more than this | mark lee

By markcider

228K 3.9K 1.4K

can it really be just sex with no feelings? - nct mark fwb au HIGHEST RANKING #1 in leeminhyung More

1 - halloween
2 - everyone does
3 - competition *M*
4 - official
5 - handsome
6 - deja vu *M*
7 - deal
8 - frown
9 - Just the two of us
10 - couples only promotion
11 - just the two of them
12 - warm *M*
13 - publicity stunt
14 - fun *M*
15 - finn the cat
16 - new roommate
17 - she's amazing
18 - the welcome dinner
19 - some things never change
21 - the confrontation
22 - not leaving
23 - mine *M*
24 - round 2, 3 and maybe 4? *M*
25 - more than friends
more than ever

20 - didn't need you

4.7K 132 125
By markcider

"... and with that I give you my art piece named, 'Trapped in Pluto'. Thank you!" She said and bowed.

The crowd clapped and cheered for her. Her teacher advisor smiled proudly at her student. Feeling beyond proud of Jieun and her work.

"You did amazing Jieun" Ms Kim praised as Jieun walked off the stage. "Your piece was definitely one of the best I've seen so far in my teaching years" She commented and Jieun thanked her.

"it's all thanks to your guidance Ms, I couldn't have done it without you" Jieun smiled.

"I know the past few weeks haven't been the greatest for you, but I'm glad you manage to pull through" Ms Kim smiled.

Surely being one of the well-known students in her course was already enough pressure, automatically everyone would keep tabs on her work and process. And now, after having experienced last week's incident, Jieun was starting to think it was almost impossible to finish her work.

She was in a major slump with her piece barely halfway done. She had no motivation at all, feeling like her brain was completely dried off from all the creative juice. She saw no hopes in finishing her work.

It was so bad to the point where she almost wrote a letter of withdrawal. In hopes that she'd drop the subject, take a gap year and comeback feeling better.

However, her ploy were quickly rebutted thanks to Ms Kim, one of the lecturers who she was rather close with.

On one of those rare days, Ms Kim had found Jieun crying alone in the library. Asking her what had happened and as to why she was like this. Jieun on the other hand ended up opening up about her situation to her lecturer.

She had no idea why she'd opened up to her. It wasn't like Ms Kim was the school's counsellor or her personal therapist. Ms Kim was your ordinary fine arts lecturer.

Maybe Jieun was just extra sensitive that day leading her to opening up about her situation. Whatever the reason it was, Jieun was glad that she was there to listen to her problems. It was finals week after all, most of the students would be busy studying and lecturers would be preparing.

Ms Kim was kind and generous enough to listen to her problems, understand it and even gave her thoughts about it. Jieun felt relieve, having someone who'd help her through this slump of hers.

Every now and then she'd ask Ms Kim for her opinion about her final piece, and Ms Kim would guide her, telling her what could be done better and how it can be improved.

She was beyond grateful to have a teacher like her.

Which is why when her piece got lots of compliments and praises she'd always be sure to thank her.


Valentines Day. more like Jaehyun's birthday.

If God really had favourites, it would be Jaehyun.

Someones whose birthday fall perfectly on the Valentines. Blessed with the brains and brawns. And now his birthday that falls perfectly right after finals.

Pretty much everyone needed this party as a way to celebrate. Whether it was jaehyun's birthday or just plain jane Valentine, people just wanted to finally let loose and go into a holiday mood.

The four was once again gathered to get ready together for a party. It was their go-to, their ritual, their routine even. Whenever there's a party, the four must make sure they come with their A-game.

Jieun figdet around, fixing her dress. She stood in front of the mirror in her sexy green bodycon dressed.

"Someone's looking hot" Jake commented as he watch his best friend get ready. "You tryna make Mark jealous?" Jay added and Jieun tsked.

"Please I told you we're over, heck we weren't even dating in the first place" Jieun said hiding her frown. "Besides, he's prolly gonna come to the party with Byeol"

"Why did you even made a promise with her like that? I thought you liked Mark" Seolla commented. The girl was doing her eyeliner.

"Exactly I liked, him. I don't anymore" Jieun emphasized the 'ed'. "They like each other, it's obvious, and I'm not gonna be a bitch about it"

"God you really don't see it huh?" Jay rolled his eyes and Jake laughed along.

"What?" Jieun folded her arms, confused at her friend's comments.

"Nothing~" The boys said in unison.


"God, there's so many people" Seolla said in awe as she scan through the window. There was people even on the front yard. "and we're not even late this time" Jake who was in the driver seat added.

"There's a queue?" Jieun squinted her eyes seeing people line up in the entrance. "Wow Jaehyun is crazy~" Jay commented. "Let's hope we don't have to queue"

The scale of the party itself was pretty impressive. Jieun had been to many parties no doubt, but you can't deny the fact that Jaehyun was indeed rich rich. Which is not a surprise, considering his family owns one of Seoul's biggest telemarketing company.

