A Guide To Courting an Albedo...

By kodzukaeya

205 8 3

Kaeya wants Albedo. Okay, that's a little over exaggerated. Kaeya wants Albedo to be his boyfriend. Although... More


205 8 3
By kodzukaeya

A/N: hello! here's me publishing one of my favorite kaebedo fics I've probably written before. i love these two so much so here we are. I miss school so this is what we're getting. This is heavily inspired by the guy I liked and our memories together and multiple other experiences my friends have had. I apologize for any grammatical errors and typos.

This takes place in Modern AU and they're in High school. Albedo is in Grade 11 and is 17 while Kaeya is Grade 12 and also 17 and he just ended up skipping a grade to be in the same grade as Diluc back then.

[ COVER CREDITS: Art credits go to @/Orange627st on TWT! ]


"Can I be your boyfriend?"

Albedo froze in place as he faced away from his locker. He turned to look at the man who asked him and it was none other than the campus' playboy, Kaeya Alberich. Albedo knew about Kaeya's personality. This guy was a flirt and honestly maybe just flirted and dated for fun. So, why was he a target now? Albedo waited for him to say it was just a prank. Maybe his friend, Childe or rather Tartaglia had dared him to ask him out but Kaeya didn't say anything. Albedo blinked at him multiple times as he continued to stare at him, confusion all over his face. Was he being serious?

Kaeya...well. Albedo did have a crush on him. Who wouldn't? He was at the campus' most popular guy for a reason. He was built, tall, had a nice voice and was smart. He was also the captain of the volleyball team and the Ace of all positions. It would be surprising if you at least didn't like him at one point. But, come on. He may be academically smart but right now he sure was stupid as he waited for Albedo's answer. Albedo turned away from Kaeya and reached to grab the books inside his locker. He hugged them close to his chest. Kaeya raised an eyebrow as he eyed Albedo.

Kaeya chuckled as he nervously scratched the back of his neck. "Well, 'Bedo. What do you say?"

Albedo closed his locker and faced Kaeya again, "No"

Kaeya's eyes widened as Albedo turned away from him. Kaeya has never been rejected before but now that he was serious about this whole relationship thing. He gets rejected? Bullshit!

Kaeya grabbed his hand with zero hesitation. He wasn't going to give up on Albedo any time soon. Albedo turned to him with a raised eyebrow. A faint blush on his face as he felt Kaeya's hand in his. His hand was big and Albedo's was small. 

His hands were very warm and Albedo couldn't help himself but let his hand rest in his for a while. Sure, Albedo did say no but Albedo did like him and that was something Albedo couldn't deny now. Sucrose knows and she certainly would be disappointed if Albedo denied it. She was getting sick of Albedo's obliviousness and didn't wait for Albedo to figure it out himself and told him out front.

His heart leapt in his chest as he stared deep into Kaeya's eye. Since one of Kaeya's eyes was covered by his long bangs. Kaeya felt a blush crept on to his face too but he ignored it.

"I-I really like you, Albedo." Kaeya confessed, Albedo blushed. "No jokes. I do really want to be your boyfriend"

Albedo bit his lip as he stared at Kaeya. This certainly wasn't what he planned to be doing today. He thought today was just going to be another ordinary day at school. Boring classes, hanging out with Sucrose and Aether and then going home to help Klee with homework. Yet here he was. Kaeya had held his hand tight as he stared at Albedo. Albedo has never seen Kaeya like this. His playboy and flirty façade set aside and showing off his vulnerable side. Albedo never guessed he would see this side of Kaeya ever.

Albedo turned his head away as a deep blush crept on his face. He couldn't look Kaeya in the eye. "I-I" Albedo sighed as he tried calming him down. He was stuttering. He needed to get his shit together. He heaved in another breath before proceeding, "I like you too, Kaeya"

Kaeya felt his heart race and hope rise in it. He sighed in relief as he pulled Albedo into a hug without hesitation again. Albedo gasped of surprise. He dropped his books as his arms instead wrapped around Kaeya. Kaeya's reflexes were too fast, Albedo couldn't react fast enough and they ended up in this position. Kaeya had his head buried into Albedo's neck and Albedo had his arms out stretched, seeming like they wrapped around Kaeya's back. His books were on the floor and one of his pencils rolled away. The scene feeling like it came from a cliché K-drama itself.

The students watched on. As the scene on folded. This was surprisingly cute and out of character for Kaeya but honestly the students were eating it up. This was gossip worthy. The campus' playboy confessing to one of the campus' Top 10. This was something. Albedo blushed harder as he felt all the student's stares. He tapped Kaeya's back as he sighed, "Kaeya...Let me go. Let's talk more privately at least..."

Kaeya sighed as he let go of Albedo. Suddenly missing Albedo's warmth. Kaeya knelt down and reached to grab all of Albedo's books. Albedo sighed as he let him grab his books. Kaeya smiled back up at him as he handed back his books. Albedo smiled as well as he hugged his books tight. "Now, stop being stupid. Let's go"

Kaeya chuckled as he ran off with Albedo trailing behind. The students whispered on as the two boys set off. Jean popped out of nowhere as she turned back watching the two boys escape, "So, he finally confessed?". Diluc rolled his eyes as he eyed his fellow council member. "I was getting sick of his rants about Albedo. Thank Archons he did". Childe laughed as he watched his best friend, It was funny watching him confess. Kaeya knew nothing about that sort of things. Sure, he was one of the campus's IT boys and a playboy but he was terrible with confessions and all that lovey-dovey stuff. He knew what flirting was and let that drive his playboy status but he would get a failing grade if his skills in confessing was part of the school's curriculum.

Childe chuckled as he turned to his friends, "So...who has any bets on what couple name they wound up getting?". Diluc rolls his eyes as Jean laughs. Thoma and Zhongli end up joining the conversation. Thoma laughs as he kindly raises his hand, volunteering. "I say it's Kaebedo. Catchy am I right?" Childe gasps, dramatically as he draped his arms around Zhongli "Zhongli~! I missed you". Zhongli smiled as he wrapped an arm around Childe's waist, "Hello, Ajax. I also have missed you"

Jean smiled as she paused to think, "Maybe Albekae?". Childe joined in, "Albeya". "You guys are kinda bad at this" Zhongli comments as Jean and Childe glared at him.

Diluc sighed, clearly annoyed. Thoma chuckled as he held Diluc's hand and gave it a squeeze "Calm down, babe. I need money for...food". "You can just ask me" Diluc said, as he stared at Thoma. Thoma laughed as he smiled at Diluc, "I know. But, I'd rather not". "Is this what you call a kinnie moment?" Zhongli asks as he looked at Childe. Childe and Jean laughed hard. Their laughs echoing out the hall and mixing in with the countless voices of the student's gossips and conversations.


Kaeya sighed as he leaned on the wall next to him. Albedo hugged his books close to him as he eyed at Kaeya. Now, it's time for him to comfort him. They were at the back of the school. Their location was far from the campus and no students were in sight. Usually, some students would be here with their close friends and hanging out until the sun set but the space was empty. Maybe it was because it was a Friday but Albedo wouldn't know. He and Sucrose had never been here before. They usually go to Albedo's house at the end of the school day. Kaeya was the one who ran off here so Albedo had to chase him. The place was realizing Albedo observed.

Kaeya smiled at him, "So, you do like me. What's the problem?". Albedo sighed, "Look, I do like you Kaeya. But, I'm just not sure if I'm alright with you being my...you know...boyfriend"

Kaeya's heart broke as he stepped close to Albedo. Kaeya wasn't just going to let go of Albedo now. "But...I do have a compromise" Albedo added as he smiled at Kaeya. Kaeya's eyes light up with hope as he stared at Albedo. Albedo smiles as he stared at Kaeya, "We're both in a mutual understanding that we like each other because of that...rather awkward confession"

Albedo refused to admit it but that confession Kaeya pulled back there was shit. He expected slightly more but he brushed it aside. Kaeya nervously chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck again. Kaeya failed to think of that "I apologize, Albedo. I'll make it up to you". 

Albedo smiled as he felt his heart melt. He never knew Kaeya had a side like this, it was honestly adorable. Everyone knew Kaeya was just a flirty and smart person around the campus but Albedo never guessed Kaeya had a side like this to him. This stereotype was honestly cliché. The school's top 5 students and the IT boy of the campus being together. Albedo wouldn't be surprised that they'd be the talk of the school by tomorrow.

