Ebott High School-Female Fris...

By Possibly-a-Unique_Na

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Female Frisk,Chara and Betty X MaleReader (9th Book) Disclaimer: -Undertale belongs to Toby Fox -GlitchTale... More

Story Style
Chapter 1 School Orientation
Chapter 2 First Day
Chapter 3 Lunch Time
Chapter 4 Making Friends - Part 1
Chapter 5 Making Friends - Part 2
Chapter 6 Magic Lesson
Chapter 7 Skeleton
Chapter 8 Gym Class
Chapter 9 After School
Chapter 10 Hanging Out at The Mall
Chapter 11 Feeling Unwell
Chapter 12 Friendly Gifts
Chapter 13 Calling & Texting
Chapter 14 Amusement Park
Chapter 15 MTTTV Talk Show
Chapter 17 A Day with Betty Part 2
Chapter 18 Enchanted Jerk
Chapter 19 Helping Betty
Chapter 20 Making Plans
Chapter 21 Kitten
Chapter 22 Class President's Assistant
Chapter 23 School Party
Chapter 24 Halloween Party
Chapter 25 Lack Lust
Chapter 26 You Are Filled with Desire
Chapter 27 Platonically
Chapter 28 Feast
Chapter 29 Misunderstood
Chapter 30 Touring
Chapter 31 Festivities
Chapter 32 Touring Once Again
Chapter 33 Polygamy Developments
Chapter 34 Sudden Developments
Chapter 35 Rainy Day
Chapter 36 First Time
Filler Chapter: Ignored
Chapter 37 Winter Break
Chapter 38 Jolly Christmas
Chapter 39 Relationship: Updated

Chapter 16 A Day with Betty Part 1

2.3K 46 23
By Possibly-a-Unique_Na

Betty's POV

*Yesterday I couldn't go to (Y/N)'s dorm because I had a job interview to be at.I could tell that opportunity wasn't going to go anywhere because I could see things others could not

*Today (Y/N) is going to come to my place.So I made extra sure my place is neat and tidy.The one thing I need to do is what to wear...

(I have no idea)


*I finally found something good to wear then I quickly left my room after I received a text from (Y/N) and he's already at the Lobby.I felt excited and mostly nervous when I never done this before.I hate to admit he's right when I don't normally have friends I could hang out with but it feels nice knowing I have someone who I can spend time with to make me forget whatever memories I wish I could forget

*Except for (Y/N).I don't want to know his memories anymore.I like talking it about it instead of seeing it in a split second and...

(And today is the day I finally tell him)

*I got out of the elevator and I started to look for (Y/N) in the Lobby then I spotted him standing near the entrance.I met up with him then

"Did you always need glasses?"(Y/N) asks sounding curious
"I wear contacts to school and I prefer to have these on"I said to him

<A/N: Actually Betty's vision is a little blurry so she can't see other people's memories if she looks at their eyes. No clue if it's true for GlitchTale Betty but it sure is for this Betty, since it's my story =) >

"Well, it looks good on you"(Y/N) smiles
*I felt happy but I shouldn't be since I have 20/20 vision

"Do I need to follow any rules?"(Y/N) asks while he glances around the front Lobby
"I told you all the rules yesterday night and I'll tell you anything you want to know"I said with a confident tone and smile

"Alright"(Y/N) smiles
"Are you my tour guide today?"(Y/N) asks with a curious smile

"No.I'm your friend today"I said in calm tone

*(Y/N) smiles and I felt nervous while I only want him to have fun here today

*I started to show (Y/N) around the inside of the hotel since it had a bunch of places to go that I like.I showed (Y/N) a small café shop and got a cold drink then we went to check the clothes shop for swimwear.(Y/N) oddly stares at the bikinis then I see him quickly looking at me and he suddenly blushes

"These are..?"(Y/N) said with a bashful attitude
"..Bikinis"I said knowing why he's looking embarrass

"Not..underwear or something?"(Y/N) asks
"(Giggle), No.It's for swimming"I smiled at him

(I do see why he thinks it's underwear)

