You X TVD // Passion And Dang...

By FantasyFalcon

4.1K 174 105

Enchanted by a bewitching book store manager called Joe Goldberg, a struggling guitarist called Nora from Mys... More

You want me to know you.
The more I know
You are not dying so soon.
Your boyfriend is on my nerves
I don't like drama
Entangled in misery
To do the right thing for love
I had to do what I had to do
Moments like these
New day; new me
Goodbye to old ties
The end of our love?
The end of our love

Pain is the cost of love

229 8 0
By FantasyFalcon

"I could only read through for so long. I still don't get it. Should I be concerned that you might be dating a potential sibling killer? The timeline is fucked up. Advanced plastic surgery to make him look like he is in his mid-20s? Or is Kai-the son of Malachai Parker? I guess it makes sense: Kai isn't in his early 50s. But naming his children after himself and the siblings he had attacked? How do I protect you? I could remove Kai from your life to protect you, but he's got good reflexes, and I need to tread this case with precaution."

The doorbell clinks, and the former band member steps into the store. She wore her usual jeans and a loose white shirt. "Look at you, all pure and naive. You have no clue about the man you adore. I never thought you'd be in such grave danger. This is beyond you and me, but you don't have to worry about that."

"Hey, Joe. Oh my god!" She mumbles under her breath, "What's on your face?" She points at the reddish-brown bruise on his cheek. "Your voice lacks the usual radiance that once excited me? What happened to you, Nora? Did Kai do something?"

"Uh, it was a stupid fight." He presses his lips.

"Kai did that to you?" she looks at him.

"I could use this opportunity to let you sympathise with me and villainize your killer boyfriend." "It was a mess, Nora." He places a book on a shelf, pretending to be scarred for life.

"Oh dear lord! Are you okay?"

"Better than okay." Joe ducks his head to hide the unwanted mark on his face.

"You said you wanted to talk about something."

"It's about Kai, Nora." He throws a few gestures.

"Oh, there is more to it, right?" She raises her brows. An undercurrent of shock swims through her features.

"Yes, can we do this over there?" Joe points to an empty aisle, and Nora follows his trail.

"Ouch! This looks bad, Joe. Did you get it checked?" Nora fizzles and places her fingers over his bruised skin. "Oh, Nora. You care so much for me. If only I could hold your hand; and kiss your fingers; and your hands, but I can't do that-yet." "It's alright. I don't need to get it checked. I'm okay, Nora."

"Hmm, what did you want to talk about, Joe?" "This is where I'm supposed to slowly clue you in about your killer boyfriend, but gentle enough for you to process and not throw hands." Joe exhales.

"Given what had happened yesterday, I don't feel safe. I think we need to limit our interactions, Nora." Joe sucks his cheeks in.

"Joe, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about all of this. I didn't think Kai would do something like that. He will apologise, but please, you don't have to leave me for that."

"Nora, listen. I'm not going to leave you. I'm your fan. I will always admire you. But I can't be your friend, especially with your boyfriend lurking around and threatening me for talking to you. He is insecure; he will definitely kill me if he finds out I'm here talking to you about him, Nora." Joe observes Nora's mouth part so widely, for him to safely assume she didn't expect this reaction from him.

"He can be violent sometimes, but he is not a killer, Joe. I'm sorry that you got hurt because of him."

"This is exactly why we need to separate. Violence has no excuse. Kai is not a killer from your point of view. But the way he acted yesterday, without having second thoughts about what he was doing to me? He is definitely a killer, Nora. I can't risk that."

"How are you so sure that he is one?" Nora locks her eyes with Joe's, folding her arms intact. Curiosity lingers in her waterline as she slowly blows out air from her mouth.

"Not to scare you or anything, Nora. I think Kai is a killer." Nora's eyelids shoot wide open. "Only a killer can be so well-equipped with his fingers and his techniques, Nora. He choked me hard enough to evoke this possibility. I was threatened, so I searched him up. I know this may seem inane to you, but I need you to listen without judging, alright?"

