Heeseung Ship Prompts/Oneshot...

By 0HyunseungX

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Heeseung Ships only! [REQUESTS: OPEN 24/7] •Please be patient with the requests ; school's been up in my ass... More

Prompt 1. Shy <Heehoon>
prompt 2. Enemies or Lovers? <heehoon>
Oneshot 1. [HeeWon]
prompt 3. HeeJayHoon
prompt 4. Heeki
Oneshot 2. HeeKi
Oneshot 3. [Polaroid Love]
Oneshot 4. [Rose]
oneshot 5. [Forget-me-nots]
Oneshot 6. [Fate]
oneshot 7. [Water Boy]
Oneshot 8. [My Prince]
Oneshot 9. [Attention]
Oneshot 10. [Trouble Maker]
Oneshot 11. [Double Take]
Oneshot 12. [Jealousy]
Oneshot 13. [Let Me Buy It]
Oneshot 14. [Maybe]
Oneshot 15. [Flower Boy]
Oneshot 16 [New Kid]
Oneshot 17 [M.I.N.E] 🔞
Oneshot 19. [Self-indulgent]
Oneshot 20. [In Between]🔞
Oneshot 21. [Brat] 🔞

Oneshot 18. [Your Voice]

3.3K 51 78
By 0HyunseungX

Ship: Heeseung×Sunoo
Requested by StaysengenesmoasPA ! Also, my updating schedule will become irregular cause my exams are coming up and they will continue till the end of Feb so please deal with me! But I will update on the weekends :) Consider this a Valentines day gift! Love you and enjoy~


"I'm sorry, but I think you should just give up. Your club hasn't been doing well since... forever! Everytime you submit the video, it sounds like a litter of dying cats. Maybe fix their voice or I don't know, recruit new and better members," Mr. Moon sighed, shaking his head as he clicked the pause button of the audio.

Sunoo grimaced at the disoriented and cracked voices of his singing club, even he had to admit, it sounded terrible.

"Well, you know my answer. Maybe if you find new and better members, you still have a chance!" The older smiled, sweet voice dancing around the heavy atmosphere of the room.

"Now, go along! I have a feeling you might find the right person," he cheerfully spoke, dark eyebags prominent under his black eyes.

"Alright... thanks, Mr Moon." Sunoo thanked, bowing his head to the older, exiting his room afterwards.

Once the loud click of the door sounded, signalling that it had been closed, Sunoo let out the exasperated groan he had been holding back.

His club was hopeless.

Ever since he entered the university, he was given a chance to enter the singing club and it wasn't a bad thing, he liked singing and was good at it.

On his first day, his high hopes of the grand singing club was crushed when he pushed through the wooden doors of the multi purpose hall, only to be met with thirteen to fourteen seniors lounging around the spacious place.

Not everyone though, there was one, Lee Jaeyun, if Sunoo remembered clearly.

He was a tad bit shorter than Sunoo, had red, vibrant hair and a bright aura being emitted from him.

Jaeyun was the president of the club, so to speak.

Which was a well-deserved role, considering the efforts he took to persuade the school into letting him make the club and he sounded amazing, clear, rich and high, his voice was easily recognisable and beautiful.

Due to him, the rest of the club could at least take part in some sort of small competitions.

But after he left the school and the club to Sunoo's hands, that's when the downfall came.

No one seemed to be interested in singing and everyone crowded over to the sports, cheerleading, arts and the most popular-dancing clubs.

The dance club was created by Lee Heeseung, but Sunoo prefers not to mention him.

The latter was extremely popular and you could see his face on every single banner around the school, attractive and smart, he easily won the hearts of everyone. (Well, besides Sunoo, or at least that's what he thinks.)

Everyone except for Sunoo;he despised pretty, perfect Lee Heeseung.

He despised how the older always managed to effortlessly beat him at all subjects even when Sunoo had worked his ass off, but still coming in second for not being able to score a perfect triple digit number like Heeseung had.