"So it's normal?"(Y/N) asks
"Yeah.You'll see people wearing them by the pool or at the beach"I said in a calm tone

"..So what do men wear?"(Y/N) asks
"Either just swim shorts or that and a shirt"I said to him

*I smiled at (Y/N)'s bashful nervous blur expression
(I hate wearing glasses)

"It's normal.Why are you blushing?"I smiled while I wanted to tease him

"It's not normal to me.We have rivers and small lakes at the Underground but nobody wears anything like this over there"(Y/N) said

"It's because it's great for any swimming activities"I replied

*I smiled after I know what he'll think

"I can wear one if want a better idea how it looks"I said with a curious smile while I looked at him with flirty eyes

"T-That's not necessary right now"(Y/N) said blushing more
"I want to wear something you think it's cute"I said with a smile

"You don't need to wear anything like this to look cute.You look cute enough already"(Y/N) said looking sure of himself while he blushes

*I blushed and my heart started to beat quickly after I didn't expect to hear him suddenly say that to me

"T-Thanks"I said and I hated how I stuttered when I never stuttered in my life


(I just wanted to tease you dammit now you're making me feel stupid for doing that)

"..I'll show you somewhere else"I said
"Good idea"(Y/N) replied looking relieved

*We left the clothes shop and after minutes of awkward silence I showed (Y/N) a nice and big open buffet restaurant

"Wow"(Y/N) said looking around
"They also have chefs that cooks things right in front of you.If you ask them to of course"I smiled
"Do you have to pay them?"(Y/N) asks
"Nope.It's all covered the moment you pay at the cashier"I explained to him
"Wow.."(Y/N) said sounding surprised

"Lets go somewhere I like to spend most of my time at"I calmly happily said
"Not here?"(Y/N) asks
"Nope"I said quickly

*I led (Y/N) through the the hotel then we walked out of the hotel to be at the pool area where people can swim in many different pools.But I led (Y/N) to a pool bar where they serve the best food and desserts

*The Pool Bar is in a circle shape with one side near being near a swimming pool for teens and adults and the other side being having a pathway for people walking by to check out the bar

*I led (Y/N) to the seats with the pool near us and currently nobody is here.Yet

*The bartender I'm familiar with is here and is happy to see me then she asks about (Y/N).I told her he's my friend and gave me a weird look.I could tell she wanted to ask about my glasses but she asked what we wanted to order

*I showed (Y/N) the menu then I ordered something I know he would like to have but I let him read the menu while the bartender does her thing

"Sorry.I'm don't go to uh bars or anything like this that often"(Y/N) said

"I get it"I said when I know he hasn't been to restaurants or anything similar in the city

"Do you like the hotel so far?"I asked calmly curiously

"It's really not that different from the Underground except it's just a lot more.. strangers, so to speak.Just not use to seeing a lot of my kind before"(Y/N) said looking slightly uncomfortable

"Stop saying things like that.It's just a place to relax and have fun by the water..with a friend. Anything different about that from the Underground?"I said to him while I sounded hopeful he'll focus on me more

*(Y/N) smiles at me and he puts down the menu
"When you put it like that.I'm sure I can relax better"(Y/N) said looking relax

*I felt happy I manage to make him relax better

*I hear the bartender cough and she slowly places our orders in front of us

"Am I interrupting?"Bartender said in a tone she didn't want to interrupt a happy couple

"No"I said looking at her
"Hah sure I'm not.If you need anything just give a shout"Bartender said then she walks away

*The bartender moves further away from us

"Friend of yours?"(Y/N) asks after he took a bite of his food
"Kinda.I'm like a regular here on the weekends"I said to him
"What you ordered is really great by the way"(Y/N) said looking happily surprise
"I had a feeling you might like it"I smiled a little


"Hm"(Y/N) said in a abrupt tone
"Hm?"I said sounding worried

"The air smells..different"(Y/N) said sounding a little curious
"Does it smell like some kind of cleaning liquid?"I ask when it could be the pool

