
Suits and puppies
She sounds amazing
He wants to meet me!
Meeting Chris
Just friends?
Puppy kiss
Confessions are hard
Make me a painting?
Sneak a peek
Party time
The aftermath
I fucked up
The present
Anthony Roberts
I want her
The Roberts
Brother talk
Date plan.
The Evans
Out of my comfort zone
The Date
My mom
Something you didin't wanted to see
Childhood home
Thanks giving plan
We could be friends
Say what you feel
The concert
Author note
Final project
Old friend
A lot of tension between us
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Before graduation
Graduation day
Vacation mode
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Disney magic
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New years
Free fall
Breaking Point
Not giving up
Fuck Valentine's Day
Rock bottom
No more games
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On the edge
Near the end
The real threat
Author note
Heart shatter
Second chances
What will come next?


1.6K 50 2
By TrishGauthor


Christmas Eve was amazing. We had so much fun at animal kingdom and the fireworks where so beautiful I cried, again. Shocker.
Scott and Steve had a great date and the hostess of the restaurant told them how Chris kneeled and kissed me. That, led them to believe he proposed to me. They where seriously offended we "kept it a secret" and wouldn't let us talk so we couldn't tell them he didn't propose.
After a full monologue of everyone and Scott being indecisive if he wanted to be a best man or a bridesmaid. Which made my heart decide my chest wasn't enough room for it, we where able to tell them. To my surprise everyone was extremely disappointed we weren't engaged.
I mean, i love Chris. And if he asked me to marry him i would definitely say yes. But i don't think he's thinking about it. He didn't seem put off by the idea of marrying me, and he definitely wasn't quick to deny he didn't propose. So what if—
No. Bell, stop. Your going to get hurt if you get your unrealistic expectations too high.
Because it's christmas we decided to go to magic kingdom again. The first day we where here we went on almost every ride, so we're sticking to the classics. Scott took a lot of pictures of me and Chris on the carousel.
I was so in love with it we stayed in it for tree rides. The person in charge didn't mind since there wasn't any line and there weren't a lot of people going on the ride.
"Holly shit. Bell, with her vintage camera. Haven't seen that in years."
Dylan was looking at me with awe. As i took a picture of the carousel.
I loved taking pictures and my teachers told me i had an eye for it. I took that camera everywhere i went. And i took so many pictures i was able to fill three photo albums for my dad.
"You used to take a lot of photos?"
I looked at Scott and shrug.
"You kidding me? She wouldn't let that camera out of her side. She has the most amazing eye for it and i would beg her to give me copies. Of course, Bell being Bell. She waited for my birthday to fill my room with my favorite pictures."
I smiled at the memory of Dylan walking into his room and loosing his mind because of all the pictures i put up on his walls. That was a great day, Angie helped me by keeping Dylan busy. He though i forgot his birthday. As if.
I laugh at the memory and Chris wrapped his arms around me, pressing my back to his front.
"Why did you stop, baby?"
Dylan gave me a sad smile. They've been so supportive of me, it started to come easy for me to open up and talk about things that bothered me. I wanted to share this story with them, i wanted them to have this part of me and my dad. I rested my head on his shoulder and took a deep breath.
"My dad bough me this vintage camera when i was ten. He kneeled in front of me and said. "You look at the world with love, you see the good in the bad. And every time you take a picture, you capture that beauty. Teach the world how to see the wold with love, Bells. Just like you showed me." So, i did. I took as many pictures as i could for so long." Chris's arms tightened around me, giving me the silence comfort i needed to keep talking. "But just like i stoped doing a lot of things after he died, i stoped taking pictures. I had no idea how to see the good in the bad anymore."
Scott gave me his and and squeezed.
"What changed?"
I smiled at him and looked up at Chris.
He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. I looked at the rest of them.
"All of you."
I felt like someone was squeezing my throat and i couldn't talk. There where millions of things i wanted to thank them for. I wanted to thank them for helping me heal my broken heart, for making me reconnect with my mom, for helping me spend more time with my brothers. For loving all my broken parts and helping me mend them. But i couldn't talk.
Scott cupped my face, I'm sure he could see all that in my face.
"We know, Bell. We know."
I was taken into a group hug that soon we where all laughing.
"How come I'm always so sentimental around you guys. Your going to get sick of me crying."
They laughed and Chris turned me to him.
"There's nothing about you that would make us get sick of you, angel. And your dad is right, you see the world with so much love. I hope you keep taking picture, i want to see the world through your eyes."
