Kristin Fright

By CreepyStalker324

4K 118 45

Kristin moves to Amity with her obsessive ghost hunting parents, Jim, and Michelle Lite. They heard of the gh... More

Ch.2 Impossibilities
Ch.3 Prophecy and Unexpected Revealations
Ch.4 Sisters for life! Or after life?
Ch.5 Her Battle
Ch.6 More Impossibilities
Ch.7 Allies Made and Love
Ch.8 Invasions and Confessions
Ch.9 Death is something that comes when it's suppose to
Ch.10 Stakes
Ch.11 Accepted

Ch.1 Meetings

896 20 25
By CreepyStalker324

Kristin Fright trailer up top!!

Kristin POV

GRRRR.....stupid Skulker and his obsession to collect rare things. I'm flying past buildings at top speed, my scythe necklace whipping around, while Skulker is chasing me.

"I'm gonna be late for school if you don't just get into the thermos!" I yelled at him. My parents made a thermos to traps ghosts. It's blue and red with some green.

"Never ghost girl, your more rare than Danny Phantom. A girl Halfa is almost impossible for their molecule structure is weaker than a boy's!" He yelled back shooting me with a missile. I dodged and charged up a green ecto blast and shot it at him, slowing him down just in time to grab my scythe.

I ripped the necklace off of me and focused my ecto energy on it. It started to glow and it became a real silver scythe.

I swung it at Skulker, making it rip his metal suit in half. I pulled out the thermos and hit the button, sucking Skulker's true form out of his suit.

I sighed in relief and shot down to an abandoned alley way. I let the glowing white rings travel up and down my body, turning me into my human form.

In my human form I had black ebony hair, with crystal blue eyes. In my ghost form it's inverted. My hair is snowy white and my eyes are an electric green.

Ghosts rarely come to Villenage, but when they do, I make it my job to send them back to the ghost zone.

Amity Park is the place the ghosts like to play. A ghost, that goes by the name of Danny Phantom, is like the town's protector.

We are moving there tomorrow because my parents are ghost crazed. They built a portal to the ghost zone and when it didn't work, I wanted to see if I could fix it. Me being stupid, I slipped on my 2 piece of a jumpsuit and when I got inside I stepped on a wire. The wire pushed the electricity through it turning the portal on with me inside.

It shocked me, fusing my DNA with ectoplasm. Now I'm a Halfa. Half human, half ghost. I'm extremely rare too because my body organisms are different from a boy's, so for a boy it would be a 76% chance they changed into a Halfa, but for a girl it would be a 4% chance, it's either that or they die completely.

This happened when I was 10 and now I'm 12. I've learned tons of new powers from Ecto Blasts to using ecto energy to turn trinkets into the real thing. Like with my scythe.

My sneakers slid on the floor, making me slide past my classroom door. I regained my ability to run again and pulled open the door looking at my teacher.

"Sorry I'm late. I ran into a pole on the way here." I told Mrs. Moguls.

People just laughed at me. I was one of the losers. She just gave me a detention and I sat down. I technically wasn't lying when I said I ran into a pole. That's what my body felt like, even though it should feel a lot worse.

I secretly made a ball of red aura appear in my hand and let it go once it was done forming. It made its way onto me, incasing itself around me like a blanket, then just like that it was gone.

I felt fully refreshed and ready to move. That was a healing power. No matter how injured you are you'll go back to feel like you just went to heaven and back.

The bell rang and I grabbed my books and headed toward my locker to put my books away and to get home to pack for tomorrow. I'm gonna ditch my detention.

Before my bully could get to me, I shot out of school and just as I turned the corner, I changed into Kristin Fright.

My real name is Kristin Lite, but my ghost name is Kristin Fright. Even though that name makes me sound evil, I'm really not.

@@After packing@@

I flopped down on my bed once I was done packing my bags. I had to download all of my ghost files onto a drive to save it. I can't lose that information. I thought maybe that if I could convince my parents that not all ghosts are evil, then I can tell them my secret.

I was getting a headache so I decided to take one last flight around Villenage before I have to move. I said my battle cry and turned into my alter ego Kristin Fright.

"I'm going ghost!" I cried, hands balled into fists and were above my head. The white glowing rings appeared at the center of my body and moved in opposite directions.