Albedo coughed to gain Kaeya's attention. "I was thinking to prove you are worthy of being my boyfriend...gosh this is cringey I apologize" Albedo chuckled nervously. Kaeya laughed as he held Albedo's hand to try and comfort him. Albedo sighed before continuing on, "I want you to formally court me, Kaeya"

Kaeya smiled as he turned to look at Albedo. "Is this what it takes to win your heart?"

Albedo shrugged, "Technically, yes in a logical sense"

"Alright then, Albedo. It's a deal"


Albedo laid on his bed, exhausted. He sighed, heavily as he stared at his bedroom ceiling. Today was exhausting. Albedo thanked the Archons that tomorrow was a Saturday and they didn't have make-up classes. School was exhausting and although Albedo loved school and dedicated most of his free time in the Science club he was president of he couldn't prevent himself from feeling slightly burn out.


Albedo turned to his bedside table to see his phone. It was ringing. It kept vibrating and ringing as someone was calling Albedo. Albedo sighed again as he reached out and grasped his phone in his hand. He read the name of the caller, 'Sucrose <3'. Oh, it was Sucrose. Albedo's best friend and coincidentally the vice president of the Science Club. The two were inseperable and they've been friends since Middle School. Albedo plastered a small smile on his face as he answered the call from his friend.

"Hello, Sucro-" Albedo greeted.

"Albedo! Why didn't you call me right away?!" Sucrose cuts him off as her face was relatively close to the camera. She was wearing her pajamas but her face was filled with so much shock. Albedo's eyes furrowed. What was Sucrose talking about?

"What on Teyvat are you talking about, Sucrose?" Albedo asked as he rubbed his eyes with his free hand. One of his hands held on to the phone so the camera captured his face. He wasn't close to the camera like Sucrose was and seemed to be calm. Sucrose was on the verge of freaking out while Albedo just stayed calm. This was their usual dynamic anyway.

Sucrose sighs as she shakes her head, disappointed. She places the phone on a couple of books on her study desk as a makeshift phone stand. She was in full focus now and you could see her room decorations on the wall. Albedo furrowed his eyebrows even more. "Sucrose don't do that. Just tell me straight up. I'm no mind reader after all"

Sucrose rolled her eyes, "You may be the President of the Science Club but you can be stupid sometimes"

Albedo laughed as he turned to his side and still had his video camera on. Sucrose sighs as she grabs her hairbrush and starts brushing her hair. She was usually shy around most people. But her and Albedo had been friends for years and she wasn't as shy with him as she was with others. Sucrose felt comfortable with Albedo since he understood her personality the most. She was lucky to have a best friend like Albedo.

"Well, let me word this nicely" Sucrose says as she brushed her hair, softly. "I saw Kaeya confess to you out in the school hallway like an hour ago. I was going to butt in but I'm not really close with Kaeya so I chickened out. I'm sorry!"

"No worries, Sucrose" Albedo smiles at her. Albedo wasn't the best at understanding emotions but tried his best to comfort her. Although a screen separated them he tried his best to comfort his best friend. "Yes, Kaeya did confess to me a while ago. I'm sorry I didn't get to tell you it slipped my mind"

"Slipped your mind!" Sucrose cried out. She pointed her hairbrush at Albedo and she wore an expression as if she was betrayed. It was through a screen but Albedo couldn't help but feel he was being threatened right now. "Albedo you've been crushing on Kaeya for months now! How could that have slipped your mind!" Sucrose sighs and coughs as a faint blush spread her cheeks. "I'm sorry for uhm...acting out. You can just be infuriating sometimes"

"No need to apologize, Sucrose" Albedo waved his hand in front of the camera to make a point to Sucrose. It was rather funny watching Sucrose act out. Her voice would go an octave higher and she'd be blushing by the end. Albedo found it funny but he kept that to himself. He may be beaten to a pulp at school by Monday if he admitted it right now. Sucrose may have a quiet voice and acted shyly but her punches hurt a lot. Albedo would know as much. He was a victim of it. Sucrose would hit him if she laughed or was embarrassed. It was a habit Sucrose couldn't quiet get rid of ever since she and Albedo became friends. Albedo didn't need the inconvenience of the pain from her punches right now.

"Well! Details please, I'm onboard with the Kaebedo ship" Sucrose continued on as she combed her short hair.

Albedo's mouth agape as she stared back at his best friend, confused. "Kae...bedo? What do you mean, Sucrose?"

"It's like this couple name the campus made for you guys" Sucrose went on as she waved her hand around to put more emphasis to make her point. "It's only been 3 hours since school ended for the week but uhm...people have already made a couple name for you both. Kaebedo!"

"Who pitched this in?" Albedo eyed Sucrose. Albedo felt himself blush. He knew that him and Kaeya would be the talk of the town but he truly didn't expect it to be this early. Sucrose smirked as she eyed Albedo's blush. Albedo's Wifi wasn't the best and the quality of the camera was bad but Sucrose could still make out the blush on his face. She chose to not tease him.

"From my sources. Thoma, one of Kaeya's friends, made a poll on Instagram or something along those uhm...lines." Sucrose replies as she looked away from the camera. She faced her mirror now as she flattened the annoying hairs that were sticking up. "Kaebedo ended up winning the poll and no Kaeya didn't vote. He's been offline all day"

Albedo blinked a couple of times before responding, "and why did you think that was a necessary thing to include?"

"You'd probably talk about this with Kaeya, Albedo" Sucrose deadpanned. "We don't want that. Albedo you're the type to uhm...sorry for the term. But, you're the type to talk about this and seem like you're upset with him."

Albedo shook his head, sighing. Albedo wasn't the type to over think since his best friend was the overthinker for herself and him. Sucrose laughed. "But, anyway! What did you say? Are you guys dating now?"

"Well..." Albedo shrugged. "I said no."

Sucrose paused, dramatically as she turned to look at the Albedo on the screen with wide eyes. Her amber colored eyes stared at him. Albedo pursed his lips together. Sucrose sighs, "Don't you like them? Albedo, you really confuse me"

"Well, we both liked each other. But, you know he's known to be a playboy at campus" Albedo answered. "So, I came up with a compromise. I asked him to court me and prove to me he was going to treat me right"


"He said yes"

Sucrose paused, "You know that's actually a reasonable response. Let's see how Kaeya courts someone hmm?"

"I'm starting to think you're only doing this is because of drama, Sucrose" Albedo sarcastically said as he rolled his eyes at his friend. Sucrose was a disclosed person but she liked drama. Albedo didn't believe it at first but when Sucrose gossiped with him for the first time. He was too stunned to speak.

Sucrose shrugged, "Well...uhm kinda.". Sucrose chuckled, quietly as if she was caught in the act. She even scratched the back of her neck to fit the aesthetic. Albedo only sighed but shook his head, still having a smile on his face.

Albedo faced back to the camera as he watched Sucrose put down her hairbrush and getting ready for bed or in her case, reading a book until 3 am. Albedo sighed but asked her something, "But, are you okay with me and Kaeya truthfully, Sucrose?"

Sucrose smiled as she faced Albedo again. "Your happiness is all that matters to me, Albedo. If Kaeya makes you happy then I have no right to be in between that. I've been with you for months when you were crushing on Kaeya. This moment is really special for you. So, of course I'm a..uhm Kaebedo supporter!..Yes"

Albedo felt a huge pressure leave his shoulders as he hears Sucrose's reassuring words to him. He truly was lucky to have Sucrose as a friend. They've been friends for so long and Albedo couldn't help but feel happy that he and Sucrose never separated and he knew if it was the other way around Albedo would support her all the same.

"If Kaeya hurts you though. Inform me right away. I will beat the living shit out of him" Sucrose smiled as she said it.

Albedo stared at her, too stunned to speak once again. He knew he wasn't the one she was threatening but Sucrose sure was scary. Albedo will never stress this enough but Sucrose never fails to surprise him with her random outbursts. He sure felt bad for Kaeya right about now. Albedo reminded himself to warn Kaeya about Sucrose in advance.

"O-Of course, Sucrose" Albedo nervously answered as he chuckled. The Friday night ended as the two drifted off and talked about nonsense until it was time for both to go to sleep.