"Joe, THAT'S STUPID! Kai is not a killer. He is a bully. He'd never go that far." Nora snickers to dispel the tension.

"I nearly died, Nora. I don't need you telling me how am I supposed to feel because right now, I need a friend who doesn't invalidate my near-death experience." He ducks his head slightly to meet her eyes that were wilting with guilt. "Sorry, Joe. Continue."

"I found this guy called Malachai Parker from Portland-who murdered his siblings in 1994. One of them was Jo-Jo for Josette. Remember?" He jerks his head. "He doesn't like to call me by my name because I remind him of his sister?"

The nerves on her eyeballs popped out as her face shrunk to a blood-red apple. "No, JOE! You-you are reading into this too much!" She clears her throat, her breathing becoming more rapid. "See, it was in 1994. I don't know what happened, but it happened twenty years ago. This is far-fetched. I can assure you that Kai is not a killer. Stop accusing him. I know he can be terrible sometimes, but he'd never kill someone." Joe throws her a not-helping look over his eyebrows. Nora inches forward to hold his hand.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through this, Joe. It's driving you to the path of insanity, Joe. I care about you, so talk to me instead of trying to find dirt on him." Joe doesn't utter a word while the unnerving silence wrecks her composure.

"A twenty-two-year-old boy was missing in 1994; he was one of the prime suspects." Joe diverts his gaze to look at the floor. "What's Kai's user ID? Answer me, Nora." Heavy gasps audibly leap out fro her mouth. "I don't know! I can't remember, now, Joe. It's stupid." She jerks.

"It's cobrakai1972. Malachai was twenty-two in 1994-"

"Why are you telling me this, Joe? I have no business in this-" She turns around, rubbing her temples, and strides away from Joe to put some distance.

Joe overrides her, "which means he was born in 1972, and Kai has that same year in his ID. Kai is going to Portland; this accident happened in Portland. Kai is short for Malachai. Look at these clues, Nora."

"No, Joe! I know you hate Kai for choking you, but I never thought that you'd accuse him of murdering his siblings. That too with an outdated case. It was in 1994-"

"I know! I told you this sounds insane, but I can't ignore all of this because of the timeline. What if he is the son of Malachai Parker? What if he had some surgeries to look like he is in his 20s?"

"ENOUGH! Are you hearing yourself right now? It doesn't make any sense. I want to listen to you, but you are saying insane things right now. How can I help you if you believe that my boyfriend-who is still in his 20s- murdered some kids in 1994? Kai isn't fifty. And as for his family, no, they are amazing people. Make some sense, Joe. I can't do this anymore, Joe. I need to leave." Nora sprints out.

"Nora, stop!" Joe follows her path.

"WHAT, JOE? I'm mad! I can't believe you tried to accuse my boyfriend of murder. You literally called me here to waste my time. You stalked Kai! What is wrong with you?" She steps out of the aisle.

"My plan backfired. Kai, you are the apple to my Adam and Eve."

"Nora, wait, stop! I didn't mean to upset you." "I'm trying so hard, Nora. Why can't you see? Is it a pity that you think I'm insane for finding similarities between Kai and a two-decade-old case?"

"Joe, I need some time. I don't want anyone to disturb me. Thanks to you and Kai, I'm gonna head home and cry about how bad my life is right now. I'm sorry, but I need time and space to process this. " She snaps at his face and exits the book store, sparing no time for Joe to roll his tongue.

"Nora, you are in danger. I can't protect you if you don't let me." He peers through the window.

*Nora's POV (3rd)*

She strides out, stomping her feet on the road. Her eyes fixate on the ground, and she stops dead in her track. Rough scoffs emit from her vocal cords, and she whips out her mobile phone.

"Kai, I know you don't want to talk to me right now, but there is something important I need to tell you. Please meet me at my house at 4. I swear it's important aff!."

Her phone dings. "What could be so important? Just text me."

"I can't! It's too much! I need you to get your ass to my apartment asap."