When they were done, my hair was white and my eyes now glowed an ectoplasm green. I pulled open my window and took a deep breath before jumping out of it.

I let myself fall, but right before I hit the ground I shot forward, flying at a fast speed, my stomach an inch above the ground. I used one of my powers to summon a portal to the ghost zone.

It appeared on the brick wall in front of me and I shot right through it, the portal closing instantly behind me.

If we were moving to Amity Park, then I want to get used to flying there. I searched for the portal that I found 2 weeks ago that led to Amity.

I finally found it when I realized I could've just made a portal to go there. I mentally face palmed. Oh well, to late now.

I carefully floated through the portal to be met with a giant lab. It had ghost weapons everywhere. This was a ghost hunters lab. I was about to go intangible and fly through the ceiling when something caught my eye.

On a table was thermoses, but they were green and grey instead of my colors. I also saw some headphones that looked very little like earrings, but still a little like them. I decided to take some just in case, but I need something to replace the ones I take.

I checked my costumes' pocket's, but they were empty. What could I make out of my powers to give? I finally thought of something. I made 2 ice roses, and 1 fire rose.

My core is both fire and ice, so I can use both elements. The fire rose won't set anything on fire and it will just flame, making it look really cool, the ice roses will never melt unless using extreme ghost fire on it. I decided to write a note.

Dear ghost hunters,

My name shall remain anonymous, but the ice roses will never melt, and the fire rose is warm, but it won't burn you or set anything else on fire. I'm giving these as a token of my gratitude for these headphones. It looks like you guys call them Fenton Phones, but same thing. 3 roses for 1 Fenton Phone. Sound fair, I hope so. Thanks though.

Signed Anonymous.

I placed it right next to the roses and stuffed the headphone in my pocket, zooming through the ceiling to go explore Amity.

The town was nice, and I saw the school I would be going to, it's called Casper High. Even the school is ghost like!

I was passing over the football field when I saw 2 ghosts fighting on it. One I recognized as Skulker, and the other was the famous Danny Phantom.

I could see how tired Phantom was, and Skulker was taking an advantage against this. Phantom slammed into the ground and tried to get up, but couldn't. Skulker landed in front of him and laughed.

"Now I've got you ghost child, and you will be a pelt at the foot of my bed." Skulker declared. I glared and came out from the shadows.

"Hey tin man," I called out. Skulker turned to look at me, " I think you need some oil, your getting a little rusty!" I yelled and grabbed my necklace and turned it into a scythe. Phantom's green orbs widened.

A ball of green ectoplasmic energy was growing on the tip of the scythe, getting bigger by the second. Once it was huge, I pointed it at Skulker and the orb flew off the scythe and straight at Skulker, hitting him square in the chest making him fly back and hit a building.

I knew that would only hold him off for a little bit. I raised my scythe and let a red orb growing on the point of the scythe this time. I swung it around in circles above my head, and pointed it at Phantom, letting the orb go.

His eyes widened and he squeezed his eyes closed waiting for the impact, but it never came. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the red orb stop right in front of of him. It started incasing him like a blanket wrapped around him.

As soon as it started it was gone. Phantom flew up and was glowing with energy. He looked at me bewildered. Before any of us could acknowledge each other, Skulker shot out of the rubble and straight at me. I pulled out my thermos, and hit the button, sucking him up before he could reach me.

Phantom tried to get closer, but every time he did, I would back up.

"Who are you?" Phantom's echoed voice aired.

"Kr-...Call me Fright." I told him. He looked at me skeptically before nodding.

That's when I saw 2 kids run towards Phantom. One was a goth, and the other was an African American kid with glasses, and a PDA.

"DANNY!" The goth called to Phantom. Phantom looked at them and flew down to them.

They started talking and Phantom's friends looked at me. They exchanged a few glances before the African kid talked.

"When'd you die?" He asked out of the blue. I flinched and the goth smacked him upside his head.

"Tuckerrrr....." She hissed at him.

"No, no it's okay. I died when I was 10." I answered, trying hard not to flinch.

"I'm sorry." The goth sypathized.

"It's okay, and what's your name?" I asked the girl.