As Monday rolled around. Albedo lazily walked the hallways as he anticipated what Kaeya was going to be up to today. Today was officially the start of Kaeya's courting. Albedo was curious about what Kaeya had up his sleeve. He even got a text from him last night which read "Go straight to ur classroom, Bedo. I have a surprise for you started there ;)))". That text made Albedo blush and even more excited. Albedo wasn't the type to be romantic or into those things a whole lot but he was getting to experience it now and he would lie if he said he wasn't excited. This was his first time getting courted by someone so Albedo was on the end of his seat.

Albedo noticed his classmates standing and loitering outside the classroom. That wasn't anything new but they all stared at him. Albedo, although confused continued on and entered the classroom. He walked towards his seat and paused in place as he laid his eyes on what was on the desk. He blushed, deeply as he felt the stares from his classmates.

A bouquet of flowers was on his table. The bouquet was absolutely beautiful. It had the prettiest flowers and it was arranged so good. There was a single envelope was on tucked in the flowers. Albedo picked it up and held the bouquet close to him. He sighed with content as he felt his heart warm. Kaeya was full of surprises indeed. He blushed red as he heard the whistles and the cheers of his classmates. This was embarrassing.

"Yieeee! Is Kaebedo canon now, Albedo?"

"Never knew Kaeya was such a romantic person"

"Kaeya better buy as all flowers if he bought Albedo some, huh?"

Albedo blushed deeper as he heard his classmates tease him on. Sucrose giggles as she hugs Albedo from behind, startling her best friend in the process. The tip of Albedo's ears turn red. Sucrose only laughed at her friend's dilemma. If Sucrose got the chance to meet Kaeya later she would definitely tell Kaeya in front of Albedo just to get a reaction out of Albedo.

Amber, being the responsible class president, laughed but instructed everyone in the class to calm down. "Alright, guys! Calm down. Albedo may feel uncomfortable with all of your teasing so sit back down before our teacher comes in!"

Albedo reminded himself to thank Amber later in the day as he turned to look at her. The class did comply. Amber truly was fitting her role as class president. Her right woman in hand and girlfriend Eula stood by her side as she eyed their other classmates who was still loitering outside. Appointing these two as class president and vice was good for Class 11A. Not only were they cute as a couple they did their duties well and performed together perfectly as if they were made to be together. Albedo wouldn't doubt that.

Albedo noticed Sucrose's smirk from the corner of his eye. He clicked his tongue as he swerved so Sucrose would let go of him. Once, Sucrose did she crossed her arms with a smirk still plastered on her face. Albedo rolled his eyes as he hugged the bouquet close to him. Sucrose eyed the letter still tucked in the flowers and reached out to take it. She grabbed it, ignoring Albedo's protests. She smiled as she eyed the letter.

"Good morning indeed.. uhm...do you like this gesture?" Sucrose asked as she smirked at him. Albedo blushed again as he gave her a blank look. Sucrose giggled as she teased him, "A-Alright I'll stop. This gesture truly is sweet. It's...too early in the morning yet he surprises you with something like this? Wow."

Albedo furrowed his eyebrows as he reached out to grab the letter in Sucrose's hands. "Good morning to you too, Sucrose"

He sits down in his chair and sets his bag aside. He holds the bouquet close as he smiles to himself. He pulls it closer to smell it's flowery scent. So, Kaeya wasn't going to go easy on him and just going to do all he can, huh? Albedo shouldn't be surprised. Kaeya wasn't the type to settle for less. Sucrose smiles at her friend as she notices the smile on his face. 

She shakes her head as she sat on the desk next to him. Albedo and Sucrose were seatmates too. Like, Albedo said they were glued together at this point. Usually, the teachers would separate friends since they would disrupt or distract class but Albedo and Sucrose were quiet most of the class and did their work so they would let them sit together.

Albedo lets out a breath to try and calm himself down. His blush lessens as he goes on. He sets the bouquet on his lap as he carefully opens the envelope containing a letter. Albedo smiled as he recognized Kaeya's hand writing. He'd only ever seen it at least once or twice but his handwriting sure was pretty. He unfolded the letter as he read on. It was a simple letter but Albedo appreciated it nonetheless. In it Kaeya had written:

'Dear Bedo,
Hope you appreciate this small gesture. But, of course this is only the start. You would know I'm rather extra so I'm sorry. I hope these are at least your favorite flowers. I hope you have a great day.'

Albedo read to himself as he eyed the letter as it ended with Kaeya signing his name at the end of it. It was a simple letter but Albedo couldn't help but blush and feel the effort through it.

Their homeroom teacher came in and Albedo tucked the letter back in the envelope and hid it in his backpack by his side. As he turned to his backpack he noticed Sucrose showing him a smug smirk. Albedo gave her a blank look back as they looked each other in the eye.

"You're starting to fit the stereotypical best friend trope in some animes, Sucrose" Albedo quietly said.

"and you're starting to fit the protagonist of a cliché Romcom" Sucrose fired back.

Albedo sighed, rolling his eyes as he tucked the envelope away in one of his binders and straightened his posture to listen to their homeroom teacher. The president and her vice sat back to their seats. The bouquet continued to be on Albedo's lap the entire morning period.


After the morning period, Kaeya's acts of wooing Albedo would continue on. Albedo stayed behind as everyone left for lunch break. Sucrose insisted on him to come and eat with her, Eula and Amber. But, he declined saying he'd catch up with her after he finishes arranging his notes. As he quietly organized his binder notebook and numerous notes he hears someone stepping into the room. He assumes it's one of his classmates grabbing a notebook or something but he notices someone's presence nearing him.

He closes his binder notebook and looks up. He blushes as his eyes face with the person. It was none other than Kaeya. Kaeya smiles at him as he admires him. Albedo sure fixed himself good today. Albedo smiles back as he tucks back his binder notebook in his backpack.

"Hello, Bedo" Kaeya greets him. Albedo smiles at him. Kaeya looked nice today. I mean he always did but he looked different. His aura was weird but it wasn't anything bad he just had a different aura. He seemed like he was glowing but Albedo couldn't guess why.

"Hello to you too, Kaeya" Albedo blushed as he went on. Kaeya smiles wider as he reaches out to help Albedo with his stuff and seeming to try and gesture he wanted to help him. "What brings you here?"

"I came to check up on my crush of course" Kaeya flirts as he winks at him. Albedo blushes but rolls his eyes at him. Classic Kaeya. Even though he gives off that extravagant and romantic gesture early in the morning he's still ever the flirt. But, that's alright. That's what makes Kaeya him and Albedo likes that about him. "Did you like the flowers?"

Albedo nodded, shyly. Kaeya smiled, "Well, then I'm glad!"

Kaeya laughs as Albedo looks at him. Kaeya sure was attractive. Albedo shook away his thoughts as he spoke up again, "Okay, but seriously. What does bring you here, Kaeya?"

"I missed you and I am courting you of course" Kaeya explained as he shrugged carelessly. He didn't notice Albedo blush. Albedo was flustered with anything Kaeya said and did at this point. "I was hoping I could treat you to lunch and eat with you. If that was alright and you're free."

Albedo nodded, "I am free. I was going to eat lunch with Sucrose and the others but it wouldn't hurt to eat with you"

"Eat with me hmmm?" Kaeya commented with a smirk.

The tips of Albedo's ears turned red as he punched Kaeya in the arm. Kaeya laughed as he observed how he made Albedo so flustered. He was adorable without even trying. "Alright then. Off we go. Let me assist you first"

Kaeya reaches out to carry Albedo's backpack. He carries it on his back with ease and then goes ahead and reaches out to Albedo. Albedo raises an eyebrow at him as he gestures the bouquet he gave him to him. Kaeya shakes his head still keeping his infamous smirk on his face.

"No no, I'm holding your hand and..." Kaeya pauses as he goes and intertwines his hand with Albedo's. Albedo blushed but let Kaeya hold his hand. He even squeezed it to make sure Kaeya knew he was okay with this. Kaeya squeezed back in reassurance. "...you hold your bouquet so everyone knows I'm courting you"

Albedo blushes at the idea. He sighs but says, "You're rather extra with all of this, Kaeya". Kaeya only smiled at him, 'Well, yeah. I want everyone on this campus to know I'm courting the most cutest and smartest guys on the campus".