"Okay, now I'm insulted. Just K? Really?"

"I'm in no mood to text, let alone talk. I'm loaded with my coven shit. I have a flight to Portland today. Also, learning the new slang language while simultaneously trying to get rid of the 90s slang language is hard, and I need you to appreciate me for that."

"Shit! I almost forgot! Good luck! Just meet me before leaving so we can also fix this resistance, okay?"

"Sure, ttyl."

Nora tosses her mobile phone in her bag. A small smile finds her lips at the thought that the unnecessary tension present between them subsided-a little. Not to the extent of going back to what they had, but to the point where they could at least chat without exerting themselves. Relief surges through her body, knowing that she can mend some broken knots between them before he leaves for Portland. The epiphany that she would be left with almost little to no company-post-Kai's departure from New York-dawns over her, and she is struck with the idea of throwing him a small meaningful party. She drives to a grocery store to buy pork rinds, and a small card as a token of her love toward him; so he could keep it as a souvenir.


Nora sets the groceries in the trunk of her car and shuts it. A few minutes into rotating the steering wheel through the streets, her tyre makes an abrupt, distorted sound. Her vehicle slants to an edge, and the smooth gliding of her tyres inclines towards a sluggish ride. The car halts near the pavement, earning a few grunts from Nora as she steps out to get a closer inspection. Her mobile phone dings and she pulls it out to see Kai's text. "Just started. Will be 15 min late. Got caught up with work."

"Fuck!" She mumbles under her breath. "Hey, I kinda ran into car trouble. I will be there in 20-25 min. Sorry for the delay!"

"It's okay. I can wait. Do you want me to come to help you?"

"Oh, no worries. I'm on my way to a mechanic. Again, sorry!"

"It's okay :)" Nora's heart flutters at his warm text, and she grins from end to end. She jumps into her car and manages to slowly drift toward a car shop. Considering how tension-packed the situation was yesterday and Kai's tight schedule, the girl expected some rough response. However, in the light of how everything has been going on, she found solace in those few words-even though there was no romantic undertone to them.

*Joe's POV*

"I thought about it, Nora. Of course, anyone would react the way you did if I revealed to them that the person they love so much is a killer and that they are in danger. You don't want your pure heart to be exposed to the nasty truths of the world. You want that fairy type happy ending from what I've gathered about you. You wouldn't want your dreams to shatter, and it was never my intention to be that person. Kai is stealthy when it comes to his moves. I refuse to say this but admitting the truth is important. He is a male minx. He has you wrapped around his finger. You don't want to see the truth, and I'm fine with that for now. I will apologise and will fix this for you. You deserve every bit of happiness."

"Hey, Joe. I was thinking of making some butter cookies, and I need some advice." Ethan disrupts Joe.

"Oh, I will help. But I actually need to go out right now. Hit me up tomorrow." Joe discards his name tag on his table.

"Joe, it's 4:15 pm. A little early for you to get off your shift." Ethan retorts. "You've been bailing on a lot of your shifts."

"Ethan, it's a personal case. I will make it up to you. Forget butter cookies, I will help you make chocolate ones too. Just cover for me today, Ethan. Please?" Joe pleads subtly.

"Fine, Joe. You owe me big time." Ethan resorts to categorizing the books.

"Thank you." "Kill me!"

Joe puts on his jacket and exits the bookstore. "You said you were gonna cry about it at your home; let's cry together, Nora. I went overboard. I want to make this right. For you, for us. It's impossible to cut him off from your side, so I'll cut him off from his side. We deserve to be together, Nora. He doesn't encourage you as I do. He doesn't fight for you as I do. He is not the right guy for you."

Joe ambles to her apartment and walks up the stairs. "I'll make you tea, and we will talk about your life. I will ensure you get back on your feet. I'm sorry that things got hard for you. I will be there for you: through thick and thin."

Joe envisaged spending time with Nora at her place but halted his stride as he showed his face to the back of the man who choked the life out of him. Kai flips around to see Joe standing a few feet away from him. Joe corrects his posture, tightening his fist. "Double fuck!" Kai narrows his eyes; fury mildly builds up in his exterior.