The house was a huge three stories mansion. It had a large garden and a pool in the backyard. There was a few Lamborghinis and Jeeps parks outside, Jieun assumed that it was either his or maybe from the guests he had invited.

With the house being so huge and spacious, some how it was still fully filled by tons of people in every corner of the house.

As soon as Jieun stepped into the house, she felt a pair of eyes on her. But she brushed it off, thinking it was most probably people who followed her on her Instagram. She saw many familiar faces from campus and some who she hasn't met her whole life.

The four of them stood by near the entrance, taking in the atmosphere of the party. This was nothing knew, they have been to worse and crazier parties than this.

They quickly met gaze with the birthday boy.

"Hey guys! thanks for coming! hope you guys enjoy the night!" Jaehyun greeted briefly before disappearing into the crowd.

"He seems busy" Jay commented. "Yea, I'd be busy too knowing there's like 500 people in my house" Jake joked and the whole squad laugh.

"You guys want a drink?" Seolla asked. "You're not gonna go find Haechan?" Jieun asked.

"What? I can see him later, why?" Seolla made a face. "No but you guys always just kinda go off whenever the party starts..." Jieun muttered and Seolla immediately went in for a hug.

"Pleasee! we all know how tough the past few weeks had been for you, the last thing you need right now is to party alone~" Seolla said and rubbed her back.

"Yea we haven't been partying as 4 in a while now" Jake smiled. "GROUP HUG!!" Jay yelled and the four giggled as they pull each other closer.

"You guys are the greatest I swear!" Jieun grinned. "We're the only ones you have!" Jay added, earning a smack from her.

"Come on let's go to the main room..." Seolla said and dragged all of them.

Looking at the crowd in the main room. Jieun felt alive again, as if her old self was coming back. She grabbed a drink, consuming the alcohol, and letting her feel the music as she swayed to the beat. The other 3 did the same.

Seolla fished out her phone, signalling them to join in on a selfie. The 4 posed for the picture before going back to their small talk.

The crowd was insane and the main room was jam packed. But oddly enough Jieun still felt eyes on her. Too bad the house was full and those stares could be from anyone.

"Jieun is that you?" She felt a tap on her shoulder, a voice of a male

She instantly felt an ick, wanting to tell the dude to fuck off. She spun around only to be meet with a cute guy.

"and you are?" She cocked one of her brows, trying her best not to be rude. So what if he's cute, there have been many cute guys who wanted to get with her just to end up in bed.

"I'm Heeseung don't you remember me, Lee Heeseung, from Gwangnam High!" He raised both of his brows, eyes wide.

Jieun tried to recall, and she let out a huge gasp as she remembered, "Heeseung? No way! Heeseung as in 'High browed Heeseung' from High School?" Jieun burst out a laugh as she recalled the silly name she had given him. "Yea! oh my god, you don't remember me?" He pouted.

"Of course I do! I remember you! You were the ones who gave me answers for like every homework that I didn't do" She continued to laugh. 

If it wasn't obvious enough, Heeseung had a major crush on Jieun. And back in high school, whenever Jieun didn't complete her work, she'd always go to Heeseung. Heeseung being the nerd who is top of the class, always gave her the answers that she needed. 

"but wow you look so different now!" Jieun exclaimed, "you grow so much taller! the last time I remember we were the same height, and now you're like 2 heads taller than me" She said in awe, "puberty must have done you wonders!" 

"Oh come on, look at yourself. You're the one who had a major glow up! not to mention you're a social influencer now! Bet many boys hit on you huh?" He cocked his brows.

"You're not wrong on that!" She giggled at his compliment. "at least I can proudly say I have liked you way before fame hit you!" He smirked and Jieun blushed.

Heeseung was the first guy who had a crush on her. Jieun wouldn't consider them as a thing. Their relationship was more of a flirtationship or some would like to call it a 'some' relationship. Well, technically puppy love.

The two were young and wanted to put their studies first. And by the time they were old enough to confront their feelings, the two had already graduated and parted ways. Heeseung got an amazing scholarship to London, while Jieun stayed in Seoul.

"So how did you end up here? aren't you supposed to be in London?" Jieun asked.

"I used to play basketball with Jaehyun! plus I'm on spring break, came back like a week ago!" He explained and Jieun nodded.

Their conversation went on, both of them shared and spilled tea about their high school friends and what they had missed out on. Jieun told him about her finals and Heeseung shared about his life in London.

Even now, Jieun felt a pair of eyes on her, and this time she can confirm that it had always been the same pair as soon as she stepped in. She quickly looks away to steal a glance in the crowd.

Her eyes immediately landed on the owner, 

It was Mark.

Jieun rolled my eyes at the sight. Not sure if she was nervous or pissed. Maybe both.

"Something's wrong?" Heeseung asked at the sight of her friend. "Yea, I need a drink. Want one?" Jieun raised a brow as she made her way to the drink counter with Heeseung following her.

"Nah, I promised my boyfriend that I won't be drinking tonight" He shrugged. Jieun immediately perked up at the mention of his boyfriend.