Albedo couldn't help but roll his eyes. Kaeya sure was a flirt but sometimes he was too cheesy. "You're quiet the charmer aren't you?". Kaeya decided to go on and drag out their conversation, 

"Alright. I know you wouldn't take no as an answer anyway"

Kaeya laughs as he tightens his grip on Albedo's backpack strap so it wouldn't fall off and then walked out the classroom with Albedo right next to him. The two weren't even dating yet but they acted like they already were in a relationship already. It was cute though. Kaeya happily walked with Albedo hand in hand with him. Albedo was shy but kept on holding Kaeya's hand and secured the bouquet in his vacant arm. Kaeya would greet other students and smile at them and Albedo smiled as he did. Watching Kaeya socialize was cute. He was naturally charming and Albedo couldn't help be more charmed by him. Kaeya sure had an effect on him.

The students talked on and couldn't help but talk on about the two. They were adorable! Like, mentioned earlier the stereotypes of these two were cliché. But witnessing it in front of you was so wholesome and cute and you couldn't help your own heart from melting at the sight as well. A lot of Kaeya's friends would also go out and say he did stop his 'playboyish' antics as soon as he met Albedo. They met during one of the campus's events months back and they became acquaintances. Not close but they did know each other. They'd hang out from time to time and they'd notice Kaeya staring at Albedo a little longer than he's supposed to. Diluc would tease he liked Albedo but Kaeya didn't deny that and concluded he like him.

That's why he was so straight-forward that day. He wanted Albedo to be his as soon as possible. Kaeya truly hadn't felt like what he did with Albedo. It was all new to him. He was actually crushing on someone. Usually he'd just mess around with people but now. Now, He was going to be serious. For Albedo. And if he had to court him or whatever else Albedo wanted him to do then he'd do it. He wasn't in love with Albedo but he was the first person he actually genuinely liked and he wasn't going to waste anytime and let him go now. He'd definitely regret this someday and as they say you only live once.

As the two arrived at the cafeteria, all eyes were on them but the two didn't mind. Kaeya smiled at Albedo as he went and led him to a vacant table. The two sat on the table as they set down their things. Albedo let go of Kaeya's hand to sit down and set down the bouquet on the table. Kaeya remains standing as he sets down Albedo's backpack next to him. Albedo raises an eyebrow as he looks up at him, "Kaeya, why aren't you sitting? Aren't we supposed to eat lunch together?"

"Well yeah" Kaeya answered, "But, I'm treating you to lunch if that wasn't emphasized it enough"

"What you want for lunch, Bedo?" Kaeya asks, as he sits down next to him. Albedo smiles at him. He had lunch in his backpack but he didn't want to ruin his thunder. "Well...is hash browns too much to ask for?" Albedo asks with a raised eyebrow. Kaeya only smiled wider at that, "One of my favorites. I'll be back then"

Kaeya left at that, leaving Albedo with a fuzzy feeling in his chest. He turns to open his backpack and seeing the lunch in his backpack. Klee and him cooked that lunch together before they both left for school. He had half of what they made and Klee had the other half in her red lunchbox. He pulled it out of his backpack and then pulled out his phone. 

The line was pretty long and Kaeya might take a while so Albedo decided to stay put and wait for him. He pressed his camera app and turned his head from left to right to see if anyone would see him. As soon as he saw the coast was clear. He immediately started taking pictures of the bouquet. Albedo would smile as he did so. Albedo was the type to take pictures of about anything. His gallery would be full of pictures of plants, his sister Klee or pictures of school notices or the such. But, now his gallery would now be full of pictures of memories of Kaeya courting him.

"H-Hey Albedo!" Sucrose greets his friend. Albedo flinches in surprise as he turns to look at his best friend. He almost dropped his phone! He quickly hid it behind his back as he smiled at her. "H-Hello Sucrose. I though you'd be having lunch with Eula and Amber!"

Sucrose only rolls her eyes and smirks, "Well, we were wondering where you were and...uhm when Amber was about to go check up on you. You and Kaeya waltz in here, holding hands and seems like you're going to eat lunch together"

"and it seems like you're taking pictures of...the bouquet Kaeya gave you hmm?" Sucrose teases on making Albedo blush. Albedo coughs, trying to get his composure back. "W-Well, Sucrose. You see...I'm taking pictures of me and Klee's lunch that we made earlier"

"Stop.. making excuses, Albedo" Sucrose replies as she laughs. "I'll just inform Eula and Amber you're here with your boyfriend and I'll leave you guys alone"

"He's not my boyfriend..." Albedo quietly said but Sucrose had already left. Sucrose only dropped by to tease him. Albedo sighed annoyed as he put his phone away. Sucrose may come and tease him again. He turned to where Sucrose walked off too and saw Eula and Sucrose laughing at something Amber said. He sighed and turned his gaze away. He didn't have to wait for long because Kaeya came back.

He sat beside Albedo and smiled putting a single plate of hash browns on their table. Albedo stared at them confused, he raised an eyebrow at Kaeya. "Why did you only buy one plate, Kaeya?"

"Well, I'm not exactly hungry, Bedo" Kaeya answered, shrugging his shoulders, "I only wanted to spend time with you today being honest"

Albedo blushed again but shook his head. "No, you have practice later right? Eat something. You do know it's bad for you to not eat during the day. We have so many activities and learning to do so please eat something"

Kaeya smirked, "Why are you so persistent? Do you care that much?"

"Whatever..." Albedo shyly answered as he turned his head. He opens his lunchbox and reveals his lunch. It was rather simple. Just cooked dish with rice and some fishy toast in curtesy of Klee. Kaeya eyed his lunch and smiled again looking at him. Kaeya chuckled, "Did you make this?"

Albedo started preparing his spoon and fork and started spreading it so it became a portion of two so they could share. "More or less. Me and my sister Klee make our lunch together. She was the one who made the toast" Albedo explained as he handed Kaeya his spoon. Kaeya didn't turn it down and took it. He eyed the fish Albedo had cooked, got a portion and took a bite. He smiled, it was good.

"You're quite the cook, aren't you Albedo?" Kaeya commented as he winked at Albedo. Albedo only rolled his eyes but smiled nevertheless. He never knew Kaeya was going to be tasting his cooking yet here he was. Sitting next to him as he ate with him. They sat in silence but they didn't mind. They enjoyed the silence.

"Is this the one that your sister made?" Kaeya asked with a raised eyebrow. Albedo nods, "Yes, she made two one for myself and for her for lunch today. She was rather eager to cook for herself so I helped her out". Kaeya smiled at that. He tears the toast into two and takes a bite out of his own. He hums as he tastes Klee's made toast. Albedo notices him smile and smiles back.

"Klee's cooking is good" Kaeya comments as he takes another bite, "Tell Klee her cooking is phenomenal and that I would like to taste more of it". Albedo smiled, he took a piece of Klee's toast as well and dug in. "I'll tell her then. Don't break that promise, Kaeya"

Kaeya raised his hand up as if he was swearing like a boy scout. "Of course. Scout's honor"

"You're not a scout" Albedo replied, sarcastically as he shrugged at him. Kaeya laughed at that. He pulls his phone out of his and shoves it near Albedo's face. He frowns as he notices his own self on Kaeya's phone screen. "What are you doing?" Albedo responds as Kaeya giggled as a response.

"Smile! I want a selfie with you" Kaeya responds. Albedo rolls his eyes but leans his head on to Kaeya's and smiles anyways. Needless to say, that selfie became Kaeya's wallpaper.

- -

It was the end of the day. Albedo had to deal with annoying lessons but he managed to survive it nonetheless. He couldn't concentrate as his heart felt like it was swirling. Kaeya had stolen his phone and sent the selfie they had earlier and managed to set it as his lock screen. The two matched lock screens on their phones now. Albedo couldn't concentrate as his phone was just inside his bag and whenever he got a notification his phone would open and his lock screen would show.

Sucrose got a glimpse of what Albedo was glancing at inside his bag and once she did all she did was smirk and raise her eyebrows at Albedo and then going back to minding her own business. Albedo only sighed in relief as he quickly packed his things and put his backpack on his back. He sighed as he held the bouquet in his arms carefully as he left and walked out of his classroom.