Sunoo also hated how Heeseung exceled in everything he does.

Swimming? He's never done it before, but still came in neck-to-neck with a professional who had trained for years at a contest that Heeseung went quote unquote "just for fun" to. Archery? Foreign but he could still manage to shoot an eight to ten.

What could he even possibly lack? He's been scouted by companies, made president of student council, literally gave the school a title, who wouldn't be envious of him?

But it wasn't entirely Heeseung's fault to what made Sunoo loathe the male.

Turns out it was the younger who started a fight with him when Heeseung first made the dance club.

He still remembers the exact words he told the older boy, "Don't think you're so mighty cause you're getting all the attention. You might be my senior, but you will not steal my spotlight." And it wasn't like Sunoo was even in the spotlight.

And eventually, it seemed like Karma hated Sunoo and Heeseung's club became more popular than his barely noticeable singing one.

Sunoo decided to walk around for a while, to vent out his frustration at the garden where he could kick the pebbles into the pond which did not have any fishes whatsoever.

With his hand gripped tightly to the strap of his bag, he walked as slowly as possible, dragging his feet along the smooth pavement of the corridors making loud shick shick sounds when he didn't lift his feet up.

Nearing the garden, he heard a faint voice hum then the humming turned into a soft melody of a guitar and singing.

And it was like the whole world stopped for a minute, time seemed to slow down at that very moment, the world fell quiet, the only thing that he could hear was that beautiful, sweet, voice.

Honey-like and angelic, pretty as if you could see it.

Soft but it was crystal clear, a sharp and rich tone to it. It was just like honey-sweet to the soul.

And so to say Sunoo was in love with the voice was an understatement. He was head over heels for it and he wanted, no, needed to find out who the mysterious person is so he can ask him to join his club.

Surely a romantic and high-pitched voice will get them to a certain level of greatness.

The voice was paired with an acoustic guitar strumming to the familiar tune of 'come back to me' by se7en.

Sunoo had to find out who that person was.

Just before he could follow the sound and levitate towards the healing voice, something had to interrupt him, right?

"Eh? Sunoo? How was the meet with Mr Moon? Did we finally get accepted?" Kevin rushed up to Sunoo once he saw the younger in sight.

Sunoo stared in the direction of the sweet voice longingly before tearing his gaze off the blank white pillars.

"Hi hyung, and sadly, no we did not. Mr. Moon said we sounded like dying cats," Sunoo sighed, massaging his temples.

And seeing the dejected look on the older's face made Sunoo sad too, Kevin was a great singer.

His voice fit pop songs with a bit of funk to it, but that didn't mean he couldn't sing ballads either.

However, his voice wasn't as attractive as the mysterious person's voice (objectively) to Sunoo.

"Maybe we should just discard the entire club. I can go join the football club or something. The dance club doesn't sound so bad either," Kevin sighed, patting Sunoo on the shoulder before trudging away, probably to go find Shota.

"Stupid dance club..." Sunoo mumbled, walking down the familiar stone steps to the pond, kicking one rock to the side.

"Yo, hyung, that was lit!"

Sunoo's eats perked up at the voice and halted, sounds strangely familiar.

"It was nothing, heh..."


The latter hastily dashed to the right side of the garden, hiding behind an old and big oak tree.

With hands tightly clasped onto the peeling trunk, he poked his head to the side, eyes squinted as he tried to make out the people even though he knew a bit too well about them.

A familiar red mop of hair entered his sight of vision.

There was Lee Heeseung in his 183 cm glory, a guitar bag hung on his back, a dazzling display of perfectly white teeth paired with his cupids bow stretched into a shy smile.

Oh how Sunoo hated him.

Next to him was a freshman, Jaeho or whatever his name was.

The brunette was clinging to the older, batting his eyelashes like a lovesick pick-me.

And no, Sunoo was not jealous, never jealous of Heeseung.