"Boyfriend? DID I MISS OUT ON A CHAPTER??" Jieun yelled with her eyes wide, shock and excited about the news. Her reaction made Heeseung laugh.

"Yea, boyfriend... and a really cute one too!" The boy blushed, "No way, I can't believe it right now- you have a boyfriend- and like before I do? Heeseung is dating someone before Jieun? WOW just wow! and you didn't even tell me???" Jieun buzzed around, barely finishing her own sentence.

"Pleasee I would have told you if we kept in touch!" He smiled, "Besides, I thought you're dating that Mark dude, the one who you posted on Instagram?" Heeseung asked.

Right. Their so-called publicity stunt that she initiated. Right after their fight at the convenient store, Jieun was about to delete the photos, but she got tied up with finals and her emotions took a toll on her.

"Yea about that..." Jieun trailed off trying to find the words to explain to Heeseung about their situationship.

As if on queue, a hand snake onto her waist, halting her sentence midway.

It was Mark.

"babe, is he bothering you?" Mark said with eyes piercing through Heeseung's, his voice a few octaves lower, asserting his dominance.

Before Heeseung could even explain, Mark had beat him to it, "I'd appreciate it if you leave my girlfriend alone. You know I'm close with the owner of this house, I can kick you out anytime I want"

Jieun was about to throw hands on his shitty attitude towards her friend, but Heeseung was quick to respond. "There's no need, I'll leave y'all alone. Call me alright, Eun?" He smiled and left.

Right after that, Jieun immediately frees herself from Mark's grasp. Pushing him away.

"What the hell is your problem Mark?" Jieun half yelled, hoping to not draw any attention.

"So he's your new boy huh? Not gonna lie I'm quite surprised, no wonder you cut things off with me" Mark said, totally ignoring what she had just asked.

"He's not even hot, thought you could do better" He commented, a smirk on lips.

"you can not be for real right now... GOD YOU'RE SO ANNOYING! Why do you have to ruin EVERYTHING!?" Jieun shouted, throwing her emptied cup at Mark.

"Me? Ruined everything?" Mark shrieked angrily hands gesturing to himself , "FOR FUCK SAKE Jieun! You were the one who left me all alone with no single explanation!"

"Oh and did I mention how many FUCKING TIMES YOU LEFT ME?" He said sarcastically, mocking her, "and now I come to this party to see you hooking up with a new guy!? How am I supposed to react to that?" He shot her a look,

"no I wasn't! I wasn't hooking up with him!" Jieun knitted her brows,

"Yeah right" Mark rolled his eyes.

"Why did you even bother butting in our conversation? GOD! UGH!  you're so ANNOYING!! I was just catching up with my friend and you have to ruin everything! WHY DO YOU GOTTA BE SUCH A DICK, Mark" Jieun yelled as she walked around the counter, 

"I thought we only agree that we call each other when we need each other," She looked at him

"I didn't need you back there, Mark" She let out a breath.

Mark was silent. Taken back by her words.

Maybe Jieun had gone too far with her words. Words she didn't mean to come out that way. But it's too late. She felt the atmosphere being shifted,

"Okay, I get it." Mark muttered, moving closing to her.

"We only call each other when we need each other..." He said as he moved closer to her, Jieun backing every track and eventually her ass hit the counter.

"But what if I told you that I needed you back then just 5 minutes ago? What if I told you I was watching you all this while, ever since you stepped in to this party?" He muttered and his breath hitting her face.

"What are you saying Mark?" Jieun knitted her brows

"What if I told you during the past few weeks I needed you so badly, I wanted to see you so badly but I just never had the courage to call you because I was scared and I didn't want to see you cry"

"what?..." and before Jieun could finish her sentence, Mark had already crashed his lips on hers.

The kiss was deja vu.

His lips that she was once so familiar with, someone who she'd kiss at least once a day.

Her lips just as soft as ever, feeling velvety on his. Slipping his tongue in, Jieun could immediately taste the alcohol he had consume.

Their nose bumping every now and then whenever Mark turns his head to get a better angle and go deeper into her. His hands on her waist, grabbing her close as if their bodies weren't already mashed.

She wanted it badly and she misses him just as bad as he did. But no. She had made Byeol a promise and she ain't breaking it.

And so, Jieun gathered all her strength, pushing Mark away with both her palms.

Pulling away from the kiss. They both panted heavily. Mark immediately went in for another but Jieun pushed him away again.

Mark knitted his brows confused by her actions, he was sure that she was enjoying it just as much as he did.

Looking over at him, his face was tinted with a shade of red on his cheeks. Not sure if it's from their heated session or his anger from their fight. But one thing's for sure. She can't kiss him ever again.

"Go home, Mark. You're drunk" Jieun said and left.


a/n: Jieun left Mark again :0

How are we feeling? ^^

The first part was totally extra but I just added it as a topic to stressed about how hard school can be...

anyways updates might be late and slow cause I have exams coming up.... I'm truly sorry T__T

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