Until, a certain someone came along. "Albedo, let me help you". Albedo froze as he turned to look at Kaeya again. He had his own backpack on his back as he started walking towards him. Albedo couldn't help but only sigh and walk towards him. Albedo wouldn't tell Kaeya but he sure was happy to see him right now. He looked cute with his uniform tie slightly untied and his hair slightly messed up.

Kaeya reached out to grab his backpack and managed to carry both of his backpacks. Albedo flashed him a look of concern as he watched him carry both of their backpacks. "Are you sure you can carry all of this, Kaeya? I can just.." Albedo got cut off though. "It's alright, Albedo" Kaeya smiled at him, assuredly "I want to walk you home. Besides it would be rude to let you carry two things at once while I carry one"

Albedo's eyebrows only furrowed, "You basically just switched out roles, Alberich". Kaeya only waved his hand as if to dismiss the thought and began to hold Albedo's hand again. Albedo grunted but shook his head. Kaeya ever the pleaser so Albedo only shook his head with a smile on his face.

Kaeya smiled as he started walking through the halls with Albedo exactly what they did in Lunch. Although it wasn't the most eventful moment the two had of the day. Albedo couldn't help but engage himself with Kaeya. As Kaeya walked him home Kaeya would talk on and on. Albedo would quietly listen to him. He'd share stories with him as well as they walked hand in hand. The weather was perfect and people passed them by. The two felt like they were in their own little world as they walked home.

Albedo couldn't help but sigh in disappointment as he saw his house gate nearing. He really didn't want this moment to end but as they say all good things come to an end. Kaeya laughed as he stopped in his steps as he saw Albedo's house gate. He turned to let go of Albedo's hand and Albedo couldn't help but miss the warm feeling of Kaeya's hand in his. Kaeya let go of Albedo's backpack and gestured for Albedo to take it. Albedo clenches the backpack strap in his fist to prevent it from falling.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye!" Kaeya finally said as he smiled another charming smile at him. Albedo only smiled back in response. "Thank you for accompanying me home, Kaeya. It was a pleasure...being in your company again" Albedo replied as he hugged the bouquet of flowers closer to him. Kaeya only smiled wider as he heard Albedo's reply.

"No worries, Albedo" Kaeya assured as he smiled at him. "I'll be the one walking you home from now on. So don't miss me too much, huh?"

Albedo frowned at that. Not because he was mad at the thought but because how Kaeya read through him so well. But he shrugged it off. "Well...I won't be discouraging it"

Kaeya only laughed as he smiled, showing him a thumbs up as a sign of agreement, "Alright then! I'll see you tomorrow again, Albedo"

Albedo only waved as he blushed. "See you...and...thank you for this day. It's...amazing so far". Albedo had to pause through his words because he felt embarassed as he spoke out the words he was speaking right now. He was embarrassed but he pushed the words out to reassure his suitor. All the gestures he did made him feel at least a little special for the day and Albedo was woeed for sure.

Kaeya only smiled at his response. "Anything for you to be mine, Albedo" Kaeya replied back with a wink.

Albedo only sighed but he blushed still. He waved him goodbye and smiled as he entered his house. Little did he know his little sister, Klee had watched that interaction from the second floor balcony. She giggled as she went downstairs to go and greet her older brother.


After the eventful day of Monday. It had now been a week since the start of Kaeya's courting. Kaeya's antics would slow down a bit now that he had successfully caught Albedo off guard. He would still continue to woe and make Albedo feel special everyday but his actions would dive down a bit to not catch a lot of people's attention to Albedo's relief.

Albedo wasn't typically into the grand and the amazing. He was more than relieved to have realized Kaeya had calm down with his extravagant gestures and got the hint that Albedo was a simple person. Kaeya would continue to walk Albedo home like he had promised, would take him on lunch outings, (Sometimes Kaeya would excuse them from the security guard to let them eat outside and go on a cafe date of some sorts), would write him love letters everyday and leave them for Albedo to read and collect for the past 7 days and even clear his schedule (if he doesn't have anything major to do) to help Albedo out in the science club room.

Kaeya, as expected, wasn't a natural in the Science department but Albedo would let him stay. He enjoyed his company and treasured every moment he'd get with him. Sure, Albedo would tease him and joke about Kaeya being a nuisance in the club room but he'd let Kaeya know that he enjoyed his company nevertheless and Kaeya only got more fueled to accompany him in his club room more.

But, Albedo didn't feel right with this. Kaeya was doing all the effort to get Albedo's sweet "yes" but Albedo hadn't done anything necessarily to do the favor back. He wanted to let Kaeya know that he truly did appreciate his efforts. He didn't just want to be sitting and commanding Kaeya everything and expecting him to do his bidding. 

A relationship requires them being equal with each other and Albedo had to show to him (in the most subtle way that doesn't require him ranting to him) that he was going to be an amazing boyfriend to Kaeya as well.

And, how will he do that? Sucrose had hatched an idea.

The duo had created a banner together to cheer on the captain. It was known to the entire school that Kaeya was the Volleyball Team Captain and coincidentally enough was also the Ace of the team. Everyone was encouraged to watch the practice game to see how the volleyball team of the campus played and Sucrose had suggested that they would come and cheer him on and make it a surprise to boost Kaeya's serotonin levels.

Albedo wasn't exactly the sporty type and didn't exactly catch the rules of the game. But, if it was for Kaeya. He would do it regardless.

Once, they had reached the volleyball courts you could already hear the squeaking of the shoes on the clean floor and the volleyball being bounced around. Albedo had hugged the banner tight to him as Sucrose leaded him to the bleachers. Albedo would turn to see Amber and Euls behind him as they also came along for moral support and to cheer on Kaeya and the rest of the team as well. Eula wasn't all to familiar to the sport either and Amber was a beginner at best. Albedo only let out a quiet laugh as he quietly followed Sucrose.

"Are you sure you know where you're going, Sucrose?" Albedo asked, curiously as he eyed the cheering students and the other volleyball team warming up.

"P-Positive!" Sucrose replied, she may have stuttered but her voice was very much confident. She turned over and waved to Eula and Amber and started doing weird hand gestures that Albedo could only describe as funny.

But, Eula and Amber understood what she meant and climbed up the bleachers and sat at the very top. Eula sighed as she eyed the volleyball players as they started warming up. She caught a glimpse of Thoma and Diluc and waved at them.

Thoma expressed an expression of surprise but waved back to her nonetheless. Diluc nodded in approval as he walked over to the net with his boyfriend trailing behind.

Eula sighed, "I really don't know how to play volleyball yet you guys drag me here to watch a game"

"No worries, sweet!" Amber calls out to Eula, who gestures for her to sit next to her. "I'll explain to you how volleyball works as they play!"

"Ever excited as always" Albedo commented to Amber but sat down on the bleachers with no complaints, "Don't be down on yourself, Eula. I also do not know how this game works"

"Yeah, b-because all your here for is to watch Kaeya" Sucrose deadpanned. She didn't mean for it to come out as sarcastic but it definitely did. That's how Sucrose worked. She would be sweet and kind but whenever she talked she would say something very seriously but it would come off as sarcastic. It was up to her companions to figure out if she was being serious or not.

Eula and Amber laughed at that and Albedo was left flustered as he only shook his head in response. Thoma eyes his boyfriend as he observes him finish his stretching. "Hey, Luc. Do you know why Albedo and the others are here? We usually never see them in a volleyball game do we?"

"No.." Diluc responded, shortly. "My guess is that Albedo is here for my brother" He steals a glance to his blue- haired brother who was currently preoccupied with shaking hands and conversating with the other team captain they were going to play against.

"Kaeya has not noticed him yet though" Diluc added. He stands up as he makes eye contact with Thoma once again. "Albedo probably came to cheer him on and Eula, Amber and Sucrose had been either forced to be here or came for moral support"

Thoma blinked as his deduction, "Wow, Luc....I think you hit a bullseye there"

Diluc only frowned in response to that. Thoma giggled at this, "Aw, come on now! We're about to play wipe that frown of your face. You have fangirls here today"

Diluc turned to see all of his supporters yell his name continuously as they saw him turn their way. Diluc did not want to come off as rude so he nodded in approval before going back to talk to Thoma. Nonetheless some of the girls had either gotten a nosebleed or fainted from that simple interaction.