But putting that thought aside, he noticed the guitar bag, and he thought back on how the voice was paired with soft strumming of an instrument that sounded close to a guitar, an ukulele at most.

"No, no, no, no no! There's no way that perfect moron could sound that angelic," Sunoo muttered, scowling at the thought of Heeseung.

And Sunoo wasn't wrong, due to their first interaction, it seemed like Heeseung took great offence to the words and rarely spoke to the latter.

The older only spoke to him when Sunoo was trying to pick an unintentional fight again-mostly due to his club mates dropping out to go to the dance club.

Heeseung would stare at Sunoo like he was the speck of dust that had gotten on his neatly ironed dark blue jacket that draped over his shoulders everyday.

Those disinterested chocolate brown eyes boring holes into Sunoo's face almost made the younger back down (and very roughly pin Heeseung to the floor and kiss the living shit out of his arrogant ass) But of course he didn't relent.

The speechless staring contest would go on for minutes, tension in the air thick until Jaeho would drag Heeseung away.

Damn that idiot.

But back to the point, Heeseung rarely spoke to him and the only times he heard the other speak was faint and he could only make out a some words due to his extremely soft voice.

No way it could've been him.

"Let me hear that beautiful voice again, please," Sunoo sighed longingly, repeating the voice in his head like a broken record.


And if you told Sunoo that it was Heeseung singing, back then he probably would've laughed hysterically at you and glare at you afterwards, but that was before.

Now that he had once again heard the sweet, delicate voice yet again, and was standing right smack in front of the owner of that angelic sound, he probably would've walked away.

But instead, he stood there, rooted to the ground and his sharp eyes opened wide, mouth agape and gawking at Heeseung.

"I-it... was you all along!" He breathed out, unable to hold back his astonishment.

His sudden appearance made the older stop singing and turn around to be face-to-face with the raven-haired.

"Oh, why... uh, hello?" Heeseung panicked, no one had ever walked in on him singing like that before.

"And uhm, goodbye-!" He squeaked out, holding his light brown guitar with the initials L.HEE engraved in it, making a dash for the trail back to the classrooms.

Before he could run out, Sunoo grabbed his bony wrist with a golden bracelet with the same initials carved in it.

"Wait, so you're the mysterious singer I've been looking for all along?!" Sunoo shouted, not knowing whether he should cry or laugh.

"You've been looking for...me?" Heeseung echoed, eyes darting everywhere else.

"Okay I'm going to go straight to the point-I really like your voice and I know that you're in the dance club already, but do you mind joining the singing club? Just so we can get some recognition and participate in a competition?" Sunoo pleaded, the hand gripping Heeseung's wrist tightening.

"Uhm...No," Heeseung replied, trying to wriggle his hand out of Sunoo's grip.

"But why not?!" Sunoo demanded, staring right into Heeseung's brown doe eyes.

"Says the person who told me to 'fuck off', that doesn't sound so much like you, huh?" Heeseung scoffed, thrashing his hand.

"Please! Just this once, we need to get into a competition and with your voice, it wouldn't be too hard!" Sunoo begged, the option to kneel down and plead sounded tempting.

"Sunoo, no. I have to bring my club to victory at the dance national competition. I can't help you," Heeseung sighed, stepping away from the younger, rubbing the red marks on his wrist.

Sunoo looked at the disappearing figure with hopelessness in his black eyes.

"Onto plan B, then," he mumbled, fishing out his phone from his pocket, "Jaeyun hyung! Hey, how are you? Do you mind if I came over?"


Sunoo found himself standing at the all too familiar three-storey house in the Gangnam province.

He came over multiple times before to meet up with Jaeyun.

But there was a mystery about the house, in the family portrait hung on the wall of the living room, there were five people but every time Sunoo came over, it was always Jaeho, Jaeyun and their dads.

The middle brother was said to be never around.

With a shaky hand, he pressed the doorbell.