He gave me a sweet kiss, that melted my insides. The rest of the day went smoothly, now we where eating some hot dogs. Chris made reservations at a restaurant for christmas dinner. Chris and I decided to exchange our gifts after dinner.
After we where done eating the guys told me and Sarah they had a surprise for us. I did not expect them to get us a spa day. They claimed they wanted us relaxed and happy. So we didn't complain.
We got ready in our robes and started our spa day. Everyone was so nice, i was so comfortable i actually took a little nap when I was getting my massage. Afterwards Sarah and i got into our privet hot tub. We would see the guys back at the hotel to get ready for dinner, Sarah and Dylan are going to have such a good time. She's very excited.
We had a great time and it was so helpful to be just the two of us so we could get to have some girl talk. We spend the day laughing and talking about the wedding, Chris and Dylan. We really bonded over mimosas and mud masks.
After a really good day we went to the gift shop and bought some gifts for our moms. And i bough some things for Chris's mom and sisters. We returned to the hotel laughing and telling funny stories about the guys. Apparently we where laughing so hard the guys heard us and came out of one single room. We stoped in our tracks and tried to control our laughter.
"Well, well. What do we have here."
Dylan look really happy to see us together and bounding. Honestly, i was happy about it too. We weren't exactly close before but for the last few months we've become really close. And today only solidified our friendship
"What where you laughing about, love?"
Dylan asked Sarah and we just looked at each other before bursting in laughter. I guess we drank too many mimosas.
"Nothing, Dylan. We where just having girl talk."
Yeah, i was full of shit. But i wasn't going to tell him how Sarah told me about that time he got stuck on a river and firefighters had to pull him out. I would've been concerned if he didn't took the decision of jumping in and the water was only three feet high and he was unharmed. But apparently he didn't consider the fact that the wall was eight feet tall and slippery. So he needed assistance to get out.
"Im not sure how to feel about this."
Chris laughed and taped Dylan on his shoulder.
"Why's that? They look happy. And a little bit drunk."
Chris eyed me up and down trying to figure out how drunk was I. Thankfully, i was just tipsy.
I think.
"Chris. Both of them have incredibly, humiliating, stories of about me. And them, sharing them. Is not good."
"I should've gone to the spa with them."
Everyone turn to look at Scott with amusement in their eyes. Of course my best friend wanted the gossip about Dylan.
"Don't worry Scott. We're definitely having a spa day the four of us."
Of course a Steve would join us next time. I huge grin appeared in Scott's face.
"Okay, now I'm not sure about that."
Dylan patted Chris's shoulder the same way he did him.
"Don't worry Chris, at least they will be happy."
We couldn't help but laugh at Chris reaction. I went to him wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Don't worry, baby. There's nothing Scott could tell me that would make me run away. You're stuck with me."
He pulls me closer to his body and smirks down at me.
"Good. Because there's no way in hell I'm letting you go. You're mine."
He kisses me and i melt into him. We get pushed and we notice Sarah lost her balance and almost fell to the floor. Thankfully Steve stoped her fall.
"What the hell did you guys drink? Vodka?"
Asked Dylan helping Sarah to find her footing.
I said as i hide my face on Chris's chest to hide my blushed cheeks.
"Bell." Chris tipped my chin up to face him. "How may mimosas did you drink?"
I gave him an innocent smile.
"Enough to to go through two bottles?"
He closed his eyes and his chest started to sake as he tried not to laugh.
"God. I love you so much."
"Im i amusing you?"
I wiggle my eyebrows, causing him to throw his head back in laughter, making my insides melt.
"Yes, angel. You're the only person i know that would get drunk and get her friend drunk with her, right before christmas dinner."
"Hey!" I slapped his chest playfully. "How do you know Sarah wasn't the one who got me drunk?"
Now it was Sarah's turn to laugh.
"What? You could've convinced me."
"Bell, I only drink when you or Dylan put a glass of something in my hand. Other than that, i don't. So, you got me drunk."
Okay, she has a point. I look up at Chris, who's lifting that damn eyebrow that makes the pressure between my thighs appear out of thin air.
"Okay, yes. It was my idea, but in my defense. There's no better way to bound with someone but over mimosas and we had fun. Now, Sarah and I are getting ready and we'll see you for dinner. Okay? Okay. Bye."
