Rhea Ripley Images

By americasass741918

49.4K 564 132

This is very different from my other stories on this account. But I've into WWE recently and have been having... More

Behind the Scenes
Showing Off
Biggest Fans
Biggest Fans Part Two
Dress Up

From the Beginning

14.1K 93 15
By americasass741918

"Y/n Y/l/n." I heard my name. Looking up I slowly raised my hand. A guy walked over to me and handed me a candy gram. "Thank you." I gave him a small smile.

Looking down at it was a small bag of sweets there was a "Happy Valentines Day" tag on it along with a small card. Opening the card there was some writing on it.

Dear Y/n,
I wanted to ask if you'd be my Valentine this year. And ask if you would like to go on a date tomorrow.

Smiling to myself I took off the card wanting to keep it. For the rest of class I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

Me and Demi have been friends since we were little. We met on the playground in in the second grade. I had fallen off of the monkey bars and she came over to see if i was okay. After that the rest is history. We had become inseparable. 

A few years ago, at the beginning of high school, we told each other that we were gay. But i never told her that how i found out was because i fell in love with her. 

I've liked Demi for years now but have been too shy to say anything. But after watching her work so hard to wrestle in RCW, Riot City Wrestling, i couldn't help but love her more. 

Quickly getting out of class i headed to the parking lot. Demi had most of her credits so she only had two classes in the morning. But after school she would always come and take me home.

Walking to the back of the parking lot I saw her car and she was leaning on the passenger side door. Her head was down and I could tell she was mumbling something.

I stepped in front of her and dropped my bag letting her know I was there. She looked up and looked me in the eyes. "Hi." She smiled. "Hi." I said before reaching up and putting my hands on each side of her face. Bringing her head down I softly kissed her.

It took her a second before she immediately started kissing me back. I could feel her hands hovering over my waist. Slowly dragging my hands down her shoulders and arms I put my hands over hers bringing them to my waist.

Pulling away I smiled and rested my head on her chest. She put her head on mine and we stood there hugging. "I would love to be your Valentine." I looked up at her. "Yeah?" She questioned. "I would love that a lot." I smiled and she returned a big smile.

Leaning back down our lips connected in a sweet kiss. I put my hands on her lower back keeping us close. "Grab your bag, Bubs. We gotta go. I can't be late for practice." She pulled away but kept our heads together. Quickly grabbing my bag she opened the door for me and I got in.


It was finally Saturday which meant me and Demi were going on a date. She told me to dress causal, as if we were just hanging out. So I went with this.

So this part takes place in 2013, you're both 17, but I can't find a outfit from that time. So, i'm just choosing this. Without the hat though.

After i was ready i got in my car and left for Demi's house. It didn't take me long since we don't live too far apart. Now here i am standing in front of her door. I have no idea why i'm nervous. Yesterday after school we did make out in the parking lot and then continued what we'd normally do for the rest of the day. 

Raising my hand i knocked on the door. Only waiting a few seconds before the door opened. Demi stood there in some shorts and a hoodie, and gave me that sweet smile of hers. "Come in." She moved out of the way and i stepped in. 

"Knowing you i figured something simple for a first date would be better than some big thing. So i thought we could hang out in my room and watch movies and play games." She told me. "That sounds like a great date." I nodded. 

"I will get snacks and drinks." Demi said. "Sounds good. I'm gonna find a movie." I said and walked to her room. Jumping on her bed i grabbed the remote turning on the TV. 

For the next two hours we laid in her bed and watched a movie. After the first thirty minutes I felt Demi's hand on my waist. She didn't do anything with it so I took her hand in mine and moved back against her so we were spooning.

For the rest of the movie me and Demi stay cuddled up, with her head resting in the crook of my neck. Even for a first date, I thought this was perfect.

Grabbing the remote I turned off the TV once the credits started. After the sound stopped all I could hear was Demi's soft breathing. "Demi?" I whispered. "Huh?" She mumbled and I felt her head move off my shoulder.

Turning around to face her she looked tired. "Did you fall asleep?" I ask her and moved a piece of hair that was caught on her lips. "Apparently. I got comfortable and I also didn't sleep very well last night." She yawned.

"Why didn't you sleep well?" I questioned. "I was afraid that you wouldn't come. That you had a realization that yesterday was a mistake." She told me and we just looked in each other's eyes as we had our heads on the pillows.

Leaning forward I cupped her cheek and softly kissed her. "I can assure you, yesterday was no mistake for me. More like a dream." "Yeah?" She smiled. "Absolutely." I nodded.

Her hands cupped my cheeks and smashed her lips on mine. We smiled through the kiss. My hands traveled down to her hips and she flipped us over. Now I'm laying on my back with Demi over me.

She pulled away and laid on me. Her head on my shoulder. "Knowing you will fall asleep again soon. I have something to ask you. Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. "I would love that a lot." I could feel her smile against my skin.

Demi fell asleep again and I just turned on the TV. Quietly the door opened and Demi's mom opened the door. Once she saw Demi asleep she smiled. "Everything good?" She whispered. "Everything is perfect." I smiled. She left with a big smile on her face.

Once the door closed I heard her giggle. "Finally!" She laughed and walked away. I laughed a bit and Demi turned to me. "What?" She snuggled closer hiding her face in my neck. "Your mom. She's very happy about this." "I knew she would. Ever since we came out, she had a feeling we liked each other." I chuckled and rubbed her back so she could fall back asleep.