Much like Kaeya. Diluc was also very popular on campus. He was the Volleyball team's setter and the student council vice president after all. Yeah, he had two posts and he juggled both things very easily to everyone's surprise. He got his position as Jean's right hand man (She became the Student Council president) because of his ever good looks and his responsible persona which is how he gained his popularity. But, Kaeya ended up being more popular than him. Not like Diluc really minded.

"Thoma, you know all my attention only falls on to you" Diluc said after he interacted with his supporters. Thoma blushed at that and waved his hand, gesturing to dismiss the thought.

"Oh shucks, Luc. Don't say that" Thoma laughed. Thoma was a middle blocker alongside Childe. He was also very popular with the girls because of his sweet and caring personality. If he was being honest though the only reason the volleyball team was as popular as it is was because of how good-looking all the guys were on the team. All the people would swoon at their feet since they were handsome and good at the sport. But, the main star of the show was of course their captain, Kaeya.

Sure, Thoma would agree that all the boys on the team were attractive. But, everyone was attracted to their captain. It was as if he had a harem of his own.

The team consisted of Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, Thoma, Itto, Ayato, Dainsleif and Aether. Ayato was their other setter. Dainsleif was a spiker alongside with Itto and Aether was their trusted libero. They fit perfectly well together and won a lot of games which is also another factor to add to why they were growing popularity on campus.

Albedo sighed as he started unravelling his banner. He was shy but he knew he had to get over it for Kaeya. He turned to Sucrose, "Hey, Sucrose. Can you help me unravel this?"

"Of course!" Sucrose starts unravelling the banner carefully and admired her and her best friend's handy work. They had gracefully written a simple, "Go, Kaeya!" on it and Albedo had even drawn him after Kaeya. Albedo had smiled the entire time he drew Kaeya on that banner and Sucrose couldn't help but smile at that memory. Albedo had shyly held up the banner but smiled nonetheless. He spent the entire afternoon yesterday planning this out with Sucrose, Eula and Amber he wasn't going to back out of it now.

Sucrose and Amber cheered on Albedo. Eula only laughed at the embarrassing predicament Albedo got stuck in. She took out her phone and started taking pictures of him. Albedo only sighed and shook his head. His friends were annoying but he was lucky he had them by his side.

The crowd started cheering and Amber peered to the court to grab hold of what the fuss was about. She laughed as she saw the team's starting to line up and start the game.

"Guys! The game is starting!" Amber cheers as she eyes the boys on court.

Eula grins, "Yes, the game is certainly a foot"

Amber waves at her friends, "DILUC! KAEYA! THOMA! HEY!!". Before Albedo could stop Amber. The three guys have already turned their heads towards their direction. Kaeya had laughed and turned to the voice and once he finally sets his eyes on Albedo. He blushed at the sight. He laughed but winked at him and waved back to him. Albedo only blushed as he hid behind the banner he made in embarrassment.

Amber and Sucrose only "oooed" as the game proceeded to start and the whistle sounded. The cheers only loudened as the players on the court started getting in their places. The court filled with cheers as all of the team's supporters came what they needed to do today. Eula, Amber and Sucrose cheered for the boys as Albedo shyly held up his banner.

The ball comes over to the boy's side of the court. Aether runs up to receive the ball. He successfully does so as he calls out to his team mates to catch his mistake. "Itto!" Itto immediately runs up to save the ball and calls out to Diluc to set it up. Diluc eyes the ball as he feels it coming towards him. He rolls his eyes as he sets it towards their Ace, Kaeya. Kaeya smirks as he jumps up and spikes the ball and earning them their first point.

The crowd and Kaeya's supporters jumped up and cheered for the captain as he turned to the crowd and smirked at them. Diluc only rolls his eyes as he turns to Thoma. Thoma only laughs at him, "Come now, Luc. Don't lecture him, he earned us a point"

"Yeah, whatever" Diluc responds as he cracks his knuckles. This was only the start of the game after all. Itto only laughs as he reaches to high five his captain.

"Come on, Albedo. Go cheer on your boyfriend!" Sucrose calls out to him, louder than her usual voice since the crowd had gotten louder as the point was displayed for everyone to see. Albedo only shook his head in response as he shyly hid behind the banner. Amber laughs at her friend's predicament while Eula only frowns as she doesn't understand why everyone was screaming around her.

Eula frowns as she takes out her phone, "Amber, did Kaeya score a point or something?"

Amber laughs, "He did, Eula. Go cheer on your bestie"

"Yay! Go Kaeya!" Eula unenthusiastically as she raises her hands. Amber laughs louder as she embraces her. Eula was adorable. Amber hugged her tight as much as Eula did not understand why she was getting hugged by her.

"See, even Eula cheered for Kaeya. Are you really gonna lose to that?" Amber teased Albedo on as he frowned at that. Albedo only sighed as he raised his banner up and cheers for his suitor, "Go Kaeya!! Whooo!!"

Sucrose, and Amber laughed at this. Albedo only blushes it return as he starts complaining to them this sort of thing wasn't his thing. Eula only agreed with him back. Kaeya's head turns to Albedo's direction. Albedo blushed as Kaeya smiled and winked at him. Kaeya was flustered to say the least. He knew Albedo wasn't exactly the type to agree to go to things like this. But, the fact he made him a banner and came to cheer him on did something to his poor heart. Kaeya turned back to his teammates and tried to hide his flustered he really was.

'Why the fuck has Albedo go to be so cute' Kaeya thought to himself as he held both of his hands to his face and slapped both of his cheeks to regain his composure. But of course Diluc had to sneak in his say on this. Diluc was observant and since he knew his brother well he decided to trade barbs with him.

"Hey, Kaeya" Diluc calls out to his brother, Kaeya chuckles as he turned his head towards him. Diluc only frowned at him.

"If you mess up this game just because of Albedo being here to support you I will personally kick your ass" Diluc frowned, Kaeya only chuckled at that.

"Hey! Hey hey!" Thoma, like the sweetheart he is, came and comforted Diluc to prevent them from fighting. As much as Thoma was was the middle blocker he also had the role to prevent from Kaeya and Diluc fighting on court or even during practice. Thoma was no stranger to their fights.

"Calm down, Luc" Thoma said as he patted Diluc's back. "No more fighting! You know Ayato seems to be willing to take your spot. He can play on the court for you if you want"

Kaeya only laughs at that. Everyone knew Ayato and Thoma had history together and Diluc did not like that one bit. Thoma and Ayato had dated in the past and Diluc did not like the thought of Thoma replacing him with Ayato even if it was just for a volleyball game. Diluc did not seem like it but he sure was the jealous type. Diluc only sighs as he reaches down to hold Thoma's hand in his own. Thoma was clueless about that though. He'd only said it since Ayato was their back up setter.

"Fine..." Diluc said as he squeezed Thoma's hand in his. Thoma let out a chuckle as he squeezed back. "Alright! Let's continue on with the game!"

"Wow, E-Even from here you can tell Diluc is getting jealous...wonder why?" Sucrose asked as she turned her head to Albedo. Albedo couldn't answer to that question either as he was focused on something else at the moment. Kaeya had been mouthing him something.

"If I win our game I can take you out on a date" Kaeya mouthed to him as he shrugs at him. Albedo only holds up the banner as if to show him he's in full support. Kaeya smiles at that. Albedo mouthed back, "Agreed. Do your best I am cheering for you"

Kaeya smiles at that. He shows him a salute as if to agree with their little bet. He faces back to his team as the whistle sounds again for the game to continue on. Albedo gains more confidence as he cheers on his suitor and raising the banner he made proudly as Kaeya and the rest of the team continued to score points. The game went on for three more sets yet the crowd was still as lively as ever. Eula had gotten the hang of the rules as she quietly watched them on. Amber and Sucrose cheered them on too as the team continued to play amazingly through out the three tiring sets.

In the end, the results were fruitful as the campus team won. Kaeya cheered on as the last point was shown on the point displayer. The rest of the team cheered on as they celebrated their win. Albedo did not care anymore as he cheered on for Kaeya for winning the game. He heard Sucrose call out to him but he could not hear her as soon as he neared them court since the cheers were only growing louder. He rushed down the stairs to go and congratulate him himself. Kaeya's face lights up as he sees Albedo run over to him.