"No"(Y/N) said
"Then that's the ocean air"I smiled

"Do I need to know any rules when we go to the beach?"(Y/N) asks
"(Y/N) I told you everything"I said when he shouldn't be worried about anything

"I didn't know about this swimwear thing"(Y/N) said
"That's not a rule you need to follow.It's just something normal to wear at the beach"I explained

*I cleared my throat
"Now.Did you bring any slippers or spare clothes like I asked you to buy?"I asked
"I did.All in my phone"(Y/N) said

"Good"I said sounding calmly excited

*(Y/N) and I finish what I ordered then I led him back inside to the hotel to go up the elevator and headed up to a private floor where several people stay at

*We left the elevator and we headed to my room
"You mention you're related to the owner of this place"(Y/N) said to me
"My grandmother.She's like a parent to me"I replied
"What about your parents?"(Y/N) asks sounding quietly curious but he had a slight worried tone

*I glanced at (Y/N) and saw he looked worried
"I never told anyone this.But I lost my parents since the start of middle of school.My grandma gave me everything I could've ever asked for since then"I said to (Y/N) in a unenthusiastic tone

"I'm sorry to hear that.Your grandma sounds the best person in the world"(Y/N) said
"She is.Although she's always busy.She always have a way to show she cares when she isn't around to say it"I smiled

*I entered my room and I suddenly felt nervous when I realized (Y/N) is in my hotel room nobody but the cleaners and my grandma entered in

<A/N: Betty's Personal Hotel Room Layout.

Entrance is at the bottom left corner.There's no chair at the bedroom balcony due to future plans I have in mind>

*(Y/N) walks into the living room area
"Wow.This place looks fancy.You've been here since.."(Y/N) said then he suddenly stops talking

*(Y/N) turns around to look at me
"Any rules I need to know?"(Y/N) quickly said in a curious tone

"Just the one.Don't enter my room unless you have my permission"I said
"Can I enter your room?"(Y/N) asks
"Nope.I'm not ready to let anyone see my room"I said in a strong tone

"Is there anywhere I can go get change?"(Y/N) asks

"In the bathroom over down that way"I pointed to my right

*(Y/N) left to change in the bathroom and I told him I'll be changing in my room.I entered my room and got dress.A few minutes later I left my room and notice (Y/N) isn't around. I waited for a couple of minutes then (Y/N) walks out with something preferable for a walk on the beach

Your POV

*You looked at what Betty's wearing and your eyes couldn't help but stare at her bare legs while she change out of her pants to wear light purple jean shorts

"Please don't stare so long and, my eyes are up here"Betty said to you while smiled but she didn't look happy

*You quickly look at Betty's eyes and you see her wearing sun glasses

"S-Sorry"you said feeling your heart pounding for some reason

"It's nothing new to me.You can stare at them again if you tell me why you're staring?"Betty smiles

"Well it's something..I never seen before so I kinda..felt curious"you said while you tried to find the right words to say

"Curious about?"Betty took a step closer to you
"It just looks soft and smooth ok.Can we move on?Please"you said feeling nervous

"If you tell me how I look"Betty said

*You stare at Betty and got a good look at her for a couple of seconds then concurred her shorts matches her pink hoodie with a shade of purple at the bottom half

"You look cute"You said in a calm tone

*Betty blushes
"You don't have to flirt with me"Betty said while she glance away
"It's a compliment"you smiled a little
"That's going to confuse a lot of girls you flirt with"Betty said
"I don't flirt with girls"you said in a blunt tone

"Does Frisk not count?"Betty asks
"It's her main language"You replied

"Hmmmm.Alright.Lets go"Betty said smiles then she suddenly looked excited to leave


*Betty turns around and you couldn't help but glance down to stare at her-

*Betty quickly looks around
"Try your best not to stare at me so much"Betty said with a little smirk

*You quickly look at Betty but she walks to the front door and you followed her out feeling somewhat ashamed and embarrass for something you did not fully know

*You and Betty took the elevator down to the Lobby then she led you out of the hotel then took a pathway towards the beach where the sunlight is hot and the human people were everywhere