"Eh? Sunoo...hyung?"

Oh great, it's that pick-me boy again.

Before Sunoo could reply to said boy at the gate, Jaeyun popped up from behind Jaeho, hair still as red as ever.

"Ah! Sunoo, come in!" Jaeyun greeted, opening the slightly rustic bronze gates.

"So? How's the club doing?" Jaeyun asked once they were settled in the living room.

Sunoo looked around for a brief moment, same place, same 34 inch long television with a more polished screen and walls painted a light beige and brown.

The younger settled on the leather couch while Jaeyun sat on the love seat, two cups containing tea places on the coffee table.

"That's what I came to talk about, hyung," Sunoo groaned, throwing his head back.

"We didn't get in, again! And Mr Moon said that we need better and new members or we have to train the current members' voices. I don't know how to do that!"

"Okay so-"

"Wait, let me finish. Then a week ago I heard this really angelic voice singing in the school garden while plating the guitar and wanted to find it but Kevin-a new and really good singer I found after you left-suddenly came to interrupt my findings. Then today, I found out that the pretty voice belonged to Lee Heeseung, the one that created a dance club after you left and it became really popular and I might have said some things to him that I shouldn't have and I really hate him bit that's irrelevant, so I begged him to join but he just blatantly refused and I- no, we, as a club need him to boost up our average vocals so that we can join the competition!" Sunoo finished in one breath, having heavily.

Jaeyun seemed to be processing the information before he opened his mouth and closed it again.

"Okay, so-"

"Hyung! I'm home."

And Sunoo had never whipped his head around that fast in his life.

"Oh, you brought your fri-, oh. What are you doing here?" Heeseung rolled his eyes once he entered the living room.

"Tell Jaeho I'd be in my room!" Heeseung yelled as he made his way to the stairs.

"Wait, Heeseung!" Jaeyun called out, "Come sit down, looks like we have to discuss some matters."

"Must I really?" Heeseung whined, and Sunoo wasn't proud of when his heart swooned at the sweet voice.

"Yes, now sit down."

Sunoo hadn't noticed earlier, but now he did. The three Lees' voices were fairly different but almost the same.

And even though he never heard Jaeho talk much before, it definitely was somehow raspy and he spoke fast but it was sweet and a pitch lower than his brothers. It felt like home, cozy and warm.

Jaeyun was on the higher end, voice clear and he enunciated his words, pitch going slightly higher at the end of each sentence. But his voice was beautiful and delicate. It felt like a garden of all sorts of wonderful smelling flowers, relaxing.

Heeseung was a nice mix of both, voice high when he pleads for something or whines, slightly lower but the velvety sounds remained when he was serious. It was like honey, sweet and to be savoured.

"Donghyun is there for you, isn't he? You also have Gunwoo and Juyeon, right? Aren't they really good dancers? They can easily help with guiding the club. Please? For me?" Jaeyun asked, hands clasped together with a cheeky grin on his face.

"But hyuuuung... fine!" Heeseung finally relented, collapsing on his bean bag.

"Thank you, Hee. I'll treat you!"

"2 ramyeons and I'm fine."

Sunoo glanced over at the tallest, legs tucked up to his chest, arms hugging his knees close. His red hair had faded into an adorable shade of cotton candy pink and it curled perfectly over his hazel eyes.

"When do I start with the training?"

Now that caught Sunoo off guard, no one had ever been so eager to start practising.

"Whenever you wish, if you're ready, we can go to Mr Moon," Sunoo replied nonchalantly.


And just like that, everyday Sunoo would come over to Heeseung's house, sometimes even with Heeseung himself to practice with Heeseung.

And maybe Sunoo fell a bit too hard for the latter's voice.

The other of course, still kept his distance, holding the grudge against the younger.

But, he ended up warming up to the latter.


Now they were at the competition itself, Heeseung preparing himself backstage.