"You just can't take a hint? I thought I made it clear yesterday." Kai grins, having no trace of humour in his smile.

A moment of silence later, Joe exhales and digs his pockets. "You are that one itch I can't get rid of. As for me, I come prepared." "I come bearing peace. I'm here to talk to Nora." He raises his palms. Kai inches toward Joe as he crosses his arms and chuckles. "Aww, too bad! She isn't here yet! Go back to managing books, Joey. You have no place here." Kai turns and strolls to her door.

"This is where I implement trial and error." "I don't know about that, Malachai." Kai stops dead in his track. His back stiffens, throwing a rough glance at Joe over his shoulder.

"I go by Kai, not Malachai." His eyes shoot bullets at Joe.

"Josette, Olivia, and the rest of them say otherwise, Malachai." Joe enlarges his eyes and observes Kai's behaviour. Kai ticks his jaw, and his blood riles up, subtly vibrating his arms while his face turns to ice cold.

"What did you say, stalker boy?"

"I knew it! You are not an ordinary person as you pretend to be. You're a killer, Malachai."

"I'm not, but you are provoking me to be one."

"You killed your siblings, and you will kill Nora too." "Provoke him until he charges. It would be easier to knock him out."

"You know..." Kai waves a finger at Joe. "You are starting to get on my nerves." Kai blinks rapidly and palms his mouth. "Put Nora out of this, or you will regret talking to me."

"You stay away from Nora, and I will let you live your life, Malachai. You don't want me going to the cops now, do you?"

"Oh, you are threatening me now?" Kai chuckles. "Let me give you a piece of my mind!" Kai grabs Joe's collar. Joe elbows Kai in the stomach and retrieves a small hammer from his jacket to hurl it on Kai's head. Kai grunts but averts the jab in time to clutch Joe's wrist, crushing his wrist until the hammer escaped his feeble grip. Joe groans and yelps while his veins protrude from his neck. Kai relished the view and ensured to inflict more pain. "You really think you could take me on?" Kai smirks. "You see," he twists Joe's arm, "you accuse me of being a killer all while carrying a mini hammer with you. I should've killed you yesterday because you don't know what to do with your borrowed time." Joe hears the sound of Nora's car, and Kai throws him to the ground. He falls to the surface to see her approaching the building's door. "Play smart! She can be here any minute now. She won't believe me, so for our love, I will take the beat."

"Imagine being so insecure that you resort to violence every time you feel threatened. What is Nora doing with a timorous man like you?" Joe smirks, pinning Kai with his glare.

"You are asking for a death wish! Let me grant you one right now." Kai lifts Joe's head to punch him; he fists his face multiple times until his face was drenched in a red liquid. Blood drips from his nose, tearing his lip around the corner. He opens his mouth wide open to gasp for more air as he clings onto whatever consciousness was left within him. "But I don't wanna make a scene here, so..." Kai pants as he drags Joe to the staircase and pushes him down the stairs of the building. The building's door swings open, and she walks in. Joe rolls over the uneven rigid structure and tumbles near the feet of Nora. Nora shrieks and stumbles back. She falls on her knees as she recognises the unconscious man and tugs his shirt. "Joe!? Wake up!"

"I look at the horror on your face. You try so hard to push me to my feet. I feel bad for playing with your feelings: you don't deserve to be scared for me, but I had to. I paid the price of your love. I need to show you what kind of a man you are dating." Joe groans.

Nora glances to the top of the stairs to see Kai standing still. He clasps his hands to his mouth as fury coated her features. She looks back at Joe. "Joe! Please wake up!" Her hand snakes around Joe's back, and she brings him closer to her body, supporting his weight. Her white shirt was stained with his blood, and the scene piled on indignation. He opens his eyes and moans, rubbing his eyelids to look at Nora. "I could only act for so long."