"Wow"you said being wowed
"(Slight Giggle)Ever felt the ocean water?"Betty asks

"No"You said
"Well not yet you haven't"Betty said with a smile
*Betty holds your hand

"By the way.I'm going to hold onto you for my safety"Betty said in a confident tone
"From?"You asked
"So random guys won't come up to talk to me for some nonsense"Betty said looking a bit annoyed

"You told me that before but it was the story of last year at school"You said in a curious tone if it's the same
"Yeah"Betty said
"So basically you want other people to see we're a couple"You asked

"A couple of good friends"Betty calmly happily said while she smiles
"Heh.Alright my good friend.Lead on"You smiled and sounded ready

*Betty smiles and she leads you across the sandy beach where you tried to be comfortable from how open wide the beach is.You saw how relax but yet lively atmosphere all around you and if you were alone you would feel out of place despite being around with other humans

*But you weren't alone and the fear of feeling alone never came into mind as Betty showed you the life of the beach

*For several hours on the beach, you felt the small incoming waves of the shoreline as you walked in only ankle deep water, you felt how hot and bright the sun is and understood why sunscreen exist, and you felt how fun it's been spending time with Betty again.Only Betty, just like you did in the summer time

*Betty led you back to the pool side of the hotel where you could rinse of the sand from yourselves then the both of you went back inside the hotel to relax at the café area

*You and Betty ordered something you enjoyed then you sat together on a circular table

"Why don't you ever talk about the beach?"you asked
"Why would I?"Betty asks
"It's so interesting"You said sounding upbeat
"Maybe to you since you live under a huge rock.The beach is a local spot and anyone can go there during the daytime"Betty explains

"Hm.What interests you?"You asked

*Betty silently stares at you with a gentle happy expression for a moment
"I'm interested in things worth spending my time on"Betty said in a soft calm tone
"I guess that's something we have in common"You smiled at her

*Betty blushes
"Sorry.I flirt on accident because of Frisk"You said while you lean back to relax
"It wasn't a compliment that time?"Betty asks curiously with a smile

"I can flirt on purpose if you want"You said in a calm tone
"Mmmm no, no.Frisk really influence you"Betty said while she slightly shook her head
"Most likely"You said with a slight chuckle in your voice

*You feel your phone vibrate and you check to see Frisk is calling
"Speaking of the flirty devil"you smiled
"Frisk?"Betty asks
"Yup.Do you mind?"You asked Betty
"No go ahead"Betty said looking ok with it

*You answered Frisk's call while you put her on speaker
"Hello"You said
"Hi baby.How's your date with Betty?"Frisk said in a curious tone

"Give me your phone"Betty said looking annoyed
"Could she hear me?"Frisk asks
"You're on speaker by the way"You said then you gave your phone to Betty

"Didn't we discuss this last night?"Betty said to Frisk
"I'm curious if he's back in his dorm"Frisk said
"He's still in my room"Betty said

*You smiled at Betty
"I don't believe you.FaceTime me"Frisk quickly said while she sounded worried
"Byyyyee Frisk"Betty said then she looks at your phone
"Wait no- XO-"Frisk said but

*Betty ended the call and she gives your phone back
"So I have permission to go to your room"You asked in a curious tone
"Why do you want to see me room?"Betty asks
"I was just being playful.I usually spend time in my friends rooms all the time"You said when it's the first thing you did when you visit your friends in the Underground

"Is it like a Underground thing?"Betty asks
"I don't really know.Just got use to entering my friends room anytime I want"You replied

"Not here.I will physically hurt you if you go to my room without my permission"Betty said looking serious about it

"Relax I'm not going to.Just being honest of my reasons"You said looking calm

"Let's really go to my hotel room.I want to fully relax"Betty said while she looked ready to leave

"Aren't we going to this grocery shopping?"You asked
"I want to but I really want to relax.I bought a few ingredients yesterday in case we took too long at the beach"Betty said

*You agreed to go back to Betty's hotel room


Next Time

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