I kissed his cheek as he laughed at my suden awkwardness for getting Sarah drunk before dinner. I grabbed Sarah's hand so we could go to my room and get ready. We agreed on this at breakfast, the guys would get ready together and leave Sarah and I get ready. Of course, Scott ended up in my room helping us get ready. After a while we where ready to go.
I decided to where a ocean blue, dress. With the bodice filled with beautiful stones all over it. And a slit that runs up to my hip.
We took pictures with my camera and i promised to send copied to everyone. I gave Dylan, Sarah, Scott and Steve their christmas presents. I was so happy they liked them and i nearly cried when Scott and Steve teared up for their gifts.
There was this one time that Chris went out of town and i wasn't feeling good, my mom started to clean out the house and even though i told her ir was for the best. And i still think it is. It was hard. So Steve and Scott came to my apartment and they took me to the park.
We took Dolly and Dodger and we had the best day ever. It became one of our favorite memories and i had the luck to have someone take a picture of us without them realizing. So, i gifted them that picture, along with two tickets to see their favorite play.
After the exchange we went to dinner. I was so happy to spend this day with them, I'm so great full to them for everything they did. We walking in and a lovely lady welcomed us, she immediately recognized Chris and tried to keep it cool.
"Mr. Evans. Your party's already waiting for you."
I frowned.
"Wait. Who's coming?"
Chris kissed my forehead and smiled at something behind me. I felt a small tap on my shoulder and i turned around.
I hugged her tightly, almost knocking her to the floor.
"Oh, sweetheart. Merry Christmas."
"Mom. What are you doing here? Not that m not happy to see you. I'm so happy your here, but how? When did you get—"
"Slow down sweetheart, your going to faint if you don't take a breath."
She smiled at me and she cupped my cheeks making me smile.
"How are you here?"
"She's not the only one here."
Jeremy appears form behind my mom and i lunch myself at him.
"Hey there little sister. Missed me?"
"You know i did."
He laughed and hugged me tighter.
"Hey, what about me? Don't i get a hug?"
My eyes watered and my heart threatened to come out of my chest.
I give him a big hug, and i refused to let go. Even though i just saw them a couple of days ago, i really missed them. I don't usually get to see them this often and i had no idea when i would see them again.
"Where's Karol?"
I slight tap on my shoulder has me turning around again and i get the view of a very pregnant and beautiful Karol.
"Did you think I wouldn't come and see you?" I hugged her as best as i could. " i would leave your brother home before letting him come without me."
I laughed. "I missed you."
A big commotion brought my attention back to Chris, Scott and Steve. All of Chris's family is here too, i wasn't able to hide my excitement as a couple of tears fell from my eyes. We had to go to our table because we where blocking the entrance.
"How are you all here? And why didn't i know?"
I gave Chris a look and he lifted his hands in surrender.
"Don't look at me, angel. As much as i would love to take credit for this surprise, it was not my idea."
I frown and look around the table waiting for someone to tell me what was going on.
"Well," Jeremy started talking. "Chris invited us to be with you from the begging."
I look over at Chris and he winks. One playful wink that almost distracts me from the conversation. This man went as far as inviting my family to make me happy on Christmas.
He's so going to get laid tonight.
"And even though we really wanted to come with you we had somethings to take care back home. So we decided it would be best to give you the surprise when everything was ready. You know, as part of your christmas present. First part is us being here."
I blink and looked around.
"Im so confused right now." Everybody laughed. I looked at Chris. "What does that have to do with your family?" I look at my brothers "And when did you get here? What present? And—"
"Baby, let them explain."
Chris run his hand up and down my back, calming me.
"Yo see, dear." Lisa started talking. "Your brothers told us about the surprise they where planing and we where only going to come if they where successful."
She gave me a small smile. "Because it wouldn't have felt right to be here without your family. Believe it or not, we became pretty close."
My eyes watered and my heart was about to burst. My mom told me she and Lisa where becoming grate friends, and that made me so happy.
"That makes me very happy to hear." They all smile at me and Scott passes me a tissue making all of us laugh. "But, what's the surprise? I guess you where successful if you're all here."
My brothers shared a look and Jason told Jeremy he should go first. So, he cleared his throat and placed his hand on Karol's.
"Karol and i have been talking since she got pregnant. We love San Francisco, but... it didn't felt like the place we wanted to raise our baby, it doesn't feel like home. And it hasn't felt right to live there for a long time... so we made a big decision."
Jeremy looked at me expecting me to know what he meant. My palms became sweaty and my heart picked up. Is he? No, he wouldn't. Or would he?