She tugs him closer to her body, and he curls his arm around her shoulder. "Slowly, Joe. Hold on tight! Kai! What the hell did you do to him?"

"He asked for this, Nora. I was minding my business. This guy decided to play the hero."

"I can't listen to you defend your mess right now. Stop standing like a statue and help me out!" Nora orders.

Kai descends toward them. "I'm not; he asked for this. He knows about Laughlin?" Kai wiggles his brows and gestures at Nora. She was clueless for a moment, but she understood the reference. She knits her brows to express the same and rolls her eyes to the side. "But still, you had no right to attack him for that!"

"What did you want me to do? Convince him that I'm not a murderer when I'm not? He provoked me, Nora." Kai pauses to lift Joe in his weakened state and strolls towards her apartment. "We will talk about this later! I'm pissed at you, Malachai!"

"Oh my god! Can you all stop calling me that? It's rude to address someone with a name they don't like." Nora unlocks her door, and Kai tosses Joe on the couch. "There, you happy now?"

"Not even in the slightest!" Nora skims through her kitchen shelves and retrieves a first aid kit. She stomps toward them, fuming and aggravated. Kai baulks. "Go easy, you might slip, and I'd have two bruised people to take care of."

"Not funny and not helping."

"I'm just gonna come back later. Don't want to see the time and energy I spent on this one go to waste." He points his finger at Joe, who's currently whimpering and breathing heavily.

"You have zero empathy, Kai! You beat him up first! And now you are refusing to help me patch him up? What is wrong with you?" Nora growls as she puts the antiseptic liquid on the cotton.

Kai slams the door shut, leaving the room with nothing but unbearable silence. Joe stifles his bleats and hisses as the drenched cotton stings his torn skin.

"Oh my god, Joe! Your face! It's broken. I can't watch this. I hate Kai." A few tears run down her cheeks, and Joe's heart flutters. "What's five minutes of pain if it means I could keep you safe from this monster? I tried, Nora. I tried to knock him down and teach him some manners at my place. He'd whine about how small the glass cage is, but he'd have plenty of books to read. However, it was impossible because this man is a savage. I could only do so much."

"Hey, just a few more seconds and you are all patched up. Please, you have to go to the doctor. You could have a concussion, Joe." Nora presses a bandage on Joe's cheek and his forehead. "There, all done." She heads to the kitchen to dispose of the bloody cotton, putting the kit back in its respective place. A couple of utensils clink, drawing Joe's attention, and he stands up on his feet to see her making tea. "Look at us, already looking after each other. Nothing else enunciates soulmates. You are so pure, my perfect girl."

"You are making tea?"

"Yes, it's the least I could do after what had happened." She pours the drink into a cup. "What were you doing here, Joe?"

"I wanted to apologise for crossing boundaries. I mean it is appalling of me to just accuse Kai of two-decade-old murders. I apologise for making you uncomfortable." "Please say, 'Joe, it's not your fault. You were right. I was too blinded by love.'"

"Apology accepted." She hands the cup to Joe. "What happened?" Nora hops on the kitchen aisle. "I'd rather not say anything, Nora. It's complicated. I feel a little weak. I'm gonna head home." He sips.


They had so much to say. So much to express. So much to confess-even if their feelings weren't exactly mutual. Nora's heart sank as she couldn't bring herself to keep lying to Joe about Kai, but she should. He is a mundane who is oblivious about the supernatural world; details pertaining to this sinister would be dangerous, let alone associating with this atrocity. The guilt crept in, but it was for his own good. How could it be for his own good if she lied to her only close friend in all of New York? Making friends when you know a secret that reeks of death is suffocating. It isn't easy to clue them in on such secrets. It ruins them; kills them; terrifies them; villainizes them, and provokes unwanted thoughts and feelings. Walking around ordinary people who lead average lives feels like a blessing because it doesn't require one to constantly feel like they are walking on eggshells. But Joe isn't an ordinary man. He saved her from two deaths: physical and mental. He was there for her when she lost control over herself and fell. He was there for her when her band got rid of her. Joe was there for her recent pitfalls. He deserves to know the truth because he is one of a kind. But what kind of a friend would she be if she just lied to him about everything? What kind of a person would she be if she lied about her friend's sufferings? It would be selfish of her to continue to be his friend while he gets hurt, all while knowing the truth but being gaslit into believing that he is insane for speaking the truth.