Kaeya laughs as he lets Albedo embrace him even if he still had the banner in his hands. Kaeya and Albedo laugh as they embrace each other. Albedo did not care if Kaeya was sweaty or if everyone had their eyes on them. He couldn't help but just embrace him. Another cheesy moment for their love life but who cared anymore?

Kaeya stared into Albedo eyes as Albedo stared back. They both smiled at each other as the rest of the students celebrated around them. Yeah, this moment was cliché. Kaeya glanced down at the banner, catching a better look at it. His heart melted as he saw a drawing of him on it. He couldn't catch a proper look at it but damn he felt so proud right now. The person he liked the most was cheering him on and now he was hugging him because he was proud of him. That only boosted his exhausted body as he felt so much serotonin leave him.

Sure, he was tired. But, Albedo was right there. He was there to support him today and he's never felt more special. Just being there made him feel more lively. He would play 6 more sets if Albedo was going to be there to cheer him on.

"Are you proud of me?" Kaeya smirked as he tilted his head to the side to add to the cocky attitude he was putting on right now. Albedo only rolled his eyes but smiled at him anyway. "Yeah" Albedo nodded to that, "It's a date".


It's been two weeks since the volleyball game and the date was finally going to be this Saturday. Albedo had tried to convince himself and everyone else he wasn't excited about his first date with Kaeya but he truly was! He was excited to know where Albedo would take them or what they would do and Albedo missed Kaeya. 

Sure, Kaeya would still leave the continuous love letters and cute roses or tulips in his locker. But, Albedo missed Kaeya's presence in general. Kaeya had been busy preparing for a big project he had. Albedo would call himself selfish if he told Kaeya he missed him. So, he let him be and tried not to miss him too much. But, now that today was the day. He couldn't just keep it to himself now!

Albedo was bouncing on the balls of his feet as he fixed his outfit. He wore a white long-sleeved polo with a cream colored vest to match it. He wore white pants as well and had white shoes to match. He reached out to his navy neck tie and tied it properly as it was loosely was hanging by his neck for a while. He stared into the mirror and smiled as he was satisfied with his appearance. To finish his look he reaches for his circular glasses and pushed it up to reach his eyes. Today was certainly the day. The day he was going to tell Kaeya his answer.

Albedo would usually wear contacts but he figured wearing glasses today wasn't the worst idea. His phone rings as he finished looking up his classy outfit. His face lights up as he sees Kaeya was the one calling him. He reaches out and answers the call from him. He was greeted with Kaeya's laughter which makes him even more happier.

"Hello, Albedo" Kaeya greets him. Although Albedo could not see him right now he knew he was smiling and at the thought of that Albedo smiled as well.

"Hi" Albedo responded as he reached for his backpack. He shuffles inside making sure the thing he prepared from last night was ready and inside his backpack. The pink envelope welcomed him.

"Are you ready for our date?" Kaeya asks.

Albedo opens his bedroom door as he goes downstairs. "I am, where are you?"

To Albedo's surprise Kaeya laughs. His eyebrows furrow as he let's Kaeya laugh. "I'm sorry" Kaeya apologizes. "You're little sister, Klee is humoring me outside. She is adorable"

Albedo's eyes widened, "Klee?" Albedo asks as he runs out the front door. He rushes out as he searches for the two. He ends the call in the process as he opens the gate and comes face to face with Kaeya and Klee bonding with each other. Klee is showing Kaeya this bug she had caught and Kaeya was talking to her about what type of bug she was holding. Albedo smiles as he walks closer to them.

"No, Klee" Kaeya says, he points at the bugs wings. "Don't hold it like that. The dragonfly may get hurt because of how you're holding it. Be a little more gentler so the dragonfly won't get hurt"

Klee loosens her hold on the dragonfly's wings as she curiously stares into the bug's pour soul. Albedo laughs at that as he kneels down to Klee's level to observe the said bug. The dragonfly sure was beautiful. Kaeya smiles as he stares down at the two siblings as they observed the cute little dragonfly.

"Klee" Albedo starts, he stands up as he puts his hands on his waist. "You should have told me you were going outside. What if you get taken away by someone without my knowing?"

"Klee is sorry, brother!" Klee apologizes. She points at Kaeya who's eyes widened in surprise, "Klee saw Mister Kaeya outside and decided to show him the new bug Klee had captured! So, please don't be mad at Mister Kaeya!"

Albedo only raised an eyebrow in confusion as he looked at his little sister. He looked back up at Kaeya and couldn't help and observe what he wore. He wore a white sweater and paired it with a blue trench coat. He wore sleeveless gloves as Albedo noticed and he wore black sneakers with black pants to pair. He still wore his usual hairstyle with one of his bangs covering one of his eyes. Albedo couldn't help but think Kaeya sure was handsome. Sure, he was handsome all the time but him in other clothes and not their school uniform hit different.

"I'm not mad at Kaeya, Klee" Albedo finally responds as he kneels down to Klee's level again. Klee cheers as she wraps her arms around Albedo's neck to hug him. Kaeya coes at how cute they were. Not like him and Diluc at home. Diluc would just catch a glimpse of Kaeya and he'd go and tease him again. It was brotherly banter of course. Besides, Kaeya did the exact same thing to Diluc so it was only fair.

"Good!" Klee says with her whole face lighting up at the same time. "Because Klee likes Mister Kaeya! Are you going to marry him, Big Brother?"

Albedo chokes at that and Kaeya only laughs. Klee is confused. She thought Kaeya was here to ask Albedo to marry him?

Kaeya also kneels down to Klee's level and pats her head softly. "Not now, Klee. Maybe in the future. Support me to get Albedo to marry me."

Albedo blushes red as he elbows Kaeya. Kaeya only laughs harder. "Only kidding of course!" Kaeya defended himself.

"Anyway!" Albedo said, as he stood to his feet. "Klee get inside. Mom get mad once she finds you out here. Me and Kaeya have to go on our date you know"

Klee laughs, "Ah! So, that's what you've been getting excited over for the past week? Mister Kaeya, Big Brother keeps telling Klee that he was super excited to go on your date!"

Albedo sighs in embarrassment as he turns away from both of them. He made sure that the two troublemakers didn't catch a glimpse of his heavily flustered face. Kaeya high fives Klee.

"Alright then, little miss" Kaeya responds , laughing. "I'm counting on you as my supporter?"

"100 percent!" Klee responds as she laughs. She hurries inside as Kaeya reaches to his feet. Kaeya smirks at Albedo. Albedo was still hiding his flustered face from him yet he felt his smirk facing him.

"We-Shut it, Alberich!" Albedo cuts off Kaeya causing him to laugh. "We have a date to go on anyways, Let's go!"

"Alright...since apparently you've been super excited over it" Kaeya teases him. Albedo only grabs a hold of his hand and drags him away from the house. Albedo took note in his own mind to teach Klee to never open her mouth about his secrets again to not lead them into embarrassing situations like this one.


The two had reached a popular café in the city. The café was aesthetically pleasing and it was easy looking for the eyes. Kaeya had bought Albedo another rose and tucked it into his ever growing hair before they entered the café. Someone was coincidentally selling them outside so Kaeya has bought him one. 

His eyes lit up when Kaeya would stare into it and his blue eyes would shine as well. The two weren't even dating but they already acted like it and Kaeya had really proven himself to be perfect to be his boyfriend. In that very moment itself Albedo knew. Sure, their was a lot of reasons leading up to this one but he felt like today should be the day. Kaeya had made him happy for the past few days and he was ready to answer him.

Klee seems to be up for the idea as well since she likes Kaeya a lot apparently and that only added as a reason.

The café smelled nice as it smelled a lot like coffee and tea. Kaeya with Albedo by his arm, escorted them to a table near the window to show the view of the city. The cars would pass by and the city was bubbling with busy people as they crossed streets and entered establishments. Albedo turned to Kaeya who was only smiling at him. Albedo only raised any eyebrow at him which caused Kaeya to laugh and shrug his shoulders.

"What are you up to, Alberich?" Albedo asked him as he rested his chin on his palm, mimicking Kaeya. Kaeya laughed at that. "Nothing...you're just pretty today as always" Kaeya responded to that. Albedo only rolled his eyes as he stops mimicking Kaeya. He taps his hand, to gain Kaeya's full attention.