"Jeremy... if your saying what i think  you're—"
My voice cracked with emotion, and Chris brought me closer to him to give me his support. I took a deep breath and continue.
Better rip the bandaid quickly.
"Are you saying you're moving back to Boston?"
The smile and tears in Karol's eyes gave me my answer.
"Yes, Bell. We're moving back to Boston. For good."
I was about to break down in tears when Jason started talking.
"Im moving back too. I've hated being alone in Seattle all this time and i missed my little sister. I missed mom and dad, and my brother. I hated leaving you alone after everything that happened with dad and Angie. And a certain son of a—"
"There are kids here bro. Keep it pg."
We all laughed and Jason continued.
"Fine, that bad person who will remain nameless. After that I hated it even more, because my boss wouldn't allow me to travel often to see you. I Applied for a change to Boston about a year and a half ago. But i just heard i got relocated right before your graduation. And since Jeremy and Karol told me they wanted to move too and surprise you on Christmas. I waited."
My tears were not containable any longer, they came with a vengeance and i wasn't going to be able to stop them. I stand up on weak legs and went to hug my brothers, tears of their own made their way down their cheeks and i knew a lot of people from the table where crying too.
"I can't believe you guys actually did this."
My voice came out wobblier than I wanted it to.
"We should've done it sooner."
I have no idea who said it or if both of them said it, but i didn't care. All i cared about was the fact that my brothers where going to be near me again. They started to let me go and we laughed at how many people where crying. I hugged my mom and Karol and sat back next to Chris.
He heart leaped to my throat, when I extended my hand to Chris and he met me halfway. Like he couldn't bare not touching me..
He smiles so wide my heart melted.
"I have to give it to you Chris." Jeremy called. "I thought you would tell Bell our plans of coming back."
"Wait, you knew?"
He smiled. "I did. Jason told he applied for the transfer the day we met on your birthday." Everybody laughed. "And Jeremy told me the day we saw him in NY."
My eyes nearly popped out off my head.
"You've known that long?! Chris, that was months ago. We weren't even dating when Jason told you. Why didn't you tell me?"
"Trust me, baby. It was hard, i wanted to tell you. I was so close to telling you many times. And I almost did tell you on the airplane."
"Even though we're grateful you didn't. Im curious, why didn't you?" Asked Jason.
I looked at Chris and we locked eyes.
"Because even though i wanted to be selfish and have her smile and happiness for myself. I knew hearing it from you two was going to be the best gift you could give her. And I'm not capable of denying that to her."
Another tear fell to my cheek and he brushed it away with his thumb. He took my hand and kissed the back of it.
"I love you, angel."
"I love you too."
The rest of the dinner was great. I found out that while Sarah and I where on our spa day, the guys went to pickup everybody from the airport. We where going to stay three more days and then go back home. I played with the kids and helped Carly carry them to bed. I finish singing to Stella, when Chris walks into the room.
"She asleep?"
He whispers and i nodded. I give her a kiss on her forehead and tuck her in. I go to Chris and he's looking at me funny.
I whisper and he shakes his head, getting rid of whatever was going on in his head.
He takes my hand and we go back to our room. Chris helps me out of my coat and i sit on the edge of the bed.
"I don't know how to thank you for everything. You made this, one of the best Christmas of my life."
Chris kneels in front of me and kissed both my hands.
"There's nothing i wouldn't do for you, Bell."
I cup his face with my hands and take a good look at him.
"I know. And you've proved it, over and over again." I lean in and rest my forehead against his. "Thank you, for loving me. And thank you for letting me love you."
I press a kiss on his lips. He doesn't say anything, he just places a box on my lap.
"Marry Christmas, baby."
He kisses me one last time before pulling away, but he doesn't stand up. He stays kneeling in front of me. I take the wrapping off and find a big velvet black box. I open it up and the tears start running down my face.
"Your mom gave me the ashes. I had one made for her as well."
I look up at him and then down to the box again. The beautiful diamond in the center of the neckless is marking my heart go into cardiac arrest. Ive heard how people send their loved ones ashes to be made into diamonds, but i never thought it would be this beautiful. Chris sent my dads ashes to be made into a diamond, so i could carry him with me all the time.
But i never told him.
"How did you know?"
"When i went to pick up your mom on thanksgiving, she was in the kitchen with the urn. She told me how your dad didn't wanted to be buried. But he wanted a place for you and your brothers to visit when you needed it. And i saw my chance for you to always feel close to your dad. No matter how far you're from home."