On the other side lies a man with passional feelings for the woman he adores. He strives to make her world a better place; so she could cherish every aspect of it. Although, no matter how unrealistic it sounds, he would want nothing but to make her life better. To him, she has gone through a lot of heartaches. However, he knows that she needs a break from some void he hasn't been made aware of yet. Pulling the strings is too soon, for their friendship only blossomed into plain simplicity of platonic love. His heart yearns for more of her. He wants to know her deep, dark secrets: desires, plans, motives, moves, people, passions, and everything-all while being oblivious to the fact that her void is something only a supernatural can consume.

With two contrasting feelings on the same plane, they stare at each other. One yearns for this to last for an eternity; the other to just end the misery of guilt.


"I-" Joe guffaws. "Sorry! Ladies first."

"Okay, I think you are right, Joe." His eyes blink unnaturally. A feeling of righteousness swoons over him, and he exhales in relief.

"We should limit our interactions." Her lips curl down.


"You said it. It's futile to prolong a friendship when safety is compromised. You are this amazing friend- whom I hold dear to life. You don't deserve this kind of pain. You got hurt because of someone I love. It's unfair to you. My friendship has brought nothing but havoc to your life. It's safe to say you'd live normally and happily in a Nora-free world." A tear glides down her cheek.

"After everything I've been through to get closer to you, this is what I get? The annulment of our friendship? Nora, look at how far I'm willing to go for you instead of focusing on the negatives. Dating a pessimistic man has turned you into one."

"It would be a shame to lose a great friend like you, Nora. You are equally amazing. Growing up in a group home, I had no friends: only bullies. And, for the first time, I could happily say that I have a friend who is a smart, talented, and a caring woman." "Kill me! I don't want to use the word friend anymore!"

"It's for the best, Joe. Look at you now. Look at your face. I'm the reason why now you've got to pay medical bills. This is horrible, Joe."


"Joe! It's for the best. You need to take care of yourself. We will talk later. I can't talk to you like this, not with your face looking like someone mauled it." "Well, someone did maul it: your boyfriend. But I love how you defend him." "Come, I'll drop you at your house." Nora grabs her keys.

"What is happening? You are supposed to want me more after everything that's happened. Did I waste my time trying to look like the better guy? Of course not. I was just protecting you. I hate how you are guiding me out of the house. I mean, I appreciate the way you care for me-only a mother could do that. I hope this isn't the end, Nora. We are destined to be together." Joe scoots in her car, and she starts the engine.


"You sure, you don't want that wound to get checked. "

"I'll be fine. Thanks for the ride."

"Bye, Joe."

Nora speeds away, leaving Joe with his helplessness. He strolls to his apartment, and a woman pats his back. He turns around to see his neighbour, fidgeting with her fingers and wrinkling her features as she processes Joe's broken face. "Ohh! I'm so sorry for Ron's behaviour. I'm Paco's mom, Claudia."

"I know." "This will be the second time another woman showed pity to my face. What happened to me?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to press charges. You can if you want. I broke up with Ron because he's getting toxic, and it's not good for either of us-"

"He is getting toxic? Claudia, I wish I could scream at you at the top of my lungs that you are delusional. He is a toxic, alcoholic douchebag who abuses women. What more do you need?"

"It's fine. I won't press charges. I just want Paco to be safe."

"Thank you so much, Joe. I won't let him bother us again." Claudia grins mildly, leaving Joe at his doorstep.

"At least there is a silver lining to this day." He locks his door.


End of chapter notes:

Thank you guys for reading. I had to delay my writing cuz I was busy with other things. I'm gonna try to stay consistent. I wrote this in a hurry 😩. Votes and comments are appreciated.

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