"Do..." Albedo paused "Do you have any suggestions on what to order? I've never actually been here before"

Kaeya nodded, "You like desserts, don't you?". Albedo nods, making Kaeya smile. "They have good cheesecake here or ice cream if that's more of your deal?"

Albedo smiles, "and how would you know I like dessert food?"

Kaeya only smirks back at him. Albedo felt butterflies erupt it his stomach. "You mention it a lot, sweetie. Of course I'd remember don't you think?"

"Now, where did you get the permission to call me sweetie, dear?" Albedo asks him. He rests his hand on top of Kaeya's to maybe try and get Kaeya flustered. Which ended up working! Albedo caught Kaeya pause for a second or two and a blush form on his cheeks. Albedo laughs at that, giving Kaeya's hand a squeeze. Kaeya coughs trying to compose himself which Albedo caught but decided not to embarrass him more.

Kaeya coughs again, "Anyway, which would you prefer? Cheesecake or ice cream?"

Albedo felt a little bold today. "Are 'you' an option?"

Kaeya blinks at him. He turns away from his date as he felt even more flustered than before. Albedo laughed at that. Kaeya was adorable. It was rare for the roles to switch between the two but when they did it was rather entertaining for both sides. Kaeya was flustered and that man was rarely getting that feeling. He sighs and turns back to Albedo. Albedo flirting sure was something out of character for him to do but Kaeya didn't say he didn't like it. Seeing this side of Albedo was something Kaeya really did like and he'd die if Albedo would do it again. I mean, the guy was adorable but also pretty smooth when he wanted to be.

"Ever bold today are we, sweetie?" Kaeya replied after a few minutes have passed. Albedo only smiled at that, "Fine, I shall refrain I may cause for your heart to explode and we don't want that.."

"Something is up..." Kaeya teases him more as he leans in closer to Albedo. Albedo didn't shy away he only let Kaeya lean in closer. "You caught on to that, huh?" Albedo only replied.

Kaeya only laughed. As much as he didn't want to he slipped his hand away from Albedo's grip to go and order them food. He was getting hungry and there was a high possibility that Albedo probably was as well. "I truly don't want to break this moment between us but I have to order. I'll go with my intuition and surprise you"

With that Kaeya left and headed towards the cashier and order them their food. Albedo only laughs as he fishes for his backpack. He opens it up and once his eyes land on the familiar pink envelope he reaches out for it. Kaeya had started courting him exactly a month ago on this day. A Friday only a month apart and on that Monday he received his very first love letter from him. Now, Albedo was going to end that cycle with the exact same way Kaeya started. With a love letter.

Albedo had sat and thought about if for a while in his bedroom one Wednesday night. Sucrose had just left that night after they finished a science project they were working on for the club and Albedo was left to his own thoughts. He wandered and thought aimlessly until he remembered Kaeya. 

Albedo looked back on everything Kaeya had done to prove himself to him to be his boyfriend. He presented himself to Albedo and let Albedo see sides of him he never saw before. He accompanied Albedo when he needed to and talked to him when nobody else would. Sure, he was overly flirty and still the same Kaeya but he had changed. He dropped all of his playboy antics and would only have eyes on him and that made Albedo soften. Sure, it was such a simple thing to drop but to Albedo it was something major.

He had liked Kaeya before but he'd distance himself since he had seen Kaeya play around with multiple other students in the school. The very reason he didn't want to answer Kaeya that day and tell him yes. He was scared that Kaeya was just playing with him and was just going to add him to his multiple lists of the people he either hooked up with or dated for a short period amount of time before dropping them. He didn't want to be just a toy to him. He wanted to be treated like his actual boyfriend. He was joking about Kaeya courting him at first but when Kaeya took it seriously and took all action and took it by heart. He felt the dedication from Kaeya and that itself made his heart soften.

He felt all of Kaeya's efforts and dedication to make him his and that in itself made Albedo think of saying yes. He really did like Kaeya. He had a crush on him and he loved everything about him. He was kind, sweet, smart and considerate. He enjoyed every moment he had with him and he was ready. He was now going to answer him. 

Kaeya had proven himself to Albedo that he was going to be a good boyfriend to him. Albedo was ready to open his heart to him and accept him. Albedo was now going to say yes. He wanted to be Kaeya's boyfriend more than anything. So, that was a huge reason why he was excited to go on this date with Kaeya to finally answer his suitor and...be his.

"Hey, Albedo!" Kaeya called out to him, snapping Albedo out of his thoughts. Albedo smiles up at him as he watches Kaeya set down their orders. Kaeya sits himself down on his chair earlier and smiles at him again. "I hope you like what I ordered for us"

Kaeya had ordered an ice coffee for himself with a cookies-and-cream cheesecake while Albedo had Matcha milkshake with a cookies-and-cream cheesecake to match Kaeya's. Albedo only smiles. He got the answer right. Albedo would order something Matcha since he liked it a lot. Kaeya must have picked up on that but of information.

"I do..." Albedo responds as he grabs the straw and starts sipping his drink. Kaeya smiles as he watches Albedo drink his drink with a satisfied smile. Until...his eyes reach on to the pink envelope that was in between his fingers. His curiosity gets the best of him as he points at the letter.

"What's that for?" Kaeya asks as he sips his ice coffee. Albedo only slips the envelope his way with his two fingers. Kaeya grows more confused. He reaches out for the envelope and holds it in his hands.

"Figure it our yourself, Captain" Albedo responds with a tight lipped smile. He hides it by reaching for his Matcha milkshake and sipping on the straw. He watched with butterflies fluttering in his stomach as he watched Kaeya's long fingers open the envelope carefully. He slips out the letter inside of it and he nervously bites his lip as Kaeya scans the contents. In it he wrote:

'Dear Kae,
I hope this letter finds you well. This is nothing but a simple letter but I hope you'd treasure this special little letter for years to come. You're probably aware that you've been courting me for about a month already. You have honestly proven yourself to me, Kaeya and I'm very happy to give you my answer. I like you a lot, Kaeya and I'll put it simply I'm saying yes. I can be your boyfriend."

Kaeya felt his heart beat a million times an hour as he read the letter. Sure, it was a simple and short letter exactly like the first one he sent him. Kaeya only felt the realization hit him once his eyes lie on Albedo's signature gracefully written on the bottom confirming his thoughts. He looks up at Albedo and sees him with a small smile on his face. Kaeya carefully brings the letter back to his envelope and places it gently on the table.

He sighs before giving Albedo a goofy look. Albedo only chuckles as he carefully watches Kaeya's reaction. He laughs at him as he watches Kaeya try and process what he was trying to say through the letter.

Kaeya laughs but then smiles again at Albedo, "So...you're saying yes to me?'

"Precisely" Albedo calmly responded. "If you read the letter then yes that was what I am implying to you"

Kaeya laughs as he bites his lip, trying to hide his smile from Albedo. But, it was hard to hide anything from him at this point cause Albedo smiled at him back. He shrugged his shoulders. Kaeya stands up and pushes his chair closer so that they sat side by side now. Albedo only laughs at his antics but didn't comment as he let him slide his chair near his.

"So...those this mean" Kaeya smiles at him as he inches his face closer to Albedo's. "You're finally mine?"

"Yes...." Albedo replies with a smile on his face. "I want to be your boyfriend, Kaeya"

With that Albedo presses his lips against Kaeya's. Kaeya only smiles as he holds Albedo's cheek in his hand and kissed him back. Their lips melted together and Albedo couldn't help but feel his heart leap in his chest. Albedo pulls Kaeya closer and couldn't help but feel so amazing in this moment. After all those weeks Kaeya finally had Albedo. He was officialy his boyfriend and Kaeya had never felt any more euphoria. The guy he had been courting for a long time was finally his and Kaeya had never felt more happy in his life. So did Albedo. The two were happy as they rested in each others arms.

They finnaly let go and smiled at each other as they did. The food and drinks were set aside for now as Albedo without thought let his head rest on Kaeya's chest. Kaeya chuckles as he felt Albedo's warmth. Albedo could feel his chest rise and fall and how his chuckle filled his ears. Albedo sighed as he felt Kaeya's arms wrap around him tight. Albedo only sighed in satisfaction as they stayed in each others arms for a little moment.

Officially His. That's what Albedo was happy to accept now.

 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ FIN

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