Why does this man keep going for my heart? Doesn't he know its already his and that if i could i would literally rip it out of me and hand it over to him?
I place the box with the neckless next to me on the bed and then I'm on him. My arms and legs wrapped tightly around him.
"You have absolutely no idea, how much i fucking love you."
He lets out a humorless laugh and he stand up with me wrapped around him. He sits on the bed, refusing to let me go.
"I love you more, angel. Don't ever forget that."
We stayed like that until i felt like i could breath like a normal person. I pulled away and he wiped my tears away and left kisses al over my face. I was my turn to give him his present and i was nervous. It was nothing compared to what he gave me, but i put all my love into it. I got off his lap after he placed the neckless around my neck and i went into the closet. I very carefully took out the fame and the folder. I hand the folder to him, it has a red bow, that makes him smirk.
"Im starting to love this tradition of a red bow. I need to buy more red clothes."
"Good, next time I'm buying you a red tie."
"For a date?"
I smile at him and kiss his cheek.
"That, and for you to tie me up."
He groans and squeezes my thigh.
Im really tempted to know what happens if i don't, but I'm going to let him open his gift first. He opens the folder and takes out two tickets. He turns them around and he looses his shit.
"You fucking didn't! Is this real?"
I laugh so hard i almost fell off the bed.
"I checked with your manager, you don't have anything to do that day."
He nearly tackles me to the bed, both of us laughing.
"How did you know i wanted to watch the game?"
I give him a look that makes him laugh. I love football, but he's obsessed. That's why i bought to tickets for the playoff's, of course, Patriots are playing.
"You're amazing, thank you."
He kisses me and I smile.
"Even though i have my own jersey, I'm steeling one of yours."
He smiles. "Like i would complain about seeing you in one of my Jerseys."
He kisses me again and starts to beeped the kiss, i stop him before he can get too far.
"You still have one more present to open. So, hold that though."
We sit up and I pass him the big frame. I was lucky it fit my suitcase. He takes it and starts opening it, i start getting nervous and wondering if he will like it. Once its out he takes a good look at it.
"You did not."
A huge smile appeared on his face and my nerves slipped away. When Chris and i started dating he told me when was i going to make him his painting. He said he wanted one before i became a famous artist and he would have to buy it for billions. I laughed and asked him what he wanted me to paint for him, he said anything as long as i was part of the painting. He wanted to wake up and see me, the rest didn't matter.
Since we didnt take any pictures on our first date i made a painting from memory, of us dancing. My first slow dance and the moment he asked me to be his girlfriend.
"Do you like it?"
He looks at me and crashes his lips against mine, stealing my breath away.
"I fucking love it. If my house burns down I'm running back inside to save this."
I throw my head back and laugh.
"Okay, now you're being dramatic."
"Im being extremely serious. First i would run out with you over my shoulder while Dodger and Dolly follow us and then, once you're safe with them, I would run inside for this painting."
I smile widely at him and shake my head.
"Im glad you like it that much."
"Don't mock me. I do love it that much."
"More than the tickets to the game?"
He looks at me dead in the eye and brings his hand to my face. My heart stops beating.
"I love it  more than anything in this world. Because you made it, because it's the day i made the best decision in my life and asked you to be mine and you said yes. Because its not just only a memory on my mind, i haven't in my hands and I'm never letting it go."
I crash our lips together, feeling so desperate for him it physically hurts. He tells me over and over that he loves me, that he would do anything for me. But what makes my heart make a backflip and my insides melt. Is the fact that he proves it. It's been almost six months since we first met and he has loved me with every bit of his heart.
He mend my heart and protected it. He has kisses my tears away and replaced them with smiles. He has gone to unbelievable lengths to see me smile. He has made me feel more loved than anyone in this world.
I felt broken, alone and drowning. He was my lifeline and he took it as his personal mission to bring the light that died inside me. He went straight for my heart and made it his. He ruins me for any other man that would want to come into my life. I am his for the rest of my life and nothing will change that.
I fell in love with him and there's no going back now. I don't want to go back. His love is so consuming and beautiful. It's like the ocean, it's calm, beautiful, infinite. He shows me this every single day, trying to make me laugh. Loving me like there was no tomorrow. But it's also angry, harsh, and magnificent. And he shows me every night when he takes me to bed and shows me what real pleasure is, making me beg for mercy. But also making me beg for more. I want to drown in his love. I will drown on his love.
And it will be the most beautiful way to die.

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