"You can do this hyung!" The raven haired cheered, giving an unintentional squeeze to the older's cold hand.

Poor boy had beads of perspiration formed on the crown of his head from nervousness, the hand holding his guitar shaking violently.

His healthy honey skin had paled quite a lot and his eyes were opened wide with fear, the sparkle no longer there.

"I d-don't think I can..." He whispered, shoulders shaking.

"Don't say that! It's okay, baby, just breathe," Sunoo mentally cursed himself for the slip of a tongue, praying Heeseung didn't hear it.

Heeseung followed the younger's advise and inhaled sharply, closing his eyes.

The younger brushed his sweaty bangs from his forehead a bit too adoringly, patting his shoulder.

"You'll do great hyung, I promise," Sunoo whispered.

"Next contestant, number 15, please come up on stage."

"You can do it, hyung, go for it!"

Heeseung nodded his head, holding his black metallic microphone in his hand.

Soon, the familiar tune of Start Over by Gaho filled the stage, and finally, Heeseung's voice.

A new beginning always makes my heart flutter
As if to overcome everything
Like the hands of a clock that chases after time
want to get ahead
cross the line drawn
each towards life
Sometimes I'll be resentful
Don't cross that line first.

I can fly the sky, never gonna stay
Until I fall tired
No reason, no excuse


It all came to an end too fast for Sunoo's liking.

He had planned something after the contest.

To the boy he once loathed, will be the boy he will confess to.

Before he knew it, Heeseung came back, his hand still shaking uncontrollably, but a soft smile gracing his features.

"You were awesome, hyung," Sunoo gushed, embracing the older in for a hug.

"Heh, thanks."

Heeseung giggled, rubbing his nape.

It took all willpower for Sunoo not to coo at him, even his giggles were beautiful.

"Let's head out, shall we? It'll be another hour until the results are announced," Sunoo suggested, tugging the older pass the crowds of people to the park conveniently located outside.

It was dark considering it was already seven p.m or so.

Heeseung placed his guitar case on the floor of the jungle gym, curling his hand over the cool metal, leaning on it.

He gazed at the night sky, that was somewhat pleasantly bright on the East and darker on the West.

Sunoo leaned back on the pillar, staring at Heeseung, admiring his side profile.

"You know, you have a really sweet voice..." Sunoo stated, gaze still on the older.

Heeseung stayed quiet.

"I was immediately drawn to you like I was in a daze," he continued.

The older hummed, fixing the grey blazer that was draped over his frame.

"You know? I never had the chance to apologise to you for being such an ass. And I'm sorry for it," Sunoo mumbled but his voice dripped with sincerity and a hint of guilt.

"I always thought you were the same as those popular jocks, break hearts and were good at everything;but you're completely the opposite. You're kind, shy and very funny," Sunoo paused for a moment to mentally prepare himself, "Heeseung...hyung, I really really like you a lot. From the moment I heard you sing that damn song while you strummed the guitar, I was in love-in a trance, you had me wrapped around your pretty fingers. And the more I got to know you, you were just perfect-a seraphim. And you might still hate me, and tomorrow is Valentines day, so will you be my Valentines?"

While Sunoo was speaking, he failed to notice that the older was approaching him until a pair of warm, soft hands enveloped his own.

"Of course, Sunoo-yah. And I might be hurt by your words, but, the past is the past and I figured you, yourself weren't so bad afterall."

Sunoo looked up and immediately locked gazes with the older's stardust eyes, even more dazzling and brighter than the ones that decorated the sky.

"May...I kiss you?" Sunoo asked, inching closer to the older until their breaths mingled together.

Heeseung smelled of cotton candy and mint, two of Sunoo's favourite things to eat.

Heeseung giggled before closing the gap between them, catching Sunoo's lips in his.

And that night, not only did Heeseung get himself a boyfriend, but also a gold trophy and a sweet, sweet valentines.

It all started with a mysterious voice, and it ended with becoming lovers.


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