December 18th, 2019

This is the match i'm using for this next part. The part I'm writing is after the match. But I figured someone might want to watch it. Or you can read my description of the match below.

Shanya goes after Rhea's arm first. Steps on it until Rhea catches it. Going for the punch Shayna falls first. Rhea with the kick. Throwing her into the turnbuckle. And Shayna rolls off.

Shayna puts Rhea in the corner, charges after her until Rhea gets out of the way. Rhea getting under her goes into the electric chair then smashes her face into the top turnbuckle. Rhea now with the clothes lines. Once Shayna is up Rhea goes for the knees to the face.

Rhea going for the drop kick until Shayna Shayna takes her down. Rhea getting up goes for the punches. Until Rhea gets the drop kick. Shayna in the corner Rhea now getting Shayna on the top rope. Rhea gets up going for the superplex on Shayna. Going for the cover Shayna kicks out at two.

Shayna gets up elbowing Rhea. Until Rhea gets a German suplex. Then the horse women run in to try and help Shayna. As Shayna goes to get Rhea on the apron Rhea takes her legs out from under her. Rhea went for the cannonball but only got the horse women and not Shayna too.

Shayna takes the chance to kick Rhea in the face. As Rhea try to get up on the stairs Shayna comes and steps on her elbow trying to break it. Rhea screams in pain holding her elbow. The ref gets down seeing if Rhea in okay.

Once Rhea gets back in the ring Shayna goes straight for the arm. Getting the arm behind Rhea's back Shayna is able to get her on her back and slowly turns Rhea's arm and hand around causing more pain. Rhea keeps screaming in pain. Once she gets out of it Shayna spins around and lands Rhea on her arm. And Rhea rolls out.

Shayna now back in the same spot as the beginning stepping on Rhea's hand. Jumping up Shayna jumps down onto Rhea's elbow. Shayna landing a kick to her face as Rhea's on her knees. Shayna taunting Rhea. And Shayna keeps going for the kicks. But now landing on on Rhea's shoulder.

One last kick until Rhea catches it to her chest. Letting it go Rhea goes for the punch. Getting out of the Riptide Rhea then goes for the drop kick taking out Shayna and the ref. Rhea gets the Riptide whike Shayna is down. Going for the cover but with the ref out he can't count it. As Rhea goes to get the ref up Shayna rolls out.

Rhea goes to the apron going for the the cannonball but Shayna gets out of the way and lands on her lower back. Shayna pushed someone out of their chair closing it. Tossing it into the ring both Shayna and Rhea get in. They both look at each other until they both go for it.

Rhea gets there first and with a big boot kicks Shayna away. But Shayna comes back and slams Rhea's head into the chair. Going for the cover the ref is now up again counting for Shayna. Gets to two until Rhea kicks out just at the end.

Shayna goes to choke her but Rhea gets out going for thr prism. Until Shayna is wrapped around Rhea choking her. Rhea tries to crawl to the rope until Shayna gets her back into the middle of the ring. You can start to see Rhea lose consciousness and her eyes start to close.

Rhea starts to get up and rolls out of it. Now stomping on Shayna. Rhea now sets up the prism and gets it. Keeping Shayna in the middle but she rolls onto her back and kicks Rhea away. Shayna gets Rhea to the top rope and slaps her and tries for the superplex. Until Rhea headbutts her collarbone.

From the second turnbuckle Rhea sets up the Riptide. Rhea jumps off and lands the avalanche Riptide. Immediately going into the cover the ref counts to three and Rhea wins.

Rhea has fans fill the ring as her song plays and fans lift her up. Once they set her down I barely see her lean down over the ropes then she stands back up.

"Wow. That was one hell of a match." She said and people cheered. "But in my life there has been something very important to me that wasn't wrestling. And I haven't told any of you because I was scared of how people would react. Bubs can you raise your hand for me?" She asked.

Raising my hand people started to get out of the away. Since I was in the back she probably couldn't see me in the sea of tall men. That are most definitely hiding my five foot self. I just looked like a fan because of my Ripley tank top that look exactly like Rhea's. That's because I took it from her closet.

Once she saw me, she quickly walked towards me. Leaning down for me I wrapped my arms around her neck and she picked me up. I hid my face in the side of her neck and her arms wrapped around my waist.

"You really scared me Demi. I don't want to hear you scream like that again." I told her. "I know. But I'm right here. My arm is feeling better and my knee is okay." She said and rubbed my back.

"Everyone this is Y/n Bennet. And she is my wife. Knowing people still haven't been accepting of people like us, I wanted to stay quiet. But I'm realizing that I shouldn't have to hide who I love most in this world. So this is my wife. And if you don't like that. Don't come crying and whining to me." She said and I smiled.

Pulling away a bit I held her face between my hands and softly laid my lips on hers. Everyone started to cheer and I couldn't hear one boo. There's some real fans.

"I love you." She smiled as we pulled away. "I love you." I said. She shifted a bit and gave me her left hand. Taking the sliver band off my right ring finger I slipped her ring back on her hand.

She kissed my forehead and started walking. We went under the ropes and down the stairs. "Can we go home?" I asked. "Yes. Because the new champion is gonna rip her own shirt off of her wife." She whispered in my ear and I giggled. "Yes, Mommy." I whispered in her ear.

Hope you like the first image. I had a new love for Rhea come on very strong and there aren't enough books about her. So I figured why not have a bunch of little story's and books about this wonderful woman. And Happy Valentines Day! 😊🖤

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