"Oh the name is Sam, what's yours?" Sam asked.

"By all your whispering and exchanged glances, I would've thought that Phantom already told you, but call me Fright." I told her.

"Fright? Why Fright?" Tucker asked.

"It's similar to my last name. Didn't want to forget my life alive, now do I." I laughed. Just then I remembered that we were leaving tomorrow and I need to get some sleep.

"It was nice talking to you, but I really have to go. See YA!" I called.

I teleported to my house, instead of going through the zone. Then I passed out on my bed right there.

@@Next day@@

I woke up by my alarm clock. My instincts kicked in and I turned invisible and smashed the clock. When I realized it was just my alarm clock I cursed.

My mom had bought me 4 alarm clocks this past month just because my instincts are getting stronger.

I picked the pieces and made an ice one instead. I trudged to my closet and slipped on red shorts, a blue hoodie, and a red beanie, pulling my hair into a pony tail, I ran downstairs and slipped my hand through the cabinet door, and pulled out a chocolate bar.

I'm glad my parents are down in the lab, otherwise they would've saw that. I saw the moving truck coming down the road and I sighed, gnawing on my candy.

"Goodbye, Villenage." I whispered before putting my suitcase in the trunk and slipping into the back seat.

@@At the new house@@

Our house was bigger than our old one, but still small. I noticed we were right by a house with a giant FENTON WORKS sign on it.

I now recognized the house as the one with the ghost portal I went through yesterday.

I carried my bags upstairs and into my room. I started unpacking and putting everything away when my ghost sense went off.

My ghost sense has gotten stronger over the years so I can now recognize the ghost's ectoplasmic signature. It wasn't Skulker this time either, it was the lunch lady.

I can also sense a ghost from a mile away than a few yards. I transformed and flew to the only place that would have a lunch lady there.

Casper High.

@@Danny POV@@

That girl that saved me yesterday looked a lot like me in my ghost form. It was sad that she died so young. I wonder what happened?

My thoughts were interrupted by my ghost sense. I raised my hand and Mr. Lancer sighed.

"What, Mr. Fenton?" He asked.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked.

He looked hesitant, but nonetheless nodded. Right before I could get up, something crashed through the wall.

It was the Lunch Lady and.......a girl with a scythe.


She swung it at the lunch lady and the lunch lady ducked and grabbed her by her foot, throwing her into a different wall.

Kids were staring at the girl in amazement. It was a girl version of Danny Phantom.

Fright swung the scythe above her head to make a glowing purple ball of energy form and, threw it at the lunch lady.

It hit her dead on, and she disappeared. I gaped. Did Fright just kill the lunch lady?

Other people gaped just like I did. Sam and Tucker looked horrified. Fright looked at all of us, and started laughing.

"HAHAHAHAHAH, you thought I killed her? That's hilarious. I'm not that cold hearted, she just got sent back to the ghost zone!" Fright explained, then the scythe turned into a necklace, and she put it back on.

"I need to go, see ya!" Fright yipped and flew out of the hole in the wall, just to come back seconds later.

"Oops, forgot about the wall. I'll fix it." She said. Fright made her hands glow and lifted the rubble. It started to mend together, and she put it back I to the wall, closing the cracks, making it look as good as new.

Mr. Lancer, the class, Tucker, Sam and I gaped. I didn't even have that kind of power. Granted, she WAS fully dead.

Fright looked around for a second and her eyes landed on Sam and Tucker. Recognization flashed through her eyes.

Oh no!

@@Kristin POV@@

I flew up to Sam and Tucker and smiled.

"Hey weren't you guys the ones with-" I was cut off by Tucker making a cut-it-out sign. I realized what he meant and changed my words.

"Those ghost hunters." I finished.

They nodded, and I mouthed 'sorry' to them.

My phone started beeping and people were looking around for the source of the sound.

"Gotta go!" I yelled and shot out of the wall with my intangibility. Phew!

"What, mom?" I asked her on the phone.

"We enrolled you into Casper High. Your first day will start tomorrow." Mom told me.

"Okay, thanks, gotta go, love you, bye." I quickly ended the call and flew home, and into my window, changing back on my bed.

"I need some rest before tomorrow." I yawned, and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.

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