Something More

By NekoPikachu

82.7K 3.1K 500

A Kevedd (Kevin x Edd) Fan-fiction: He looked down at me, the same expression from earlier. His eyes flickere... More

Before Reading
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Six

278 13 3
By NekoPikachu

Kevin's Point of View

I didn't want to admit the truth to myself. It was my dumb way of not wanting to change my future for the worse, but it kept me stuck to the past, stuck on something that would force me to let go of the things I wanted. 

I left the hospital with more questions than answers. One thing I knew for sure was I was a secret in Edd's life. It had no reason to bother me as much as it did, especially since I wasn't planning on telling anyone either. But knowing he thought of me as a flakey maybe didn't sit right with me. I never did anything half-ass in my life, and I sure as well wouldn't do this any different. Whatever this is. 

When I finally rode up my driveway, I saw my dad's truck. It was old and a little beat up, but it was paid off. I remembered as a kid I thought it was the coolest thing ever. The summer he bought it, I would practically beg the old man to take me on rides. He liked to show it off, especially to the neighbors, and I was the son that was just as cool. We haven't had that relationship in years. Maybe it was my fault cause I stopped trying, but I blamed him for never trying. 

"I'm home." I called into the house. He didn't answer but to be fair I didn't expect him too. 

I took my shoes off at the door and made my way into the kitchen. It was getting late and I'd need to start on dinner. It crossed my mind to invite Nazz over, she was a great cook, but the thought vanished just as quickly as it came. I was an absolute dick to her and I needed to apologize. Again. 

My fingers grabbed the first cup in the cabinet, and I filled it with water from the sink. I chugged the cup then another. Then another. I was putting off calling her, but my stomach could only take so much more liquid. I flipped open my phone, hitting her contact and the call button. The picture on her contact was an old one I needed to change. Yet, I couldn't bring myself to. I definitely would when Edd and I got more serious.  

"What do you want?" Nazz sounded bored like I was the last person in the world she was expecting to call her.

The sound of my dads heavy footsteps had me cutting off the apology I was ready to give. "Come over."

"Screw you, dude." I was expecting something a bit angrier or maybe tears, but she disconnected the call immediately after. 

My dad leaned against the kitchen counter, his tall muscular frame took up the entire space. I ignored him, already redialing Nazz's number. This time she picked up on the first ring, I spoke before she could. "I'll explain when you get here." Her brief 'whatever' was answer enough when she hung up again. 

"Coach called. He said you were showing off at the last game." He stated plainly, gauging my reaction.

"If those other kids were better, I wouldn't have had too." I muttered, still bitter Edd bailed on coming to my game. I filled my cup for the forth time. Despite my dry mouth, I wasn't thirsty. 

His laugh caught me off guard. It was deep but unsurprised. "Damn fucking right. That's my boy. Maybe you'll beat my high school record one day." His words brought a smile to my face. "Who's coming over?" 


"You should figure something out to eat. I had a burger on the way here." At that, he turned and left. "Don't be too loud." He added, already somewhere in the living room. 

Nazz surprised me by knocking on the door. She knew where a few different keys were hidden in the bushes and rocks, so she could have just waltzed in like she owned the place. She didn't. She did, however, ignore me. She walked straight to my room without a word, and I followed like a stupid puppy. If that's what she needed to do to blow off steam, I'd give her what she wanted. The space between us suddenly seemed a lot wider and deeper than I had thought. The last thing I wanted was this to be the last time we hung out after school. 

Nazz sat on my desk. She crossed her legs and pointed for me to sit on my bed a few feet away. I obeyed without a word. My stomach growled, loud as hell, making me feel out of touch. 

"Talk." Her tone was pointed, almost rude. I deserved it. 

"I'm sorry?" My apology was questionable, even to my own ears. I just didn't know what to say. 

"What the hell's been going on with you, dude?"

"I... don't know." I laid back on my bed; my feet still planted firmly on the ground. "I don't know how to start or what you want to know."

"Do you like Double D?" 

My head flipped up to look at her, almost giving me whiplash. Dozens of answers crossed my mind, but with the way she was looking at me, all angry and shit, I went with the truth.

"Yeah, and he likes me too." I don't know why I added the second part. I felt defensive over what she would say. It wasn't so far-fetched to think she'd warn me to stay away from the soft boy. As kids she warned me dozens of times to stay away from the Ed group. It was obviously for a different reason then, but even so. 

"I know."

"You know what?" The frustration leaked from my words before I could pull it back in. 

"You can tell he likes you." Her soft voice and shrug brought a warmth across my chest. The same warmth I felt when I kissed the boy for the first time. I shouldn't have expected for Nazz to be anything less than accepting. I was a complete dumbass.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you." The first honest apology I had given her since we'd broken up. She answered with a bright smile. 

"You better be, cause I'm hungry. This time you're cooking." Fuck.

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